Political Ponerology

I have just been shut out of Outlook 'for my own protection' while writing this, having been told that Outlook requires my browser to be reset to UTF-8 encoding (whatever that is, why-ever that is, and however one does that or even if it should be done, as I've suspected for a while I've been hacked and/or that some algorithm is acting up, due to various oddities, speaking as a technological illiterate) before I can sign in again, this in small type on an odd, dark screen I've never seen used before.

Whether anyone else does or not, I personally feel that it's essential to include this aspect in various considerations and am posting what I've written so far, in the event that I can't access Outlook again, that the attempt to do so triggers some further issue and/or in case anyone else might be interested.

Psychopaths, lacking the human functions of the brain and those related to these functions, are capable of perceiving only themselves and their own self-interest as important and real, with other life perceived as either potentially useful or useless to themselves.

So it's not surprising that they are attracted to belief systems which support their limited and necessarily unrealistic world-view, even though these, also necessarily, require turning to fiction.

I have long felt that the theory of behaviorism - essentially that life consists of chemically-powered machines capable only of reacting to stimuli/training and without any real feelings to therefore be respected, (apart from such as irritation, spite, anger and greed which they themselves can evidently feel) - was psychopathic and reflecting the viewpoint and limitations of psychopaths, and that not only the personal opportunistic use made of various religions for personal gain of both power and riches at the cost of others who they felt entitled to control for this purpose, but the entire premise of the more extreme and disastrous Dominionism by any name (the corporate sponsored 'religion' which self-servingly teaches that their god shows love and favour for individuals when wealth and power are gained even by gross ruthlessness in draining this from 'less worthy' others - and that the most powerful and wealthy therefore have a divine right to abuse those 'proven' less worthy by their lack of equal or greater wealth and power in any way they choose, as can also be seen in the rampant sexual predation taken as a 'right' over others by too-many of those within the US government, Hollywood and others allied with TPTB et al,) was equally psychopathic, by design.

Limitations define perceptions. And psychopaths believe that humanity, in both senses, is an alien weakness, existing essentially to create opportunities for their own personal use.

It's also not surprising that they, and others at least partially pathologized/influenced when psychopaths are permitted to shape society to any degree, would, respectively, attempt to develop, or at least temporarily follow/accept, a world-view created by fiction which 'justifies' their world-view.

Consider certain fictional 'philosophical' concepts, taken from novels of speculative fiction and adopted by those in positions to abuse power, which may have appealed even to some among the powerless, although those not psychopathic themselves have, while initially accepting the premise to at least some extent, (due, I'd consider, to comprehensive 'social engineering' media and other disinformation campaigns,) tend to perceive the flaws in these as they gain more information/experience and, importantly, develop better critical thinking skills - something which has been even actively discouraged by psychopaths taking power within society and able to influence the educational system.

These fictional concepts involve world-views in which even the destruction of most humans and/or the natural life-support system do not matter; only their own personal survival does. And in these increasingly grandiose and encompassingly destructive scenarios, the fictional protagonists invariably discover, within this fictional scenario, that they're really much better off without these other useless-to-them life-forms, which in this scenario typically depend upon these psychopaths for their very survival, rather than the reverse.

So, they may actually believe that they personally can survive a 'limited' global nuclear War On The World, to exist happily ever after, despite all now-available evidence to the contrary, using modern computer simulations and, importantly, taking more of the previously disregarded but essential factors into consideration, together with current snowballing degrading conditions on a natural world already dying of psychopathic greed.

One long-running and well-known example, the first 'modern' one of which I am aware of having become publicly known as influential in American politics, involved a psychopathic protagonist who, with all other 'worthy' psychopaths - these, in the novel, (which I haven't actually read but have heard more about than the human stomach can take) being responsible not only for all technological advance within society (perhaps like the Nazi scientists and others brought over, rescued from awaiting trial for war crimes following the US [and other] industrialist-supported WW2 in such as Operation Paper Clip, to be provided with high rank and employment in US [and other] government and industry?) but in keeping the society running - threw a hissy fit and retired 'into the wild' upon not having their magnificence sufficiently admired and their divine right to rule over lesser beings recognized, whereupon the society obligingly collapsed and the story ends before a complete ignorance of how to rough it in the wilds was exposed.

(Psychopaths also seem to lack what seems to be an ability to plan beyond the superficial achievement of their personal desires, something which I suspect may be allied to the human portion of the brain, as the inability for basic survival characteristics involving empathy and ethics - the ability to put oneself in another's shoes - necessarily involves missing essential factors existing in reality and essential to their own survival, with all sensible and sustainable long-range planning therefore made impossible, as they seemingly lack the capacity in general, as the inclusion and understanding of reality is not, and likely cannot, be a factor in planning. They seemingly depend upon miracles occurring to save themselves from even their most destructive acts, being typically essentially parasitic and dependent upon a host/hosts, and use such belief systems imposed upon general society to enable even their most horrendous and murderously suicidal plans to be publicly accepted and even supported, whether Super-Jesus or Super-Tech is to swoop down at the last possible moment to save 'The Right People' and only 'The Right People', purportedly including those following their deadly precepts.

(Evolution doesn't deliberately pick and choose actual mental capacities - but any herd/flock/group species raising dependent young which lacks the allied empathic and ethical abilities to care for their young can never develop and survive and the more the members of any such group act together in individual/group warning and defense against predators and indications of food sources, the better are both species and individual survival chances, with those individuals/groups demonstrating such capacities as these therefore most likely to pass along such potentials to their better-surviving young. This is how life within human societies works as well, not by predation within the group, with the strong preying upon the more vulnerable with impunity until the strong and ruthless run out of victims to feed off of. Within any such population, too many crooks spoil the births, as can clearly be seen in the number of hungry and otherwise deprived children within America and those millions of children, as well as adults, suffering and dying in numerous attacked/invaded countries by TPTB profitably draining Americans in order to do so.

(The more empathic and ethical mammals survive to pass on these capacities. Reptiles generally just breed lots of eggs and don't worry about them or the future of the species. Different everything, in that sense. Think of The Psychopaths and Parasites That Be as 'Lizard People', and you might not be far wrong.

(Political ponerology* has been violently suppressed for a reason; the general understanding of this to at least some level points the path toward survival, civilization and the also-violently discouraged concept of democracy within sustainable societies nonetheless pursued by humans around the globe throughout history, invariably threatened, restricted and so far repressed, in part due to a lack of wide public understanding of the Ponerological theory and reality, leaving psychopaths therefore unrecognized as such, or kept out of public office.)

Then, with the pathology of destructively selfish greed established among those within political establishments, as the tech industry gains in power via not only wealth but in public perceptual control and universal spying ability, we begin to see such promoted concepts as 'virtual reality is better than reality; we can make fantasies/delusions appear real, and therefore become real', an artificial life being preferable to living in a reality which psychopaths can't properly perceive and believe that they need not accept.

Followed by: 'machines do things better, therefore machines are better; the next step in 'human evolution' is for humans to stop being human and to become machines,' in order to become more efficiently useful and subservient to to Those Who Matter (rather than becoming better human beings who need only to better socially 'evolve' while enjoying - and protecting - actual life more) so that humans and life itself can be done away with altogether, to suit powerful psychopaths seeking ultimate, pre-programmed, unquestioned acceptance of their universal power and immortality for themselves, with faultless service from all remaining others, believing that all other life anyway essentially consists of machines, due to lacking those essential human portions of the brain themselves.

This with many techies already thinking in terms of computers/machines they spend so much of their lives involved with, (specialists, not surprisingly, tending to think in terms of their own specializations,) and not in terms of the complex biological system in which their species evolved, of which they are part - and require for survival - and therefore often being excited by the prospect of this, having no concept of the complexity even of their own biological systems and believing that a virtual reality can supply the positive sensations which make life worth living and even that an artificial construct can supply the not-yet-understood everything a human brain requires for optimum function or that one can use a transferred recording of their characteristics/brain waves to some robotic/computerized system to somehow avoid dying with their own bodies and brains, as some billionaires apparently have been conned into believing.

And the belief that the world should be surveiled and controlled by a global AI system, programmed to suit those having it programed, with no more need to purchase/overthrow governments, because what could go wrong?

Now, we come to the promoted theory that we are all only part of a simulation, not even of a Matrix but of a video-game played by some alien teen with 'better tech', this both denying consciousness and implying that the Earth itself, along with all life, has no reality and that nothing matters except, I suppose TPRB winning. An end game, where any part is expendable.

Personally, I have long loosely defined 'evil' as that which is anti-life; to me, these psychopaths seeking to control/eliminate life to be replaced with unliving machines are evil personified.

Psychopaths are self-identifying in their world-views and actions, when you understand what they are and how they function due to their self-interested limited perceptions and abilities in the most human and essential areas.

They can be identified also due to the lack of essential brain functions demonstrated in brain scans involving activity within the empathetic centres of the brain.

And our societies have been massively influenced by their propaganda, to accept their claims, on their say-so. It's easier to fight the brain-washing when we see it - and those behind it - as they are, as we already know. Yet, as humans, we find it difficult to emotionally comprehend what we're dealing with and often, apparently, to take the permutations of this into account

Humanity - in both senses - needs to take back political power from the relative few Psychopaths and Parasites That Be while sufficient species of the essential interdependent and fast-diminishing planetary life are still potentially salvageable to maintain the global life support system it forms on this industrially/militarily poisoned planet; if we cannot overcome the corrupted political systems to vote together for humanity - for Progressives willing to fight for the common good - only, in these next few elections and thereafter, while uniting in refusing to accept suspicious electoral results as any more of the endless 'done deals' to be fixed in a tomorrow that never comes, I believe that it will be too late. A limited-time and last-chance belief I am not the only one holding.

Psychopaths - destructive self-interests - cannot be allowed to retain or to take power over any of us, ever again, if there is to be any 'ever', after.

This following has been posted here before and is something we must always keep in mind.

* http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_ponerology01.htm

Political Ponerology - A Science on the Nature of Evil/Adjusted for Political Purposes

by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

from Ponerology Website


"In the author’s opinion, Ponerology reveals itself to be a new branch of science born out of historical need and the most recent accomplishments of medicine and psychology. In light of objective naturalistic language, it studies the causal components and processes of the genesis of evil, regardless of the latter’s social scope.

We may attempt to analyze these ponerogenic processes which have given rise to human injustice, armed with proper knowledge, particularly in the area of psychopathology. Again and again, as the reader will discover, in such a study, we meet with the effects of pathological factors whose carriers are people characterized by some degree of various psychological deviations or defects."

(Lobaczewski, 42)

With very few exceptions down the ages, discussions in moral philosophy - the study of right conduct - have failed to systematically investigate the origin, nature, and course of evil in a manner free from supernatural imaginings.

Evil was often considered something to be endured rather than something that could be understood and eliminated by rational measures.

And - as Lobaczewski demonstrates - the origin of evil actually lies outside the boundaries of the conventional worldview within which the earlier moral inquiries and literary explorations were conducted. Evil requires a truly modern and scientific approach to lay bare its secrets.

This approach is called "ponerology", the study of evil, from the Greek "poneros" = evil.

The original manuscript of this book went into the furnace minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy, painfully reassembled by scientists working under impossible conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged - the manuscript and all valuable data lost.

In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the last survivor of the original researchers: Andrew Lobaczewski.

Zbigniew Brzezinski blocked its publication.

After half a century of suppression, this book is finally available.

Political Ponerology is shocking in its clinically spare descriptions of the true nature of evil. It is poignant in its more literary passages revealing the immense suffering experienced by the researchers contaminated or destroyed by the disease they were studying.

Political Ponerology is a study of the founders and supporters of oppressive political regimes. Lobaczewski’s approach analyzes the common factors that lead to the propagation of man’s inhumanity to man.

Morality and humanism cannot long withstand the predations of this evil.

Knowledge of its nature - and its insidious effect on both individuals and groups - is the only antidote.



Still have no idea of what I'm doing as to (hopefully) publishing this, but would like to get this out, in case it might be helpful to anyone here, in any way, toward that greater good.

Edited because I got side-tracked and left off that Simulated Earth theory now being pushed in what I see as incremental indoctrination by crazy-people - and something else earlier in the progression toward this one which I can't currently recall. Lol, vision's fouling up and can barely see ATM, so sorry abut any missed typos.

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Big Al's picture

On this I agree:

"Political Ponerology is a study of the founders and supporters of oppressive political regimes. Lobaczewski’s approach analyzes the common factors that lead to the propagation of man’s inhumanity to man.

Morality and humanism cannot long withstand the predations of this evil.

Knowledge of its nature - and its insidious effect on both individuals and groups - is the only antidote."

Knowledge of its nature would have to include realizing or admitting that a murder is a murder and a million murders are a million murders. That seems to escape most Americans when it comes to the actions of their government officials.

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@Big Al

... Knowledge of its nature would have to include realizing or admitting that a murder is a murder and a million murders are a million murders. That seems to escape most Americans when it comes to the actions of their government officials. ...

Exactly! All of that propaganda and censorship of what's really done in these 'wars' in so many countries over decades has its effect - which may stick even when propaganda-subjected Americans actually do hear anything factual about what's being done, or why. And of course they want to cling to the idea of being 'the good guys' and that their government would never do any of the atrocious things they have done and routinely do, precisely because it is so horrifying and terrifying.

And, since a good deal of that propaganda involves terrorizing them with terrorists and now evidently working up to presenting virtually the rest of the living world as a threat, maybe some also can't mentally deal with the realization of another more powerful enemy ceaselessly watching them, right there at home, taking rights away from them under the pretext of 'protecting' them and passing 'laws' placing them at the non-existent mercy of self-interests, all while telling them how exceptional their country is and how lucky they are to live in a 'great democracy' - while they're already stressed in desperately trying to keep a roof over their heads and feed kids they'd rather believe will live to grow up and have the potential for long, happy, healthy lives. And the propaganda rolls on.

Now, overloaded Americans need to sacrifice more be further sacrificed so that warmongering profiteers can attack more countries and be more lethal in killing more civilians and military trying to defend their people and homeland against a fascist monster trying to literally kill off all potential economic competition...

But Russia will not sit quietly while their homeland is again invaded by fascists, to watch their people being shot, droned and bombed, any more than will China or Iran or probably any of the others on that lengthy PTB 'hit list' covering so much of the world.

Somebody here recently posted a chilling and timely quote in this time of great and blatant lunacy to the effect that once everything Americans believed was untrue, things would be under control, or something of the sort... darned if I can recall the name of either party at the moment, though... some, like you and others here, will never allow this to occur, at least without exceptions.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

One of your phrases precisely encapsulates your main theme, I think.

Too many crooks spoil the birth

. Brilliant! That particularly resonates with the quite profound observation that species whose young require protection and mentoring, whether ducks or humans, will not long survive without the careful attention to such protection and mentoring.

Amongst the many points you raise is the critical observation that the sociopaths recognize in the inhumanity of their behavior and thus are amenable to do without those messy humane humans once the Parasites that Be accumulate all the power of their desire. Of course such sociopathy will never be satisfied. Jeff Bezos will never be satisfied because he ONLY has $100B. Greed knows no boundaries--and it is rarely satisfied. Wealth is an addiction, just as surely as is cocaine or heroin.

Imagine, the ultimate condition in which only a few dozen plutocrats (who by definition are greedy sociopaths) have replaced all but their immediate families with robots. Regardless of any influence of "artificial intelligence", those plutocrats will look at the riches of other plutocrats and desire to expropriate some or all of those riches. There is no doubt that robotic killers will be loosed first by one, then another plutocrat, in order to obtain another's riches. It is inherent in human nature, and especially unchecked in sociopaths, to employ force to obtain what guile and conniving cannot obtain.

P.S., thanks for enlarging my vocabulary.

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@Alligator Ed

You are so right - the Battle of the Billionaires will continue until the last one dies with all of the toys!

I'm not looking forward to the time when those robotic killers are used against humans in war and against protesters at home - assuming that these guys aren't stopped somehow...

... It is inherent in human nature, and especially unchecked in sociopaths, to employ force to obtain what guile and conniving cannot obtain. ...

For once, I might have to beg to differ with you, on one portion of that, on the notion of it being human nature to employ force, guile and cunning to get what they want. Apart from all else, I certainly can't imagine you being like that! And I know that I and countless other people I've met - ranging from nice to wonderful - aren't either. Although desperate people in desperate times may be driven to such lengths to try to survive, especially in a pathologized culture run by psychopaths who have done this to prosperous countries and their peoples.

And thanks for being such a sweetie!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

polkageist's picture

Thank you for the word "ponerology". Sounds like something to do with apples and, upon starting to read the link you posted, I realized that it's about rotten apples. I think I will order the book and learn about it. It looks as if it might explain Reagan, the Clintons, the Bushes, Obama, Trump and all of their masters and supporters.

edited twice to correct a misspelling and I probably should have turned "ponerology" into "pomerology" which would make the quip understandable. Ah well.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962


Lol, the joke was understandable; I recall that I'd thought that the term sounded apple-related at first glance, myself. Cool to discover that I wasn't the only one! And it is, indeed, about very rotten apples...

If that book can't help explain that lot, I don't think anything can, apart from Dr. Hare's site on psychopathy, although the latter's not focused on politicians. But psychopaths will be psychopaths, unfortunately, and they do, at least eventually, often give themselves away, even if some can fool even experts in interviews.

Could have sworn that I'd posted this last night before shutting down; suppose I must not have checked to be sure that the page had gone through...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

I am so glad to hear all this regarding school shootings and the opioid epidemic being so compassionately presented - thank you for posting this!

Exactly, the society has been pathologized through years of 'social engineering' by ruthless psychopaths - except that 'America's' wealth is all drained to the few, much from their own people and their public purse; the American people are carefully propaganda-divided and indoctrinated into a psychopathic attitude which normals cannot withstand. We need humanity, in both senses. The conspiracy exists, has taken over the US government and is imposed on the public, as, I suspect, is much of the misleading and, importantly, misdirecting conspiracy theory pumped out on the internet. It's not 'Americans', it's the Psychopaths That Be and the consolidated corporate media campaigns who don't care and who have brutalized and brainwashed an overloaded public into acceptance of an 'Exceptional American Democracy' unable to do anything for the public good, but plenty against it and th rest of the world.

Damn good points on the comodification of dehumanized/'othered' people, though, and that it's the system that's the problem. Freaking eyesight is fouling up again, drat it. Think it might be a reaction to pesticide on some blackberries I also had just before this happened the other day. Wouldn't a safe food supply be a wonderful thing?

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.