The Outsider Running for DNC Chair Who Wants To Be An Insider
I opened the following article with anticipation since I love underdogs and outsiders:
Boynton Brown is from Idaho and has worked with children for 13 years. Wonderful! She considers herself an "outside the box" thinker and a "drastically different candidate". I must read-on, you had me at Idaho. Then she compared Democrats to children:
“I always joke and say if I can control a room of 100 toddlers, 100 Democrats is really not an issue. But I mean that quite seriously,” she said.
Good one! I like! What an unruly bunch! Ok so far so good, I can get behind this, now what does she stand for?
Her view is that the entire DNC structure is “drastically out of alignment with our values," requiring a strong manager to help put the focus on the grassroots and Democrats across the country.
Signed, sealed, deliver I'm Yours!!!!!!! I couldn't agree more. Holy shit is this really happening?
Boynton Brown added that her Idaho background could help bridge the divide between the progressive and more moderate wings of the party.
Uh-oh. Notice the moderate wingS of the Party... starting to worry, what the hell does that mean?
“If we get under liberal and moderate labels, then you can get to values that anybody in the ideological spectrum can agree on and build from there,” she said.
I don't even know this person and I feel like I already compromised half of my principles away... but it can't get worse.
One way to do that, Boynton Brown argues, is with DNC working groups that emphasize collaboration and consensus building. It's a plan she's already implemented on the state level in Idaho.
Hillary is that you? We've been looking for you... Did I miss something in the beginning of this article? Yup.
With Democrats, it’s, 'How do I get money, get on message, how do we all get on the same page so that we can move together?'”
Money first.
Even our "outsiders" suck.
Keith Ellison for DNC Chair.

I seen this earlier.
Was tempted to leave a comment but many had already covered the basics much the same as you have.
No thanks.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
This is the Dem Establishment 'MO'--
recruit a moderate or conservative from an obscure locale, and build a 'narrative' that hoodwinks (and greatly excites) their progressive base. It happens again, and again.
Thanks for bringing this to light. Sorta been too busy with business matters/RL lately to closely follow the race for DNC chair, but I'm thinking that I've seen some pretty high praise regarding this supposed new 'outsider.' It figures.
After Kirsten Gillibrand was introduced as an ultra-progressive, and the best thing since sliced bread, I 'Googled' her name, and up came photos of her with a slew of Blue Dog Dems--including the 'Big Dog' himself!
Later I read that Gillibrand is also a member of the 'New Dem' (corporatist) coalition. It appears that she's being groomed to become FSC's heir apparent, if she (FSC) loses again in 2020.
But, hey, when did the Establishment Dems allow sometime like the truth, get in their way.
Thanks for your other diary about FSC 'gone missing.' Since I'm somewhat pushed this evening, I'll reference it and post my impressions on this topic, over at EB when I check in to say 'hi.'
Have a good one, All.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Ok then. As I see it, nearly all politicians have yet to find
their inner adult. They are not toddlers but they behave like the worst of adolescents. Problem children.
This Boynton impresses me as someone who just can't wait to become anything but a progressive. Even if she remained true to her stated values, they'd eat her alive. And she has started off on the wrong foot with stating that she can singlehandedly manage 100 toddlers. Right. I have no patience anymore for colorful exaggerations from people seeking political office or politicians that make appearances on late night comedy salons so that they better connect with the people.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I heard them all - Ellison makes most sense to me
...but I am very fond of BUCKLEY. His values are closest to my own - he is already on the DNC board, but he does not have a shot I'm aware of to be chair.
As I've noted previously, they all spoke in Austin earlier in December.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
oh, look - there's a new one
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Nice platitudes, empty on beliefs and plans
The very language is loaded and offensive
"Progressive" is seen as an antonym of "moderate." Presumably someone who's a "progressive" is "immoderate." Hmm. Sounds bad. Why not call the "moderates" the "regressives"? Or the "non-progressive"? "Corporatist" would do as well.
Twain Disciple
That's what I call them-
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Demorat - Corprorat
Let's go for truth in advertising and leave the 'c' out.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Sorry Dennis, but you misspelled it
The correct spelling of Corprorat is CoprocRAT.
(Explanation: this is not quite the same as a rodent--it is a shit-eating rodent).
Kind of neat how they do it.
but you caught them and called it.
good one!
The DLC co-opted the term "progressive." Both Hillary and Obama
label themselves "progressive." The head of the Progressive Policy Institute, who was with the DLC, was one of the signatories of the PNAC letter. "Progressive" has become a meaningless term, IMO. Well, not so much meaningless as having any meaning someone assumes it has. I call it the "Chance the Gardener" of political terms. When people use the same word to mean very different things, communication does not occur.
Hillary and Obama seem to use "progressive" to mean something like incrementalism or "pragmatism" (sensible woodchuck style), but something like ending "welfare as we know it" is not incrementalism (but it is "pragmatic" for people who think like Henry Kissinger). Good people use "progressive" almost as a synonym for "lliberal," but without the laissez-faire attitude toward business that the technical definition of "liberal"includes. However, professional politicians who self-identify as "progressive," like Hillary, literally cringe from being described as liberal--even during a Democratic primary, when Democrats supposedly try to lean left.
I saw with my own eyes Obama saying that
his policies were little different than a 1980's moderate Republican's.
To which I thought .. DUH!
Hillary, the Goldwater Girl Demorat nominee for President has succeeded in destroying the Democratic Party beyond anything Goldwater could ever have hoped to achieve.
Next time you see a 'Red arrow right breaking pillars of blue'
Know they mean it.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
According to Oprah Winfrey, Mayangelou once said something
like, "When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time."
A mistake I make repeatedly is seeing people as I would like them to be, rather than as who they've shown themselves to be.
Know they mean it.
Not merely a red arrow, but a red arrow heading right, much like some of of Goldwater's logos. In so very many ways, including her logo Hillary was the Back to the Future candidate (and Trump is Biff Tannen).
Plus, it seems to have been a bit of a "coincidence."
According to a self-styled graphics designer/Hillary supporter, the white of the red, white and blue that is traditional in the logo of a Presidential candidate is the white space all around the H, which said supporter declared "brilliant." I am no graphics designer and I still use stick figures, but it didn't look brilliant to me. It looked a lot like my impression of Hillary: Her candidacy was all about her, not about the country or Americans in general, not a message a "brilliant" graphics designer would reinforce. All I know is, leftists laughed a lot the day the logo became public.
I have another name I'd like to put forward.
Alan Grayson.
He's available, as he was crushed by the Democratic establishment in favor of a Republicrat (who went on to lose to an actual Republican). So, no special election needed.
He's blunt. Republican health care: "Don't get sick. If you do get sick, die quickly".
He regularly voted against war funding.
He supports expansion of social programs.
He's hated by people like Reid. (Yes, IMO that's a positive).
The more good choices we have to argue about, the better.