Overwork: Why 'Murica is Dumber than the Rest of the Planet
A brief history of capitalism for those interested
Between the endless war abroad and the endless hours toiling away at menial bullshit jobs, is it any wonder we're fuckin' stupid? Is it any surprise that so many are so willing to get on their knees and take it up the ass for the capitalists? No. This is by design. It's all part and parcel of the Puritanical 'Murican Psyche.
Any attempt to change this even a tiny bit has been met with the deadliest of force both by the US government and by private armies such as the Pinkertons or the mercs at Standing Rock who were told to treat water protectors as 'insurgents'. Yet so many people, be they Repigs, Dims or Liberturds, all go out of their way to defend it. Why? Well, they all have their reasons.
The Repigs defend it because they think that it's their birthright to rule based on either their ill-gotten wealth or the pale tone of their skin somehow makes them better than all the rest. The Dims? They think anyone can ascend to the elite so long as they're willing to get an education and work hard....although, even when people do both, they always seem to remain at or near the very bottom, unless they need a token or two to keep the proles at bay. And Liberturds? They don't really give a flying fuck who's in charge so long as the market reigns supreme. Those fuckers suck Pinochet's dick, after all.
As for unions? Well, we see teachers 'striking' all over the country, but they immediately capitulate at the faintest sign of bigger crumbs. The Duopoly has done everything they can to destroy unions and they more or less have their wish, save for the few that remain the loyal opposition for the cappies.
The environment? Who cares about keeping the planet habitable when there's money to be made and women and LGBT can be imperialist torturers too?
We're fucked, ladies and germs. We're well and truly fucked.

capital-sim --- an interesting typo. n/t
My bad. Fixed.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
The greatest trick the Capitalists ever pulled...
was convincing humans that humans could not survive comfortably without capitalism.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Unlike the higher animals,
greed is innate to the human animal.
That explains this headline, thanks.
Local/State Idiocracy in full control here, Collapsifornia in living color every day. Sonoma Strong stench, straight outta Sacramento. Just kill me now.
Highway 101 stretch at Frog Woman Rock remains obstacle for transit experts
Stupid car people! It was not "a miracle" they lived like the other article raved, they landed right side up on a boulder in the middle of the river -- you dumb-ass excuse for a newspaper reporter. omg, it burns. They were idiots driving an idiot car too fast through an area that is always under construction, I hope they go bankrupt and lose their license to drive, not inject "miracle" headlines on to front pages. meh I am so sick of reckless tourists and their trash, FUCK OFF! You are killing the watershed, and all the other good things are going to shit via your inattentive facebook connected livelihoods.
Posted 65 MPH is CalTrans' fault, it is too fast for that stretch. The area they want to "fix" is constantly on the move because geology. Good luck "fixing" the geology, I'm sure there will be consultants galore and lobbyists and contracts and blah blah blah, another engineering mistake palmed off on the next generation of stupid.
California Highway Patrol teachers say the root cause of every accident is always one or two Inas, 1-Inattention, or 2-In a hurry. So, some genius cut a the state highway through an area that is always on the move geologically speaking, and that means people in cars must slow down and pay attention. There is no "obstacle" except for the bad behavior from car people and the planners who think alike. Just fucking pave everything eight lanes wide and straight as an arrow, that is what they want. Or bore a tunnel! omg the stupid, it burns.
Chris Hedges should talk about the system that has already collapsed, not some oogie boogie future collapse. This shit is real. I love this typo from barfbart today talking about Nancy Pelosi getting her cut from President Trump, same as it ever was:
I wish suicide were painless. Avicii is a hero, stabbed himself in the neck with a broken wine bottle and bled out on floor, because the economy is so great! How symbolic.
I am officially disgusted at my home town.
I'm from Carmel/Monterey originally. Big Wine area. Been pushing the local businesses out for years, raising rents to the point that a single room costs over a thousand dollars a month, and all the while proclaiming how diverse and wonderful their area is.
I keep running into people who used to live there long ago up here in Portland. Feels like almost all the good people left and came here.
And I am starting to see the tendencies popping up. Feels like the jerks followed me.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Get a load of what the idiots in Omaha want...
When I was very young Omaha had a city-wide streetcar system. Then they spent millions pulling up all the tracks. Tore up everything and took years. Now these Lower Hootervillians want to spend millions digging up the streets and laying down rails again. Over a 3-mile route.
This place has a bus system nobody uses but the poor. To attract riders Metro Area Transit resurrected and refurbished 5 buses back from when I was in high school as a gimmick and nobody rides them. The wasted $2 million on that one.
And our phony mayor acts all concerned for the taxpayers. What a phony wretch. She’s been pushing this all along. She almost lost the last election and this was a big part of why. So when she was running she announced that the project was dead. Well, apparently it was just in a coma because here we go again.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I object to your characterization of striking teachers.
Many have gone on strike while risking their jobs and they have stated over and over again it's less about pay and more about funding the classrooms they need to do their jobs. The MSM talks about pay, but it's about more than that.
At least teachers have had the balls to stand up to the man. What other profession has recently?
And yet they capitulate so quickly.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
@The Aspie Corner well, to be fair it's
The members of many unions are "served" by their leadership much like we are by our elected officials...
I.E not at all.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me