Support Progressive Candidates-We asked them to run now lets support them.....
We asked them to run! now: please help them 119! Sanders-
Endorsing US-House and US-Senate Candidates.
We set up an ActBlue page for the growing list of US House & US Senate candidates-supporting Bernie Sanders on ActBlue. Since the New Hampshire Primary 600+ People havemade/pledged over 18,500+ small ($2.50+ average for each candidate) donations to the now 119 Sanders-supporting candidates. It has been magic to see small actions brought together for a larger effect, or... simply….we are….so much more powerful together ….
THANK YOU! Only active Candidates are listed with ActBlue pages
The Candidates and Incumbent Candidates are (note: some of these Candidates may be building their base for 2018): For links for each Candidate please see: The Berniecrats Network — Candidates for public office who support Bernie (note those listed here are US House and Senate Candidates that have ActBlue pages)
Question Answered.
If CA voters are “vote-by-mail” voters, they can still take the NPP ballot in to the polls and exchange for Dem Crossover ballot there. Yay!
It’s getting late to count on getting a request for a Dem ballot out, then back, then getting the actual ballot out in time.
Lucy Flores sent email touting Clinton's endorsement of her foe
Got me to contribute.
Lucy Flores' statement on the NV convention
Press release here.
I must say that the only "vulgarity" I have actually heard was a woman(?) on the chair video calling her a bitch. Moreover, after watching Lange act like a little tin pot dictator probably would have made me join in.
This makes me wonder a bit if she really has a grip on what is going on. I'm still sending her money, but I'm feeling more ambivalent about her than any other Berniecrat.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Quick thank you!
I was looking for something like this as I've been getting the site up and running! I'll be adding these over the next few days to it, but I would love some feedback on it, if anyone is interested. You can find I have put in 6 progressives already in their proper states of Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota and New York, so anyone who can test would be fantastic! Unite4Change You'll see a menu for Progressives Candidates, just click that and head to the map and select a state. Do note, only the ones listed above actually HAVE progressives in them But I sincerely would like feedback.