Open Thread - Wed. March 9, 2016 - In the Mud
Good Morning, 99%'ers! Welcome to Mundane Wednesday. Well, this Wednesday is not so mundane after Bernie Sanders' stunning upset victory in Michigan. No one, I mean no one, saw this coming. Let's hope that momentum continues for Sanders and his message.
Otherwise, sometimes it gets a little muddy out there.
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." George Bernard Shaw.
We all know that Donald Trump has been wallowing in the mud since the very beginning of his Presidential race. Vulgarity and insults are the only things Trump seems to be selling. And a plurality of Republican voters are buying his con game thus making Trump the front runner. And now Marco Rubio has decided to jump into the mud too. That certainly was the case in the last week with Rubio actually questioning the size of Donald Trump's manhood.
"And you know what they say about guys with small hands," Rubio said with a smile, prompting stunned laughter from the crowd.
After a brief pause he added: "You can't trust 'em!" The crowd responded with applause.
Marco Rubio, who is the most establishment candidate of the GOP establishment, included that line as a part of a new strategy of personally attacking Donald Trump. And with Rubio's comment, the entire Presidential campaign is now clearly mired in the mud. The issues be damned.
The remarks came at an energetic rally at a university in Salem, Virginia, where the young crowd screamed and cheered at every attack line Rubio landed. It was a notable shift in tone from earlier in the day, when Rubio largely laid off the personal attacks on Trump in favor of a focus on his failed business deals and lack of policy proposals.
Trump carried that insult over into the most recent Republican debate after Rubio's comment above. And thus the GOP campaign has ventured even deeper into the mud than once thought possible and the pig Trump is loving it.
As this post in the New York Times noted.
I’m not being cheeky. I’m not being shocking. I’m noting something that we cannot lose track of, should not shrug our shoulders about and must not gloss over: Trump has succeeded at nothing as fully as he has at infusing the presidential race with a vulgarity that’s absolutely breathtaking.
He has done so well at dragging his rivals so far down into the sewer with him that portions of what we watched on Thursday night were a fetid farce. We actually witnessed an interchange — in the first 10 minutes, no less — about how well endowed (or not) he is.
It’s worth stopping for a second, letting that sink in and wondering what it says about our country and political process right now.
Of course, we all know the old saying about pigs and mud.
So what is it about the mud that so many want to dive into it or wallow in it? Well, consider this.
Speaking of mud, last week, I once again made a trip south to visit my mother in central Florida. On one of my previous Open Threads, I wrote about the pulp mill outside Perry, Florida that has been the source of massive pollution generated as a result of production of cellulose products used in baby wipes and tires. The pollutants are allowed to be discharged into the Fenholloway River under the authorization by the Florida legislature decades ago when the legislature declared the Fenholloway River to be an industrial river. And the Fenholloway is the dirtiest river in Florida.
Just a little further south of Perry, Florida is another unusual "attraction," the Iron Horse Mud Ranch located on 520 acres of swampland. I drive by this facility along US 27 as a part of my regular route south. Most times, the huge gates to the Mud Ranch are closed, but not this past weekend. The website for the Iron Horse Mud Ranch includes this statement by the founder of this facility.
This is how it all began, one day a Florida redneck was sitting around the house when he received a phone call from one of his Florida redneck friends asking him if he wanted to go for a ride. The friend took the Florida redneck to an awesome Mud Hole, where he had more fun than he ever imagined and from that day the Florida redneck was hooked.
Last weekend, I noticed that the big gates to the Iron Horse Mud Ranch were open and pickup trucks selling firewood were stationed at the entry. As I drove further south, I saw huge mud boggers heading to this facility. It turned out that this past weekend was what they called the Dysfunctional Family Reunion Weekend.
Mud bogging is not exactly cheap entertainment for its participants. It is mind boggling to see how much people have invested in these toys. It is not unusual to see a large truck hauling a trailer with two or even three jacked up mud trucks along with two or more smaller four wheelers. Said truck will often be followed by another large truck towing a fifth wheel or camper trailer or even a large self contained RV. The money spent on these toys and camping equipment is unbelievable, all for the pleasure of getting down and dirty in the mud. And the pigs have it for free.
The picture below is a typical mud bogging truck. It sits jacked way up in the air on giant tires. However, nearly every mud bogger I saw was so covered in mud that it was impossible to see what color, if any, was beneath that mud. I guess the amount of mud on the truck is a status symbol for mud boggers.
Why people want to spend this much money on mud bogging is something of a mystery to me but apparently it is very popular throughout the country, not just here in the redneck parts of Florida.
On my way back north on Sunday, after seeing so many mud boggers pass by me on their way back to south and central Florida, I decided to count the number of them I saw in the approximately one hundred miles I had to travel before I would pass the Iron Horse Mud Ranch on my way home. I was shocked that the number I saw on this one route alone was over 170, and that count did not include the campers or RV's that accompanied the mud boggers!
So there is more than one way to get into the mud. At least mud bogging is a far cleaner sport than the political mud slinging we are now seeing in the Presidential primaries. I think there will be a lot more of the political variety in the weeks to come, so buckle your seat belts.
Optional musical interlude, Mud on the Tires, courtesy of Brad Paisley.
Since this is an Open Thread, please feel free to comment on whatever is on your mind. And don't forget the Donate button located right above the Recent Comments list, if you are so inclined.

Donated yesterday
And will donate again when payday rolls around
So happy to see this place busy--I had to try three times just to post a comment because the server had hit the max number of connections.
And, of course, BERNIE WON!! I was afraid to watch the results last night so I went to bed not knowing the outcome. What a great story to wake up to. It's made my entire boring day at the office bright and sunny.
In other news, the dogs caught a possum last night. Poor thing was terrified and playing dead for all it was worth (while panting heavily and grimacing). There was blood but no wounds that we could see so we put him/her in the yard and hoped for the best (our fearless hunters were NOT happy to lose their trophy). This morning, the little guy is nowhere to be seen, so we're hoping he's off telling his friends about his brush with death.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday!
I am not a night person, so
I missed the exciting news in real time. What a wonderful surprise to see Bernie won after being down 20 points!
I had to laugh at your possum story. My dogs had one cornered in the yard and after getting them away from it, I could see it lying "dead." I went to get my neighbor to help me bury it, and when we went back, it was gone. It fooled the dogs and me by playing possum.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Happened to me yesterday too.
Hey JtC, are you aware?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I am in current negotiations for a larger dedicated server, hope to have that done soon.
you are awesome!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Bernie can beat Trump
and I think he's the only candidate on either side who can cope with Trump nose to nose in a debate. With dignity, yet. Trump would eat Hillary alive, happily, hanging catch phrases on her that stick, like "low energy" Bush, and "little Marco," throwing all her old scandals loudly at her.
Bernie can beat him, but we shouldn't underestimate Trump. He's been attacking trade deals consistently, which is good for awareness of the issue and has to have helped him in Michigan. He's even defended Planned Parenthood on the debate stage. He's criticized our Middle East military interventions. No specifics, of course, but he's said that no American should die for lack of health care. Wall Street seems to hate him as much as we do. I think we have to be aware that he's more than vulgarity. He won't be an easy opponent.
And I think only Bernie can/will beat him.
I totally agree!
And have posted as much both here and at dkos.
Two things about Bernie that favor him against Trump over Clinton. First, Independents love Bernie. They are pretty much cold to Hillary. Also Bernie has the potential to steal a few Republican votes too. Second, Hillary's baggage and her inability to think quickly on her feet when attacked. As she is attempting to counter Trump on one accusation, he will lob three more at her. Bernie, on the other hand, has little baggage, but more importantly, he is by far the best candidate to stay on message and he has deftly done that over and over. Bernie's message is his core beliefs which is why it is so easy for him to stay on message.
Against Trump, Hillary loses, Bernie wins. IMO.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
And Bernie doesn't have to keep track of which lies
he's told to which audience, because he doesn't tell lies.
Hillary would get so tangled in her own web of lies, she wouldn't be able to counter Trump's, or Cruz's, or Rubio's, or Kasich's, or whoever's.
Kasich in particular would eat her lunch over her waffly weasely faux-feminist stance on late term abortions. (He's against ALL abortions, she's only against "some" abortions.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yeah, Hillary's recent waffling on abortion surprised me
I did think that was the ONE principle she wouldn't compromise. I should have known better. Sixty two years old, and I'm still so naïve.
Twain Disciple
Trump will talk about cigars, money from WS,
Hillary begging his for an invite to his wedding....the inside gossip and innuendo he will unleash will set her off like a rocket. Add anger to her off-putting appearance and persona, and Trump will kick dirt over her every time they meet.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I expect him to blow up a cancelled check he's written Hillary
to larger than lifesize and drag it around to all his stump speeches as a visual aid, pointing out that he's bought her before while asking who's bought her now. He's already talked about why he donated to her in the past. And then there's her war vote, juxtaposed with his rants about how that war destabilized the middle east and gave rise to ISIS. I'm absolutely amazed at anyone who thinks she could handle Trump. IMO, she's the very worst candidate the Dems could possibly put up against Trump. One of the Republican regulars she could handle just fine because they'd be bound by certain rules... and certain, shall we say, things they have in common with Clinton. Same donors, same war, same "free" trade principles. No compunction binds Trump.
Twain Disciple
Greetings! What a difference a day makes. ;-D Agree, Trump
has the ability to destroy FSC posthaste. He's a 'master brander.'
The best hope for Dems to win is a Cruz nomination. I'd bet the farm that he could be easily beaten, especially by Bernie. (Cruz is also the only one that I think FSC could beat.) Bernie would certainly have a much better chance to beat Trump, but one of the possible pitfalls is that they both have the same electoral strategy--winning Independents, Reagan Dems, and cross-over voters of all varieties. That would obviously not be true of Cruz, and his ultra conservative Tea Party and evangelical minions.
Posting a piece at EB later--it spells out what I've been saying about the 'No Labels'/Republican Establishment's push to nominate John Kasich.
Bernie has to win. Bet FSC's camp is in panic mode, about now.
Have a great day of celebration, All.
(Music City) Mollie
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne
National Mill Dog Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Good morning GulfGal
hmmmmmmmmmmmm yes....... Amurika!!
so Im still trying to push myself to work on and finish this gotdam Application stuff (FAFSA) so Im just touching base here to say hey y'all. And ...
"stunning upset!" woo hoo!!
It is so good to see you here this morning. Thanks for dropping by and best wishes on your application stuff.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Speaking of Pigs...
Reminds me of the old Irish Poem about the company you keep...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Pigs are very intelligent animals. Aren't they?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Some things are worse than booze
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Happy Hump Day, everyone!
Good morning, gulfgal98! What an exciting morning! We are on an upward trajectory - we have the momentum!
So much going on. Forgot my cell phone at home, so Raggedy Andy had to bring it to me. On the way to work, one car ran a red light and missed me by inches. I guess it's not time to punch my time-on-this-earth clock. Shortly after that, the throttle got stuck in my car. Not fun to have a run-away car. Gotta get that fixed! Busy morning!
Happy to be with the best people in the internet!
GO BERNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You have had an exciting morning, not necessarily the type of excitement most of us want to have. I am glad that you are safe and have your phone too!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It was frightening, indeed!
I always look both ways before I take off, but the light changed and we all hesitated and took off and here came this car! I'll bet it scared the crap of that driver - at least I hope it did!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Very happy you're safe!
We would not like anything to happen to our daily picker-upper when you check in
Take care, eh.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Many thanks, Gerrit!
Thank you for calling me the "daily picker-upper!" I'm honored to wear that moniker! We are such a team, though, aren't we? We are all holding each other up. Every day. :o)
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good morning GG, good people~
I was fb chatting with a friend from MI last night when they finally called it for Bernie. We were both over the damn moon, as you can imagine. Stunning upset, yes indeed. Makes me happy on so many levels.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
To be honest
I went to bed thinking that Bernie would lose Michigan by about 5 point and hoping it would not be more. I am not a night person and I have caught a cold, so there was no way I would be staying up. First thing this morning when I logged in, I saw JayeRaye's front page article about Bernie winning. You could have knocked me off my chair with a feather, I was so happy!
I quickly edited my MOT to add the news.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I probably should have been in bed...
but it was just too exciting. And my hubby had just set me up a dedicated workspace and my older son helped me organize and set up my supplies there all day yesterday, so I was too giddy to sleep.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
This one's for gee bee bee (loud warning, if not turn it up)
Boom boom! Today is a great day.
Peace & Hugs. Love and justice Michigan! Hands way up high. Go Bernie
Mornin', gulfgal. Things were tense for quite a while
last night, with the continuing threat of a Hillary surge, all reported right here in pretty much real time. Mud boggins, to me, constitutes machinery abuse and is especially crazy as a result. Most normal people try to protect their machinery. The best use for mud is to shoot it at a surface from an olde style blunderbuss, and then use paint and ink to bring out that which the eye and mind brings to the surface of the resultant chaos. Dali did that now and then,

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
i didn't know that
I like that piece. Though it's kind of spooky.
My favorite day
of the week is Mundane Wednesday. Well wacky Tuesday pretty fun too, actually all the OT days are great. As for mud wallowing I love it and it's a good thing I do. As a gardener in Oregon I spend a good amount of time in the mud. We even have a room in the back of the house dedicated to mud. When my granddaughter was a toddler I day cared for her. I took out my front lawn to grow natives and food one spring and she literally had her own mud wallow. She delighted in rolling around in it digging for worms all of which she named Liver. I would hose her off outside and give her a bath and her Mom would pick up a clean little mud wallower. I always wondered if she told her Mom that she had spent the day happy as a pig in the mud. That is one big ass truck!
I followed the MI Democratic primary right here in a great thread by Alphalop. I loved it it was concise and easy to follow. I opened another window at the election tracker at The guardian and watched with amazement as the Bernie on the ladder cartoon started taking county after county. What a cliff hanger when Detroit's results started coming in. I'm so proud of the people who have not let the negativity and fear stop them from voting for a real democratic candidate. Hope he continues to pick up voters. His stunning victory in MI surely will help with the he's undetectable meme.
Before the results started coming in I went downstairs to cook and the only coverage on the radio was NPR. I was stunned as instead of talking about the primary they broadcast a speech by The Hairball. I've never listened to a full speech of his as he hurts my ears, mind and spirit . I was literally shocked at what this narcissistic insane demagogue was preaching. Unbelievable that people think this asshole is a populist that should be president. I was trying to think of why NPR would put him on in front of the Dem. primary and decided it was to scare the pants off any Democratic insurgents or Indies who were considering or would be voting for Bernie.
I have not been able to find the OT or any dairy's due to the deluge of dairy's and no diary list. Today I finally found the Content Stream button which has probably been there all along. I felt like an idiot for not figuring this out log ago. Navigating is much easier today. Thanks for the OT even the mud is not mundane but an essential part of life. I do try to not sling it but sometimes slinging it is fun but gets messy quickly.
I love your comment. You are an artist and you are also an artist with words. You paint a very brilliant and clear picture when you write.
Until this past weekend, I had no idea what a big thing this mud bogging stuff is. It blew my mind seeing big fancy trucks hauling big trailers with up to three of these mud boggers loaded on them. So I thought I would write about it and the mud in our political system.
I had a conversation with my mother while visiting her and we both agree that Trump is in this thing only to feed his ego and that is some skeery shit. I honestly have never listened to a speech of his because only a few minutes of him talking about anything makes me nauseous. Hillary grates on my nerves too because she talks around the subject and if I am watching her, her body language is a dead giveaway when she is lying. There is also something very entitled about her that automatically makes me want to turn away.
I like to get out in the yard and weed. I never wear gloves because I feel like I can get a better grip on the unwanted visitors to pull them out by the roots.
I am more partial to dirt than mud though.
For me, Tuesdays are esoteric Tuesdays. I wish I could write like hecate.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
hecate's an amazing are you.
We have a lot of creative smart people here and that is fun and interesting. might be too much of a good thing as I've been glued to my computer since last friday. It was like last night watching the votes come rolling in. Think I'm going to get offline do some mundane house cleaning and office work.
Thank you
You are far too nice.
I write like someone who writes government reports for a living, which is exactly what I did for the last twenty years of my career. LOL Hecate is so creative. His mind is on a different and more elevated plane as far as writing goes.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
hi, gg
I went to a mud bog once. It was a surreal experience. I was surprised at how loud it was, and so full of smoke. People around me seemed to be enjoying it a lot. I feared I had entered another dimension.
Now that the Republicans are publicly talking about their penises, maybe in tomorrow night's debate they will have a male adolescent pissing contest, and the stooge who sprays his urine the furthest, he will declared the Weiner. : /