Midnight Mulling - Creation - or - What is that sig about?

Per Wikipedia:

Billings included Creation in his final collection, The Continental Harmony (published in 1794). The words are by Isaac Watts: the first stanza is from Psalm 139 and the second from hymn 19, book 2, of his Hymns. In 2002, historian of science Edward B. Davis (co-editor of The Works of Robert Boyle) discovered that Watts based the second stanza on a meditation by the famous chemist Robert Boyle. In that text, from Occasional Reflections Upon Several Subjects (1665), Boyle reflected on an illness from which he had recovered, noting the great complexity of the human body and the wonder of how it all stays so well for so many years.

Family history says that Isaac Watts stayed with some relatives (Lady Mary) when he was older. And other regulars in the circle included William Wilberforce. But our branch had already left for the colonies, so reflected glory is not appropriate. (But I still would like to see the cemetery - open to the public - and the Gothic/Egyptian-influenced 'chapel' - even as a ruin.)

So what is "Creation" about? "Creation" is the name of a tune by William Billings - "America's First Composer" (per bing):

And since Easter was yesterday, and youtube had this nearby:

Finally, here are some 'modern' versions of the "Sacred Harp."

best, john

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Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long

I always forget about that. Smile

Hi, everybody! Happy belated Easter to those who celebrated it, heh. My sister and nephews spent the day with me and my pop, and my pop came very close to yelling at the kids several times. They're hyper as fuck.

Also, I'm sure it will amuse you all to know that I taught the boys the word "douchebag", and my sister was not really happy about that. LOL. I was trying to tell them that I went out with a Bernie friend and her crew last night. We went over to this chick's house to watch Ghost Adventures simply to make fun of Zak Baggins who, as you know if you've watched the show, is a douchebag. My older nephew kept interrupting me just to be obnoxious, and my sis was telling me to sum up what I had to say because my nephew was never going to stop being obnoxious. It's how he rolls.

So I said, "Fine. I went over to this friend of a friend's last night and we watched Ghost Adventures just to make fun of Zak Baggins, the host of the show, who is a douchebag!"

Paraphrasing the conversation that followed:

(Older Nephew) What's a "douchebag"?


(Me) What?! You told me to wrap it up, so I did!

(O.N.) Seriously, what's a "douchebag"?! I really don't know.

(Younger Nephew, loud and proud) Douchebag! Douchebag!


At this point, my dad is laughing so hard that I'm pretty sure he was crying.

(Me) I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

(Sis, to both boys) Don't say that! Don't you ever say that word!

(O.N.) Why? Is it a get-you-in-trouble word?

(Me) Yes. If you say it at school, you'll land in the principal's office. Trust me.

(Sis, in general, just losing her shit) DO NOT EVER SAY THAT WORD! DON"T SAY THAT WORD!

(Me, laughing, to O.N.) Your mother is truly going to kill me. She is.

(O.N., laughing) Well, so what is it?!

(Me) It just means, like, jerk. A moron. An idiot. A mean person.

(O.N.) Oh.

(Sis) DON'T SAY THOSE WORDS, EITHER! (Comes over the punches me in the arm)

So, ya know. I had a productive afternoon. Smile It's fun being the aunt, people!

Hope everyone had a fabulous day! Back to canvassing tomorrow night. I'll be living at the Bernie Sanders GB office for the next eight days. Oy. He's coming to Appleton on Tuesday, he'll be in Madison on Wednesday, and The Bern will spent Thursday in Kenosha. Hillary Clinton will be here on Wednesday, as will Donald Trump. Ted Cruz was here last week.

I anticipate getting many calls from out-of-state, because Wisconsin is the next Democratic primary, on April 5th. It's crucial for Bernie to win here if we want him to win in New York so, ya know, no pressure at all!


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I miss Colorado.

Tommymac's picture


Thanks Shiz!

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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521

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I miss Colorado.

riverlover's picture

Subversive is more descriptive. And I was a rare sighting for the two nieces when they were young. Your nephews might remember that conversation later in life and laugh. We do what we can.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

kharma's picture

That is a hard word to have to define to a couple kids Smile

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Tommymac's picture

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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521

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I miss Colorado.

shaharazade's picture

that sends the kids into overdrive we all get every damn holiday they hijack to sell their sugary crap. My whole family forgot it was Easter. So no large greasy toxic ham or chocolate eggs of mass destruction. Hey I like it. I like the rite of spring where ever it originates. Me I'm a Welsh tart 2 generations removed who likes the pagan rites of spring, summer, fall and winter. The equinox's rule literally. I enjoyed my Easter walk between rain showers that featured daffodils, budding trees, green shoots and all kinds of resurrections of life after the winter dead zone. Meanwhile I really miss having missed the hot crossed buns, one a penny two a penny, hot crossed buns. Happy spring everyone! I met a lot of tiny people on my walk that were mystified about the eggs.

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riverlover's picture

Easter was all about a basket with fake grass (segments of which could be found years later, like larger glitter) and candy. Chocolate bunnies (crappy chocolate we start our kids on). Malted milk balls were my fave. Still a weird comfort food.

Easter= vernal equinox Christmas, with my birthday nearby. My parents were accidental pagans.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

shaharazade's picture

This song came into my mind. I had no idea where it came from. I'm not a Grassroots fan but midnight triggered this song so here you go...

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(this was meant for the Colorado-themed sig)

Bummer. Have the rents gone up in the last couple of years? More than the US average, I mean.

best, john

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Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long

Yeah, the rents in CO have definitely gone up in the past few years. With the legalization of weed there, there's been a huge influx in the population of the state (especially in the metro areas), and last year, apartments in Denver were 96% full at all times. It's impossible to find something affordable there now. :/

I moved from CO to WI a little over a year ago, and I'll be here maybe another year now. I am moving back to my adopted home state sooner rather than later, though. I love it there!

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I miss Colorado.