Resilience: Move Your Personal Banking To A Credit Union
A few years back when Occupy was all the rage, the move your money campaign ( taught me to think about my personal values and how that interacted with my personal banking. I mean, banking sounds so neutral doesn't it? It seems like something we do outside of our daily living, where we make all of our moral decisions.
Then I realized that banking is a value-laden activity. Now it seems obvious, but before I was oblivious to this fact. I'd like to make the case for moving your money to a credit union, as our family has done. More below.
My family and I live in a small village - 3,500 people - far enough outside of Ottawa to be rural.
There are four banking options.
The first two are branches of the big Canadian banks, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and Scotiabank.
The second is Banque Nationale, the biggest Quebec bank - we live fairly close to the Ontario and Quebec border.
The fourth is a credit union, Desjardins, which is huge in Quebec and with which the Ontario credit unions are affiliated.
Credit unions are a form of co-operative organization. Here is a c99 series on Co-ops 101:
I believe the organizational form of the co-operative must and will be the centre-piece of a new economy; one based on real capitalism,
one rooted in co-operation (rather than the cut-throat, beggar-thy-neighbour, crony capitalism we have now),
and vested in strong local economies.
The corporation has no place in the human future: it is a sociopathic invention by pathologically greedy people to rob society blind.
Co-operatives are based on seven principles:
- voluntary and open membership,
- democratic member control,
- member economic participation,
- autonomy and independence,
- education, training, and information,
- co-operation among co-operatives, and
- concern for community
Even without elaborate on these, one can easily see how such principles would lead to a different way of organizing and acting than that of a corporation.
The large corporations have completely lost contact with the local communities for which they are supposed to provide banking services. Their main profits come from gambling on the global financial casino created by the destruction of financial regulations since the Carter presidency.
According to Amy Cortese's book Locavesting (about which, more soon),
99 percent of the trading on global stock markets now have nothing to do with creative capital raising for value creating companies.
Canadian banks are still more closely regulated but follow the same trend.
I wanted to remove my small personal finances from this casino.
One, I do not believe that global banks are moral enterprises worth supporting.
I believe we will experience a far bigger financial crash than that of 2008, and soon. I do not believe the big banks will ever return to lending to value creating enterprises.
Two, I believe that a credit union, as a co-operative form of banking invested in the local and regional community, is far more resilient and worth supporting.
And so we moved our small personal finances from BMO to Desjardins' Nouvel-Horizon branch in the village of Casselman. Here's my bank :=) Really, it is my bank.
We are not only clients, but members with a voting share and a small profit share.
We made the arrangements two weeks ago to bring over our mortgage in July when the term expires. w00t!
There's a huge difference in mindset between being a client of a big bank and a client-member of a credit union. I know that my deposits will form part of the security for loans to local individuals and companies in this area. I feel like more of an economic stakeholder in the local economy of this area.
Well, what do you think? Could you do something similar? Comments are most welcome.
Peace be with us, if we do the moral math on our personal banking,

I have been meaning to do this
I have been working over the last few years to clear myself out a hell-hole of debts caused by starting an expensive small business right before the recession hit. I am now clear of everything except a modest mortgage.
I had been hesitant to move my accounts while I was indebted to a big bank, just in case they wanted to make things awkward for me. What holds me back from acting now is that it is going to require a major change in my routines -- I can walk to my bank branch from my office while I will have to make a special trip across town to a credit union -- and it will be a hassle to get all of the automatic deposits and payments switched over to a new account.
However, international corporations like my bank are not interested in helping me or my community and they really don't align with my values. Your diary is pushing me to make the switch.
O wow
I just did a search of locations of credit unions around me (just to prove that my procrastination was justified, lol) and found that the Lithuanian credit union is 1 block from my house. I'm not Lithuanian but I know someone who is and is on the board of her credit union. Hours aren't all that convenient for me since I work away from home but possibly something I could adjust to.
Then I looked at HMECU (Healthcare and Municipal Employees' Credit U) and they actually have a branch in the hospital where I work and it has office hours on the days I'm at the hospital. Another branch is located around the corner from my office, closer than the bank.
I guess I have no excuse now.
Most banks and credit unions have mobile deposit now
Where you just take a photo of your check and its deposited in your account. With that and an ATM/debit card, you should rarely need to go to the bank.
Although, for those of us who have messed up our credit in the past, mobile banking may not be available right away...
I'm so happy for you, Thursday :=) That's wonderful! I also
saddled us a with a huge chunk of consumer debt from ventures gone wrong and I was worried about the same thing. I kept that LOC at our old bank trying to pay it off month by month. When we talked to our credit union about bringing over our mortgage, they offered us a really good deal on the LOC also. Our interest rate is halved so we'll pay it off much sooner. Switching accounts is a pain in the arse, but the paperwork is worth it. We're not going back to a corporate bank ever. I hope you get a good deal at the credit union and that they make it worth your while to switch over. Best wishes and I look forward to hearing how it goes. Do let us know. Best wishes,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
i did it years ago when...
...they bailed out the banks and there was an internet campaign to "move your money".
Right on, blue drop. That's what woke me up too. Enjoy your
evening, my friend,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
There used to be a bunch of local banks here...
And they were okay...
It was nice to be able to walk in and apply for a car loan with someone that you knew in the community on a first name basis...
One by one they start adding branches in surrounding towns, then they merge with another bank and get even bigger. Before long they merge with another into a regional bank, now they are looking to merge with one of the too big to fail banks...
There are but a handful of the local banks still in existence here...
More and more Credit Unions are popping up all the time...
Reinvestment in the community is important...
I want my money used locally for my friends, neighbors, and local businesses...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Too right, Oldest, that's how it goes. I think you'd be really
pleased with your local credit union's services and would save quite a bit of money during the year with a nice little bonus for Christmas money :=) Give them a whirl. Enjoy your day, mate,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I am...
In a credit union now...
Been there a pretty long time...
Ever since my local bank turned into a crappy big bank...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Ah! I misunderstood, mate. w00t! Hooray for credit unions :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I opened a credit union acct during the "move your $" campaign
and was delighted to hear from my credit union how busy it had been with new accounts. I kept my former account at a local bank with branches in several nearby towns (no presence outside one part of VT). VT had fought to keep out national banks and lost. We did our best on due diligence for the local bank and finally tracked down where its derivatives were not-quite-hiding, and they didn't represent an alarming exposure. But the bank hadn't been forthcoming when asked, and its president is a former Boston Fed guy. When we moved to OR, everyone I asked recommended one credit union, and that's were we went. Have been quite pleased.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Right on, 2&fro :=) Glad you like your credit union's services;
it sure is worth it financially for us to move our money. Thanks for the credit union voucher, my friend!
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I LOVE my credit union.
I would never go back to a big bank.
Unfortunately, for the business account, I had no choice, but did mange to go to a small, local bank here instead of any of the behemoths.
w00t! It's so great to hear from happy credit union members!
It is such a wonderful banking option with so many benefits for the members and for the local community. Credit unions are win-wins all around. Enjoy your day, my friend :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.