No longer is the CIA the only agency shipping cocaine into the U.S.
It's likely that you were already familiar with the fact that the CIA worked directly with drug traffickers in the Contras in the 80's and 90's. It's possible that you were aware that the CIA has not stopped smuggling cocaine into America.
Less well known is how the CIA assisted opium producers and traffickers during our 20-year occupation of Afghanistan.
What's new is that the CIA is losing it's government monopoly on smuggling illegal drugs into the United States.
US Attorney Damian Williams from New York published evidence that confirms that DEA agents allegedly conspired to traffic cocaine from Colombia in 2017.In a letter to New York judge Valerie Caproni, Williams alleged that a Colombian citizen without a criminal record, Armando Gomez, “attempted to import tons of cocaine into the United States” in 2017.
The same letter contained evidence suggesting that Williams’ own assistant, Jason Richman, helped fabricate these charges in a botched conspiracy to extradite former guerrilla leader “Jesus Santrich” in 2018.
In fact, the evidence suggests that the DEA coordinated the export of cocaine it allegedly received from Colombia’s Prosecutor General’s Office in a “controlled delivery.”
...DEA agent Brian Witek testified under oath that he coordinated the conspiracy to traffic the drugs to support the fabricated charges against Santrich “following the instructions” of “American law enforcement authorities.”
Move over CIA. The DEA knows a thing or two about smuggling drugs.
Santrich was assassinated by a member of Colombia’s military official in Venezuela in May 2021, effectively ending the New York investigation into the fabricated charges against the former guerrilla chief.
In December last year, Williams provided judge Valerie Caproni images of Gomez allegedly delivering five kilograms of cocaine to an DEA informants on November 1, 2017.
...The New York prosecution documents suggest that the DEA subsequently exported five kilos of the cocaine to the United States on December 7, 2017. What happened to the remaining five kilograms is a mystery...The New York prosecutor stressed that the trial “continues to receive significant press coverage in Colombia,” mainly because of the involvement of the DEA and the assistant US attorney in conspiracies to traffic drugs and subsequent efforts to undermine the peace process in the South American country.
Ah yes. We've got to undermine any peace process in Latin America. However, isn't that the CIA's job?
Senator Ivan Cepeda and former Senator Antonio Sanguino announced criminal charges against Witek and other DEA traffickers on fraud and illegal wiretapping charges in 2019 already.
Fortunately for the DEA, the United States can determine laws in other nations, while simply ignoring the laws of other nations.

Interesting that there is some case against some of them
but no surprise that they smuggle drugs in addition to running guns.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Oh, man. This might be good news.
Competition is good for the marketplace, right?
So now the druggies can play the CIA against the DEA.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
yeah well...
After Smedley Butler and the banana and pineapple thingie, of course we had to up our game...
Hey man, the CIA has some awesome shit for $1K a lb. Oh yeah, the FBI sold me some most excellent shit for $800. Dude, county sheriff has pounds on sale right now for $500. Hey y'all, DOJ hooked me up big time for some $200 pounds. Bros, if you go to the back door of the city police station after midnight, knock like this taaaap tap tap tap TAAAAP, like the Dragnet theme rhythm, they will sell you an lb. for a hun!
After a long time gone from his home town upon returning he saw the shootouts still on the streets. He asked a guy if it was the same gangs as 20 years ago. No, was the reply, it is their suppliers, the CIA and the DEA are fighting over the turf now.
... and justice for all. yeah right.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein