No, the White House didn’t intentionally edit a question to Putin out of a video
I’m posting this because:
1) it’s a prime illustration of how out-of-control this Trump derangement syndrome is and how EVERYTHING has become proof for the Clinton/DNC zealots that it was the RUSSIANS!! and not Americans that put Trump in the White House.
2) it shows that the press isn’t trusted, and for good reason. It served no more purpose to omit that question and answer than it did by asking it in the first place. So what if Putin wanted Cheetolini to win? BFD? Is that some more of that infamous ‘collusion’ crap? Or what? It actually provided more gasoline for the zealots to throw on the RUSSIA! Did It fire. But now the zealots are finding nefarious plots in this non-plot. And everyone’s hiding something. For example:
3) because it’s a pretty good indicator of how fucked as a country we are. This nastiness, the hatred, the division in this counry is, I believe, becoming dangerous. Never in my life would I have EVER imagined that we’d come to the point where the country would be this divided and into so many different pieces. And each piece screaming and demanding their proverbial ‘pound of flesh’ for every perceived wrong, no matter if real or imagined. I actually find it surreal that a duly elected president is being investigated for every thing he’s ever done, everything he’s ever said, all of his past sins relevant or otherwise, all because the loser (with the aid of the prez and intelligence community) tried to frame him for what they’ve been calling ‘collusion’ although they really mean, and some are now saying openly, saying, treason. And it was THEM that did the ‘coliuding. They did more than they’re trying to pin on Trump. All this turmoil was created to hide their own crimes and lies and to desperately protect The Empty Suits’s legacy.
4) people have got to start to realize that these newsroom talking heads and editorialists like Maddow NEED to stir up drama and controversy. They use those tactics to bring in the viewers and the readers. If anyone ever needed a prime example of how low Maddow is willing to stoop, there’s always her big news scoop on Trump’s taxes. (See video below.) It’s the way she (they) make those big bucks.
No, the White House didn’t intentionally edit a question to Putin out of a video
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow led her show Tuesday night with an explosive allegation: The administration of President Trump had intentionally buried a question asked of Russian President Vladimir Putin during last week’s news conference in Helsinki. Not an insignificant question, either. The one about whether or not Putin wanted Trump to win.
She also noted that the White House’s written transcript also excludes the question. Here’s what that transcript says.
PUTIN: Options abound, and they all can be found in an appropriate legal framework.
REPORTER: And did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: (As interpreted.) Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal.
Here’s the thing: That’s also how The Post’s transcript of the news conference initially read, too. Ours came from Bloomberg Government and ours, too, excluded the first part of the reporters question in which he begins, “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election”.
Why would Vlad have wanted Mrs. "I love war" to win?
Mrs. "I haven't seen a military intervention that I wasn't for" was telling us that she wanted to create a no fly zone over Syria which would have threatened to bring Russia deeper into play there. He was already trying to out Obama's military and his allies terrorists from Syria and Trump was saying that the country should stop regime changing every country it could.
This is how the media has been covering Russia Gate. If the facts don't make the case you are trying to make then just lie to people by making up your own facts. I've been watching this since Her loss. The facts about those 17 intelligence agencies that everyone says agreed that Russia interfered with the election are that only 3 people in those agencies said that "they believe that Russia did it." But people are still saying it was all 17.
Here's Barry himself telling us how safe our elections are and how no one would be able to interfere with them.
Let's take a closer look at two of the men who "believe" that Russia interfered with the election shall we?
WaPo: "God Bless The Deep State" For Standing Between Us And The Abyss
Just a reminder. In the January 6, 2017 statement Brennan admitted that he had not seen any evidence that Russia did anything to change the election. So there we have it. Both Barry and Brennan first admitted that no one could interfere with our elections and that no one did.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Mr President, which would you prefer?
Being shot in the head or stabbed in the leg?
Headline no matter how he answers the next day:
Putin has no sense of humor and threatens reporter.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We didn't seem concerned when Bill Clinton...
openly and actively worked to get Boris Yeltsin re-elected. There are tons of articles about it.
This is just one I came across and I liked the theme.
There are also tons of articles online about how many times the US has interfered in big ways in other country's elections etc.
I guess Rachel doesn't have THE GOOGLE.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin