Obama whines about voters being mean to him after the ACA passed w/o public option


But it's not just Obama who places the blame for Trump on those purity trolls who think that their government should work for them. Oh no.....

simply refused to vote because they didn’t receive the embossed invitation promising everything they wanted before voting for the Democratic candidate, or you know, there was ‘no real difference between the candidates’?

A few folks are even bitching about those who voted for Nader way back when because that got us Roberts and Alioto. Oh noes....

Here is Obama talking basketball stuff after he derailed the NBA's protest against police burtality and got them to not walk off the courts and stay there. This protest might have done some good if it had happened.

REALLY tone deaf

Reimagining policies? Why now

I am looking for his tweet where he blamed voters every time he caved to republicans and more often than not giving them more than they asked for. The tweets are covered in the video. 50 votes was all that was needed after the dems let the pubs take out the good things in the bill. Just as they planned?

BTW isn't releasing his book just before the election some type of election interference? Oh well if the FBI and CIA can interfere with the bogus Russia/Iran/China/any country they don't like accusations of interfering then I guess the rules have been thrown out.

28 users have voted.


vtcc73's picture

Do you have any idea how damn hard it was to build up so much hope in so many people and promise change only to deliver nothing and wreck hope for a generation? Think about all the beautiful speeches and public positions that were abandoned at the first hint of resistance. He got his private positions fulfilled. Isn't that an accomplishment? It's damn hard taking dozens of losses and making it look like a win. He won! Isn't that something? A Nobel Peace Prize for doing fuck all? How many get that for doing absolutely nothing and then start so many wars? Alfred Nobel would have been so, so proud. And I bet you can't name one president who negotiated with himself better. So many believed in their heart that it was all 12 dimensional chess and not taking a dive. It was brilliant! The rubes still haven't caught on that he's trump with social graces and an ability to put two words together coherently. I guarantee you'd get it if you were in the club like he is. The man deserves the biggest participation trophy ever. I mean, of all the presidents there have ever been, he is one. I thought you were better than this. Sad.

25 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

ggersh's picture



Obama’s retirement should therefore finally give us meaningful insight into who he really is or, to put it another way, who he has been all along. The albatross of office finally lifted from his neck, America’s 44th president is now free to do anything and everything he desires without impediment. He can be the person he has always wanted to be, the person whom he has had to keep hidden away. Who, then, is the real Obama?

Well, it turns out the real Obama is quite like the one we knew already. And what he most wants to do is nestle himself cozily within the bosom of the global elite, and earn millions from behind a thinly-veiled philanthropic facade.

In January, Obama launched his post-presidential foundation with a board that consists of private equity executives, lobbyists, and an Uber advisor, tasking it to implement the world’s most meaningless mandate (“to inspire people globally to show up for the most important office in any democracy, that of citizen”). Able to choose his friends from out of anyone in the world, Obama has been seen kitesurfing with venture capital magnate Richard Branson (worth more than $5 billion) and brunching with Bono. (You can usually judge a person pretty well by their friends, and nobody who voluntarily spends his free time with Bono should be trusted.)

23 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

What a great article! Thanks for the link, ggersh.

3 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

WoodsDweller's picture

but at no point have I heard Obama, Biden, or any of their crew apologize for the ACA. If they came out and said something like "legislating is messy, we did the best we could with the votes we had to work with, it's not set it stone it's the start of a long process from which will eventually emerge the 21st century health care system America needs and deserves" I wouldn't have liked it, I would have questioned that it was the best they could have gotten at the time, I would have questioned their commitment to improving it, but at the end of the day I would have shrugged my shoulders and said "it is what it is, what's the next phase and how do we go about getting there".
But they never did. They seem to think they've carved a monument which can't be touched or improved upon, and they are entitled to endless praise (no, Trump is not the only narcissist in American politics) for it.

24 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

snoopydawg's picture


It has been 10 years since they passed the ACA, but only now are they saying that they will improve it 'if' Biden gets elected. Why hasn’t there been any chit chat about it before now? Biden has already gone back on implementing the public option. And raising taxes on....lol..he’s not going to do much of anything. He knows it. We knows it.

BTW here is kos putting Biden on notice.

Funny...what happened to the people who said that if republicans even try to replace Ginsberg before the election they would burn the country down? Still standing. Or if democrats didn’t fight using everything they had they’d burn it down? Still Stan.... And anyone that does try to hold Biden accountable will be told to hush because it’s too close to the midterms...I’m already seeing centrists accuse people of being misogynists and racist for saying Kamala's laughter and giggling is unbecoming. Guess who’s favorite husher is doing that? Starts with a D.

20 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


...the one force that has been actively destroying the economic security of the American People, leaving them helpless to help themselves. The military monstrosity and the death culture of US Foreign Policy is never addressed. Will Progressives be discussing that? Because all other issues are just hot air and flapping jaws, when the Empire is going broke killing the planet.

That how to recognize a Neocon dis-information operation when you see it. They never look at the real enemy who has set them on the path of downward mobility and free-fall poverty. They dare not mention the wars or the dying Empire when their masters are listening.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Bernie is out there telling us that Biden is going to be the 2nd FDR while Obama is out there making shit up to get us into more wars. If this damn election is so important then why aren’t all the primary candidates out there banging for Biden? Where’s Hillary and Bill? If democrats actually wanted to take back the senate and presidency then why didn’t Pelosi take the WH deal and put the blame for it not passing on McConnell? I’m sure you all have read how democrats spent much more energy getting Bernie to drop out than they did blocking Barrett. This election has to come with an asterisk next to it in the history books. 2016 too. Maybe probably all of them. ?

23 users have voted.
Bollox Ref's picture

that referred to supporters of national healthcare/a public option as 'little people'?

Yeah, well 'little president'....

So 'collegial', that fighting for his last SC nominee was just too impolite. Might tarnish the silver.



19 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

The only two things I ever saw Obama fight for were his Grand Bargain to cut Social Security and the TPP. Pretty clear where his loyalties were.

18 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


9 users have voted.
RantingRooster's picture

about him at all. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero.

Kill List Tuesdays anyone?

14 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


1 user has voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

at his core is illustrated in his fight to build the monument to himself on the lakeshore of Chicago.

9 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Daenerys's picture

Fuck the democrats, fuck capitalism, fuck all of it.

9 users have voted.

This shit is bananas.

She was a Great Depression teenager, an FDR Democrat. She passed away last year at 90. While we were all enthusiastic about Obama when he first ran for President in 2008 my mom was not, in fact she despised him. Her words were that he was fake, totally into himself and would deliver nothing. She was a very good judge of character, but I wanted Obama to be the great Progressive leader that we so desperately needed after Bush the W. Well, history proved her 100% right.

I now consider Obama to be the worst president in my lifetime, beating out Nixon and W. He cleaned out the Democrat party, after him there were no progressives left, Bernie being an independent/Socialist. He lost 1000 seats nationwide for Democrats. He produced zero for Labor, to the point that Dems had distanced themselves, believing that they were now the party of suburban middle class moms. He could have financed his campaign from grassroots donors and been truly an independent reformer, but he chose willfully to sell out to Wall Street. Remember that?

We knew that we would only get one shot at reforming our totally out of date health care system. He chose Romney Care a product of a right wing think tank. This was designed from the start to short circuit any reform that would hinder the Healthcare insurance industry from making obscene profits off of caring for the sick. He would not even include the obscenely minimum safety net of a Public Option.

He was a complete sell-out and did not need to be. What do you call that? I say that he completely lacked character and was completely absorbed with marketing his own image to buy him status. It wasn't even power, he really didn't care, that should be obvious, since there was nothing that he was burning to accomplish. He was/is a moral free character, with no opinion about making war or not. That's why he was so easily moved to making war everywhere in the ME. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize but I think that he was astonished and would have not given a thought about whether he deserved it. He had no problem ordering the deaths of thousands, well understanding that many innocent civilians would die. At one point the military ran out of bombs.

The net result of his presidency is that he destroyed the social contract at home, finished destroying the US image abroad, and hastened the economic fall of the US. We never recovered from the economic disaster of 2008. Check out Shadowstats for proof of this. He was incapable of leading the nation out of the Great Recession, but worse the people that he hired believed only in printing and borrowing money. We transitioned to a mercantile and war economy under his guidance. Once again, the middle class gained nothing, while the rich became richer. No wonder his interest was strongly on the TPP as trade (and war) was clearly the major direction for the US in his mind. It's no wonder that Trump was elected as Obama produced nothing for the people and had no interest in actually producing anything. Keeping his Wall Street benefactors happy was all he needed to accomplish, oh, and to look good and to sound like he really cared. Oh, but we really wanted to believe the hopey-changey thing. But if you listened carefully he said nothing and promised nothing. Now he is going to leave us with his brain-addled, neocon, neoliberal legacy care-taker, his final screw job.

10 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Wizard

Ditto too. It’s not only what he didn’t do when he had the chance, but it’s how he killed hope for generations. That Trump became president instead of Hillary ties right back to what Obama did. Or didn’t. Hard to decide if not delivering on what he ran on was worse than the things he did that we didn’t want him to do. But if Biden loses then Obama owns that too. It will be because of what he did in MyBoss Administration as well as his legislative history.

And of course Obama couldn’t show his anger because then he’d be the 'angry black man' which is an excuse he took advantage of and now his sycophants are bestowing that on Kamala. Now it’s she can’t be an angry black woman so that’s why Obama is out being one today. Bullshit. This was one more excuse for why he didn’t do jack for us. Who made up that rule for blacks?

Guess what is coming back for a second run? The TPP. Oh goody. This is so exciting I might vote for Joe. Ha!

6 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture

@The Wizard

Excellent rant, and true. I agree with all, but a quibble with the last sentence...

Now he is going to leave us with his brain-addled, neocon, neoliberal legacy care-taker, his final screw job.

I'm not so positive his leaving us with Biden is his last screw-job. Once Biden is retired to his basement and Kamala takes over, you will see a more lasting screw-job. In fact, she was chosen some time ago – likely in Obama's living room.

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