Obama: "The Bright new face of the Democratic party...Mr. Bernie Sanders!" (ie: Hillary will be indicted!)

There was a major revelation two weeks ago but no one seems to have noticed! In case anyone has any doubts... Hillary Clinton is going to be indicted, and Obama and Sanders both know it, and further, they, together, effectively told the world this, two weeks ago.

Did anyone watch the Obama's speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner 2016 on Saturday evening April 30th? Did anyone watch the Bernie's Press Conference at the Press Club on Sunday morning, May 1st (aka MAY DAY) ?


Seriously, because I think a rather unmistakable message was sent by Obama and Sanders at these two events, and most poignantly when taken together --- in what was said and in what was implied but could not yet be said outright --- but no one seems to have noticed. Obama/Sanders jointly sent a rather clear message, I believe, to the DNC and to all the Superdelegates... and to the general public, for those with the ears to hear. Sometimes, one must read between the lines.

Now, I myself honestly did not get a chance to watch these speeches until about 4 or 5 days later, so I might have missed any discussion of these combined events and the full implications thereof, in particular, I do not know if heads were exploding at TOS (aka $hillary Central), but then again, I have to imagine that such a reaction would have been suppressed, of course, by a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance. In case you missed it, not only did Obama effectively endorse Bernie Sanders but he then proceeded to trash Hillary, on Saturday night. And then, on the following morning, May 1st, MAY DAY, (and we should not miss the implications of Bernie choosing THAT day), Bernie calls out the entire DNC and Superdelegates to endorse him, if they want to win the Presidential election. And while neither of the two mention the impending FBI/DoJ indictment, it is clearly the unspoken subtext of both their speeches.

PROOF: (#1) If the FBI criminal investigation is a "nothing-burger", and (#2) if Hillary is ahead in pledged delegates, and (#3) if Hillary (as we all know) has the Superdelegates in her pocket:

(a) Why would Obama dare say the following: "What an election season! For example... We've got the BRIGHT NEW FACE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY here tonight, Mr. Bernie Sanders!!!!"

(b) Why would Bernie Sanders dare to challenge the Superdelegates to overturn the votes of the pledged delegates, which is not only unprecedented but completely absurd. Hillary owns those Superdelegates, they wouldn't dare go against her.

Yeah, I have to tell you, I was utterly astonished, and further, I found it rather curious that no one is talking about these speeches and the obvious (at least to me) implications.

Pssst... and did you notice that Hillary, Bill, Cheslea Clinton did not attend the WHCD? And nor did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the Chair of the DNC! Do you think they were just not invited? Hmmm.... yeah, I suspect that the fact that the Hillary Indictment is already a given is the best kept secret in Washington DC these days.

Here, watch it for yourself... and you tell me if, reading between the lines, Obama isn't informing us all that Hillary is about to be indicted and must therefore withdraw from the race...

You tell me.

And then watch Bernie's Press Conference the following morning.

You tell me.

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KenInCO's picture

you might be reading too much into a comedy monologue.

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progdog's picture

That'll teach me to spend five minutes rewriting a lengthy reply into two sentences.

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prog - weirdo | dog - woof

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

1)Obama dislikes Hillary. A lot.
2)He still hasn't forgiven her for the crappy things she did in 2008.
3)He sees that her campaign is a load of crap, essentially an anti-campaign. "Dear America, did you get my nudge? Did it show up on your wall?"
4)He doesn't particularly want her to win, though he'd probably prefer her to Trump. Look at what he did to her campaign logo. And her slogan! "Trudge Up the Hill!"

That's what is there for those with ears to hear. He's signalling that he doesn't actually support her.
And he's much less critical in that speech of Sanders.

There's other cool "tells" from this speech, but not to do w/Hillary.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

progdog's picture

But I think you're reading into it too much. Occam's Razor and all that.

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prog - weirdo | dog - woof

snoopydawg's picture

That's for sure, but I didn't see anything that would indicate she is going to be indicted.
She certainly should be because of the amount of classified emails that were sent through her server. Especially the ones that Bluementhal sent her from Libya and when he outed a CIA agent.
I'm more concerned with the overlap between the state department and her foundation. And Bill's paid speeches before the state department went to the country that were getting the weapons.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

It bothers me that people keep talking about the server and not the weapons deals. They both matter, but it's about the weapons deals even more so.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

The deleted emails could have proved the "pay for play" aspect of the weapons deals...if they hadn't been deleted.

Hillary's all about human rights violations...unless the Foundation can make some extra money from countries like Saudi Arabia then it's whoops, nothing to see here....

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WindDancer13's picture

First, when Obama first took the stage, he said that when the president next year stood there next that SHE...

Second, that remark was an insult to Sanders. He called him Mr. rather than Senator and referring to him as a NEW Democrat just emphasizes what HRC has been using against Sanders not being a true Democrat.

Third, Sanders did NOT ask super delegates to overturn the pledged delegates. He said that states where he had massive wins, the supers should accept the will of the people and vote with them.

Conspiracy theory works better in the negative than in the positive. = )

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Reading too much into a comedy presentation.

What I find curious, the past few days, is the media picking up on Uncle Joe who wudda' picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP. WTF??? Why float that now?

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WindDancer13's picture

A. They are testing the waters to see of people might be interested (in case of an indictment)
...That would be pretty stupid. They think we are angry now. Just try that.

B. They ran out of negative story ideas about Sanders.
...Nah. They'd just make some more up.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

But I don't think an indictment is what was being signalled.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

elenacarlena's picture

possible interpretations of what was said. As far as Obama, the WHCD is always lighthearted. Good for Obama, noting how Bern is changing the party, even brightening it up, and bringing in lots of new people, especially young people. He seems to have a more objective viewpoint on what this campaign has meant than the whiners in the DNC and the Hill camp. And why not? He can't run again. He has no dog in this fight. As for the absences, DWS and HRC are notoriously not lighthearted. Not surprising they wouldn't be there. Ditto the Repubs. As for Bern's challenge, it's just math. He wants to encourage his supporters to come out and vote. Certainly he will not get 2300 delegates with pledged delegates only. But that's no reason to give up. He is saying we can flip supers if they vote in accord with the votes in their states, if they vote in accord with the growing support for Bern, if they vote in accord with the enthusiastic young supporters who will come out in large numbers and vote down ticket, if they vote for the person with the better chance to beat Trump. It is not true that supers will never switch. Many endorsed Hill in 2008, but when the pledges were for Obama, they all flipped. So if Hill is indicted, certainly Bern will be the nominee. But if she is not, he will certainly fight as he has laid out his plan in the press conference.

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NonnyO's picture

For the immediate moment, you're reading too much into it. Obama's words were a comedy routine and should be appreciated for that alone, nothing else.

Bernie's words, OTOH, have a great deal of substance, the most important of which is that the Democratic National Convention in Philly will be a contested convention. I plan to watch all three days, presuming C-SPAN or other outlets do a live webcast. I can't imagine Moronic Media would interrupt their paid programming to do any sort of public service, like showing the convention sans ads or stupid "news" anchors droning on and "explaining" what we can see/hear perfectly well for ourselves if the "anchors" would only shut up. That's why C-SPAN is preferable: they don't have droning "explainers." Depending on what happens between the last primary and the opening day of the convention, it will be interesting to see if there will be protesters there.

Because this political season has been Sooooooo wacky, tacky, and full of Hillary-Billary flim-flammery with an assist from DWS and Moronic Media, not to mention the circus out of the Rethug camp with Drumpf taking up all the publicity oxygen, I don't believe anything that's merely implied, or words that might be taken any which way by a hopeful supporter.

Wait until there are definitive statements of fact, then you can get your hopes up whichever way it all goes. Right now it's much, much too soon to speculate on comedic innuendo and too easy to take words out of context even when coming from someone like Bernie who normally communicates very well.

FIRST, we have to get through these last primary races, see what the delegate numbers show.

SECONDLY, there's the DNC in Philly on July 25-28 which should prove interesting.

THIRDLY, there's the remaining campaigning, debates, and....

FOURTHLY, there is election day and evening!

I don't do popcorn (corn allergy), but I plan on getting in a supply of ice cream, most especially at least one pint of Häagen-Dazs dulce de leche (maybe more if my strained limited budget will tolerate it).

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

I'm sick of the corporate news media. They no longer, if they ever did, present the news, they are trying to shape opinions. The internet provides much more timely information and broader views.

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I think Obama was being ironic. Introducing Bernie as the "bright new face of the Democratic party" was actually a dig at Bernie's age, not an aspirational promise. Also, according to Markos, there is a Plan B afoot to make Biden the nom should Hill falter. Good try anyway.

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mjsmeme's picture

DWS was definitely there and could be seen seated at dinner and later working the crowd, and Huma (Hillary's alter ego) was also in attendance surrounded by HRC flunkies. As for Hillary, it may have been decided by her handlers that her twisted sense of humor is so way off the mark that the less she's seen cackling at the wrong time the better.

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Ajaradom's picture

a racist/ageism jab by President Obama, IMO, other words for "white old face". I have little doubt Obama knew exactly the implication of his words.

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KenInCO's picture

I'm no Obama apologist, but that statement is ridiculous.

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orlbucfan's picture

..."Bright new face of the Democratic Party...." I don't think this was an insult. It was a lighthearted compliment by a great orator. Regarding what's-her face's legal problems, it's better to be skeptical that anything will break before the Convention. The Bernster has to win decisively in this final batch of voting. Hope, hope. Smile Rec'd!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

Obama is a loyal and dedicated party man. Biden is his man, but he'll settle for Hillary.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Obama didn't have a problem settling for no public option in the ACA.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

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Twain Disciple

Raggedy Ann's picture

"out of the race," so to speak. At least, that's my hope with all the crap that swirls around her - I hope beyond belief that something takes her down, soon. Is there something in what these two men said, as you imply? Only they will ever know.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

has something to do with some reported sex scandal involving Bill that Hillary's covering up. And the Enquirer was right about John Edwards getting his paramour pregnant while still married to Elizabeth, so while I'm not totally buying it I'm not going to shrug it off too quickly either.

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I think Obama is good with Hillary succeeding him, because they're both part of the machine, and he's nothing if not an obedient cog in that machine. But I don't think he likes her personally (probably because she blackmailed him into giving her the Sec of State position and because she showed what a cynical racist she was in the 2008 primary). I think he's quietly enjoyed watching her flail hysterically at Bernie Sanders, who came out of NOWHERE to give her a run for her money (or should I say Goldman Sachs' money).

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Twain Disciple

riverlover's picture

I also think that when either of us say "I think" then we begin projection. For some reason that just clicked to me. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

But there was a glint of real amusement in Obama's eyes when he made fun of Clinton's attempts to communicate with young voters. He was having fun.

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Twain Disciple

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

Otherwise, I agree with you.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

if she and the DNC hadn't "cleared the field" and she'd faced some opposition from other Democrats, chances are Bernie would have sat the race out; it was the "coronation" aspect that had him jump into the fray. If the DNC and Clinton campaign had any smarts, they would have gotten a few other establishment Democrats to run against her, put up a decent showing in the fall debates, then drop out for financial/health/personal reasons before Iowa.

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It shouldn't matter whether or not Obama is sending subliminal messages. Hillary would be a horrible President for this country and nobody will trust her after she stole this primary. Bernie can still win a majority of pledged delegates, that's all that matters now. And if Bernie is cheated out of the nomination then all that matters to me is to do all I can to make sure neither Hillary nor Trump becomes President.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

It is true that a FBI insider would risk losing his job by informing the Sanders campaign of progress of the investigation, but as far as I know there would be no risk of jail time unless the insider demanded money in exchange.

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