Right's Purpose in hiring Biden and Trump?
I want us to ask ourselves what was the purpose of the last four years?
Over the past few decades, it seems as if people are more willing to express a desire for a social welfare state in the US. After all, without jobs, what will happen. Its in theory up to us but people need to know that the rich have been brooding about the aging of the Baby Boom for a very long time and they really want to get out of any obligations if they can. It seems they all may agree on this. Honestly, I dont know. But as jobs go away they have been setting it up so people cant look to them for any help. And all that stuff about "democracy" well , that was just for appearances, sorry, old chaps.
Since GATS puts that (a social welfare state) off the table, by all accounts, because its made intentionally impossible to afford by WTO - what I think Americans really want is A zone where people have a decent future. Kind of like the America of the 19th and 20th centuries immigrants destination. A land over the rainbow where skies were blue. Kind of makes me misty.But how many of us are capable of creating such a place or job? The odds are against us.
That place may be somewhere else, at the end of the day, at this point. It seems possible we've been outfoxed to me. They may have won the war against Earth and people with their scheme. Especially if everybody is fooled by it. After all they have tried to lock in the ill gotten gains and if we fall for their assertions, they own it now. They own it now. And they want the tenants out.
Who do we think we are they seem to be trying to say. While the powers that be seems adamant at Killing Hope. They often say people, especially young people have "unrealistic expectations" We must not make the mistake of thinking that the stuff they tell us is true. But what they really mean is they have turf their CLASS are unwilling to give up to us, that they have won the war, and of course, go back to our cells. get back to work. Know our proper place. They own us. And the whole country.
And others not in their tribe have to take it or get out. Back when we had democracy we might have been able to vote our way out of it. Certainly they are not going to let it happen without a fight.
Think back to the Allied invasion of Normandy. The light must have been hard to find at that time. People were going to have to fight to get a world where people could have anormal life again. Certainly Hitler wasnt going to let "slave races" have a normal life in his Germany. He fully intended to follow them to the ends of the Earth to take whatever peace they could find. And indeed he followed many to South America, after the war in Europe was officially concluded, Ive read enough to convince me that he did not die and his body was not found by the Russians. The bones they said were his were actually those of a female who was 20-35. No, he want to South America and Ive read again and again, lived many more years, laughing at the Allies.
But imagine how dark it must have felt to the soldiers invading Europe via Normandy. We were fighting a truly evil foe who got where he was, on the verge of taking over the planet, by deception. Fascism's essence is deception, almost. And the dividing of societies. England which was hardly a democracy, were experts at the divide and conquer game. Europe was completely taken over by the Nazis. A word which comes down to us is bocage. Thats a word loved by the surveillance/security state, obviously. It means hedgerows and also deception. War by deception. . bocage of deceptive fake information.
I also found this video about fractionation, a psy-ops technique interesting.
When I was a child I lived in Rome for a bit under a year and I vividly remember a huge park there with lots of hedgerows. It featured hedge plants (I vividly remember this) that the (tiny sized, little) me and my friends played in. When you were inside of them, people outside of them could not see you. You could look out and see them, though.
I dont know what plant they were and I dont think I have seen hedgerows like this here in the US, but my memory of them there is pretty good. Does anyone know what kind of plant when grown in a hedge is like them?
The parks in Rome were incredibly fun for a little child. Rome also had an incredible amount of truly ancient places, like the Catacombs. For anyone who has real JRR Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings, Which paints a vivid picture of the Dwarrowdelf, or The Mines of Moria. the Catacombs are huge endless underground tunnels dug to bury dead people in, which go along the Appian Way, the road that runs northward from Rome, at one time it was kind of the gateway to Rome, which was also known as the Eternal City. When Spartacus, the slave revolted against the slavery totalitarian state that was Rome, he and his men, and their familie who must have numbered inthe thousands were ccrucified along the Appian Way, their bodies which must have gone on for miles, must have been intended to act as a warning to any slave that thought of escaping his or her master and breaking free. It was a state that stayed in power by fear, that pretended to be a democracy.
When Rome fell, the Sack as it is called, it seems that there was nobody defending the gates for the reaso that nobody cared.
Anyway, the huge necropolis that was the Catacombs stretched on what seemed like forever in the soft limestone (I think) underground which lent itself greatly to burrowing. a period that must have been something like 1000 years. They were very deep and the tunnels ran for miles, it seems. Imagine long narrow tunnels filled with niches on both sides for human bodies. Bones and sarcophagus-es were in there. There is nothing like it in the US, I suspect. Maybe in the Southwest, Indian Country.. Anyway, I remember these catacombs had wells, probably used for water deep underground in them. Which were very very deep. A coin dropped into one would take a long time to plunk into water, perhaps thousands or hundred or meters below.
But anyway, when we invaded Hitler's Europe, we first had to make it through the hedgerow country. Which must have been a difficult, confusing place to fight, because it was, as you see in the video, like a maze.
We were fighting foe who has a lot of energy invested in deceiving the people, the Allied sodiers, and their own people even. If their deception fails to deceive and intimidate any of these groups their rule was likely to catastrophically (for them) collapse. country, obviously. Nothing is like it seems. The biggest mistake you could have made back then it seems is trusting what they showed you. Whatever is happening, its not that! You can bet on that.
Remember the Iraqi Information Minister who we all loved so much. He was teaching us something about administrative states under totalitarianism.