Open Thread - Thursday - 06-04- 2015 - Film Production and Militias
Good Morning Caucus99. What are you up to today? I have to take it one day at a time.
This piece is from Mother Jones, an article that made me sad to say the least. It's by Jenna McLaughlin This Guy from Baltimore is Raising a Christian Army to fight ISIS. That's a man from my extended neighborhood... so I thought I should read what he is all about.
If you just look at his company's name, which has the impressive wording "Sons of Liberty International (SOLI)", you might want to give him a lot of credit for trying to do good. A freedom fighter for the whole world. What could be wrong about that?
There are many ways to "use" US Veterans, who are desperate. Tell me, if you like Van Dyke's way of interactions with US Veterans. Do you think there is something abusive in his activities? The story is long and I have some difficulties to excerpt less of the article to keep the story understandable. It's a bit much of quotation, forgive me for it.
In late February, a Baltimore-born, self-proclaimed freedom fighter named Matthew VanDyke beamed into Greta Van Susteren's Fox News show from Erbil, the capital of Iraq's Kurdish region. A few days earlier, he had announced on Facebook that he was in Iraq to "raise and train a Christian army to fight" ISIS and that he had formed a company called Sons of Liberty International (SOLI) to provide "free military consulting and training to local forces fighting terrorists and oppressive regimes." With ISIS on the march across Iraq and Syria, the story of an American taking an on-the-ground role in the fight sparked a media frenzy. VanDyke, who is 35 and holds a master's degree in security studies from Georgetown, was soon featured by media outlets across the country, including the New York Times, USA Today the Baltimore Sun, and MSNBC.
VanDyke is famous. He is a fighter. A film was made about him. And he had his own movie production ambitions and thought about staging his own plot in that film by being a fighter in an insurgency of his own into a war szenerie. (my interpretation).
This wasn't the first time VanDyke had become a media sensation. A few years earlier VanDyke had made international headlines after he was captured in Libya, where he had been fighting alongside rebel forces to overturn the regime of Moammar Qaddafi. ... A film about VanDyke (Shoot and Run), who had traveled across the Arab world by motorcycle, won best documentary at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2014. ....
"So, tell me what we can do to help?" Fox's Van Susteren asked VanDyke,. He explained. "I've put about $12,000 of my own money in and I'm going broke doing this, so we really need donations from the public to help these Christians defend themselves and take the fight against ISIS....."
Getting into war activities was a natural decision, as government has failed its missions so badly. Right. A movie maker's mission is certainly more successful.
Asked how he had prepared for this training operation, in terms of obtaining permission from US or Iraqi authorities, VanDyke told 'Mother Jones' that initially "nobody was sanctioning it." He added:
"Part of the whole purpose of SOLI is to step in where governments had failed, so going and asking permission from the governments that have already failed is not particularly productive."
The guy runs an "honorable" non-profit security business, of course.
VanDyke says his company is "crowdfunding a war against ISIS." And SOLI notes on its website that it is "the first security contracting firm run as a non-profit."(A lie).... VanDyke won't disclose how much he has raised or spent. Doing so, he maintains, would put lives in danger:
"I can't give a number for how much we raised, because I don't want our personnel kidnapped…The moment we announce what's in the account, then our people become more of a target, and then we get grabbed and that's what they're gonna ask for."
Good explanation, Mr. VanDyke.
Last summer, ISIS began targeting the Assyrians of northern Iraq. Slaughter and beheadings of journalists took place. VanDyke felt the deep urge to jump on the occasion to show his true patriotism and colors.
Horrified by the slaughter—he began contacting Iraqi Christian political leaders and offering his services to train a militia to repel the Islamic State from their territory. VanDyke wasn't the only one with this idea to help the Assyrians defend themselves . A California-based nonprofit group called the American Mesopotamian Organization (AMO) had undertaken a similar effort, dubbed "Restore Nineveh Now," to help the Assyrians defend themselves. Both VanDyke and the AMO would separately begin working with an upstart militia group that eventually dubbed itself the Nineveh Plain Protection Units (NPU).
Militia building ain't easy. So you go back to Veterans with experience and a dysfunctional civilian life:
VanDyke, who has no formal military training, began recruiting US military veterans to forge the NPU into a well-disciplined fighting force. One of his first calls was to Michael Cunningham, a retired Army sergeant, who was featured in Restrepo, Sebastian Junger's 2010 documentary about the fierce fighting in Afghanistan's Korengal valley. VanDyke and Cunningham had met at a film festival, where Marshall Curry's documentary on VanDyke, Point and Shoot, was screened alongside Restrepo
Now it's quite telling how an ambitious film and documentary producer uses his actors from their previous war documentaries for his own advantage.
"How do you feel about going over and training a Christian army to fight ISIS?" Cunningham recalls VanDyke asking him. Cunningham, who was finding it difficult to adjust to civilian life, tentatively signed on. ... VanDyke had to get formal approval from the State Department. The Arms Export and Control Act requires US citizens to obtain State Department licensing before offering formal or informal military services to foreigners. This includes providing training or military equipment.
Cunningham says he repeatedly pressed VanDyke to obtain State Department approval. "I asked him every month leading up to our departure," he recalls. "He was like, 'No problem, I know all these people, and everything will be fine.'"
Cunningham's relationship fell apart, he was unemployed, and he was crashing on the couches of friends and relatives.
"I could be homeless, or go to Iraq," he remembers. "So I left."(to join VanDyke)
The funding on AMO's side went well apparently.
The AMO would eventually amass at least $250,000 to fund the militia. ...The AMO planned to use some of the funds to hire a military contractor to train the NPU in basic security procedures and community policing techniques.
The funding for SOLI not so much.
VanDyke's arrival on the scene caught the AMO off guard. "I did not know that he existed," says David Lazar, the AMO's founder. "I had never heard of him." Lazar asked Gardner to keep tabs on VanDyke and check his background. ... Cunningham put the recruits (25) through a US-military style boot camp. According to a training plan obtained by Mother Jones, the program also provided instruction in "room clearing," "military operations in urban terrain," "mortar employment," and "communicating and coordinating targets."
SOLI's training program was "secret," VanDyke says, "and it actually remained that way for December, January, and February." he ultimately revealed it ...because he was running out of money and needed to solicit funds to keep the project going.
And so it goes with your non-profit adventures and no appetite to use more of your own money.
The State Department apparently had no clue, and VanDyke seems to play a dubious game, which somehow works if the government lacks transparency for its procedures:
"When we went to the State Department and told them we'd been in country over a month training this force, it was a surprise to them," he notes. "Essentially we were running a covert camp." ....He stated in an email that "Sons of Liberty International complied with US registration requirements prior to signing a contract with the Nineveh Plain Protection Units (NPU), as required by U.S. law." The State Department's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls—with which all US-based military and security firms planning to provide services overseas must register—does not make public its registrants. But according to that office, approved registrants receive a certification form that they are free to share. VanDyke did not respond to a request to provide this documentation.
It's easy to use Veterans and of course they have to work for free.
Soon after Christmas in 2014, the initial group of 25 NPU recruits graduated from SOLI's training program. Because this contingent would be far too large for Cunningham to train on his own, he and VanDyke agreed that he would recruit a few friends—all of them US military veterans with experience in the Middle East—to join him in Iraq. The men would be unpaid.
"They were volunteers, and they knew they were volunteers from the start," VanDyke says. "We were going to try to fundraise, and if we fundraised, we had maybe the possibility of paying trainers in the future. But none of these guys came over expecting payment and wanting payment…The entire point of SOLI was to be all-volunteer."
Well the story goes on and on, clearly showing tensions between VanDyke's operation and Cunningham.
By mid-January, with the second training program underway, Cunningham and the other trainers grew increasingly worried that they might be operating in Iraq illegally. ...The trainers complained that VanDyke's operation was disorganized, unprofessional—and possibly illegal. ...the AMO urged the NPU to cut its ties with VanDyke. The militia's leaders agreed to do so after SOLI's second training program ended in early February... By mid-February, Cunningham and the three trainers he'd recruited quit.
"Freedom fighter" VanDyke had the nerves to insult and threaten Cunningham after the separation. The ugly face of abusing the people, who are dependent, easily engaged in by "patriotic film producers".
VanDyke told him he had "fucked up real bad" for quitting. In a subsequent conversation, Cunningham claims, VanDyke made a loosely veiled threat: "I'll never forget: He says, 'I met with my [Kurdish secret] police friend and I told him about the situation between you and me, and he wanted to do something about it…You know [they] don't have the best human rights record. I tried to call it off.'
Officially the NPU released a statement of separation as of Feb. 19.
Gevara Zaya, the NPU's military director, also sent a letter directly to VanDyke. "Your services are no longer being employed in any capacity," he wrote. "Please refrain from using any image, title, or reference to the Nineveh Plain Protection Units (NPU) in any capacity, commercial or otherwise." (VanDyke says he never received this letter.)
Here the story line goes from freedom fighter, honorable services to a camcorder misadventure.
The AMO was dismayed and continued to press NPU leaders to disassociate themselves from him. "The Assyrian people have suffered enough," Gardner says. "What they need are selfless men and women who have the skill and dedication to build a unified and peaceful future for all of Iraq's people. VanDyke's misadventures with a camcorder will likely have the opposite effect."
Right, but see the camcording video producer just can't let go by an opportunity to use other people to work for him and stage the storyline and "facts", he intends to film. True to real factual news reporting via a cool documentary.
Undeterred after his break with the NPU, VanDyke was meeting with other Christian forces in Iraq to pitch his services, according to the release.
"SOLI looks forward to its next mission to support the Christian community of Iraq in their fight against ISIS
?," he said.
This article gave me some insight of how an otherwise honorable profession, documentary productions, can go over to the dark side by actions of an overambitious "young filmmakers. There are so many prizes waiting for him. War hero status, sacrificed blood, bombs, human misery, destruction, everything filmed authentically and very, very close-up to make it go under your skin. You just "helped" a little bit to "stage a little insurgency" so that you have something to make a film with.
I had no idea that from shooting with a camera to shooting with a rifle in a self-made militia group on the base of abusing Veterans as actors is a line that is so easily crossed. Do not forget those militia "movie" makers can kill and shoot real people. They do it almost uncontrolled from the government and they don't pay their employees. They potentially kill civilians, represent themselves as heroes and produce a "war porn film" for the pleasure of a pop-corn munching audience.
Am I too harsh? Did I misunderstand the situations? I am so tired of "war porn producing" documentary style video producers. You tell me. Please. Am I unfair? It is the spectacle that counts. Something Chris Hedges also wrote about in detail. May be I write about that next time.
Share with what is on your mind. I like to be distracted from what I just wrote about. Have all a good day.

Good Morning, someone hit the right button and made
the OT to publish properly now. Thank you, JtC or Joe, whoever helped with it.
My OT is a bit long, so if it's not your cup of tea to read through, please just go ahead and share whatever is on your mind.
I am right now caught up reading the gos and Bob Johnson's diary here and reading it with much disgust. Markos had another article at the The Hill. Oh well, I better supress what is going through my mind.
Let's say I like nothing about it. I could say more, but won't.
Have a good day.
Morning mimi...
I didn't have to do anything, you did publish it yourself, you must have just missed it. I did delete the old comments for you though. Thanks for the great OT. Off to work now.
oh, then it came up with a delay and that confused me
Thanks for deleting the old comments. Really appreciate that !

Don't break your back working too hard ...
I always wanted to know what this textual smiley means ... it's called New Russian, but I don't get it ...
Morning mimi, thanks for the information.
Here's a blast from the past. I remember this clearly as I'd done a little research on Hollande prior to that election, like
I have with Sanders.
Just to clarify my point.
It was all bullshit.
:-) clarissimo, thanks, AL, gotcha...
I didn't do the "this day in history", because when I get dragged into a story and have nobody to talk about it, I just post it here. Next time I try to be shorter and in the end I write anyhow whatever comes to my mind. My mind is just a nuisance.
:-) France's first leftwing president ... ?
ha, may be the leftest they could find in the whole rightwingish pool. I don't follow French politicians, but know enough to think that compared to Sarkozy and Le Pen, he is left of the right, which could be anything centrist.
It doesn't matter what they say,
we're dealing with deep systemic problems in government that won't be solved until the people of the world decide
to take humanity to the next level. But I think Hollande is a good example of the way labels can influence people even when
they don't match reality.
Reading over at Daily Kos this morning I saw quite a few comments from people like this
Now pardon my French (pun intended) people like this don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They haven't done the research, they're simply listening to the talking points from the mainstream and going from there. I remember how people on DK were proclaiming that Hollande was going to change things in France and in Europe. Those of us that had read a little about the dude knew better. That's all it took, a little effort. With the internet it's quite easy.
I still think it's difficult to do all that research
at least for me it would be and I have given up on that. I simply don't know how people handle reading so much stuff on the internet and being sure about what they read. I had not paid attention to all of that. I believe in a French politician being a socialist and humanitarian, when some poor folks in francophone African countries, who have no way out of their poverty and conditions, tell me they believe it. Now, I have lost contact and feel that a new generation might think completely different than today's elderly francophone Africans of the first "western style" educated generation (educated in the fifties and sixties) thought in the seventies. Believe me, nobody of them fell for anything, but many sold themselves to survive and make a career. That's the past. I don't follow it anymore. I feel I don't belong here, as I don't and can't and won't read as much as most of you here have for years. So, all I have are my emotional responses like probably some other "little women people" with German nationality, who don't work in politics and news research, would have.
To be honest, in the end I don't care anymore, who wins the next elections. I don't believe that any system changes are possible, no matter who becomes President. But as long there isn't anything better I support Sanders, as there is nothing else I know to do. When people speak about building a movement, I don't know how to participate in it. I have no roots in this country or anywhere and pretty much feel belonging to nowhere and nobody. Activism seems to be a professional enterprise to me and participating in can have consequences I do not want to risk and endure. I am upset enough how dissidents here in the US are "destroyed". See Drake, Manning, Kiriakou, Snowden and others. I am in no way emotional stable enough to do that. And therefore won't make too much noise, other than getting angry at times.
Yeah but
the internet's got a position and 'facts' to back up any crazy ass theory, ideology, position or insanity you want to believe. Even if it's the NYT that bastion of far leftie liberalism (lol) will argue that your source is biased, not factual and is based on you just hate Obama. Caveat Emptor as far as the truth on the net goes. There is no definitive truth so you get to make up your own version of reality. The Guardian, my rag of choice, varies from article to article. It bills itself as a moderate center left paper from way back when it was the Manchester Guardian. It does however publish unbelievable propaganda, garbage regarding Russia and yet is the only paper tracking US cop killings. The truth is out there but all versions of the truth are available to the google searchers who will find the real truth that fits their size.
I think that's a hurtful generalization.
I've seen that argument from the Tony Situ's and GoGoGo's of the world. The ones who believe the narratives printed by the
NYT and other mainstream ruling class media. They think my version just suits what I want to hear. Problem is, I know the NYT
version AND the alternate versions and have decided based on all the evidence what I think is right. They refuse to look at the alternate
evidence in most cases. They don't seek it out, they just assume, like a Lawrence Lewis, that's it's "Counterpunch tripe". These are not
open minded people even though they might think they are. They've shut off any sources of information that doesn't suit them, which
was your point. People do that. But the mainstream narratives and lies can't be shut off, we have no choice but to hear them, see them,
listen to them, and respond to them. So those that seek alternative news and opinions do get both or all sides while those that don't, simply don't.
I think you misread me
or I did not express my point well. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I certainly didn't mean to post a hurtful generalization. I like your many and varied sources and have added a lot of them to my bookmark toolbar for regular stops on the net.
"I've seen that argument from the Tony Situ's and GoGoGo's of the world." so have I. I've not only seen it but have had it used against me, even when I used sources that are mainstream and not from Glenn Greenwald or Counterpunch. . I'm saying that they have not only shut off sources of information that don't suit them they even refuse to look at or consider the information that comes from their own narrow approved list of valid sources.
When i wrote my comment I was thinking of a NYT article about the PO debacle that was factual about the deal the WH cut with the for profit healthcare industry about 6 mos before the RW faked up town halls occurred. I got endless crap from Turkana and the other usual suspects even a few HR's for RW talking points. I had posted information from so called alternative sources which they poo pooed on bias so I found the NYT's article.via a link from FDL. That article factual as it was given the same Counterpunch tripe treatment. These people are not open minded they are blind to any information that counters their reality regardless of it's source. Pretzel logic that twists the truth even when it comes from their own horses mouths.
No, it was me who didn't express myself well.
I was in a rush, had to go to the store, so I didn't make it clear I didn't take that as directed at me and that
I wasn't directing back at you.
My bad, and all is good. At least here, now at the Caucus.
Good morning mimi
Looks interesting. I'm off to work too. Will save it to read later. Hope you have a great day.
[Hat tip to Bob Johnson for all of his great push back at orange. If they can sell Hillary there, they can't sell her anywhere. Yeah!!!
From the thread, a full throated closing in a comment in support of Hillary from one of the so called progressives. What a hoot!
Have a great day. I'm off to work to my bit to stave off and protect Americans from socialism...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yes, Bob Johnson is pushing back, that's true
and for me it was also a surprise. So much so, that my first thought after he had written his first "push-back" diary Questions for kos on Clinton (and some meta observations) that it's not kosher or basically a "staged" dispute between Markos and Bob Johnson. But you know all of it better. So far I haven't rec'd Bob Johnson's diaries yet. I think I wait a little bit til Sanders has had more events in areas, where "some black folks" are among the crowd. May be that can silence those who accuse Sanders to not "address" the Afro-American's movements and issues.
I am a bit biased in my anti-Markos and anti-Bob Johnson feelings, basically because I am not so good in taking snark (Bob Johnson) or shit (Markos wording). The first I don't get often to be sure what to think about, the latter I do not want to get.
I reced it for the giggle
I have no idea if it's a put up job between kos and Bob Johnson but it was entertaining to read the thread. Bob Johnson has always hated Hillary and the Clinton's. He and I were strange bedfellows in the 2007-8 primary. Other then that short alliance he is an unmitigated asshole. I like his dog's posts much better then his own. The hill piece kos wrote was a jaw dropping pile of shit. He's such a transparent dick. I loved this comment
Bob, I think you are a thin-skinned (94+ / 0-)
blowhard in pretty much every way imaginable. I've seen you go toe-to-toe in years past with people that I respected (or didn't), but you NEVER let up. Ever. Even if your bluff had been called, you would never back down, and that annoyed the fuck out of me.
So annoying. You have no idea.
But you're right here. And you have NO FUCKING IDEA! how shitty I feel for rec'ing this diary.
Ugh. I won't get behind Clinton (as many of you know), but the rest of it is spot on.
Goddamnit! I hate tipping and rec'ing people I detest. :/ Grrrrrr.
"Our allies are looking at us like the Crazy Uncle, who, you don't really want to be around, but then he has all the Money and Guns." -- Jim P
by Colorado is the Shiznit
I rec'd that comment and
Bob Johnson's diary which may be a first for me. Shiz hit that nail on the head.
kos is just an arrogant prick who can't write very well. Actually, I can handle a prick who writes well, but that is not kos. His piece in the Hill was jaw droppingly transparent as he tied himself in knots trying to justify Hillary. At dkos, he keeps doubling down on her too. And the front pagers must have gotten the memo to march in lock step with kos, that is except MB.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Shiz, I am about to rec Bob Johnson's diary now,
mainly because I realize that I don't know him as well as all of you do. I found the comment from Adam B hilarious (hmm you know that I had "insulted" Adam B way back, because he couldn't take one of my expressions as not being a threat and felt a need to "surveille" and fight me for years - so I had my difficulties with him, he was seriously angry with me, and I was seriously defending myself several times. I think he has "forgiven" me know). He said here
I think Adam B was snarky, but spot on, so I think Bob Johnson meant what he wrote. I didn't know he didn't like the Clintons. I am always amazed what you all know, remember what everyone wrote from years back. The strange thing was that Bob Johnson angered Meteor Blades with his critique of MB's FP diary Big media's sneering, dismissive coverage of Bernie Sanders is a plague on democracy in hijacking or being counterproductive when he used a pro-Sanders FP piece for dumping his critique of Clinton. That's the first time I read Bob Johnson's (to me very unusual strong support for Sanders and critical pov of Clinton) and all of it confused me.
It's a bit too much for me, I am not that attached to the fights, because all of it takes too much out of me and I don't want that to happen too often. The only reason I support Sanders on the gos is because I feel he gets short-circuited from too many sides.
read again through the comments of that diary
and can't get over myself to rec it, because of the comments mostly. Can't stand the spectacle.
but, but, but didn't you know that socialism
is contagious and will eat up all your perky stuff? I can't discuss those things. I refer you to Zwoof's diary Chris Hedges Goes There: Karl Marx was Right and you can find the elite thinkers discussing Marx, Socialism and all that stuff.
Kudos for your response to RTBlue; well said.
Good open thread Mini, enjoyed the read.
I have to leave and won't be back til the evening
I am still interested in knowing if I misunderstood the Mother Jones article about VanDyke. In case anyone made it through this story and has an opinion, please let me know. It's possible that I didn't understand it correctly, that's always the case with me.
See you later.
You understood
and are right on. Oliver's army is here to stay. It's bad enough that this country has home grown RW militia's extremist Christian jhadists that are patriotically operating in the heartland and tolerated by law enforcement, Homeland Security and our bent DoJ. How is this recruitment to fight the Muslims in their land not terrorist extremism? I guess when Hollywood pumps out bloody war porn like American Sniper it's just free market enterprise for freelance crusaders to make their own war porn. The corporate MIC has endless professional mercenary's like Blackwater was, that officially have contracts to fight the endless bloody global war on Terra. How come OWS is a terrorist org. and this creepy extremist guy isn't?
thanks, Shaz,
also for the wiki link. I think VanDyke is a smaller fish than the professional hired guns like Blackwater etc. and apparently not too smart. But that could be also on purpose and a set-up. It's just an issue for me, because I am used to rely on visual material as proofs of factual events and expect any serious filmmaker not to get caught up in "sets of production of events" that are made up to promote propaganda and play out fighting for real.
I am late to commenting today
I am sorry I missed you in real time, mimi. My first thought in reading this is that this guy probably has some sort of CIA connections. I do not believe that he is just over there starting a militia of his own accord. There is far more to this story and it smells of something sinister. I would not put it past the US government to be behind this group. I have nothing to base my opinion, just a gut feeling.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
due to my lack of factual knowledge I have honed my
skills to listen to my gut feelings. I was a bit too scared to hint at the same feeling you have. It was just one example that made me wonder of how much Hollywood's or "alternative" documentary producers could be in bed with CIA, FBI, DoJ, NSA and the US military and acting as a visual mouthpiece. I always be suspicious if video clips look "too good".... thanks for your kind words. I don't trust myself much, but have some trust in Joe's judgement on the quality of videos. You are the pros.
Thanks for this OT, Mimi--I share your deep admiration
for Hedges. I wish that he would run for President!
Regarding Al and Shaz's discussion--sounds like you are saying about the same thing, and I agree wholeheartedly.
I rarely venture over to DKos anymore since the pie fights are beyond ridiculous, IMO. I was going to drop by Johnson's diary, but it's taken a very ugly turn--so I'm not sure now.
I have already written several macro "Disclaimers" about the Dem Party candidates, to be attached to my comments as needed--from both the right and the left of these candidates--in case things over there get any more ridiculous. I simply can't justify spending the time to individually address the bilge that is flung around in many of the diaries over there, but don't want to let "BS" go unaddressed.
[I may post them here later, to see if anyone has any suggestions regarding the wording. I've kept them concise--for me.]
Exceptions to this are our laudable Caucus writers and Groups, of course.
If anyone should see any specific policy planks--put out by the Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, or Chaffee campaigns--regarding 'tax reform,' Social Security, Medicare, and/or Medicaid (including LTC), please post a link or an article name to point me in the right direction, if you should have a minute. Thanks!
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Love your ready
to go comment. I don't know why I can't take the Democratic partisan's 'left wing progressives' and so called centrists seriously anymore. It's like reading Alice Through The Looking Glass without the satirical humor. I keep post whatever comes into my head in hopes that I will get banned but so far my most out there comments just get me mojo. They are all hyper partisan's that are disconnected fro anything other then hating and fear Repugs and liberals. Other then the brave liberals who still venture the murky waters there nobody seems to care about what the D party implements as long as they win. I know a lot of real moderate's Democratic and Indies in real life and none of them are this deluded or fanatical about voting for the lesser evil. Most at this point just don't do partisan politics.
you know I started with his book
"loosing Moses on the highway", just a couple of chapters and that basically did it for me. I need to get my head together to read everything he wrote. I guess I have to go off-grid...:-)
I still go over to the gos, it's not very efficient and I hope to get off the gos, but it is still a problem for me. I need some prayers to help me get rid of the habit.

And now of course I go to the EB and read the whole shebang. I owe that to Joe Shikspack.