Missing jobs, not missing workers. They traded the jobs away first!
Here is a set of facts which exposes whats being done. This fake "missing workers" is a cover up to hide the bfact that they already promised decades ago to open up a large number of our jobs to other countries, IF THEY WILL DO THEM FOR LESS. Much less and they have to bid againat each other. We likely cant demand they pay Americans "US legal" wages as we already agreed not to. READ THE FINE PRINT.
SO we're going to lose tens of millions, of the bread and butter jobs, its all very well planned out. perhaps more (100s of millions?) bread and butter jobs. Why pay more when millions of people will come here and do them for practically nothing, for the experience. They want the experience wrking here in the US. The wanna-be workers, emigrants who we need, so the oilygarchs dont lose their sacred investments, the workers parents will even pay for it, Pay to work is the new job market. They dont want Americans because they have not been broken yet.
They expect way too much. This is a global pillage, a sea change. this is the new Eldorado, as jobs are vanishing everywhere. Since they are the job sellers, they want their money for their jobs. This is true capitalism, workers paying to work in some cases. If they just graduated, they need to do jobs in their fields or they will forget what they learned. Why not let them pay for them, right. Who can argue with free labor?
They want the other countries to all think we are so rich and our system sop superior that Americans dont need the practical professional jobs any more, either because we didnt want them, so didnt go to college so we could do them, or whatever. See, we got rid of welfare in our time, and also created the WTO which forbids and requires public healthcare be crap. And only available to the poorest.
All Hail New Job Deal; for the most unequal countries and their affordable workers.
All in all you understand nothing of what they have done so it will result in the most horrid stripping of everything most American people have. Ive been trying to explain whats likely being done but without knowing corruption much more deeply you'll never understand. Not until you have lived through uit. And then its too late. By then we have no hope. Abandon hope ye who enter here.
William Blums book Killing Hope is a good introduction to the history of US military intervention, so you understand what yoiur politiucians are fighting for. What freedom means to them.
None of you seem to have any experience with oligarchy or oligarchs so it seems you all misunderstand much (all?) of what I am saying. Its a deeply unfair state of corruption that shuts all but the entitled out, That means you too. from birth to premature death. Unless you have the dough re me. Upfront.
Americans dont understand why people want so much to live here, and why it sucks so badly to live in the most captured countries where your life isnt worth crap. The oligarchs have built us up so we think we still have all sorts of fake things they took from us decades ago. Hoiw smart they are compared to us. Its like stealing candy from babies I am sure they think. They are the slickest of the slick thieves. In the entire world. The corruption is so deep and its utterly global. To understand what they do, undertand how they think. Good luck! Youre going to need it. It is like Orwell described, like a kick in the teeth. A boot on the head.
No way are they going to let the country figure that out, either.
Basically the poorer Most unequal countries claim to have been shut out of the huge amounts of wealth by regulations, Democracy, whatever.; Now money is the currency of commerce. Want a job, buy one, a degree, buy one. If its good enough for the oligarchs.. call them non trade barriers that have shuttheir firms and workers out. Its now officially discrimination. Even if they bid lower. Also, various government subsidies have been officially labeled as the reason they have been shut out. Thats all going to change. Its the biggest redistribution of wealth in world history. (according to former Director General of the WTO Michael Moore) We've been shamelessly had. All the wealth is being stolenm, rapidly. ALL of it, not just some of it. All of it. What do you all need it for, anyway, you job shirkers..
Its all the fault of the well connected groups for having your UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. in the US. Progressives, they say. The only "progressive" the WTO understands is the progressive liberalization which is a noose.. A one way street to privatization of everything.
Look up the Elephant Chart.
Yes, their cosmology is very twisted but its designed to do a job, enable a huge theft.
For the oligarchs and their associates to come up the US middle class has to come down. Its not profitable.
The name of the game is profit and nothing else. Thats what you voted for, right. You millionaires!
They also intend to end the government subsidies in education, water (blue gold) healthcare and housing (rent stabilization laws, etc.) heating, (restrictions on energy export, which started in 1970 and lasted until last year) (recently ended) financial services (like Medicare and Social Security) Just as as they put it, its price controls in the EU that have made drugs so expensive for Americans. (Which is total bullshit)