North Korean High School students talk in part about North Korean propaganda
And South Korean privatization of education.
Its true that the US particularly during and after the Clinton Administration and our joining the WTO in 1995, is heavily pushing private schools and the for profit education industry. Healthcare too. This is why we are unable to make US healthcare affordable. We agreed to keep it the same it is, so it can remain insanely profitable for investors. Buy or die, or buy or go without. Its natural for children to die because they lack a medicine that costs under $1 a day to make. We're doing it to help the oligarchs of the world, so they don't face competition from governments which gives the poor 'unrealistic expectations' they claim that public services distort the competitive situation by making it not successful selling various commoditized services which makes business unprofitable. The WTO actually makes it illegal for governments to compete with corporations in services, "This document explains how this works." Save it!
Under neoliberalism, which proposes weighing your voice, your soul by your tax bracket, the non wealthy would be excluded from having any voice at all, just about. The struggling would never be able to afford enough schooliing to go into the sciences. Which realistically requires most likely a doctorate in your chosen field, which may not even be the right one. But there is another way, Our school system actually is under heavy criticism for not preparing people adequately for the real world of science. The fact is, if you learn science and make some new knowledge that did not exist before, say you make some discovery, you will likely be recognized as a scientist, if its important and original. I believe that a good argument could be made that really smart young people should just dive in and learn, on their own. But where to start? You have to follow your own intuition. And start earlier in your life than most begin school. Get a running start and then take advantage of the years the human brain is growing the fastest. Nothing else will do to win this race. It helps a lot to find a (brilliant) mentor.
Another route is start your own company and create a new industry, you will have created a job for which you are perfect and in fact probably the only person in the world capable of doing your job.
That takes a lotof work of course, and the odds are against people but its a fact. IT is not impossible. I know several people who managed to do basically this. Seek out challenges.
We are pushing a whole new order based on the market and the invisible Hand. So the wealthy in many countries know that a good private school education is all important. Public schools are perpetually and now intentionally, one might conclude, underfunded, Hospitals too. In much of the world, people dont go to public hospitals unless they literally have no choice, and indeed, often, perhaps usually, they dont. Because they make almost nothing. Thats why we are investing n their countries, because of th low wages. Thats desireable. According to us, thats the way the world just is and should be. and often only the poor go to the public schools. Rich Indan parents send their kids to the best private schools. In America too. They spend huge amounts on these schools, and vrious after school and extra programs. In China they do too. China funds their best students education. So the exams are incredibly competituive because getting into a good school is all important. . They focus on giving people the knowledge they will need to become a worker bee, a cog in the machine, but that education is no longer enough with computers now being able to do those repetitive jobs. They wont be around in a few years. People will have to learn much more, much faster. Or, quite possibly, starve, as jobs dry up. Compassion will no longet exist because there will be so much poveryty, as they insist. hats what they want so wages will fall and give them the windfall they want. People have to eat, right? Its their entitlement.
There is a limit to what the elites are willing to invest in the common people. So now there is a focus on privatizing services, and we have joined the WTO which made services and thens or hundreds of millions services jobs in the world, into part of a grand global game.
so NOW, those jobs can be used as bargaining chips in trade. They are saying now that Americcans dont want them. In fact its about wages. They say we expect too much.
Look at this video. These smart young people came from the country that has the worst human rights situation on Earth. The DPRK and all its people are officially,, legally owned is owned by a single family. It doesnt have the rights they claim people have. Instead its government is incredibly cruel and selfish. And its based entirely on the most outrageous lies. So bad it would make ones head explode.
Lying is a slippery slope. Unfortunately our government lies to us a lot too. Any lying is too much.