The Ninth Most Visited News Web Site (I'd never heard of)
Is disturbing, not in it's links, I clicked through to a few, which are standard right wing fare. What rankles is that the web site is founded by an anonymous source. There are no adds, no contact link.
It's like Drudge, just a list of links to articles, but no hint by the link where the articles are at. Before you click you've no idea if you are headed for a legit source or a lot lot worse.
So I asked myself why someone would update a web site all day for no ad revenue, no recognition from his or her peers. What is the motivation? Right wing propaganda I guess. I bet someone is paying for it, though it probably doesn't cost much.
It's called Citizen Free Press, wiki entry is very brief and very new. No ads suggests all the internet advertisers have no interest, kryptonite. Yahoo and Duck Duck Go won't even link to it.
I often get pissed off at portions of the left. I'd list which ones but trust me there are a few. As nutty as the left is, the right side of the radio dial is about 10 times more out there, and they have a heck of a lot of hard core followers.

Here's another right wing news aggregator
They have 6 1/2 hour daily compilations of 40 or more videos/web sites.
DuckDuck gives
Citizen Free Press the top two links for me. 3rd is Wiki.
Well, they do supply news you can't find anywhere else.
For example:
Apparently, at the Cyber Symposium in South Dakota yesterday — Mike Lindell (the Pillow Guy) was all set to show the world iron-clad evidence that China hacked US voting machines during the 2020 elections and switched the majority of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Lindell was even offering a $5 million dollar prize to anyone at the event who could disprove his claim.
Lindell had paid millions to gather the evidence he was holding, only to discover he had paid the money to Right Wing hucksters. At the Symposium, the lead investigator Lindell had hired confessed that he could not verify the data in evidence actually proved China had hacked the election. Everyone was so surprised. They were certain this was the real deal! Lindell's evidence turned out to be as worthless as shredded foam stuffed into a pillow case.
I thought some of their stories were pretty good.
An own goal — like CrowdStrike duping Mueller re Russiagate… n/t
Not sure that qualifies as news, except for the
fact that the statement came from Lindell's team.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
This may be the source of Citizen Free Press?
CFP has had explosive growth - for a reason
Maybe having to do with their willingness to deal with news that the MSM will generally not?
CFP is now ranked in the top 1000 of all US websites (#916) and top 100 (#75) of News and Media sites.
Apparently, I'm not alone in finding it useful - appreciate the pretty much unfettered comment section - which have become rare to the point of Endangered Species listing. Used to use Yahoo comments fairly frequently but they have 'temporarily' suspended it for going on a year and a half now while they 'make improvements'...
Note that CFP focuses much more on straight news rather than opinion, often from local or specialized sources that are never going to get national MSM play.
Going back through a couple days' history on my computer, here is a sampling from my recent viewing - what do you think? right-wing delusional paranoid ravings? stuff that might actually be worthwhile knowing about?:
(Articles are not retained for long there, so will give the links to original content provided by CFP)
Article from local limousine liberal rag Willamette Week on how re-opening of PDX's Old Town entertainment district has been accompanied by shootings and how armed private security has expanded partly due to decreased police presence.
Canadian (Guelph U.) viro-immunologist interviewed by Laura Ingraham on dangers of current Covid vaccines. Part 1 is up on Youtube
Part 2 on Rumble
1000+ healthcare workers and supporters protesting employer demands for mandatory vaccination.
CFP links to supportive tweets from KY Rep. Thomas Massie and local TV coverage
Atlanta area black mom files federal lawsuit against segregated classroom policy implemented by black female principal... (You really couldn't make this stuff up)
Local WSB Atlanta TV coverage:
Dr. Dan Stock, in testimony to local Indiana school board demolished mask and vaccine policy in six minutes twenty-nine seconds.
Note the footage that was on Youtube has been disappeared, it is still available
on Rumble
and finally, (continuing in the 'No, this is not the Onion' vein:
That from coverage by Oregon Live (essentially, The Oregonian newspaper's cyber side)
Unfortunately, many progressive
have 'jumped the shark'. They have moved so far left that they have joined the right wing whack jobs in LaLa land.
Hmmm, or perhaps the opinion is included in
the headlines?
really? A kid can go through Oregon schools from K thru 12 and not learn to read or write, but only suddenly, because the GW Bush memorial "is our children learning" test is no longer being given? Sounds like opinion to me
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I'm sure we can all find consensus the statement that:
"These are the stories and opinions that the American people clearly WANT to read."
That's why it is at the top of the charts.
Those who cannot read like to get their news from the AM Hate Radio monopoly that spans the nation.
@Blue Republic Yes, most of that was not
I'm still extremely sceptical of everything I read on the left, but the NYT/Wapo aren't this bad yet, and often they have articles I find nothing wrong with.
By whom, exactly?
*What*, specifically, of what he said are you referring to?
More about Dr. Stock, his claims, responses and criticisms here on
Overall, I don't see anyone there refuted his central points. Maybe to a limited extent about mask efficacy, but the question, regarding masks in schools should be 'effective at accomplishing *what*?'
Kids are not themselves at risk and any adults who desire vaccination have had ample opportunity to get it. If the vaccines are as effective as was continuously claimed they would be then vaccinated people shouldn't have anything to worry about *anyway*. And can, in any case, mask up if they want to.
We have been told continuously (and idiotically) that we have to "beat the virus" - implying elimination. Aside from the fact that "the virus" is now an ever-expanding range of virii, there is the issue that Stock raises: that there are numerous animal reservoirs for the virus, so unless you can eliminate it in humans and a whole range of other animals - white tail deer, for example, it is *never* going to be eliminated (by us, anyway) and we essentially have to learn to live with it.
His concerns about ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) are shared by Dr. Bridle - who might know a little about vaccines as he is actively involved in vaccine development and runs a lab largely devoted to such work:
Dr. Robert Malone - a leading pioneer of mRNA therapeutics including their potential application for vaccine-type applications also shares Stock's and Bridle's concerns on ADE and believes we may actually be witnessing something like a worst-case scenario of it unfolding among the fully-vaccinated.
"This is the vaccinologist's worst nightmare" (July 28, 2021)
View on Rumble
Any disinformation on Covid/vaccines, etc. coming from the likes of CFP pales in comparison to that from Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, Tony Fauci and the MSM. As does the body count.
Thanks ban nock.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --