Open Thread 08-18-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Dick Dale.
World’s Nuclear Facilities Vulnerable to Cyber-Attacks
Stuxnet, the computer virus introduced into the Iranian nuclear program by Israel and the US has now escaped into other program in other countriesAs hackers continue to rampage through closely-guarded information systems and databases with monotonous regularity, there is a tempting new target for cyber-attacks: the world’s nuclear facilities.
A warning has already been sounded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which has urged the world community to intensify efforts to protect nuclear facilities from possible attacks.
Pointing out the nuclear industry was not immune to such attacks, IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano says there should be a serious attempt at protecting nuclear and radioactive material – since “reports of actual or attempted cyber-attacks are now virtually a daily occurrence.”
With Final Stamp of Approval, White House Places Fate of Arctic in Shell's Hands
The permit comes days after President Barack Obama announced an upcoming Alaska visit to highlight what he said was 'one of the greatest challenges we face this century: climate change.'Placing the "fate of the Arctic" in the care of Big Oil, the Obama administration on Monday granted Shell the final permit to drill deep into the waters off the Alaskan coast.
The permit, issued by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), comes days after President Barack Obama announced an upcoming Alaska visit to highlight what he said was "one of the greatest challenges we face this century: climate change."
Shell applied for the permit after the icebreaker, the MSV Fennica, was held up due to damage. The vessel carries the "capping stack," which the BSEE requires to be easily deployed ahead of drilling in potential oil-bearing zones "in the unlikely event of a loss of well control."
The Great Drought is upon us: Why California is America’s barren new normal
Climate change threatens to devastate entire regions of North America, and not even a historic El Niño can save usLong ago, I lived in a cheap flat in San Francisco and worked as the lone straight man in a gay construction company. Strangely enough, the drought now strangling California brings back memories of those days. It was the 1970s. Our company specialized in restoring the Victorian “gingerbread” to the facades of the city’s townhouses, and I got pretty good at installing cornices, gable brackets, and window hoods, working high above the street.
What I remember most, though, is the way my co-workers delighted in scandalizing me on Monday mornings with accounts of their weekend exploits.
We were all so innocent back then. We had no idea of the suffering that lay ahead or of the grievous epidemic already latent in the bodies of legions of gay men like my friends, an epidemic that would afflict so many outside the gay community but was especially terrible within it.
Propaganda, Intelligence and MH-17
By Ray McGovern
During a recent interview, I was asked to express my conclusions about the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine, prompting me to take another hard look at Official Washington’s dubious claims – pointing the finger of blame at eastern Ukrainian rebels and Moscow – based on shaky evidence regarding who was responsible for this terrible tragedy.
Unlike serious professional investigative reporters, intelligence analysts often are required by policymakers to reach rapid judgments without the twin luxuries of enough time and conclusive evidence. Having spent almost 30 years in the business of intelligence analysis, I have faced that uncomfortable challenge more times than I wish to remember.
So, I know what it feels like to confront issues of considerable consequence like the shoot-down of MH-17 and the killing of 298 passengers and crew amid intense pressure to choreograph the judgments to the propagandistic music favored by senior officials who want the U.S. “enemy” – in this case, nuclear-armed Russia and its Western-demonized President Vladimir Putin – to somehow be responsible. In such situations, the easiest and safest (career-wise) move is to twirl your analysis to the preferred tune or at least sit this jig out.
Déjà Vu: Germany Tightens Its Economic Power Over Europe
Germany's leaders herded their European counterparts into imposing harsh austerity on Greece. It was the price, they insisted, that Greece had to pay to receive bailout credits from the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Europeans required those bailout credits to be used mostly to pay back loans the Greek government had gotten earlier from private banks (chiefly German, French and Greek). Those credits could not be used to get Greece out of the 2008 crash that afflicted all of Europe.
Those private banks had gladly and profitably pushed too many loans onto the Athens government for many years. When the 2008 global crash brought forward the moment when the Greek government could no longer carry its bloated, excess private debts, default loomed. Had that happened, those private banks would have required second bailouts (their first occurred in 2008-2009) from their governments. But the speed and generosity of those first bailouts had enraged much public opinion in France, Germany and Greece. A second bailout, required if Greece had defaulted, would have finished those countries' leaders' political careers. Cleverly, the leaders arranged for those institutions to lend to Greece to pay off its private creditors: no need then for second bailouts.
To cover this maneuver with "public relations" distractions, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others promised to require Greece to undergo a tough austerity treatment, portrayed as economic pain and punishment that Greeks brought on themselves. It was necessary "medicine" that would soon deliver economic recovery. All leaders everywhere promised and still promise recovery to austerity's victims. In fact, since 2010, austerity brought Greece further economic decline, not recovery. Indeed, recoveries proved elusive or painfully slow for most Europeans as they struggled with austerities of varying intensities.
Could Google Sway Election Outcomes?
Study Says ‘Googlemandering’ Could Determine WinnersCan you Google the future?
Google could have a massive impact on elections if it tweaked its search algorithm just enough to favor certain candidates, researchers found.
A peer-reviewed study conducted by the American Institute for Behavioral Research found that the order of Google search results about candidates — ranked according to positive and negative stories — had a significant effect on which candidates voters chose to cast their ballots for. Additionally, WhoWhatWhy found this could have a great impact on local and congressional races.
Algorithms — a slew of complex mathematical formulas that generate your search results — could be manipulated by tech executives and programmers to try to sway elections. A story by Wired magazine details the study that explains how exactly this could happen.
New Antarctic Research Ups Sea Level Rise Estimates
The West Antarctic is one of the most remote places on the planet, but its fate is intimately tied with hundreds of millions living along the world’s coastlines. That’s because it’s frozen expanse contains enough ice to raise sea levels by up to 13 feet.
There have been multiple warnings of growing instability across the region and the possibility of collapse due to a mix of warming water and air and the topography below the ice. But the complexities of how much ice melts and when it disappears are still outstanding.
New research published Tuesday in The Cryosphere revises how much West Antarctica could contribute to sea level rise. The findings indicate that West Antarctica could contribute an additional 8 inches of water on top of an estimated of 39 inches of sea level rise projected by the end of this century. Put another way, the region would drop the equivalent of a 19,000 cubic mile ice cube into the world’s oceans. The region will continue adding water to the world’s oceans through at least 2200, representing a major threat to coasts everywhere.
Dick Dale And His Del-Tones - Surf Beat
Dick Dale - The Wedge
Dick Dale - Surfin the Wedge - Live on TV 1963
Dick Dale - Bandito
Dick Dale--Nitro

Morning folks...
This Tuesday morning Open Thread slot is still open if anyone would like to take it. I'll be in and out from work today but should be around somewhat.
Surf on, baby!
Good morning Johnny
Haven't heard back from Don. Have you? Sorry I can't take it, but I can't.
MB was a pleasant surprise.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Morning dk...
No, I haven't heard anything from him. Yes, MB is a great addition, he joined last night after Joe announced on The Evening Blues that he was going to migrate the series here in a couple of weeks.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Good Morning Johnny and 99%'ers!
Always good to hear a little surf guitar in the morning. I think I remember reading that Dick Dale still occasionally plays concerts. Misirlou was always a favorite of mine.
It was awesome to see Meteor Blades join and post! I hope that EB will bring more folks here to post and comment on a regular basis.
Some of the roofers are here again today. It rained last night and a little this morning. They have a very small amount to finish up and we are hoping the rain will hold off. I am ready for them to be off this job! And they probably are too.
Gotta start formatting my Open Thread for tomorrow. I am trying not to wait until the last minute.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gg...
Many folks think the Beach Boys started the surf music craze but that's not the case.
I always wait to the last minute to put together these morning news dump OTs so as to get the latest news. They only take about a half an hour to put together so it's no big deal.
i think the roofers enjoyed your husbands company and the good food, that's why they're stilling hanging around.
The company that did the roofing also does general contracting. One of the roofers asked my husband if the boss had offered him a job?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I wonder relative to race relations and racism
whether support for Israel apartheid counts in the scheme of things. One thing I keep seeing from some Bernie Sanders
supporters is how "unassailable" his record on civil rights is (current DK diary on top of the rec list). Seems to me that
supporting racist Israeli apartheid is racist and should count toward ones civil rights record.
Apparently not Al...
and i agree about your point.
But does that really surprise you?
Course not, nothing surprises me anymore man.
Except when I wake up and something else hurts. But I guess that shouldn't surprise me either.
No, but I do think it needs to be called out. After thinking about my statement I thought about how Israeli apartheid
over the Palestinians is one of the paramount issues of our time, it can't be ignored any longer.
None of this stuff can be ignored any longer imo, thus my impatience. Plus turning 60 has a little something to do
with it.
You're right...
it does need to be called out. I think the reason it's not an issue during the election season because they're all part and parcel to the problem, is there any politician that isn't?
Sanders is threading a very narrow needle on this issue
Yes, I am not happy with his stance on Israel and Gaza, but I fail to see how it is any worse than the rest of our Congress and in some cases it is better. What Israel is doing is horrible, but for some reason, Israel gets a pass in the US. I suspect some of that is a sense of national guilt over the Holocaust. But what Israel is doing to the people in Gaza is reprehensible for anyone who cares about human rights.
Here is Juan Cole's take on Sanders and Israel. It is a mixed bag at best.
From the Jerusalem Post there is this.
From Salon, there is this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Ya, of course
the "everybody else does it" defense wears a little thin relative to our political representatives. I think his statements
last year during the last Israeli war aggression that killed over 2000 people showed exactly where's he's at and it ain't left
or right, it's squarely on the side of Israel.
What I'd like to see is more awareness of that fact and some pushback by the Bernie supporters instead of saying things
like he has "an impeccable" record on civil rights. Why beat around the bush, they're not letting him do that with BLM and
he's paying attention.
But why just Bernie...
the problem goes much deeper than just him. They all need to be called out, especially Hillary, she leads in the polls.
Absolutely, they all should be called out.
On everything.
All I am saying is give Peace a chance.
That is not a defense of Sanders by any means
But I do want to question you about why only Sanders and no one else or why are we not putting pressure upon the corrupt system that has created the monster that Israel has become? Where the real concern should lie is why does Israel enjoy special privileges and excuses that no other country has? Why is it that certain members of Congress can commit acts bordering upon sedition on behalf of Israel?
It goes to the heart of our very corrupt political system here in the United States. We have helped create the apartheid state that is Israel. We have armed Israel to the teeth (including nuclear) and have even denied Israel's culpability on a variety of issues including Israel's attack on the Liberty which would have been considered an act of war if any other country had done so.
You have a right to be upset and outraged, but the target of your anger is somewhat misplaced at this point in time.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I simply made a comment that a diarist over at DK
was holding up Sanders as having an "impeccable" civil rights record. If that's the way Bernie supporters
want to run with it, then fine, they can do what they want. But it's not true, nor is it true he's a socialist.
He's a politician and people are acting like they need to defend him.
Relative to anybody else, Clinton, Trump, and the republicans, I don't see anyone saying they
have an impeccable civil rights record.
Foreign policy is a flaw for Bernie
it comes across as an afterthought and it's not all that pretty.
He's the best candidate for the Democrats for national stuff and maybe even foreign too. I haven't read up on Chafee.
His positions on SS, minimum wage, and other
domestic issues/social programs is better than the others. His position on SS and Medicare alone
is enough to separate him from the pack. But in the end, his position on foreign policy which would be to continue
U.S. imperialism and militarism, albeit with some constraints, will not allow for major changes in the domestic
arena, not with the military/intelligence/national security budget taking over 65% of the discretionary budget.
So even if he was elected, which is still a long shot, he would not be able to deliver near what he promises on that alone,
and then there's the issue of a republican majority congress.
Either way we're screwed for the next 4 to 8 years unless something is done besides electing politicians.
Too broad of a brush Al...
for instance, there are several of his supporters here on this site that agree with you.
You're right, my bad.
I should have said "some". Which is something I wanted to clarify before. I see a lot of Bernie supporters over
at DK that are Obamabots. The same ones that I've bumped heads with and disagreed with on most things for
years. Those are whom I'm mostly referring.
The whole culture whereby a Helen Thomas can be forced to retire
Well, to address the broader situation would be to place in question the whole culture in America whereby a Helen Thomas can be forced to retire, or the University of Illinois can attempt to renege on an employment contract, because of indiscriminately propagated charges of anti-Semitism. There's a general atmosphere surrounding everything Israel-related which very few people seem to be willing to risk pushing back against.
Or how an entire Congressional vote and the
possibility of a major war rests entirely on the effectiveness of Jewish money and power on the U.S.
political system.
During my working life, I was a controls engineer and project manager for a big electrical equipment company. That made Stuxnet a topic of interest.
The original virus was designed to self propagate, learn and self update. The Iranian nuclear facilities, as they should, have an air gap. The challenge was introducing the virus. Forensics tells us that, 1) the virus was introduced to an Indian software contracting firm that worked with a Russian systems integrator who also worked on the Iranian nuclear program.
The estimate for production of Stuxnet in 2000 man years, so there was a large collaboration. The virus ultimately attacks the Siemens process controllers used on the centrifuges. Reading between the lines, the Germans and Siemens almost certainly had to collaborate. The virus is like kudzu. The only way to get rid of it is to get everything off the LAN and clean every computer, then incrementally re-establish your IT infrastructure.
The moral of the story, outsourcing can be bad for business and Big Brother is watching.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
hi JtC
Google, besides diddling with the political people, has let loose a "humanoid robot" that "stomps around the woods like a drunk Iron Man."
I do not want these things in the woods. The drunken hunting retroverts and paranoid moneygrubbing marijuana planters are there Danger enough.
humanoid robots
and artificial intelligence are both very frightening. There is already talk of wars being fought by robots. Perpetual wars being fought by machines that cannot be killed. It sounds just dandy, doesn't it?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
robot killers
are everywhere all now the rage. They were a big deal at the spring war-toys exhibition in Moscow.
Here is a killer robot biker doing its thing for Putin.
The thing is clearly not yet up to full speed. But no doubt soon will be.
In the US, the Pentagon is all happy about increasing aerial killer-robot strikes. The Chinese are using their versions in occupied Xinjiang.
Morning hecate...
it's just this simple man's opinion, but I think it's inevitable that robots will someday continue mankind's evolutionary dead end, especially after we've rendered the planet uninhabitable for oxygen breathing life forms. I think the die is cast and it's unavoidable, just my opinion.
Many great thinkers agree with you JtC (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
if so,
the robots will then re-create humans. ; )
heh, good morning, with all your talk you
really kill my last hopes that somehow we will be able to control at least some itsy bitsy quality of life.
I am announcing my heartfelt opposition to all things controlling our planet that isn't naturally born. God willing, we will keep our livelihood rolling on.
you can
for sure cheer yourself right up with this book, in which a British physicist examines various human monkeyings that could result in real dire consequences. There is, for example, a statistical possiblity that one of those nutbar particle colliders could create a black hole that would swallow the entire universe. Or, that those friendly little nanobots could run amuck and transform the entire surface of the planet into grey goo. He doesn't argue that people shouldn't do these things, necessarily, just that the potential risks should first be put before the public, to see if we all are interested in pursuing something that might turn the earth into grey goo, or the universe into nothing at all. But, as he points out, the template was set with the Manhattan Project, where there was a statistical possibility that a nuclear bomb might set fire to all the earth's atmosphere . . . but they went ahead and set one off anyway. And see! That worked out! So let's get to colliding and nanoing shit! Hot damn!
Hot damn!!
Now that is funny! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
One of...
my shop jobs I put together a year or so ago.
that collider worries me
"we don't know what will happen so let's find out!" doesn't seem like a healthy attitude
Ah Jeeze
Maybe Atlas will be sent out to stomp on apples self driving cars when they run amok and start crashing around. It could be a dual service stopping the cars and demoing them in one giant step. This guy looks like the knights that say ni.
Wall Street's plan to be the nation's slumlord hits a snag
If you don't understand this and are still interested I can explain it.
could this:
indicate that people are figuring out that the underlying assets have inflated valuations?
Smart money in China flees stock market
This is how things typically work
Syria regime bombing kills more civilians than ISIS, al-Qaeda
Looks like some propaganda to me.
And fits in with the latest push against the Assad regime. "He's killing innocent civilians".
"The Assad regime has apparently grown reliant on the repugnant use of barrel bombs as an instrument of terror against innocent Syrian civilians," U.S. envoy Samantha Power said in a statement released Thursday.
I wouldn't believe anything that warmonger says. And the source, "Syrian Network for Human Rights", sounds a lot like the
SOHR, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is an MI6 propaganda operation.
It's probably not
Just because the warmongers want a war against Assad doesn't mean that Assad isn't a butcher.
I'd say that source is a Soros funded operation.
Just like the "Arabic Network for Human Rights", which is openly funded by Soros and his gang.
Soros of course is big on human rights. He and the CIA.
I think a lot of us have a neocon-ish side regarding a pet issue
Even at c99, it sounds as if a few of us wouldn't be sorry to see Assad end up like Qaddafi or Saddam Hussein, and don't care much who does the job or how.
Even at c99, it sounds as if a few of us wouldn't be sorry to see China break up — "occupied Xinjiang" being code for favoring giving Uighurs their own sovereign country East Turkestan.
At my age I have the feeling that everything and everyone sooner or later turns into the opposite of what I hoped they were. And that includes myself.
Ahh, it's past midnight in Dresden, I'm prattling on … I should go to bed.
I want to come to Dresden and spend time in Germany
... so much things and people turn out in ways one never thought would be possible. Just another sad feature of the human condition. I wonder what I am turning into in the future. Have never been so clueless about life and the world than I am right in these last months.
Good night sleep for you.
i am already horrified by what the neocons have done to syria...
i certainly hope that they don't get to depose (with extreme prejudice) assad. syria was a modern country before the us turned the barbarians loose on them.
the us/neocon imperial policy of destabilizing and destroying the polity of middle eastern nations and loosing the dogs of war on them is one of the most despicable horrors that has been visited on a people in modern history.
i hope that the people who organized this rot in hell, and may the fsm have mercy on those of us who couldn't stop our elected bastards from doing this in our names.
in fact it's so horrible that the mind has the tendency
to shut it out to cope with it. It's just incomprehensible what happened in the last six years. It will destabilize even more. Way too many country involved. And Europe will be part of it.
This comment gets to the heart of
everything that is wrong with US foreign policy. We are the barbarians that we rage against.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
No one will cry over Assad
He's a murderer, a torturer, and a crook. He's probably as bad as Saddam was.
That being said, I don't want Assad to get killed if there is no plan for what happens after him. I'm not a big fan of regime change unless it is done by the people of that nation without outside "help".
Wanting to see bad people get what they deserve doesn't make me a neocon.
As for China, I have no hard feelings on them. They seem to be doing their own thing and really don't care what we think, which is OK in my book.
Target secular republics leaving theocratic monarchies untouched
But why target only the secular republics with abhorrence and violent destruction, leaving the region's tyrannical theocratic monarchies untouched?
Aren't, in their turn, the Saudi hereditary dictators, the other Gulf hereditary dictators, and people like Al-Sisi also murderers, torturers, and crooks?
has no more business in Xinjiang than it does in Tibet. It is not a matter of "breaking up" China, but rather receding Chinese imperial aggression. Recognizing such predates the invention of the term "neocon," a term which, as its employment here illustrates, has basically become meaningless, except as invective.
Okay, but then Chechnya and Hawaii should be independent too
And shouldn't France get out of Polynesia and New Caledonia at some point.
And shouldn't Indonesia get out of West Papua.
And taking half of Mexico … Louisiana "Purchase" … Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears etc. etc. … The U.S. itself couldn't have become "sea to shining sea" without various forms of what might well be called imperial aggression.
Or is, for some reason, Chinese the only nationality whose imperial aggression evokes vehement emotional disgust.
absolutely should be independent. The two wars latterly waged there by Russia were simply disgusting. So should Siberia be independent. France needs to withdraw from all its little island possessions, and Indonesia should leave off Papua. Alaska and Hawaii should be set free, as well as all the many US territories, protectorates, etc. scattered across the globe. The US should then cede continental sovereignty to the Indian tribes that occupied the land before the white people showed up.
The latter is what happened in my universe. Russell Means was elected president, at which time he dissolved the United States. I presently live in the tribal territory of the Maidu.
Are you against Empire?
so am I.
The North American continent should be divided by geographical borders. Gore Vidal proposed this for the USA and it was considered so far out even close to treason at the time. I live in Cascadia.
To thine own self be true.
Also disfavor nation-states. Human groupings will continue to get smaller, even as the planet becomes increasingly united. Quantum. ; )
The neo-con part would be using East Turkestan to encircle China
True, it's not neocon-ish to support an independent East Turkestan per se.
And I'm not saying that the development I'll describe in the next paragraph is what you personally favor. We don't know each other except for seeing each other's posts online, so how would I ever be in position to know what you think?
Still, I think once established, an independent East Turkestan or Tibet would inevitably become part of a larger neocon-type strategy to encircle China with U.S.-friendly regimes ("color revolution", etc.). Agreements allowing the U.S. to build huge military bases and NSA listening posts would follow.
A weak rump China with only limited regional influence fits into a longterm neocon-type "Full Spectrum Dominance" strategy whereby the U.S. remains the only power with global reach.
this is
the same sort of error into which the right strays: regarding the United States as the center of all things; perceiving the world as some sort of stage in which the US is the lead actor, with all other actors reflected only in the glory, or villiany, of the US; denying the world's peoples agency except insofar as their interests are interpreted in re the interests of the United States.
The desire of the peoples of Xinjiang and of Tibet to live free of Chinese dominance predates the creation of the United States, and is independent from it.
al-Qaeda moving into "liberated" areas of Yemen
Houthis are being driven back by Saudi forces, but look who is taking advantage.
Do I need to remind you that we are on the side of chaos here? In fact, we are increasing our support.
How bad is it in Libya?
Do NOT click on this link unless you have a strong stomach.
gonna rec without clicking
I just ate lunch.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Not enough attention being paid to
the causes of this enormous immigration crisis. Bombing the middle east is a big one. Could we stop destroying peoples' homes so they wouldn't have to flee?
To thine own self be true.
I mean "refugee" crisis
Most refugees are not even lucky enough to be immigrants. Canada could open its doors to more refugees. Harper has already fast-tracked immigration for Chinese millionaires who are willing to invest $500,000. in the country.
To thine own self be true.
Good Morning! things are getting quiet
around my place. No more bringing my grandson to day camps, no more Softball.
So I would like to continue Morning Greens on Tues. & Thurs. mornings since I have more time now.
I can't believe what we are doing to our ocean, (as one scientist said, there's only one) from top to bottom. In future, I really want to find good news on the environment where people are making positive changes for example. Links and tips would be appreciated as the good news is as "scarce as hens' teeth."
I'm glad EB is moving over here. Maybe that will help me cut my addition to DKos. I've been participating there for 12 years!
To thine own self be true.
I am attempting to ween myself too.
Once you open your lying eyes, you can't go back.
JtC and the rest of us are delighted you are going to bring back Morning Greens including one in the tuesday am ot slot.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Do you want me to do Greens as OT?
How early does OT go up? Pacific Time.
I could do that and it will help me break my 12 year addiction even more.
To thine own self be true.
we usually try to post the OTs by 8:00 AM central, 6:00 AM pacific, but that's not set in stone, if you want to post a little later that would be fine. You could also use the scheduler and set up the post time in advance.
That would be up to you and Johnny
If Tuesday could be a morning open thread, that would fill the Tuesday slot that Johnny is having to fill himself in addition to everything else he does because he doesn't have a volunteer to fill the slot. I would think it would be a big help to help and why not kill two birds with one stone so to speak. Thursday you could still post morning greens whenever, however. It's just a thought.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
one of the best things I've done: GBCW
unfortunately I was way too polite about it and have never gotten banned so I could post if I wanted to.
However it'd feel way too icky to do so now. That was in January. I accidentally posted in the Sunday Puzzle, then remembered not to! But that's been it. That GBCW has saved me a lot of anxiety and heartburn.
Al was my inspiration for it. He GBCW'd a little bit before I did.
My friend scrambled his password
he still reads and sometimes I get in touch with him about the awfulness of DKos.
I've been mostly connected with EB so why should I stay anymore?
To thine own self be true.
I still think it is funny
that you tried to get banned and they refused to do so. Instead your account resides in purgatory.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Pentagon to boost drone flights 50%
Our droner in chief
Goodmorning 99%er's
Thanks for the great music this morning JtC. Dick Dale and the Del Tones was the first band I saw live. I took the ferry from Balboa Island to the amusement park on the peninsula where they were playing an afternoon show in a big tent. I went all by myself and used my allowance money for the ferry ride and admission. We lived at the beach in the summer and Dick Dale was the best local band to stomp to. My younger brother was a surfer so I heard a lot of surfer music that summer both hanging out on the beach at night and recorded. Surfer music was a strange mishmash of influences and tastes. Dick Dale and the Deltones was the band that expressed the Southern CA beach culture the best. Dick Dale is still the king of the surf guitar.
More Dick Dale
A song he wrote to thank a Redondo beach taco wagon owner who made him fish tacos as he did not eat meat... maybe? Shahryar's band the Cool Whips played this a a local club's surfer music night.
One of my favorites...
that hanging at the beach gig sounds like an awesome experience shaz, I am green with envy! Dick Dale was an awesome guitarist and way under heard by today's youth, but I bet all the surfers know who he is.
He's still going
we made a Pandora surf music station on our internet radio and it plays both old Deck Dale and his new stuff. His newer stuff is more dense and highly produced not to mention ear shattering but his guitar play is amazing. We saw him live at a local club here in Portland about 10? years ago and the place was filled and enthusiastic.. The mosh pit people loved it.
"What, like with a cloth or something?"
Hillary's supposed response when asked about the server she turned over having been wiped clean. That's a joke, right? Or a right wing smear job? Can't be serious. Can't be.
BTW, Bernie supports the (Special) Minimum Benefit, too. I
hoped to write a little screed this afternoon, but 'company' (neighbors) sorta changed that plan, for now.
Anyhoo, I figure that I'll write a blurb comparing FSC's and Bernie's proposals for Social Security reform, sometime before the Primary Debates begin.
For now, I'll just reference the discussion from yesterday with info/excerpts from the two candidates (or their Camps).
From the diary at DKos, a quote:
and, from Joan's diary quoting one of FSC's economic advisors, Teresa Ghilarducci:
[BTW, this has nothing to do with changing the bend points (in order to cut) for the formula that pertains to a Social Security beneficiaries' PIA, or Primary Insurance Amount.]
Senator Sanders also included this reform proposal in his March 2015 Social Security Amendment.
Here's an excerpt below from a CBO letter to him when they rated his Social Security Amendment.
Even Bowles and Simpson recommended this reform. Below is an excerpt from their proposal from "The Moment Of Truth."
Hope that clarifies this proposal.
Regardless of the wording above, the special minimum benefit is not "new." It was created in 1973. But the formula which was offered by Bowles-Simpson, would be "new." As well as some of the applicable rules.
Like Nancy, my Social Security was "downsized" because of the WEP (Windfall Elimination Provision), and I obviously would love to see this law changed. I'll address the mechanics of it during the Dem Party Primaries. I've seen 'online petitions' to put an end to the WEP, but they don't seem to go anywhere.
[Probably, because the retirees with the CSRS retirements, like I'm grandfathered into, will likely have finished filing for their retirements within the next several years. With enough years of service, some folks qualify in their 50's, and everyone qualifies by age 62.]
Honestly, I dread to see lawmakers come back after Labor Day. I fear that "seniors"--meaning Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries, current and future--will take further 'haircuts' on entitlements this year.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.