Monday Open Thread 03-30-15

Good morning 99percenters!
A little news and John Prine.

MIT States That Half of All Children May be Autistic by 2025 due to Monsanto

A senior scientist at MIT has declared that we are facing an epidemic of autism that may result in one half of all children being affected by autism in ten years.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, who made these remarks during a panel presentation in Groton, MA last week, specifically cites the Monsanto herbicide, Roundup, as the culprit for the escalating incidence of autism and other neurological disorders. Roundup, which was introduced in the 1970’s, contains the chemical glyphosate, which is the focal point for Seneff’s concerns. Roundup was originally restricted to use on weeds, as glyphosate kills plants. However, Roundup is now in regular use with crops. With the coming of GMO’s, plants such as soy and corn were bioengineered to tolerate glyphosate, and its use dramatically increased. From 2001 to 2007, glyphosate use doubled, reaching 180 to 185 million pounds in the U.S. alone in 2007.

If you don’t consume corn- on- the -cob or toasted soybeans, however, you are hardly exempt from the potential affects of consuming glyphosate. Wheat is now sprayed with Roundup right before it is harvested, making any consumption of non- organic wheat bread a sure source for the chemical. In addition, any products containing corn syrup, such as soft drinks, are also carrying a payload of glyphosate.

According to studies cited by Seneff, glyphosate engages “gut bacteria” in a process known as the shikimate pathway. This enables the chemical to interfere with the biochemistry of bacteria in our GI tract, resulting in the depletion of essential amino acids.

Might Makes Right? US Can Save Fleeing Presidents, But Russia Cannot

March 30, 2015 (Eric Draitser - NEO) - The military intervention in Yemen by a US-backed coalition of Arab states will undoubtedly inflame the conflict both in Yemen, and throughout the region. It is likely to be a protracted war involving many actors, each of which is interested in furthering its own political and geopolitical agenda.

However, it is the international reaction to this new regional war which is of particular interest; specifically, the way in which the United States has reacted to this undeniable aggression by its Gulf allies. While Washington has gone to great lengths to paint Russia’s reunification with Crimea and its limited support for the anti-Kiev rebels of eastern Ukraine as “aggression,” it has allowed that same loaded term to be completely left out of the narrative about the new war in Yemen.

So it seems that, according to Washington, aggression is not defined by any objective indicators: use of military hardware, initiation of hostilities, etc. Rather, the United States defines aggression by the relationship of a given conflict to its own strategic interests. In Crimea and Ukraine, Russia is the aggressor because, in defending its own interests and those of Russian people, it has acted against the perceived geopolitical interests of the US. While in Yemen, the initiation by Saudi Arabia and other US-backed countries of an unprovoked war with the expressed goal of regime change, this is not aggression as it furthers Washington’s interests.

Language Versus Reality

On March 25, 2015 a coalition of Arab states initiated an aerial bombardment (as of writing there has yet to be a ground invasion, though it is expected) of Yemen for the purposes of dislodging the Houthi rebel government which had weeks before toppled the US and Saudi-backed puppet government of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. The war initiated by Saudi Arabia, along with its fellow Gulf monarchies and Egypt, was motivated purely by Saudi Arabia’s, and by extension the United States’, perceived interests.

Clear & president danger: Poll shows Republicans more scared of Obama than Putin

A third of Republicans in the United States believe President Obama is a more imminent threat to their country than Russian President Vladimir Putin. They believe the same about Syria’s Bashar Assad, a poll has revealed.

There is no measure of apprehension or bad publicity the American right has not directed in the past at the Russian and Syrian governments. It may then come as a surprise to some that many see their biggest threat as originating from the inside.

Reuters and Ipsos polled 2,809 Americans in March to see where they stand on threats to the United States. Some 1,083 Democrats and 1,059 Republicans participated. Given a list of countries, organizations and individuals – and the choice to rank them on a scale from 1 to 5, a sizeable 34 percent of the population decided that Obama was an imminent threat. That’s 9 percent more than Putin.

Syria’s embattled President Assad is apparently also an existential threat to about a quarter of Americans, just behind the Russian president.

Marie Radner (7 May 1981 – 24 March 2015)

I'm a big fan of opera, especially Der Ring des Nibelungen known more commonly as Wagner's Ring Cycle. IMHO, the Ring Cycle is one of the greatest works of art ever created by humanity, despite Wagner's shortcomings in regards to his personal views. There have been many stage productions of the Ring Cycle, some modern renditions with very wild costumes and stage settings, but I prefer the traditional Old Norse performances with it's helmets, breastplates, spears and Valkyries astride snorting steeds. I love the Old Norse mythology and the basic theme of the Ring cycle, greed and lust for power, certainly rings true in today's world.

The following video features Maria Radner, who appears as the first Norn in the 2011 Met production of Gotterdammerung, a tradional Ring Cycle with a modern stage apparatus called "The Machine". The Norns were three female beings who read the past, present and future by weaving The Rope of Destiny. Maria Radner died last week in the Germanwings Flight 9525 plane crash along with her husband and infant child. In the prologue to Gotterdammerung the Rope of Destiny breaks as the Norns weave it, foretelling the Twilight of the Gods.

RIP Maria Radner

John Prine - Paradise

John Prine -Sweet Revenge

John Prine -Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore

John Prine - Please Don't Bury Me

John Prine-Illegal smile

John Prine - Hello In There

John Prine - That's the Way the World Goes Round

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Big Al's picture

"Which are you more afraid of, cotton balls or Obama?
"Which are you more afraid of, kittens or Putin?
"Which are you more afraid of, yourself or Assad?
"Which is yours, your ass or a hole in the ground?

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Don't keep no mirrors around my house 'cause i even scare myself.

Well except maybe baby kitties and those cotton balls you mention, other than that, nuthin'!

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Former Governor of Maryland is getting a lot of press in wingnutland as a possible opponent to her hilleryness for the (D) nomination. What's the word on this guy among DFH's from the left?

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some of the right things, but they all do until their elected, right.

"Let's be honest here, the presidency is not some crown to be passed between two families. It is an awesome and sacred trust to be earned and exercised on behalf of the American people,"

"I believe that there are new perspectives that are needed in order for us to resolve the problems that we face as Americans and also the problems we face as people on this planet, and I believe that new perspective and new leadership is needed,"

Standard boilerplate.

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gulfgal98's picture

Obama 08, Obama 12 even after he screwed over his most loyal base.

Again, we must follow the money.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

shaharazade's picture

that's behind the money.

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shaharazade's picture

I'm such a DFH leftie at this point that I'm disgusted by the whole process and find both the Dems. and Republican pols much scarier the Puti-poo or Syria. Hillary really does scare me more then Putin or Obama who are both plenty scary. When I look at Hillary's eyes she gives me the willies cause you can see she's a psycho killer Qu'est Que C'est. Well in fairness they all are but her insanity just shines right though her eyes.

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gulfgal98's picture

Thanks Shaz.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

joe shikspack's picture

wait until you meet o'malley. you ain't seen nothin' yet.

make sure you count your fingers after you shake his hand.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

are excerpts on possible Dem candidates, from mainstream media sources (CNN, WaPo, etc.) like I just posted here, too 'risky' to post at EB?

(Don't want to bring down the 'blog police' on you or me.)



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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

shaharazade's picture

Another name for the Orange Satan or is it here? I don't mind hearing about Dem candidates and what the propaganda arm media has to say. It's entertaining and at least here I can bad mouth them without fear of teh blog police. Big Al alone makes my cyncicism seem mild.

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is The Evening Blues, a subset of the Orange Satan, kind of like a little blue devil.

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shaharazade's picture

amongst the blinding orange that waves a flag in your blue face.

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joe shikspack's picture

i am not going to cover the horse race too extensively in eb, in large part because in my view it's really of little importance, but it's fair game as a subject.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

over there, by having accurate backup/reference material from a reliable source. (The last thing that I want to do is cause a problem for you and JTC, and/or for your excellent 'crews' of contributors.)


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

With a medical procedure and Family arriving looming later this week, can't really write up a decent post on this--but hey, I've been collecting links and screenshots on this Dude for several weeks.

I began doing this after I discovered that [along with her email server] the DLC archives have also been wiped clean of "New Dem" bios, etc. (Which meant that a lot of my info from the DLC organization's website--is no more.)

Gotta hand it to them--they leave no stone unturned.


Anyhoo, as soon as it looks like O'Malley's going to announce, I'll begin to post some of the articles, links and screenshots--even if they're just comments.

Per the piece below, it appears that O'Malley is attempting to position himself--in spite of his years and years of DLC affiliation/membership--to run as the 'left alternative' to FSC, since Warren, and probably even Sanders, won't run.

One article I found not only had O'Malley's glowing assessments of FSC when she ran the first time, but mentions that he was a "stand-in" for her in New Hampshire when she ran in 2007/2008.

And even more ridiculous and unconscionable, as the excerpt below illustrates, the Dem Party apparatchiks, including union heads, are fostering the sham that O'Malley is a progressive.

[Unless one buys that the neoliberal corporatist Dems are liberal or progressive.]

Here's the account of one union member (who apparently knows nothing about him), after she hears O'Malley speak in Iowa:

Council Bluffs, Iowa (CNN)

Marcia Keefer watched Martin O'Malley methodically work the room at a recent Democratic fundraiser in Davenport, Iowa, and readily acknowledged she knew nothing about the former Maryland governor.

"I have to ask, is he running for something or is he something already?" said Keefer, a retiree attending the Scott County Democratic Party's fundraiser.

That confusion crystallizes the central challenge O'Malley faces if he decides to pursue a long-shot run for the Democratic presidential nomination. He must find a way to dent the Clinton political machine and prove that he's a competitive candidate -- not just a backup for progressives who would rather see Elizabeth Warren in the White House.

And it's in Iowa where O'Malley must stake his ground. Failure here would almost certainly doom his campaign. But if he manages to do better than expected -- or even stage an upset -- O'Malley could emerge as a real challenger for Clinton.

Given his reception here this past weekend, there could be a sliver of an opening.

After O'Malley delivered a red meat political speech to a room packed with union workers, Keefer left with several O'Malley political signs tucked under her arms.

"He said a lot of things that I wanted to hear and got me all revved up to get out there and get the vote out for Democrats," said Keefer, who noted that O'Malley had given her second thoughts about who she might support in next year's Democratic caucus. "He was wonderful tonight. Just wonderful and I never heard of him."

A similar scene played out several times over O'Malley's two-day trip to Iowa this past weekend, as he criss-crossed the state, meeting with influential early Democratic voters.

He entered many rooms as a blank slate and often walked out to favorable reviews.

My words: That's exactly the problem--the Dem Party will easily manipulate much of its Base.

It happens every time.


And, here's an excerpt from Wa-Po Op-Ed that he wrote with ultra-right wing Dem (TN) Harold Ford, Jr., a former Chair of the DLC:

Our Chance to Capture the Center

By Martin O'Malley and Harold Ford Jr.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

. . . the temptation to ignore the vital center is nothing new. Every four years, in the heat of the nominating process, liberals and conservatives alike dream of a world in which swing voters don't exist. Some on the left would love to pretend that groups such as the Democratic Leadership Council, the party's leading centrist voice, aren't needed anymore.

But for Democrats, taking the center for granted next year would be a greater mistake than ever before. George W. Bush is handing us Democrats our Hoover moment. Independents, swing voters and even some Republicans who haven't voted our way in more than a decade are willing to hear us out.

With an ambitious common-sense agenda, the progressive center has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win back the White House, expand its margins in Congress and build a political and governing majority that could last a generation. . . .

Contrast the collapse of a conservative president with the success of the last centrist president.

Bill Clinton ran on an agenda of sensible ideas that brought America a decade of peace and prosperity. He was the only Democrat to be elected and reelected president in the past seven decades, and he left office more popular than almost any other president in recent memory. . . .

. . . That's why they have begun putting forward smart, New Democrat plans to cap and trade carbon emissions, give more Americans the chance to earn their way through college, achieve universal health care through shared responsibility, increase national security by rebuilding our embattled military and enable all Americans who work full time to lift themselves out of poverty.

A New Democratic president will have the chance to unite Americans around solutions that will make all Americans proud of their country again.

For the sake of the hardworking Americans who are depending on us to fix Washington and put our country on the right track, we pray that Democrats set out to build a majority that can last.

[Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, is governor of Maryland. Harold Ford Jr. is a former Democratic representative from Tennessee and chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council.]

BTW, there is a 2007 diary at DKos mocking this same Op-Ed.

It will be interesting to see what they say about O'Malley, this time around.

Anyhoo, I look forward with relish to their announcements!



(This is sorta a disjointed mess--interrupted several times, and a bit pushed--sorry!)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

a "decent" post. This "disjointed mess" is more informative and better written than most diaries at dKos. Thanks.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

of 'diary' phobia.


(It takes a thousand times longer for me to write a diary, than a comment. Some sort of mental block, I guess.)

Come what may, I intend to try and correct the misperception that O'Malley is some kind of 'progressive.'

If it takes a thousand comments!


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

mimi's picture

it's a pity that you have diary phobia. I am Marylander and have no clue, who is what kind of personality and how much slick stuff is dripping from which candidate. I would like to be better informed, but won't make such research in all likelyhood. So, your diaries would be so welcome.

If the people come and beat you up mentally, we are coming to the rescue ... Smile United we are strong...

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shaharazade's picture

blowing through dkos. Probably a temporary aberration. Gulfgals's diary for instance brought back many liberal lefty's I hadn't seen for years. I'm a 'professional left' commenter and have major diary phobia. I published one diary in my 9 years at dkos. I'm a great ranter and a good researcher, source linker etc. but still I do love to wing it in the comments. As for taking on the actual histories of the latest greatest Democratic hopes, good luck. My husband from years back never trusted Elisabeth Warren I too am leery of her supposed populism. Seems like Harvard is replacing Yale as an incubator for neocon, neoliberal wolves in sheep clothing. Even Bernie folds like a tent when push comes to shove.

All rationality flies out the door in the heat of winning and defeating the evil Republicans. This is the only priority of a group that's fixated on the useless partisan politics we have these days. Sad thing is with all their polls of mass deception and propaganda nobody seems to care what the contenders and candidates actually implement once they WIN. You get told that FDR, Jefferson, Lincoln, Tom Paine, RFK and even leaders of populist movements in our history were in fact racist, sexist, and not worthy of acknowledging. It's always been this bad so quit your whining. Loving and accepting the corrupt centrist Third Way as inevitable because the Democrat's who control the party are 'pragmatic'. God knows we don't want to rile up the Fox watching RW lunatics.

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gulfgal98's picture

When I published that diary on Saturday, it was the first one in two years, and before that, the previous two were about meet ups. I wrote it because of the frustration that I have had over continued propagandized misinformation that is constantly being spewed over at the "reality site." Like you, I have always felt far more comfortable as a commenter than a diarist. Writing a diary is excruciating for me, although I am pushing myself to try to do a few here. I got tired of constantly rebutting the authoritarians over there through my comments, so as I told bobswern in a comment, I bit the bullet and wrote a diary. And what happened in the comments was that certain contingent showed up and tried to divert the diary away from its main purpose which was how our government was directly working for the corporations in suppressing a populist movement. Instead a number of the authoritarians tried to hijack the diary away from the government angle and focus it upon whether or not Occupy was effective or even had the right to protest.

Those are the people who accuse people like us as being purists, but in effect, they are far more the purists. Their purity test involves team blue and if you are not on board 100% with anyone else on team blue, you are a traitor. This kind of thinking is not only very immature, but it is also very dangerous. This type of thinking whether it is team red or team blue, is exactly how this country has been allowed to slide into the third world nation status that we are facing. It is the type of thinking that has allowed us to engage in war after war unquestioningly while we ignore our enormously pressing needs at home. It is the type of thinking that has allowed too many to slip into denial over climate change which is upon us as I write this.

The real issue out there is not team red or team blue, but is anyone going to do anything about the really pressing issues facing this country and the world? And that begins with the people. So in that way, the front page of daily kos is actually doing a great disservice to the people because it is being used to perpetuate the horse race aspects while never questioning the real issues. Yeah occasionally we a get a little out rage porn on social issues that do not really affect the corporatists, but rarely do we ever see any substantive work on the front page addressing the big picture issues of war, climate change, income inequality, TPP, and the shredding of the social safety net, and when we do, it is always presented in the form of stupid Republicans.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

than diary phobia, but thanks for the encouragement. (Memory loss due to a necessary RX. Which is also the reason that I'm recently making glaring errors such as using "there," instead of "their," "your," instead of "you're," etc.)

Hey, there's always "Tweets," if it gets much worse.



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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

shaharazade's picture

You better watch out with your dangerous anti-science debunked by Monsanto's scientists fear mongering about round up and GMO's. Don'tchaknow that we would all starve if we didn't have the likes of Monsanto poisoning the worlds food crops and creating tomatoes out of spider genes? Congress declared GMO's safe so you better not start blaming or even speculating on what those tasty drinkable glyphosate's are doing to humans nervous systems. Apparently Autism or Alzheimer's has no cause that is connected to the multinational corporate, wealth creating, geopolitical interest's. They only bring good things to life. What are you some kind of fundamentalist who spreads crack pot fear and stops people from trusting our peer reviewed infallible technological progress?

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i didn't mean to get in the way of Monsanto making a buck. I'm probably on another list now too, huh?

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shaharazade's picture

as long as you keep that kind of news and talk away from the reality based Democratic base over at you know where. Well actually it seems everywhere now that it's a black and white binary world that boils down to authoritarian lovers vs. liberal crackpots or R aganst D's or cons vs. libs.

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joe shikspack's picture

carly fiorina is working hard to prove that she is as much of a fruitcake as any rethug:

GOP’s Carly Fiorina: Economy is suffering because workers are ‘watching porn all day long’

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who is expected to announce a campaign for president, said over the weekend that she could improve the economy by cutting federal worker pay because they were “watching porn all day long.”

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

may be capable of serving as an useful tool for the Repubs, if she plays her cards right.

IOW, Carly might be able to get away with stronger/bolder criticisms of FSC, than the male Republican challengers could ever pull off.

Carly took a shot at FSC's record as SOS, that I had to agree with. Clinton doesn't have one.

IOW, compared to John Kerry--who's had his share of missteps, but at least has seriously attempted to tackle major issues/negotiations--FSC appeared to have been just marking time, serving only as a placeholder.

The only thing I remember that she did was give Foreign Minister Lavrov a large, red plastic "reset button."

Heck, we see what good that did!



(But yes, she's almost as 'out there' as Palin. Just has a different "style." Just this week, heard that Carly is a native of, or grew up in, Austin, TX. I wonder if she is a conservative Christian--I never would have thought so, but hey, she's from Texas.)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.