Nancy Pelosi, you're not funny anymore!

I have devoted several essays about the "humorous" aspects of Nancy Pelosi's pronouncements. Many of those sayings demonstrated a gross lack of touch with reality (e.g., you couldn't work with President Bush anymore--that train left the station 8 years ago).

Some of those comments cited in essays dealt with common run-of-the-mill Washington hypocrisy.
1. Today’s humor (3/2/17): More wisdom from Nancy Pelosi
2. Today’s humor (3/5/17): more Nancy Pelosi fun

Your offense is plain for all to see and hear: No Apology Pelosi

But to call your craven refusal to object to an obscene joke made at the expense of one person who happens to be Republican (Kellyanne Conway) by a Democrat (Rep. Cedric Richmond. D-LA) hypocritical is a blatant misrepresentation of the horrible nature of Richmond's slur and your bullshit refusal to call it what it is. NP, were you afraid that by criticizing Richmond that you would be called a racist? Was not his malevolent comment grossly sexist? Would you not be offended to the maximum if somebody called you a whore or a prostitute for the rich--because that is what you really are?

Readers, please note that the following is more restrained than I originally wrote: Nancy, you fucking bitch, get your brain scan, mini-mental exam and STFU!

This travesty, of which both parts of the duopoly are famously guilty: "my party, right or wrong" underlies one of the basic flaws of our dysfunctional political system. The object is to support what is right for the Nation, not for your effing party. Party before people is the norm (and of course bribes precede party) is the ruination of our nation.

Thanks to Justice Lewis Powell, who like God the Creator, instilled life into Corporations which thence became human people, this rapid downhill slide of governance away from a republic to a tyranny of the rich began.

Is it any wonder that people are fleeing the DemonRATic Party in the millions? Is it any wonder that the majority of Republican voters (not the establishment) want the same things that most other people want?

Obama via the NSA wiretaps the entire nation--where was the outrage?
Trump alludes to grabbing pussy--my God! it's like the burning of the Constitution.
Obama the Bomber kills thousands and tens of thousands--where's the outrage?
Trump orders a drone strike killing on American girl (whose American brother Obama's drones had already destroyed--oh, the outrage?

I do not condone any of this horrible business. The hypocrisy of the DemonRATic Party has reached a phase so heinous, such as Pelosi's recent failure, that it qualitatively is malignant--a cancer on the entire country.

Trump is not good but his election shows that there still may be some redeeming qualities remaining in our American way of life.

If the DemonRATs do succeed in overthrowing this election via unproven charges of Russian hacking, then people will have serious reason to believe that their votes don't count. Fir the people no longer believe in the current charade that voting really matters, there will be rocks, knives, pitchforks etc.

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
sojourns's picture

Every politicians favorite dodge! Yeah, the guy went low brow criticizing the first second trailer trash spokesperson to disgrace the White House. God forbid any salient issues to make our world a better place be discussed.

I wonder how many mini-strokes Pelosi has suffered? I wonder if she and Clinton have the same physician?

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Breaking: Nancy Pelosi Blames Media for ‘Undermining Our Election’ - The media had a role in the election but not in the way Pelosi claims

Since December 2016, Pelosi has been criticized for saying in an interview that she doesn’t think the Democratic Party needs a new direction, despite the losses they’ve suffered recently.


During a press conference with the National Press Club in late February, Pelosi told reporters that she thinks Trump’s presidency might be a message from God.

I think she was right.

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