An open apology to Snoopydawg and Amanda Matthews.
@Amanda Matthews @snoopydawg @ek hornbeck
As you may or may not know since almost one and a half years I try to keep in contact with the caucus99percent community reading the essays and comments from Germany. Aside from quite heavy personal distractions that became more difficult than I could foresee, I had to learn to 'look through' the German main stream media news coverage, which was quite difficult, because I had not lived in Germany for 35 years and very much has changed.
I got quite bamboozled and confused when I compared what I read on C99p and hear over here in Germany. I also lack enough US direct media exposure so that I feel way more ignorant than during my time I lived in the US.
In addition to confusion I suffered also from extreme physical and emotional exhaustion in my private life that caused a lot of frustration and aggression which are not related to political matters. Nevertheless it looked here like if they were.
Recently it showed up in a comment of mine about James Comey in Amanda Matthews essay Comey's book tour is all about 'truth' -- but his FBI tenure, not so much.
I was so exhausted that I had forgotten all what I had read about Comey here before and made the comment shortly after I had read Comey's interview in the German Spiegel Magazine, just blaring out my comment's question, asking if 'Comey is a bad man'?
I realize that my comment has caused consternation in the readers, not understanding why I could ask such a stupid question. Ed Hornbek wrote a piece that I felt was designed to help me understand the man James Comey, for which I was grateful.
I also without intend and consciousness hijacked Amanda's the comment thread and made it - as Amanda said - going to hell. She was right.
For all of this I would like to apologize to both, Snoopydaws and Amanda, and the community. Otherwise I hope for better times ahead.
I hope for better times ahead, too.
For a number of reasons, it's been hard to stay on top of the full spectrum of strangeness we live in these days. It's been difficult to see the true national conspiracy that's been revealed among the Deep State players, and difficult to hold in mind their insidious connections to one another. Their powerful cohort in the media monopolies also actively conspire to block the People's view of the intricate collusion of a rogue government that operates in the foreign policy realm without the consent of the American People. The unelected rogue operators are highly embedded authorities at the State Department, the Pentagon, the DOJ, the Intelligence Agencies, and the White House.
For example, I find it useful to review the way the well-established troika (Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein) collaborated during and after the Whitewater investigation in the 1990s, but this is not an insight that the establishment press would ever offer. Even back then it was apparent what kind of people those three would become, and the kinds of war crimes they would eventually facilitate. One can also see the foreshadowing of the psychopathic attitudes and behaviors that would someday define the Clinton duet. It would have been repulsive to have them in the White House. But then again, the White House has been a crime scene since the Vietnam War, at least.
So, American people of character are on their own, and that's especially the case at c99. Principles like integrity and intellectual honesty become the mortar that must be used to hold together the bricks of verifiable evidence and truth. And to all this construction, we must also pause to bear witness to history. Our reading audience has been very attentive, of late, and this makes a difference in the quality of our investigation. All over the world, self-selected groups of People are doing the same things we are, with the same commitment. But individuals lose their footing along the way, and can be overwhelmed. So, they pull back, recuperate, and almost always re-enter the fray with renewed clarity.
We are the People's intelligencia. We keep the lights on and keep the conversations going. Even as this Empire collapses, the rogue operatives who have done so much harm at home and abroad will still need to be pulled out of the rubble and banished. It will end when the war criminals are driven out of DC for good — and for the good of the nation. It will end with peace.
Don't be too hard on yourself. Ir's an unexpected journey for everyone.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Thanks for the nourishment of your perspective
May the greater boa we now see turn away from you and
the "people of character [who] are on their own, and that's especially the case at c99"
with special regard too for JtC
Ain't that the truth
Add in that google now basically directs people first to major media outlets for "news". Secular Talk never comes up on youtube's recommended list of videos even though I watch many of Kyle's video. More and more I cannot rely on google to find me anything from any alternative sources on major subjects or current events.
Some have noted and I have seen this, that in the pursuit of information and details, one must go to alternative sources which are not definitely leftist. For example, the only site that had any detail on Indian outsourcing companies relationship to the Clintons was Breitbart News. They had an article detailing the monies Indian outsourcing companies gave to the Clinton Foundation that actually didn't degenerate into partisan loonie tunes. Or even looking into the claims by Russian that most of the missiles launched this last round were shot down.
Thanks for the shout out.
Meh, directed at mimi though I like you too Pluto.
You are so hard on yourself. I take most things at face value so you have to be pretty persistently annoying to piss me off. It's a behavior I encourage others to emulate.
Cheer up! I like you even if nobody else does and I don't think you need to apologize for much since in my experience you've been unfailingly polite.
Good thing you didn't have this kind of moment
over at DKos.... you would have suffered a fire of flags followed by nasty personal comments and perhaps a time out or even a banning. This just isn't that kind of site.
We all have brain freezes once in awhile and write things we either don't mean or are written in a place of bad information or forgetfulness.
It was nice of you to apologize. Kudos.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
various viewpoints enrich us all
...and I enjoy your perspective from Germany. Hell no one can keep up with the news cycle these days - we are all misdirected like kids watching a magician. T-rump is a master of distraction and has the lying corporate media chasing its tail to boot.
Here at c99 people call out BS and ask for sources. That's why I'm here...searching for an understanding of the insane US policies and direction. Even with effort, here in the states that is an impossible task. All we can do is try to see truth.
I for one appreciate you and our entire community and our collective effort to look behind the curtain.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@Pluto's Republic @Fishtroller 02 @Lookout
thank you for all you kind words and words of wisdom. I really appreciate all of you.
BTW Fishtroller 02 - I had a moment like that at dkos and was banned. It didn't bother me though. It's not the real world.
Have a look at the great article of Chris Hedges over at truthdig: Chaco Canyon, Chaco Earth
To refer to Pluto's Republic about hoping for better times Hedges ends with a Kafka quote
Hope dies last, though. We shouldn't bother and just hope as long as we live, I think.