Scooby to the rescue

Those crazy kids. Hillary Clinton, her Secret Service agents and an aide are road tripping from New York to Iowa. And they're doing it in a van named for a dog and those meddling kids.

That's right, Clinton's campaign van is nicknamed "Scooby," after the hit 1970s animated television series The Scooby-Doo Show.

I missed out on Scoooooby. So please fill me in friends, what the significance?

Hillary Clinton will not automatically receive Barack Obama’s endorsement in her campaign to be the next Democratic candidate for president, Obama’s spokesman said on Monday.

Obama and Clinton have “become friends”, the White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, told reporters at his daily press briefing, but an endorsement would be premature, given that other friends of Obama’s might also run for president.

“The answer to that question is no,” Earnest said, when asked if Clinton had a lock on Obama’s endorsement. “As has been speculated by all of you and many others, there are other people who are friends of the president who may at some point decide to get in the race. The president has not offered up any sort of endorsement at this point.”

Obama will support the Democratic nominee in the general election, he added, but will allow voters to determine who that will be.


Well, fun in the afternoon; how about more good music:

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

smiley7's picture

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gulfgal98's picture

to when I was a lot younger and freakier. Shok

Hendrix was just incredible. Sad he was gone way too soon.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

smiley7's picture

What do Hillary's Madison Ave heroes have in mind? She freaks me out, period. And Hendrix came to mind earlier listening to the kings.
And thinking on this, I've grown more and more open, left, 'liberal' as I've aged and I was/am the hippie gen. Witnessing the unbelievable purge of science, and the arts into pettiness unnerves me.

We must hold on; I've faith in my son and his gen; if we can bar the door until he and others like him take the stage.

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I'll just bet Scooby inhaled, not that Shaggy gave him much choice.

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I miss Colorado.

smiley7's picture

Hillary and our college years, inhaling wasn't an option; but humor seems to be missing all across the kaleidoscope of the politic today as well as appreciation of what it's like to be human. It's as if we are caught in a good game, a game of code, lacking the courage to speak the truth; easy to hide beyond pen names.

Scooby doo, indeed.

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shaharazade's picture

nothing to do with this. How about the real pens both sides offer up, as in veal pens. Wow I can't believe that whoever is running Hillary's campaign thinks this is relevant to anyone they have targeted demographically. Just goes to show what a out of touch farce our whole electoral process has become. How can anyone with a brain in their head fall for this crap. Man, at least they could have used say Family Guy or the Simpsons or some other cartoon mainstream cartoon that actually deals with real life and our society. They sent out Obama to pacify the rabble, right, center and left, who had had enough and now they have the nerve to offer Scooby Doo as something we the people can identify with. Absolutely unhinged and really insulting to boot. Even my kids and grand kids thought Scooby Doo was lame yet mildy entertaining. Is this even culturally relevant let alone politically pragmatic. Who the fuck relates to a stupid dog in a stupid cartoon?

She needs to lose, she is as unhinged from reality as her stinking campaign managers and 'advisers' are. Beejus Christ on a cracker what kind of candidate calls their tour Scooby Doo. Damn the woman has lost her mind entirely and this is so lame an attempt to be populist it makes my head spin. How stupid are we to vote for anyone who thinks Scooby Doo means anything at all. Using mindless entertainment from TV has nothing to do with the political or cultural battles we face. It is just arrogant and insulting. Unhinged from reality and just makes me sick

I don't give a rats ass what the Obama administration says about Hillary. They suck too, and are just an extension of the Clinton machine. Come on everyone Scooby Doo? How surreal can a campaign get and yet expect people to believe that Scooby Doo is inevitable and we should all embrace it's meaningful solutions to teh evil bad guys. It's getting weirder and weirder or as Lewis Carroll said 'curiouser and curiouser'. The Red Queen the Dems. are telling us is inevitable just stands reality on it's head. I object on aesthetic grounds alone not to mention the absurdity of Scooby the dog as a role model we should all vote for. Woff for Scooby you fools.

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smiley7's picture

Thank you, needed this clarity, this passion, this truth. Well said.

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smiley7's picture

yes to what the fuck Scooby Doo; we are starving for a better life as we watch the rich get richer.

The 'pen name' references something else; of little importance, but so glad you took the thrust of Hillary's what, what what, to task.
thank you.

Scooby Doo---what-the-fuck-?

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smiley7's picture

Rot ro "With Republicans, you pay more and get less."

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Big Al's picture

"Obama will support the Democratic nominee in the general election, he added, but will allow voters to determine who that will be."

I'm so grateful to Obama for allowing the citizens this opportunity. He's benevolent, he's generous, he's just the bomb man.

No, it doesn't matter who raises the most money, it matters who votes, everybody knows that.

If I was Scooby Doo I'd sue her ass up Wall Street and sideways.

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smiley7's picture

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Big Al's picture

Let's propose bringing a Class Action Suit in front of the International Court of Justice
against the very wealthy on the planet. We'll sue them back to the Bronze Age.

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smiley7's picture

I have missed you; I know I'm not the brightest bulb on Broadway but the lede is Hillary named her bus 'anything' bugs the you know out of me; so fuck yeah, let's sue them for ignoring human beings all over the world. I'm in.

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Shahryar's picture

I avoid "the discussion" because, you know, I like my friends. I don't really want to have to get into the drones, bombing, spying, drilling, 1% loving, marijuana "pet issues".

so when I saw a Facebook thing promoting the woman I could only bring myself to write "primary, please". If anyone asks I'll be glad to talk about the problems inherent in a war-mongering, Family-connected candidate (or, back to the first paragraph, the current war-mongerer) but I just don't feel like initiating the chat.

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smiley7's picture

I feel you or think I do. The question of community, to share, indulge, be human, be friends (the emotional stuff) is significant, and needed as well as mindful, diaries of depth.

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I do not want to associate with let alone call my friend. I think the left has been politely silent for too long, and our silence has turned into benign approval and duplicity. I no longer hold my voice or bite my tongue.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

smiley7's picture

ending with this:

Near Portobello Road in London, a theatre played this movie 24/7. I mean 24/7 for years, nothing more. Well, it was a more gentle time.

Thanks for sharing.

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snoopydawg's picture

They're all saying that Hillary will be a OBAMA 3rd term. Of course it will. Just like obama is Bushs' 3rd term on steroids.
He continued PNAC's goal in the Middle East plus Asia, and ukraine.
Many people over there think she was a great SOS. She certainly was. Got more countries to pen up to fracking.
Got many donations from foreign countries for the Clinton foundation which is all about charity, don't you know?
How did that work out for the people in Haiti? Why are so many still living in tents, while the casinos are up and running? M
Hillary is even more hawkish then OBAMA, but they either can't or won't see that.
How can so many people be so damned blind to who she is and who she will represent?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

smiley7's picture

My beagle's name was "bogart." what a human being she was, full of love and spite and when I neglected her she would go hide in the floorboard of my car.
Thankfully, she lived a long life; I miss her, we were hippies together, climbing mountains, painting every day, reading, being simple.
Nice to meet you.

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it would be a much better world.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon