Open Thread 12-29-16: No Particular Place to Go
Boy, I've got some funny things on my computer. I've collected photos and quotes and things for some reason but I'll be doggone if I can remember why.
A photo of Coney Island...why? Did I ever use it? It shows a lot of people on the sand. When I first got to the West Coast (San Francisky) I was struck by how "empty" the beach was because, as a native New Yorker, I was used to searching for a few square feet for my blanket, which I could then spread on the sand. That would be our spot! So crowded that there'd be people on all sides of us, each couple or family with their own blanket.
But the of wide open spaces and plenty of room at the ocean.
Let's see, what else do I have here...
Lots of lyrics of songs I've written or that I'm working on. Here's a bit of one...
Am I asking for way too much?
All I'm looking for is somebody such as
thinks about the same way, thinks about the sort of things,
the things that I do
That's about the love I want, just somebody who...Truth is beauty and beauty's good
All I'm looking for is somebody who could
sit around and talk with me about art and poetry until we turn blue
That's about the love I want, just somebody who...
Well, you get the idea. Who did I steal that bit from? Keats?
I see I've got a list of doowop records. I tried to re-create shaz' childhood record collection so I carried around two lists for two months while I was visiting all the local record stores. One list was what I wanted, the other was what I'd already picked up. 'Cause you don't want to get all excited about finding "Blue Monday" only to get home and realize you already have it.
Oh, here's a good one...a photo of John Gielgud and James Mason. I went to this get-together with friends, there were photos taken and posted on Facebook and I thought "wow, I'm getting to the point where I look like Gielgud!" So I found this photo that, I'm told, doesn't look at all like me. Hey I'd post it here but the photo editor just sits and does nothing for me.
What's this picture of "Peter Pan"? Oh, of course....heh...I guess that's self-explanatory. I must have considered using that as an "avatar".
In a way, my computer is very much like my basement or my closet. I put stuff there, forget about it, come across it by accident. on Christmas Morning we were invited to a neighbor's house for conversation and sherry. I'm not much of a drinker so I probably shouldn't have answered "yes!" to the question "would you like a refill?" Shortly after that I staggered home because, you see, they put alcohol in sherry! Yes, it's true! Anyway, we were sitting around, chatting, and we started talking about another neighbor (who wasn't there). This neighbor is on the crazy side. She "collects". Driftwood, bricks, discarded gutter material, mannequins, you name it. I've been inside her house once in the last 25 years. Her place is so filled with stacks of this and that, magazines, whatever, that you have to make your way through the aisles. Well it turns out she knows she does this. I'd assumed she didn't really know and just thought "I have to have this". But she applied, I'm told, to be on a TV show called "Hoarders". The fact there's even a show like that blows my mind.
My point is, I can't be judgemental about her house when my computer is filled with odds and ends that I never use.
I've noticed it's easy to go on and on in these open threads so I'll close with the traditional music, especially picked out for morning listening.
Here's a classic. This fellow must have Commie tendencies
Speaking of Commies...I bought shaz a record player for Christmas which runs on batteries so I went to the 7-11 (the only thing open on Christmas) for 8 "C"s. The man working the counter charged me for 4 because "they cost too much". My kind of guy! *He* should be President!
Or maybe we should elect he still alive? No, I guess not. 1970 was such a cruel year.
Another from 1966, by Deon Jackson
Here's a favorite for the East LA crowd...
ok, open thread! Whatever's on your mind!

heh, Shah, Du bist ein Schatz,
I would say now "auf Deutsch". No particular place to go, but having to think about to go through a hoarder's stuff that is filled with memories of a person I sorta love, and that before that person has gone for good ...hmm, I hear you. Closets, atticks, basements, cabinet filled to the rim. Yes, I have no particular place to go. Where I was supposed to go to is all filled up.
I have stuff on my computer, but me and the computer are several thousand miles apart. So, no place to go, even not into my computer.
Thanks for the OT, a nice one.
Enjoy your day.
Sorry and glad you are there to do that stuff, mimi
I have only done it twice before, and the first was peripheral, my grandparent's house. But my mother was automaton then. With my husband it took a delay and I am still not done, 6 years later. Very hard to do, if being done for family history purposes.
One closet, or even a shelf, at a time. Then take a walk, or something. Where are you in Germany? I have not been clear on that.
Best of the rest of the day to you!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I am near Hamburg, Germany, in the house I grew up in with my
siblings and which is owned by my sister now. She is a widow since 1997 and lost her only daughter four years ago to cancer here in the US. Since then she hasn't touchted anything in the house and is basically shell-shocked. Every thing is memory for her. Her daughter was an artist and had been blessed and spoiled by both parents. I can't go through her stuff, it's too painful to push her to do it, though she says I should help her sorting stuff out. I somehow can understand what's going inside of her. I just went myself through (with pain) leting go of a lot ot my own stuff. It's as if you lose part of your life. No wonder, that's what it is.
Hey want more useless stuff for your computer?
Order the bird photo booth!
Here's a sample -

Looks like fun collecting birdie portraits, but it sure would be lots of data to store in your computer.
All the best. Have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning
I constantly throw stuff away. If I haven't used it in meat space or don't remember why I put it on my computer - it will get tossed. I hate clutter.
Yesterday I went to the ophthalmologist. He lasered a hole in the membrane in my eye as a follow-up correction to my cataract surgery. Next week I get the other one done. Omg, what an improvement in my vision. I wish he had done them both, and I didn't have to wait to see clearly out of both eyes.
I have been avoiding politics. I am tired of the futility. I have been avoiding everything unpleasant. I guess it is my turn to Dance With The Stars.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Isn't that a cool surgery? I have only needed it in Eye1.
And now I check and compare color vision in each eye. I have to go back to my ophtho because Eye1 developed a strange smear wave in my vision. I have an enormous (you know) break near the back of the eye turning into a floater. He swears it will eventually settle, but not yet. I avoid side to side movement of the eye, but there is reading. But he wants to see the eye again in three weeks and warns me of signs of retinal detachment. Living on the edge. Yes.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
No floaters...
My vision was so bad, I could pass an eye exam that could even be corrected with glasses. They said I wasn't legal to drive. Like night and day.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Computerz!!!! mine is running, but I just got the robocall
that will be coming until I change my phone number, or give up the landline. -------- Cardiology Group robocall asking for input data from an implanted defibrillator that was 1) disconnected before death and 2) removed? before cremation. 6.5 years of these calls. And the ------- Group cannot figure out why the calls persist.
Snow today, sideways. Snow until Sunday. Then I want to install a Slinky on the shepherd's crook with the bird feeder hanging. And see how the squirrels negotiate a collapsing Slinky. Pictures when it's done. Somehow hanging it off a hose clamp. With a shorter hangar made from bent welding rod. All parts are assembled. Well, in my house, un-assembled outside.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning, folks.
I'm lost in the adventure of my life, which keeps me from being a fully present participant here. I'm lost in the finding of a family and my desire to be a participant with them.
You all have been, and continue to be, a family to me, too.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That sounds great RA
Finding love in the real world is always a good idea. I'm so glad for your new found joy.
The cyberfamily will be here when you get time.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Walked this morning
and it was 50 degrees out. I thought I was overdressed, but I realized that this morning was our high for the day. It is a beautiful day here and old man winter will be coming back in this afternoon and evening.
I really enjoyed this OT today. I tend to hang onto stuff and it is driving me nuts. It is funny because at work, my office was always extremely organized. Somehow at home, I never developed the organizational gene.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Trash day here, recyclable stuff, green waste (compostable) &
bona fide trash. Very little of the latter beyond cat litter and certain yard waste that clogs chippers &yucca, cacti). My desk, shop, two tablets and computer are overflowing with accumulated "stuff" all the same. Put it in a cool dry place, I guess.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Howdy all — I don't have a working computer right now,
just an iPad. 'S why I've not been commenting much. Can't even open Evening Blues essays — too many media links for my ancient, donated iPad 2.
just look at the positive side of it
If you can't read the EB news list, you don't get mad about the news. Enjoy your peace of mind. Me too, I get angry, because many of the videos posted within the EB news list, are not available to look at from Germany. Something to do with copyrights, but I don't remember why etc.
I missed your comments. I always learn from them. Hope you are back to your usual computer connections soon. Are you back in Germany? Dresden? Or still in the US?
Back in Dresden. Finally threw off the bronchitis
that was so much trouble in Philly.
Good morning cc99%'ers
Speaking of great lyrics that are poetry. Nice set up Shah. Send more Chuck Berry.
Like dkmich I'm just not into the politics these strange days. It is futile and there is no particular place to go once you've seen the light or looked into the dark. Seems to me people need to look beyond the global oligarchical collectivists false reality, the disconnected from reality side show and figure out a 'way forward' the resists and rejects this madness. It's a loop that takes people right back to the sick version of 'the world as we find it' that they proclaim to be inevitable. People all across the net have become unhinged. They are going freaking nut's in their misdirected partisanship and the long gone left, center, right breakdown (present company excluded.)
Even that lefty rad, Chris Hedges is writing about tragedy of The Hairballs victory as though the Clinton's and the New Democrat's were not right wingers themselves. Everything is framed in us vs. them cultural war mentality. Like people regardless of race, gender or class had a viable choice other then lesser evils which are the same damn evil.
In the Time of Trump, All We Have Is Each Other
No particular place to go does free you up to think and dream outside the gates.
yes forget politics...
It may be all about the planet. Guess we better live each day like it is our last...because it may be coming sooner than we think.
Guy (UA bio prof) says the human destruction of our own habitat is leading towards the world's sixth mass extinction. Humans are heading for mass extinction. (10 min)
Kinda liberating though?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well Lookout
I can't ignore politics in the global sense. I mean when I say forget about it to forget about the political farce we've got here in the USA! USA! USA!. What are politics?
Sounds about right. I like the Greek part of the definition "of, for, or relating to citizens". I think politics are important and essential right about now. I just am sick to death of flogging the dead horse we are supposed to deal with. Like there is no alternative because we don't have a leader or a party. Well fuck that shit man. People through out history have had to drive these want to rule the world psycho's back over and over again.
So now we have to do it once again globally. So I guess I'm saying that the politics of Red and Blue America, were still dealing are not the answer. How can people get out of this nightmare by dealing with the unreal 'world as we find it' these people have created? This world has nothing to do with being a human let alone a citizen. I'm not done with politics but I am done with this mad version of the political that people seem to think is all we can get or that this reality is inevitable and so be it.
As the world has been globalized by the powers that be I think that the politics we here in the USA practice that only concerns the R's and D's and the evil empire's doings and intrigues is just pointless. Furthermore it is a loop that takes us as citizens and humans nowhere. I'm a citizen of the world just as all humans are. I reject and will resist the politics I'm told is inevitable. It's not this is what these fuckers always say. They may be armed and dangerous but they always are and people always take them on. what choice do they have?
My next door neighbor is like this.
I've never been inside her house but I've seen her garage open and it's packed to the gills. Her stuff also overflows outside to her entire porch. Even the inside of her car barely has enough space for the driver. I'll sometimes be walking the dog late night and see her sitting in her car playing with her cel phone. She'll stay in there for hours, surrounded by her stuff.
Yeah me neither. I never delete anything. Been on the net since before AOL and have big HDs crammed with stuff I will never look at again. But do I get rid of it? Hell no. I guess I'm like my neighbor in that I just like to be surrounded with tokens of the past that anchor my memories.
In meatspace, on the other hand, I am relentless at throwing stuff away. I do an annual cleanout and if I haven't used something in the past year, out it goes.
To each his own.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Thanks for the memories.
Coney Island was the setting of some of my favourite childhood memories. The familiar beat of Doggone also holds a special place, from some time later.
Happy New Year! A perfect time to celebrate bright memories, and the wish for more ; ).