Parents for Transgender Equality
Three days ago the Human Rights Campaign released a video featuring four fathers of transgender children talking about their experiences.
The fathers are JR Ford of Washington, DC, Joe Ghartey of New York, Wayne Maines of Maine, and Keith Thomas of North Carolina.
Supportive parents can make all the difference in the lives and wellbeing of transgender children. As a transgender man blessed with loving parents, including an amazing father, I know first-hand the comfort and courage these fathers bring to their children. In a world that so often hurls insults and condones bullying, these dads exemplify love of family and a steadfast commitment to the health and safety of the children they cherish.As more and more people realize the humanity and dignity of transgender people of all ages, the mean-spirited and dangerous attacks we have seen from anti-LGBTQ activists and some politicians will grow increasingly unpopular and unsustainable.
--Jay Brown, HRC
Transgender children and adults are the strongest and most courageous people I have ever met, but I worry about my daughter’s future every day. I worry because, to this day, transgender people are denied the same rights as their peers. I worry because transgender people face significant fear and discrimination. […] I worry because some Republican politicians have decided that it’s good politics to target a vulnerable group of people that includes my daughter.
Moms for Transgender Equality was released in 2015:

I read you over here, Robyn,
instead of over there. Really miss your art from there.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.