Once upon a time
There was once a fun little blog with free range thinking, flinging opinions every which way. One day this big, bad shadow hovered over the commenters and essayists. Thunderous words, judgements and almost hateful replies have occasionally erupted against nonconformist opinions. Those singular minds who shared the joys and fears of their times became worried. It became unreasonable to go against the current flow of ideas, at the risk of shame and humiliation. Of course, the big egos tried to prove their unquestionable wisdom on all topics, big and small. Small thinking and opposing views apparently had to be nipped in the bud, to prevent disharmony within the circle of perpetuated logic.
Anger simmered, supportive comments dwindled. The timid, delicate thoughts had go away. To find an embracing atmosphere elsewhere. Opening up to share and maybe encourage original thinking may have just gone out of style in that fun little blog. Seems to go with the times. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Even if you are a gourmet chef. With very sharp knives. The massive ideas have a menu which must be served without conflict. Where have the good cooks gone?
Have watched and tasted the various spices which make this fun little blog mix go from spicy to bland and back again. Maybe the fear and tensions of our times have created a stress crack in the vessel of our 'free' range. Please encourage new voices, and pause before delivering sharp criticisms. Hope new cooks and salad makers can help feed this buffet. Bless the cook, hell on the dishwasher.

We all have a part in this. If we are mindful, and continue to
explore, converse, exchange ideas and ask each other to keep it civil, it can work.
Some extremely creative thinkers and devoted researchers write here. It takes effort, commitment and a certain amount of courage to put thoughts out there/here in a world that increasingly demands we choose a point of view, and defend it to the death (of our family and friendships) online or in real life.
That wind blows mighty hard, and yes, the more sensitive will first stand back and watch, then maybe go away. Some occasionally return. Many do not. Those are often our most artistic voices. We need a full spectrum and to welcome those who think through a different lense.
It also takes courage when two writers become belligerent, to step in and ask for a kinder response. I have seen writers go back and edit their own comments into exchanges rather than calling others out.
We can do this. We owe this to JtC and ourselves as a community.
Thank you.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
We operate in fits and starts.
I may have missed something, but an ebb and flow in comments and likes at c99 is not worrisome to me. For example. This is a holiday week. I'm sure everyone is busy doing something. We are small and even a small ripple of change looks bigger here. Tone is also hard to decipher when reading. Brusk often comes across as rude for the more mannered among us.
OTH, your words and urging are of value. In this group of kins, it should be easy to be civil. Others stepping in to ask us to remain so is a good idea.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Opening one's mind
can take a lot of courage. Just to explore and even entertain new ideas forces each of us to consider the possibility that what we have always held to be true may be wrong, or that exploring differing ideas may prove us to be fools, not only to ourselves, but to those around us.
It is human nature for us to cling to whatever is familiar and what is comfortable. This puts us into a binary mode of thinking. Innovation and creativity come from those who have the courage or even the fool hardiness to break away from the familiar and reject binary thinking.
Nothing truly innovative arises from clinging to the familiar. In order to succeed, one must be willing to accept failure first. But not everyone is able to put themselves out there without a net in a public forum and risk public rejection or humiliation for expressing what may not be the majority thinking or opinion.
What I would hate more than anything is for the members of Caucus99% to fall into binary thinking mode in which everything is thought to be black and white. Very little in life is truly black and white. And no one should be afraid to express what may not seem to be the majority opinion for fear of being personally challenged. My own rule of thumb is to challenge facts if they are wrongly presented and only state own personal opinion without attacking the person with whom I may disagree. Each of us is a unique individual whose opinions and views originate from within us and are valid to ourselves. We should celebrate our individual uniqueness as a hallmark of this site.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
No different here than
anywhere else I've been. With the exception that this place is more reality-based than most.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Nice essay
Comments too.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
If it was me
whack me hard, I deserve it. I blame the irrational exuberance. I was depraved on account I was deprived.
No blame really
question everything
i need one as well.
and i'll take it, as one of the heterodox commenters here. i can't say it's causality for certain, but my differing opinions on the rigorously promoted candidates, social gospel movements, 'better dems' here recently seem to have made my name (some would say 'brand') toxic. but the dearth of comments on my last six, seven diaries here makes me believe i'm just spinnin' my wheels here.
for twenty years i've largely blogged issues, not succumbed to advocacy for the cult of personalities, save to call out war criminals, corrupt governmental institutions, pacts like africom and Nato, and corrupt profiteering NGOs. i've called out fascism where i see it, no matter R or D.
given the limited number of frequent commenters at the café, most likely i'll be back after a break.
@wendy davis Write essays of
Comment in common usage language, and they will draw responses in like kind.
Use of slang or regional language to make a point will be ignored because the people from all over the globe who are members may not understand.
I have not read your statement of your "brand".
I was under the impression that was not a problem on this site.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Please keep writing here, Wendy.
I'm a member who doesn't write often myself, and doesn't always have time to comment; but I always read almost every essay (when I'm not taking a mental break from all things politics- and news-related, which I try to do at least once a week). I'd be sad to think that people take this as a lack of interest or support. What I love most about C99 is the diversity of opinions and approaches and ways of framing and examining the issues we all face in common. It's truly my only port in this shit-storm of a climate these days.
It's happening all over
once the midterm debacle is over, I don't see
that the country we grew up in will survive.
Ditto to the nice essay and great comments!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
What jobs did immigrants take from people?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I guess I'm really out of touch
I have offered contrary opinions on a number of issues. I have had some great discussions with members. A couple of times I have been convinced to change my opinion based on the cogent arguments offered.
The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good.
This place ain't perfect but it's a damn site better than many others.
I'm staying, whether you like it or not.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I'm not worried about it too much.
Right now, I'm writing because I feel like it.
No other reason. I don't need acclaim, or thumbs or comments, or any of a million other things that exist outside of my desire to explore and develop concepts.
I don't imagine that I'm being particularly creative or unique. Instead I'm trying to take the concepts in directions suggested by my own life experiences and interests. If I get frustrated, I go to Judo, and put in some hard work on other skills.
And yes, I'll be snarky and all of the things that come along with being cynical. But I'm going to treat folks political enthusiasm like I do fireworks. I fully understand that you enjoy something that sets my nerves on edge. I'm willing to let you have your fun, provided you understand that I'm just going to laugh at you if you set yourself on fire.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Fantastic metaphor!
(And may you have a fireworks-free 4th).
the bailing of the dolphins
I don't quite fit in here ... but there is no place else...
Maybe none of us really fit in.
Weird Al is timeless. Kids loved him in Chicago in the 80s. Twenty years later students still rocking him in Texas.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
After reading through
Breitbart and Zero Hedge and the comments there, I have to come here to get my head put back straight.
Thanks to everyone here (especially JtC) and this port in a very bad storm.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Shit. What did I miss this time?
Did we have a flame war and I didn't notice?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver