OT - 12/3/15 - Time for Good News!
well, assuming the house stays in one piece....
we've got winds, which we hate. Our roof tends to go to pieces in bad wind. One section came flying off awhile back and is now covered with a tarp. That keeps most of the rain out but not all. And with this wind we worry that the tarp will go sailing away.
Be that as it may, I sometimes get tired of the bad news. There's enough of that, isn't there? And I know I contribute to it, being embittered in my old age. I was snookered! Bamboozled! I was led to believe that things would get better, that the evolution of the species was leading to a new Golden Age of Even More Reason.
When I go over to see what those #$#%**s are saying at a place where I don't post any more, I notice all sorts of articles reminding me (because what? I'm too dumb to remember since yesterday and the day before and the day before that and the week before that and always?) that Republicans are mean/evil/the problem. And then some days when I come here (and again, I contribute to this) I find out the Democrats are the problem because they should know better but are, in fact, corrupt and just as mean and just as evil.
I want to find hope, some good news. I love music and maybe I'm just crotchety but I am not a big fan of today's popular music. I prefer going off the beaten path. Unfortunately, Portland radio, except for a couple of stations, is similar to the radio of other towns, dominated by the Big 5 companies that turn out autotuned vocals that are as formulaic as anything that's ever come before. By the way, I don't mind formulaic music. Two verses, bridge, verse, instrumental verse, bridge, verse, coda works for me. I'm just saying that today's pop music can't consider itself revolutionary. I listen to these tunes and think "ok, in a few seconds the singer will jump an octave, sing with more oomph and all the instruments will kick in."
But there is good stuff out there. Some of it is retro and thus, to my taste. My band is like that and there are a whole bunch of that sort of thing here in Portland. Here's a video from some friends of mine.
There's other stuff, too. Some of this is old news, I know. When I was a kid every year was very, very different from the one right before. The music of 1964 was wildly different from that of 1963 and 1965 was wildly different from 1964. And four years...well that was forever! The difference between 1963 and 1967 was insane. So any music I might mention that's from 2011 is way out of date. Still...it's new enough to qualify as "new" to me!
And I know this is a real oldie but hey...
Ok, so now...what's some good news around the world? Surely there's something besides all this gloom. Let's go to the headlines first!
San Bernardino shooting: At least 14 people killed; one suspect killed....no, that won't do. What's next?
UK Parliament votes in favor of bombing ISIS in Syria....no, not that one either.
Everything You Need To Know About The Latest E. Coli Outbreak....maybe I need to look elsewhere.
I'll try this Good News Network.
The US Government Is Retiring All Research Chimpanzees
The National Institutes of Health shut down most research on chimps in 2013, but kept 50 of the apes in case of a public health emergency. On Wednesday, NIH announced those last chimps would sent to a sanctuary to live out their lives in the midst of nature. Another 82 chimpanzees the NIH supports at other research laboratories will also be headed into retirement.
ok, that's nice. Anything else? Let's try the ABC site. They've got something.
Lava Mae: Creating Showers on Wheels for the Homeless
San Francisco, unofficially dubbed one of the homeless capitals of the U.S., counts nearly 6,500 homeless people in 2013, according to recent city numbers, with 4,300 people living on the street.
Among the many problems the homeless face is little or no access to showers. San Francisco only has about 16 to 20 shower stalls to accommodate them.
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency has donated one bus for the cause and is willing to donate three more in the future if the project succeeds. Sandoval hopes the first bus will be able to hit the road in March.
And there are always cat videos
I would have embedded one here but after watching a few I was getting depressed. But cats are good! Cats are nice!
Perhaps there'll be even more good news tomorrow. And maybe this wind will die down.

Great essay, I mean it.
I spent what reality I had to spare today to stew in my own juices and consolidate what I know. Thus, I knew nothing of mass shootings or any other news until I read this.
But I do believe you are onto something with the great differences of velocity of evolution and enlightenment via music across select half-decades. During the slow, repetitive, derivative times, there also seems to be a dearth of impressive spontaneous creativity in art or expression among the masses. During this current lull in cosmic intelligence, it seems that "selfies" is the most that new humans can muster. This period is the macramé moment of the 21st century. Sigh.
I believe you happened to come of age during a period of intense musical enlightenment/information, which hasn't occurred since the late 1700s. I just don't think enough time has passed for art historians to recognize that 1964-1969 was also a time when the earth received an intense bombardment of smart rays from outer space.
Then, the smart rays stopped and all those people got stupid again and started voting Republican. Hence:
All I ever got was Disco and this:
right. The bands from 1963 and 1964 liked the Brill Building
the song form most often used by the early Beatles was straight out of the Goffin/King songbook. And when they weren't writing in that style they did actual Brill songs like this one.
Heartily agree with Pluto--it's great to hear some 'good news'
for a change.
Both stories--about the retirement of the research chimps, and about helping homeless folks with portable showers--are very heartwarming, especially in light of tonight's headlines about another shooting spree.
Thanks, Shah.
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I think we were thinking
in much the same vein about our Open Threads this week. I did not even include any news items in mine yesterday because I did not want to even think about the news for just short while.
As for roofs, we finally got a new roof on our house after living under multiple tarps for over one year. Every time we had a leak, my husband would go out and buy another tarp to lay on top of the previous ones. We ended up with a total of nine tarps on the roof.
Now that we have a leak proof roof, we will have to have a new ceiling put into the master bedroom due to its being very water damaged and unrepairable. Believe me, waking up in the middle of the night with water pouring down on you is a shock. 
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
the roof is still there! I think...I haven't gone out to look
but I didn't hear any crashing sounds. I sort of wish the house were a one-story number with a flatter roof. Then I wouldn't be terrified of getting out there myself. It's too high! too steep!
husband loves to go out on roofs. You should see if he'll come by!
Housing bubble 2.0
Trump gives terror advice
Out terror terrorists
there The Hairball secures the support of the Genghis Khan cohort of the American electorate.
The Hairball is also pleased that the dead people in San Bernardino will pump up his poll numbers.
Thanatos makes his world go round.
Several hours before the most recent young people whose brains had not yet fully formed went and shot up San Bernardino, The Hairball appeared on the show of his fellow Barnum carny barker, Alex Jones, a truly filthy, disgusting human being, who asserts the Newtown massacre was a false-flag event engineered by the Kenyan, to grab the guns, and that no children there ever died at all. The Hairball praised this despicable vomiter as "amazing," and vowed "I won't let you down."
Meanwhile, it is good that even mealymouthed centrist beltwayers like Dana Milbank have begun bluntly referencing The Hairball as among what he is: a bigot and a racist.
Trump supporters' idea of victory
58% of Hairball supporters believe "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey publicly celebrated 9/11. Some 12% don't think that happened, while 30% "aren't sure."
66% of Hairball adherents oppose an assult-weapons ban; 12% support one; 22% apparently did not possess enough teeth to allow their response to be audibly understood.
Meanwhile, 56% of Hairballers support an assault-weapons ban imposed exclusively on Muslims, with 22% opposed, and 22% still thinking about it.
Germany not welcoming Afghan refugees
Syria yes, Afghan no
Because unlike Syria, there is no war in Afghanistan. Right?
Turkey needs Lord of the Rings experts
a man's future depends on it
is meanwhile now an arachnid—Iandumoema smeagol. Eight legs, eyeless, colorless, scavenger, lives in caves.
Nice OT
Nice refuge from so much...bleak crapola.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
al-Qaeda takes another provincial capital in Yemen
War is great for AQ
So what are the Saudis bombing?
Thanks for the OT
it was a good one on a bad day. Tried in vain to find a news story that was not depressing as hell. I was in a good mood this morning but now....
hope all you 99%er's have a grand day. Be back later after I do something productive like bake a pie and then do my daily troll through LinkedIn for hot leads and email addresses. What a freaking weird world. Think I'll bundle up and take a walk.
Thanks for the Beach House tune. Music, art and love are all needed these days, so is humor and it's hard to find a really funny movie.