Ron DeSantis is an education in himself

Two articles popped up on my news feed:

Ron Desantis Signs a Bill That Mandates Cities Keep Using Fossil Fuels

This, you see, is why fossil fuels will not fade away because of the supposed magic of the market. The promoters of solar power will tell you that solar power will be infinitely cheap in the future and nobody will want to consume oil, coal, or natural gas. Also, solar panels will be made of magic instead of refined silicon or germanium or gallium arsenide, just as electric cars will be made of magic instead of lithium. And so everything is totally kewl with capitalism. The process occurring in real life is this: fossil fuel corporations buy government, government insures market for fossil fuels. Ron DeSantis is a conduit for this process. Under capitalism, you see, government is the most lucrative investment there is. It's practically a type of capital.


Florida governor signs anti-socialist education bills, requiring students and professors to register political views

Apparently Florida's governor remembers indoctrination under so-called "Communist" regimes (or at least he remembers the propaganda put out in the West about it), and wants Florida universities to be indoctrination centers for his own beliefs.

Here one thinks of Omar El Akkad's novel American War, portraying a future fifty-four years from now in which Florida is under water. Most of Florida, you see, is at a very low elevation, and with rising sea levels it will probably sink under water at some point. A set of hurricanes, amplified by climate change , will provide the necessary force to make this happen.

In such a circumstance the residents of Florida will need all of the communism (real communism, of course) they can get, to coordinate projects for mutual survival. Instead what you're likely to get are building collapses. Here is Manuel Garcia Jr.'s take on the social scene that Florida gets instead of communism:

I would guess that what is happening now in Miami — and elsewhere — is a scramble to point fingers assigning blame and to evade responsibility; people seeking to sue somebody for losses of relatives, property and illusions; to get insurance payments, or to avoid paying them; to protect their money, investments, property and advantages of location; and to run away from their fears and hide from facing up to the realities of implacable Climate Change (in the form of sea level rise for Miami) plowing steadily into the American “good life.”

Climate Change is like an enormous steamroller that is inching slowly but implacably along the open road of our projected expectations, to roll over and flatten our comfortable situations.

Isn't that cool? Now, as for Ron DeSantis, well, the guy is an education in himself. The lesson couldn't be clearer: whatever he does, do the exact opposite. The guy is an advocate of climate suicide, and under his guidance the state of Florida will sink under water, and take all of those who voted for him down there as well as their unfortunate children, who did not get a vote on the matter. My advice to Floridians: grow fins and webbed feet, and learn to deal with sour oceans.

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Especially if the Dumbs nominate yet another corporatist.

He is clearly keeping himself front and center in Republican radar as a tough guy who is on your side.

If I may, please, in your thread introduce another topic, I saw this morning that Schumer is now in favor of including dental and vision coverage in Medicare. The guy has Seen the Light, and is seriously afraid of a primary challenge. Bring it on, Ms. James. Notice that Schemer's Road to Damascus conversion took pace immediately after the socialist win in Buffalo.

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Mary Bennett

“Now you have to make me do it.” or words very much to that effect. He wasn’t kidding. The people would have to force the issue, something he knew would never happen during his presidency. But the failure would be our fault, not his.

With very few exceptions, politicians are mutable and self serving. They are perfectly happy to serve the best interests of the people if it also serves their interests. If not, you might as well just pound sand.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Florida governor signs anti-socialist education bills, requiring students and professors to register political views

As long as they are doing the canceling.
And no, this couldn't possibly be abused.

4 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

an American Patriot. Do something about it, Ron.
Pound sand while there's some left in Floridah.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.