Syrian rebels and the hypocrisy of McCain
"The View" co-host Meghan McCain went on an epic rant against anyone and everyone associated with the betrayal of our Syrian Kurdish allies.
"I've been so mad this morning and so upset about this news that we are abandoning our Kurdish allies in the Middle East. These are allies of ours that American soldiers are still continuing to fight alongside," McCain said. "All we did was arm them and they fought for America, and right now, we're just saying we're just going to leave them and abandon them."
"To everyone in the White House and every Republican who was mad that President Obama pulled out of Iraq: you feckless, unpatriotic cowards," McCain continued.
The Syrian Kurds that Meghan cares so deeply for are being attacked by the Turkish proxy-army of the Syrian National Army (SNA). The SNA commander is Salim Idris.
Here's a picture of Salim Idris. He's the one standing next to Meghan's dad.
McCain had insisted that the United States could locate the “right people” to help among rebels in Syria.
Which brings us to this picture.
Two of the men in the image are Mohamed Nour and Abu Ibrahim, claimed Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star. The men are described as being part of a group who kidnapped 11 Shias last year.
They were identified by one of the kidnap victims, Anwar Ibrahim, who along with one other hostage has since been freed, the Star said. Negotiations over the freedom of the other nine are still ongoing.
"I recognised him (Nour) immediately. He was the photographer who was brought in to take our photos [during captivity]. He works with the kidnappers. He knows them very well," Mr Ibrahim told the Star.
If those are the "right people" (i.e. kidnappers and people who want to destroy our allies) who are the wrong people?
It seems those people are the ones that Tulsi Gabbard met with.
Gabbard’s trip raised alarms over a potential violation of the Logan Act, a federal statute barring unauthorized individuals from conferring with a foreign government involved in a dispute with the US. The US currently has no diplomatic relations with Syria.
Gabbard’s office said her visit was approved by the House ethics committee.
So talking to a foreign government is wrong and possibly illegal, but giving aid to terrorists...? That is OK.
The late GOP Sen. John McCain — Meghan McCain's father — criticized the congresswoman's visit at the time. The elder McCain said Gabbard's visit with Assad sent the "wrong signal" and "kind of legitimizes a guy who butchered 400,000 of his own people."
"When I hear the name Tulsi Gabbard, I think of Assad apologist. I think of someone who comes back to the United States and is spouting propaganda from Syria," McCain said.
As far as I can tell, the only consistency of Meghan McCain and her father was that they opposed Assad and Gabbard. On every other issue they take both sides and contradict themselves, including who are our allies.

I don't get the impression
that Meghann McCain is very bright. She's certainly not well-informed. Even many who are John McCain apologists know the facts, they just don't care. She might as well just preface everything she says with "But my dad said....!", at least it would be honest.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
"My father John McCain"
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
She is an intelligence vampire
You can feel yourself becoming less intelligent as you listen to her. How she has not gotten her own prime time slot on Fox?
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
@boriscleto Not up to their
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
The infamous photographs
of John McCain with FSA associated terrorists in Syria were taken during his trip to Syria in 2013 by one of his aides and were posted on his website. The exterior pictures you have posted, gjohnsit, included ISIS leader Al Baghdadi. The interior meeting photograph includes Al Baghdadi and possibly one other Baathist leader on the State Dept.'s Most Wanted Terrorist List.
The controversy about this meeting included identification of the terrorist kidnappers but also whether or not Senator McCain knew who he was meeting with. Senator Rand Paul was outspoken in pointing out that McCain's willingness to admit he didn't know who these people were was an important reason for Congress NOT to approve funding for the unidentified rebel groups to the tune of $4 billion.
Good work
Even if they didn't know they were arming ISIS at the start, they did find out that the weapons they gave the others were ending up in their hands. This first happened in Iraq when the weapons we gave the Iraqis were left behind during many battles. And McCain wasn't the only person who was in Syria with them. Lindsay was photographed with McCain as well as other senators. $4 billion was half of what Obama cut out of food stamps that year. Nice. More people starving so we could arm people to kill others. Very nice!
Then there's all the oil that ISIS was taking out of Syria be miles long convoys into Turkey to sell to Israel. Vlad gave Obama the heads up on that and he finally lobbed a few bombs at them. But he quit because he was afraid of civilian casualties... sure Barry.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
"Our" Kurdish allies?
I wasn't aware that we had any.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."