The Masters of the Universe Have Converged at Davos-Klosters this Week

They will be Directing the Global One Percent Choir in comfort and style, learning how to take care of themselves along the way.  But seriously, satirizing the affair this year…ain’t quite so funny, given the massive immiseration of so many citizens globally.  But in any event,  ♪ On with the Bugs Bunny Sho-o-ow!

(‘This years’ meeting will urge CEOs to increase their companies’ contributions to society.’)  Apparently, so that they can ‘consume more’; later on that…or do they really fear the global Rabble’s many Winters of Discontent?  Nah.  How many years has this been a huge thing on the WEF Global Risk Report?  Weird disconnect on the signs, though.

Via Aljazeera“Is this year’s meeting significant?

The WEF says this year’s summit is important because of the debates surrounding globalisation.

But critics expect more of the same, claiming the WEF is a “talking shop” incapable of delivering meaningful change.

“The main critique is that it is a manifest failure of imagination,” Max Lawson, Oxfam International’s head of inequality policy, told Al Jazeera.

WEF attendees “have had many years now of handwringing about the growing gap between rich and poor, and very little to show for it … This is clearly because business as usual is good business for those at the top.

“Ultimately it is public mobilisation and public anger that will lead to progressive change.”

Oh, my yes: Our Capitalist Overlords in Davos are high-fiving one another because global GDP increased by 3.5% in 2017, and look for 2018 to be Evan Bettah!  (for them)

There’s a Reports tab and an Initiatives tab at the WEF2018  homepage.  This year’s Global Risk Report; this year these are the Top Four: ‘environmental degradation, cybersecurity breaches, economic strains and geopolitical tensions. And in a new series called “Future Shocks” the report cautions against complacency and highlights the need to prepare for sudden and dramatic disruptions.’

On morning edit: Pepe Escobar notes today that inside the report was ‘in terms of impact, they are superseded by weapons of mass destruction – a direct consequence of the Korean peninsula standoff. 

It was heart-warming to note that the conference was opened by none other than Hindu Nationalist Narenda Modi who’d decried creeping protectionism and as per AlJazeera:

“The focus of this year’s edition of the annual Davos meeting is on Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World, according to the Geneva-based foundation’s website.

Modi praised India, home to some 1.2 billion people, for its commitment to democracy and diversity.

“For a society with diverse religions, cultures, languages, attires and cuisines, democracy is not just a political system but a way of living,” he said, adding that inclusion is the “main principle” of his government.

Modi’s record has come under scrutiny for his ruling Hindu-nationalist BJP’s treatment of India’s religious minorities.

India’s Muslim and the Christian communities accuse BJP supporters of targeting them since Modi led the party to victory in the 2014 parliamentary elections and formed the central government.”

Way-ull yay-uss, stir in his long record of that added to his constant failures to hold a previously guaranteed self-determination plebiscite in Kashmir and other ‘disputed territories’ is an evil one.  But hey, the fact that he was once persona non grata in the US and Western Society changed once the sainted Tulsi Gabbard conducted him on two Charm Offensives across the US.  Perhaps they may have mentioned to key players how valuable India could be to NATO bases as an actual member (not as with so many others: NATO partners, ‘under our umbrella’, etc., yanno, like Ukraine and Georgia, not to mention what a ‘consumer society’ those billion+  people could be.  His constant Namaste utterances ring rather hollow, don’t they?  Pffffft.

Mitigating disasters?  Easy: public/private partnerships.  The Privates make money while virtue-signaling their largesse by way of public contributions.

Now many panel discussions and reports, white papers, etc. concern The Fourth Industrial Revolution™ (IT of course) indicate that it’s the duty of the Masters of the Universe to make sure that the peons are educated in X, Y, or Z ways to not only survive the coming massive job losses to robots, but to jump right ahead to the alternative jobs market.  Isn’t that kind of them to think of us first?  They’ve also dubbed 2018 ‘the Asian Year’ in covert acknowledgment that Asian economies and ‘innovation’ just might be in the process of kicking their own asses to the curb.

And of course, most of the solutions to the emergencies (oopsie, I mean major ‘risks’) are solvable through increased technology: even removing the plastic from the polymer-choked oceans ahead of geo-farming it!  Now I admit I was sorely disappointed to see charts about the carbon footprints by nation ranked, and a chart on the ‘causes’ of the carbon, not one of which icludedd military footprints which are yuuuuuge.  But guess these Welfare Queens and Kings wouldn’t want to advertise that, now would they?

War & Peace? Ach, nah, not so much.  Just this crap panel video here: ‘Achieving Sustainable Peace in a Fractured World’  Two dudes, one of whom was the Prez of Colombia, and the moderator couldn’t stop saying ‘ColUmbia’, pffft.  And some other mumbled name dude…  If there were others, I hadn’t spotted them.

On morning edit:   ‘German Chancellor promotes militarism and great-power politics at World Economic Forum’,

“At a luxury resort in the Swiss Alps, the acting Chancellor sought to drum up support for a European defence policy that would enable Germany and Europe to enforce their economic and geostrategic interests around the world.

“If Europe, with its 27 future members, is incapable of sending a united message to major countries like China, India, the United States or Russia, and foreign policy is instead made nationally, the attempt to become a global player will fail,” warned Merkel. “If we want to be taken seriously as Europeans, we have one further major task, specifically to cooperate in the area of foreign policy.”

Wonder what one of these adorable urban solutions to climate change costs?

On the ‘Initiatives’ page is ‘Shaping the Future of Financial and Monetary Systems’, and ‘Promoting Global Financial Inclusion’ cuz:

“Over two billion people worldwide are financially excluded and ~200-250 million SMEs are underserved because neither cash systems nor the traditional banking model effectively serve them. These individuals and businesses then rely on riskier and more expensive methods to save, borrow, and secure their assets.

All [of the weighty experts involved] share the goal of developing sustainable collaborative models to advance access to, and use of, financial services through digital means. Lessons learned from these work streams are shared through convenings and knowledge products, bringing local work to the larger global context.” 

Whaaaat in the name of Sweett Fannie Adams does that mean?  Thus Modi’s version of a cashless society?  How’d that work out for the peons in India?  Spoiler alert: not that well.

The list of Partners is on the right side-bar; almost all of them banks, save for the fauxlanthropic Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  ‘Get African farmers SmartPhones, an watch their productivity soar!  (And a few GMO seeds, too.)

‘Sweden is moving quickly towards a cashless society. “We’re looking at potentially an e-Krona, far away into the future, we don’t know if we’ll use blockchain but it will work as a one-to-one exchange rate to the Krona, as a compliment to notes and coins,” says Skingsley, representing the Swedish central bank.’

While the Western nations must be quite aware of it, I didn’t see any discussion in that section about the coming demise of the petro-dollar, though.

Who among us wouldn’t be bullish on their Brave New World initiative ‘Shaping the Future of Consumption’, ROTFLMAO!

“In this context of seismic change, the World Economic Forum’s Future of Consumption System Initiative envisions a future where benefits of technological advancement are inclusive and firmly embedded in people’s lives, making daily consumption experiences simpler, accessible, highly personal and more enjoyable while also imbued with trust and in harmony with nature. It takes a holistic view of addressing the question, “How can technological disruption drive enhanced models of consumption with sustainable benefits for business and society”, across developed and emerging markets?”

How?  WTF? Just put a sexy green-washing label on food ‘products’ while noting ‘Almost GMO-free!.  While both hilarious and self-servingly classist, it’s at least semi-coherent, unlike s many of the White Papers and Brilliant Reports that are utter word salads swirling down the drain, and often contain the word ‘circularity’ a dozen times.

You’ll no doubt be tickled witless that The Conference has joined the #MeToo Movement, as had NATO earlier.

‘2018 will be a year for women to thrive. We’re at a turning point.

“Beyond policies, much of today’s conversation is about the wider social change that is also needed. And from #equalpay to #metoo and beyond, it looks like it’s coming.  Time is up for discrimination and abuse against women. The time has come for women to thrive.’

I always think of Managing Director of the IMF as promoting global women’s rights, don’t you?

And hell’s bells: the female vice-CEO of Microsoft just announced that they will no longer automatically send harassment cases into binding arbitration!  Wooot!

‘Democracy in a Post-Truth Era’:

This session must have been a barn-burner, as the video of the contributors was quite long (most others were as well):

“The session began with a “fake news test” with Laeri asking each participant whether a news story was fake or real. The panel did well, but in a wider survey, respondents were only able to identify half of all stories as being real (rather than fake) news.

Laeri asked (Mike) Allen (CEO of Axios) if the fake news situation is getting better in the US? His short answer was “no”. He argued that the tech giants are more aware of the fake news, but it doesn’t mean there is less of it. He suggested that the popularity of fake news comes from the fact it hits an emotional chord, which real news often doesn’t.’ 

Google, Facebook and Twitter are rooting all that fake ‘roosian bots creating chaos!!!’ rot out, along with anti-war, anti-Imperialism essays, thank heavens…  But shucks, how distressing that Our Overlords didn’t recognize that this film should have won the award for ‘best psyop #FakeNews of 2017, speaking of ‘hitting an emotional cord’.

(You rawk, Boots, you commie hip-hop rapper…)

Zo,  Trump’s speech is over, all indications are that he’d tried to thread some needle between nationalist protectionism and globalization.  ‘Amerika is open for bidness!  Let’s make a deal!’

Cross posted from: café babylon

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The Aspie Corner's picture

of said theft.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

wendy davis's picture

@The Aspie Corner @The Aspie Corner
by 'higher forms', but sure, capitalism is theft, and and is closely allied and underpins Imperialism.

but i gotta say that the Kings atop the Magic Mountain (h/t pepe escobar) imagine the future...for some. (there was a whole thing about 'future cities, future architecture, indoor gardens at the edge of every town, plus feeding the poor: give em a shipping container and some seeds, they can grow enough to equal two acres!, yada, yada. gotta love this, though:

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Big Al's picture

thing that has somehow become accepted as legitimate. It's times like this that the hypocrisy of the human race make it difficult to see how we're ever going to reach a new enlightenment. Greed and the lust for power seem insurmountable. If it wasn't the cretins in Davos now, there are always plenty to take their place.

Someone should start a World Working Class Economic Forum and hold in Detroit.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

you don't believe they're about to redistribute their wealth to the slaves as per: 'a shared future in a fractured world'? and their 'new social contracts'?

sure there'll always be others to take their places, and have been since klaus schab created the first one 1n 1971; it was rebranded WEF in '85. but swear to goddess, they seem believe they're there to help the little people, but of course, mainly in order to help their own pockets, prestige, and power.

i like the idea of alt-davos, and on one of my annual (iirc) traditions satirizing it at my.fdl, margo schulter had announced that we should hold 'unDavos' at our place. but srsly, if it's a worthy notion, i think it would have to be global, and cities, tons all over the planet would need to hold such conferences. same for antiwar insurrections, but boy, howdy, those similar numbers of 6000 po-po and military at davos would be turned

guess one of the disconnects about the protestors' signage bugged me: anti-trump is bigger than anticapitalism? w.t.f.?

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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis @wendy davis slaves of the world but I'd imagine most are just silly humans caught up in their own delusions and self interests.

Now how can we organize the global UnDavos? Perhaps organize thousands of mini UnDavos' around the world with an agenda to submit ideas to a central UnDavos which would then consolidate and summarize and present the finished product to the U.N.?

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

was: "they seem believe they're there to help the little people, but of course, mainly in order to help their own pockets, prestige, and power." but their collective new 'social compact' was most directly aimed toward creating a new batch of wage slaves in an IT-dominated world. 'they must be prepared for the fourth industrial revolution', here's how!' stuff. made me wanna reach for a barf bag, and as a side note, the several days i just spent at davos were almost unbearably depressing, and i almost bailed on doing this round-up, because of that, especially, as i'd said at the top: this year their cheeky asses weren't quite as easy to satirize given global immiseration of the have-nots, and knowing US electoral duopoly trash will rule again in 2018, 2020 unless people are so fucking fed up they find freedom in the vein of 'nothing left to lose'. tipping points to massive insurrection are usually related to the inability to feed one's family. revolutions as well, but w/o a clear collective vision as to what should replace a system, the new boss/es seems to end up looking like the old boss/es.

look how easy it was to tank bolivarian governments in 'our backyard' w/ a bit of help from...the empire's friends and NGOs. and yeah, temer (under corruption investigations in brazil) was in davos w/ bells on railing against 'corruption'; trump had 'a good meeting' w/ genocidaire, now friend of the US, paul fucking kagame. birds of a feather, and all that.

but yes! please do organize such a global un-Davos movement if you can! me, i wouldn't be able to organize a bake-sale any longer. one trouble is that far too many believe that a meritocracy creates billionaires, not stepping on the backs of workers and their laborers, rigging legislation to keep them profiting from misery, including incarceration, no access to health care, healthy food and water, adequate affordable housing and transportation, get my gist. if it weren't so, would people in that same mess vote for the Blue Team as a fooking preference? or the bern's 'ah-we'll-think-about-antiwar-stuff-revolution'? ach, sorry, a commenter at the café just gave me a glen ford link w/ that it it... bitter? as james baldwin said: "i may or may not be bitter on a given day, but i sure reserve the right to be" (or close). better days ahead? harder to imagine now than during Occupy days, i'll say that.


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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis I wrote something last night some people here would not like. Bitter? Ya, I reserve the right too.

The ignorance and hypocrisy might be too much to overcome.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

ignorance and hypocrisy, yes. and so tribally brainwashed by psyops and agitprop that they're certain they know what they so. in fact, i might reprise and oldie on that i wrote (pasted together) a couple years ago.

i just reread glen ford's link to 'our revolution's' FP page, and was duly gobsmacked. and bernie has said that the US should have the strongest military on the planet. okay....

but i id get to thinking if you had tenets to underpin a globa un-davos, you might want to shop it around to dissident voice or counterpunch. i guess that's how one does it, anyway.

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k9disc's picture

@Big Al

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

until the Guillotine starts singing.

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wendy davis's picture


hard not to imagine putting lysergic acid in their white wine and water, though.

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Pricknick's picture

@wendy davis
They're already trippin.
Save the good stuff for the masses who have to put up with the never ending tripe.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

wendy davis's picture


a café commenter in berlin said much the same. my thing is that psychotropics can act as short-cuts (can) to seeing that what separates humans is an illusion, and that all life forms are interconnected living beings. that sorta schmaltz. (smile) davos man and now) davos woman should be taught that, is all i'm sayin'.

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Tony Wikrent's picture

When I first read that Trump was going to Davos, I wondered what his angle was. Was he going there to join in the warm glow of globalist prosperity, or was he going to publicly posture as a scold and opponent?

Judging from conservative ideologue's Laura Ingraham's account, the latter. T think it is important to watch this, because it shows how difficult it is to oppose the messaging. Opposing far way away global bureaucrats and returning decision making to the American people? Sounds great.

I do not think the left is ideologically equipped to fight this issue effectively. Why? Because the left is basically hostile to the institution of the nation state, and tends to view nationalism negatively rather than positively, more akin to jingoism than the anti-colonial global engagement Franklin Roosevelt mapped out before he died, and which was quickly buried along with him.

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- Tony Wikrent
Nation Builder Books(nbbooks)
Mebane, NC 27302

wendy davis's picture

@Tony Wikrent

but first, this: "I do not think the left is ideologically equipped to fight this issue effectively. Why? Because the left is basically hostile to the institution of the nation state, and tends to view nationalism negatively rather than positively,', etc. first i'd have to ask 'what left'? w/o any clarity of that, i'm shooting in the dark here responding, Tony, but i'd say that the radical left are globalist in far as anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, anti-war, and pro-Rabble class rights in every direction. as in: pro-actual democracy from the bottom up, equal representation (or as close as possible), and fervently anti-neocolonialist, as in every fucking nation in africa and more. an yes, africa has plenty of comprador leaders willing to sell out their own for some Imperial lucre and privilege. much the same now in central and south america, with some still in play again.

now you might have noticed i hadn't made this diary about herr trump, but given the video, i can say that she may be correct in some of her assessments. first, he is far more like them than unlike, and apparently he went big on his corporate tax cuts (though he lied about the 'massive worker bonuses', as far as i've heard, it was only some of the remaining managers at sams clubs upon the closing of 60 on one day. (wage slaves weren't notified, apparently.) what's for them not to (at least secretly) like about his self-triumphalism in having shredded regulations, and more to come? a café commenter mentioned the NYSLimes covering for him, and i only had one more free click, but found these there and at the guardian:

"Unlike other visitors, Mr. Trump did not wander the pavilions. He attended a reception in his honor by the forum, and then was host at a dinner for about 15 chief executives from firms like Siemens, Nokia, Nestle, HSBC, Anheuser-Busch and Bayer.

In an interview with CNBC to be aired on Friday before his speech, Mr. Trump raised the possibility of rejoining the Pacific partnership, which was negotiated by President Barack Obama but never submitted to Congress amid bipartisan opposition.

I would do TPP if we were able to make a substantially better deal,” Mr. Trump said. “The deal was terrible; the way it was structured was terrible. If we did a substantially better deal, I would be open to TPP.”

We lowered our corporate tax rate from 35% all the way down to 21%. As a result, millions of workers have received tax cut bonuses from their employers in amounts as large as $3,000,” he said. Trump said he had cut 22 “burdensome” regulations for every new rule, saying this was freeing businesses and workers to flourish as never before. “Regulation is stealth taxation,” he said, attacking unelected bureaucrats for imposing anti-business and anti-worker rules. “In America, those days are over.”

well, sure: bidness flourishes, not workers, wall street boom, but not cuz of him, just quantitative easing free money, corps. buy their own stock back..,bingo! tpp a better deal; sounds like out of nafta, now a 'better deal nafta', 'out of nato', now 'pony up more dues nato members, almost members, under nato's umbrella nations.

rock star at davos? stampeding for selfies? yeah, maybe some of that. but he went cuz he believes he IS a rock star, and could show the globalists there's a way to to bidness in spite of MAGA protectionism.

a fella at the café offered this worthy poem:

'Let me tell you about the very rich.
They hate their children and live in glass towers.
The simplest pleasures are beyond their meager powers
of imagination; mostly, they like to bitch
about the minor incursions of normal life, the itch
of unsanctioned human contact, the fleeting sour
stench of the breathing millions they’ll rush to shower
off in their marble hangars. A muddy ditch
or a modest home appear as misery
defined; they do fear violence of a certain kind,
not terrorism, but a reborn Terror
without the killing—like, meeting the delivery
boy, or paying cash, or waiting in line.
Mere human contact is their Robespierre.'

now the commenter's a brilliant, multi-lingual, well-educated and talented man, now living in a homeless tent encampment in olympia thru no fault of his own.

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earthling1's picture

"Davos, a piano sized meteor would solve all the worlds problems.
If only there were a God that truly hated evil".

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

wendy davis's picture

so i don't look to the gods to help us. (smile) but i did see some click-bait thing at RT about a meteor as large as __ passing close to the earth.

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Pricknick's picture

all my dogs created recyclable waste today which is more than anybody can say about davos.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

wendy davis's picture

the Masters of the Universe created plenty of fertilizing deals that will make their pockets and pocketbooks grow and grow!

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Arrow's picture

Damn...There's no parking spaces to park your jet at the airport.
The helicopter shuttle to Davos takes hours of waiting(I almost have to break down and take the train.).
You have to go all the way to France to find a suite in a 'decent hotel'.
The costs keep claiming. You gotta spend like $150-200k just for yourself($500k if 'your people' tag along...and you gotta have 'your people').
It's hell I tell you. See you there next year.

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I want a Pony!

wendy davis's picture


but srsly, arrow; the skies above magic mountain were no-fly zones (terr'ist fears, of course) so i think they had to park in the outter reaches and ride trains into town.

but they do work hard, according to them selves, and hold workshops on 'saving energy', 'happiness doesn't mean being happy every day' and spas are ubiquitous. after partying all night, rejuvinate! one year i covered davos arriania huffington waxed ebullient over the same stuff. and w/o embarrassment, i'll add, dahlink....

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Amanda Matthews's picture

That will be the end of all our rights. They will be able to monitor every damn penny we spend.

This is dangerous.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Raggedy Ann's picture

@Amanda Matthews
My husband and I are getting ready for it.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Pricknick's picture

@Raggedy Ann
Whatcha got that I need and what do you want for it?

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

earthling1's picture


of 12 gauge game loads. Will trade for equal weight of green bean seeds, or other vegetable or 20 rolls of toilet paper.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

wendy davis's picture

@Amanda Matthews

isn't it? good for Our Rulers, not so much for the peasants, from what i can discern.

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I can feel the Davos trickle-down already as they try to sooth our thirst for democracy in a sustainable, caring society with the smelly yellow rain tenderly mingling with Trumps verbal diarrhea...

On the other hand, here's a good word from Niko, which I found well worth listening to:

Bernie 2020 Is Happening - Here's Why 2020 Will Differ From 2016
MCSC Network W/ Niko

Published on 26 Jan 2018


Bernie Sanders has met up with his team to discuss the probable reality of him running for president against in 2020. Understandably, many people have mixed feelings about this. In this podcast I break down the positives and negatives about his run, and discuss how 2020 will be very different than his 2016 run.

If we last that long and Bernie doesn't get the Kennedy treatment, there could actually be Progs headed by a Prog in high office and, among other things, a President and, with enough Progs winning, a far more democratic Party to install a Fair Voting system so that '3rd parties' would become just smaller political parties with a chance of election if they appealed to enough voters, rather than being shut out of the whole political process...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

wendy davis's picture

@Ellen North

partially for the time, and because i will never feel the bern, myownself. DSA is simply reform capitalism, and not anti-imperial save for certain situations. but i do thank you for the opportunity; others here may be very grateful and jazzed by niko's and the bern's messages.

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wendy davis's picture

herr hair had called out as #FakeNews the nyt’s report that he’d tried to have mueller fired, but that his WH counsel had said he’d quit before if he were forced to, and told him how it would look.

wikileaks put this great video up this morning wish someone would give it to emptywheel (smile):

lotta stuff goin' on with assange, some is pending, but you can read some of it on his twitter account.

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@wendy davis

Thanks for the telling video - no wonder Biden keeps getting floated as an alternative to Hillary.

Kinda makes you wonder if, as Senator, Biden represented Delaware, or if Delaware represents Biden. Perhaps both?

(All added emphasis in any article quoted from below is mine.)

The Right Place to Hide Your Money

Peter Macfarlane talks about ‘plain sight’ strategies for international private banking.

‘How to hide money offshore’ is not something many bankers or offshore writers would dare to choose as a topic these days. ‘Financial Privacy is Dead’ would certainly be a more politically-correct topic. Here at Q Wealth we sometimes push the limits, but we don’t have a death wish either… so let me make clear right now that this article is not about how to evade taxes. It is about the best ways to achieve financial privacy in 2011, assuming you are fully compliant with all applicable tax and reporting requirements, but you still want to keep your affairs private for asset protection or catastrophe-planning purposes. ...

... The fact is, most countries, even the USA and the UK, acknowledge the right to bank secrecy. Even now, the USA does a big business in secret bank accounts, especially for Latin Americans – famously refusing to turn over information on the secret bank accounts of wealthy Mexicans for example. ...

... 1) First, for a layer of privacy you need a tax-neutral legal entity of some sort, like a trust or a corporation. The result of this is that the offshore bank or brokerage account is not held in your name, even though you might be the signatory or beneficial owner. This avoids your name leaking out to the rest of the world on wire transfers etc, and this step also effectively neutralizes most TIEAs at a stroke. If you are American, it also opens up a world of investments that are closed to individual US citizens.This is about the only way to open an offshore brokerage account for US citizens.

LLCs are good for this purpose as they are inexpensive and can generally be treated as simple pass-through entities for tax purposes. ...

Why are there so many anonymous companies in Delaware?
by Libby Watson


Apr 6, 2016 12:59 pm

From the Federal Election Commission’s suggestion that it might finally begin scrutinizing donations to super PACs from mystery limited liability companies (LLCs) to the revelations in the Panama Papers, LLCs are very in right now. The leak of the Panama Papers reportedly shows the use of offshore shell companies to hide cash by many high-profile foreign figures, from highly-paid soccer star Lionel Messi to the prime minister of Iceland, but the lack of Americans implicated in the investigations has raised eyebrows in the international community. We’d all like to believe that it’s because most Americans are law-abiding folks, but there might be another answer: Americans don’t need offshore companies in tiny island nations to hide their money. America has Delaware.

Delaware is home to more than a million corporations, meaning it has more corporations than actual human residents. In 2012, The New York Times reported that a single building in Wilmington was the legal address of over 285,000 separate businesses. About 65 percent of Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in Delaware. Many companies choose to incorporate there because of the “business-friendly” climate and extensive body of corporate law, or because Delaware has much lower corporate taxes than most states. The New York Times says incorporating in Delaware “has enabled corporations to reduce the taxes paid to other states by an estimated $9.5 billion.” But it also happens to be one of the easiest places in the world to set up an anonymous company, making it a great place to establish an LLC to do business that you don’t want anyone to know about or you don’t want to be easily connected to. ...

...In 2014, two laws were passed in Delaware that required companies registered in the state to provide the name of someone who knows who the legal owners are, but the legal owners can still be another anonymous company, and the information would only be available via subpoena. The legislation didn’t require any information to be collected or made public about the “real” owners, often called the “beneficial owners.” Global Financial Integrity described the bills as “window-dressing,” saying they would “do nothing” to reveal more about who owns anonymous companies. Former Michigan Sen. Carl Levin, D, tried repeatedly to pass a bill requiring states to simply ask for the name of the person establishing the corporation, but the effort failed every time. ...

While public attention is turned toward offshore accounts and puzzlement is felt by some that various of the most notorious American politicians have not been listed as involved in such as the Paradise papers, Joe Biden's home stomping grounds remain immune from scrutiny even as Swiss banks have been forced to release at least some information on a certain number of secret offshored accounts - even if Sec. of State Hilllary Clinton did help to greatly reduce the number of accounts supplied, some apparently, according to what I'd read, having been emptied prior to exposure.

From 2009:

Delaware Named As Better Place To Hide Money Than Switzerland

November 2, 2009 6:22 am EST

... It turns out the Switzerland is not the best place to keep financial information and transactions under wraps; Delaware is.

The Tax Justice Network reviewed and ranked the secrecy of jurisdictions that it evaluated according to both their lack of transparency and their scale of cross-border financial activity. Its findings: “Ranked alongside 59 other secrecy jurisdictions, Delaware’s commitment to corporate secrecy, and resolute lack of cooperation and compliance with international norms, places it at head of the new Financial Secrecy Index.”

London, the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, and Luxembourg rounded out the top five. ...

...Thousands of legal cases are brought against companies incorporated in Delaware every year. The Delaware Court of Chancery is highly regarded among corporate counsel for deciding disputes between corporations and their shareholders in the favor of the companies. ...

The following is a detailed article I, at least, found well worth reading in full, (some might consider it lengthy) apart from the various bills given.

Karl Baker, The News Journal Published 2:09 p.m. ET Sept. 16, 2016 | Updated 9:38 a.m. ET Nov. 30, 2017

Delaware punches above its weight in influence on corporate registration rules largely due to the advocacy of Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock. Karl Baker/THE NEWS JOURNAL
$2 million in taxpayer funds spent since 2009 to lobby Congress on behalf of Delaware Secretary of State

Story Highlights

Critics say Delaware has been leading the opposition to corporate transparency in the United States.
Incorporation fees are critical to the state budget.
Proposed federal legislation would require all corporate entities to obtain a tax identification number with the IRS.

... In July, federal authorities implicated eight Delaware limited liability companies in a scheme to steal over $1 billion from the people of Malaysia. In August, they fined a Chilean airline for bribing union bosses with $1.15 million funneled through a Delaware LLC.

Cases abound of tax dodgers, embezzlers, drug dealers and arms traffickers using anonymous companies based in Delaware and other U.S. states to hide and funnel money.

Delaware officials say a new bill they are pushing in Congress would help police root out secretive money launderers by requiring every corporate entity in the U.S. to supply the name of a company official to the IRS. Limited liability corporations can be created in nearly every state without disclosing who owns them.

But critics say the legislation, introduced by U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, D-Delaware, merely gives the appearance of progress. Transparency advocates and some in law enforcement say it would allow criminals and tax evaders to retain corporate anonymity because the bill does not explicitly require an actual owner of a company to be listed.

"There is no guarantee that (Carper's bill) would get you any closer," said Clark Gascoigne, deputy director of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition based in Washington, D.C. "It could be an attorney who works for (the owner) who is listed," he said, which could maintain secrecy through attorney-client privilege.

Delaware Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock is the main defender of the state's incorporation franchise that brings in more than $1 billion a year, about a quarter of state revenue. He points out the First State is not unique in allowing businesses to incorporate anonymously, but he is taking the lead on the issue in Washington D.C., he said, because Delaware – long known as a preferred business-friendly jurisdiction for the world’s elite – has to maintain its reputation against critics' attacks.

“Let’s start by saying this: We do not support secrecy, and we do not market Delaware as a tax haven,” said Bullock. But “it has been a struggle ... to get federal law enforcement the tools it says it needs to investigate some of the most serious crimes that are going on in America. Not only money laundering but crimes related to terrorism.”

Bullock has spent almost $2 million in taxpayer funds since 2009 to a lobbying firm to influence Congress and other states to help maintain Delaware's incorporation dominance. ...

... Gascoigne said while Delaware is not alone in the shell company game, it is the only state actively working in Washington to stifle tough regulations that would expose to law enforcement the secret owners of companies.

Gascoigne said Delaware officials have derailed past Congressional legislation that would have helped police. The First State has had outsized influence, he said, and is using it to maintain the status quo, which allows the financial crimes to flourish.

Other past criminal cases involving Delaware companies include an LLC used by jailed former lobbyist Jack Abramoff to take money from clients, and LLCs used by Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout to hide money. Mexican authorities alleged a tequila business incorporated in Delaware by actress Kate Castillo had a financial connection to drug lord Joaquin "el Chapo" Guzman. ...

It seems that just as President Obama (who was quoted as stating in various articles as likely to become a Silicone Valley venture capitalist after leaving office) unleashed capital to help out smaller start-ups, in 2015, a long-trusted Biden aide, Denis J. Toner, became Senior-Manager of a startup intended to sell stock in new-start-ups in an area heavily loaded with large corporations, these, as a group, being known for buying up/stomping competitors. After leaving office, the Bidens also bought a summer home in the area Denis J. Toner apparently lives, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The owner of the company is unmentioned, of course, this being Delaware and all.

Biden's home stomping grounds in Wilmington, Delaware, where the happy couple has a multi-million-dollar estate, are to be the headquarters of this project.

$15M bond for Wilmington stock exchange OK’d
Xerxes Wilson, The News Journal Published 7:31 p.m. ET July 28, 2015 | Updated 3:27 a.m. ET July 29, 2015

The head of a startup company preparing to create a stock exchange headquartered in Wilmington said the project will be the first of its kind in the United States and will capitalize on an emerging corner of the financial market. The New Castle County Council on Tuesday approved backing a $15 million revenue bond for the venture.

“Currently in the environment, there is no competitor to what we are proposing to do,” Nick Niehoff, president and chief executive of Delaware Board of Trade Holdings Inc., told the county Finance Committee Tuesday. “These issues are below the threshold of listing on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. There is an enormous gap of issuers in the United States – small businesses – that this entity will service.”

The company plans to run a trading system for small- and medium-sized businesses and another for established U.S. and foreign securities, with all transactions done electronically. ...

... Leadership in the company includes John F. Wallace, head of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange from 1984 to 2008, as chairman; Dennis J. Toner, a longtime aide to Vice President Joe Biden, as a senior manager; and Dick Grasso, chairman of the New York Stock Exchange from 1995 to 2003, as an advisory board member. Niehoff is a former Nasdaq executive and CEO of the Cincinnati Stock Exchange.

The planning document said they were drawn to Delaware because it is the legal home to numerous companies. Sixty-four percent of Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in the state, attracted by low taxes; flexible business laws; and the Court of the Chancery, which deals specifically with business issues.

The company was incorporated last month, at about the same time a key provision of the federal Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, signed by President Barack Obama in April 2012, kicked in. The act was created to open up capital for smaller businesses and startups. ...

Posted on: July 29, 2015
New Castle County Council Unanimously Approves Delaware Board of Trade (DBOT) Project

... DBOT also seeks to create the Nation’s first ever “venture” exchange, a crowdfunding exchange that will allow startups and small company’s access to capital.

New Castle County’s Comprehensive Economic Development Plan identified the State’s relative lack of access to venture capital funding as one of its biggest constraints to economic growth. Startups are not candidates for traditional bank financing and rely on venture capital funding, which has been relatively non-existent in Delaware.

Chief Administrative Officer David Grimaldi, who put the DBOT deal together, noted that “DBOT can offer new businesses a more attractive alternative to traditional venture capital funding. Overnight, one of our biggest economic challenges, access to capital, can become a core competitive advantage. This is big.” ...

... Members and affiliates of The Delaware Board of Trade include former NYSE CEO Richard Grasso, former UBS Financial Services CEO Joseph Grano, former Philadelphia Stock Exchange CEO John Wallace, former Cincinnati Stock Exchange CEO Richard “Nick” Niehoff, and former US Postal Service Governor and top aide to Vice President Joe Biden, Dennis Toner.

From article above the last, for comparison:

$15M bond for Wilmington stock exchange OK’d
Xerxes Wilson, The News Journal Published 7:31 p.m. ET July 28, 2015 | Updated 3:27 a.m. ET July 29, 2015

... Leadership in the company includes John F. Wallace, head of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange from 1984 to 2008, as chairman; Dennis J. Toner, a longtime aide to Vice President Joe Biden, as a senior manager; and Dick Grasso, chairman of the New York Stock Exchange from 1995 to 2003, as an advisory board member. Niehoff is a former Nasdaq executive and CEO of the Cincinnati Stock Exchange. ...

I gather that they're running this new type of stock company themselves, as well as running the Board of Trade? Or is that the official-sounding name of the company itself, implying that this private company exerts control over such trading in a democracy?

Lucky that Obama opened up capital for new start-ups just in time for this start-up stock company run by a trusted Biden aide in Biden's home territory to take advantage of it, before anyone else could - and in an area so very protective of the privacy of Big Money Owners...

Biden apparently keeps nothing in his own name.

Biden and Clinton should back off poverty claims
June 26, 2014|By John Dickerson

On Monday morning, at a White House summit on policies to help working families, Vice President Joe Biden reflected on his wealth. He said that while he wore a "mildly expensive suit" and was vice president of the United States of America, he didn't own a stock or a bond, and as a senator, was the poorest member of the club. This bit is a long-standing part of Biden's shtick, but was interpreted most loudly by the Republican National Committee as a dig at possible presidential rival Hillary Clinton. The former secretary of state has been having trouble talking about her considerable wealth, ever since she described herself as "dead broke" upon leaving the White House.

It's hard to know what motivates Biden to zoom down a rhetorical byway. His comments Monday were particularly strange, given that the vice president's disclosure statements show that he does have a stock portfolio, though it is owned by his wife. But even if that's the case, Biden probably couldn't help himself. The poor-man routine is a political trope, the same one that tripped up Clinton on the first leg of her book-promotion tour. Politicians find it so irresistible because it can be effective. ...

...Biden and Clinton are courting danger when they embroider their hard times. Dislike of phonies is a gut instinct too. Clinton had just bought $2 million homes and signed an $8 million book contract at the time she said she was "dead broke." Though Biden may not be as wealthy as others in his cohort, he is obviously set for life, and as a long-serving senator, he was always on a far easier track than a struggling middle-class family. ...


Jill Biden Net Worth:
$16 Million ...

...Jill Tracy Biden (née Jacobs, previously Stevenson; born June 3, 1951) is an American educator and, as the wife of the 47th and current U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is the Second Lady of the United States. ...

Biden Calls Himself 'Middle Class Joe,' Owns Mansion

12:29 PM, May 17, 2012 | By Daniel Halper

Joe Biden, speaking in Ohio today, said that he is "tired of being called a 'Middle Class Joe.'" ...

..., a reliable real estate web site, estimates the worth of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home (pictured above) to be a cool $2,856,950. (This does not appear to include the cottage on the Biden estate, which the vice president rents out to the Secret Service for more than $12,000 per year.)

"The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, reported assets of between $239,000 and $866,000," according to Bloomberg. ...

...In June 2017 the couple bought a multi-million-dollar vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware near Cape Henlopen State Park, where they planned to host members of their extended family.[66] They were able to afford such a place for the first time in their lives due to book deals they signed upon leaving office, with him committed to publishing two books and her one.[14] ...

Dennis Toner Welcomed to Postal Service Board of Governors
Resident of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

November 12, 2010

WASHINGTON — Denis J. Toner was welcomed to the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, meeting in open session, in Washington today. He was appointed a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service by President Barack Obama on September 17, 2010, for a term that expires December 8, 2012.

For 34 years Governor Toner directed policy, public and political affairs on the staff of then-Senator and now-Vice President Joseph Biden, Jr., and served as his Deputy Chief of Staff from 1995 to 2005.

Following his career of the staff in the United States Senate, Toner launched a private practice, Horizon Advisors, which provides guidance and strategic planning to private clients and non-profit organization. Horizon Advisors also maintains a professional resource network intended to advise and promote dialogue among the public, private and non-profit sectors.

Toner is a graduate of the University of Delaware and lives in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. ...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

Something rather odd; this 15-year old letter showed up as an indication of what this site/office address was doing back then:

April 28, 2003
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
United States Senator
1105 North Market Street
Suite 2000
Wilmington, Delaware 19801-1233
Dear Senator Biden:
I am responding to your April 2, 2003, letter to Ms. Patricia G. Norry inviting the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) to participate in the Fourth Annual Procurement Expo in
Wilmington, Delaware, on September 25, 2003.
NRC has annual goals for contract awards to small, disadvantaged, 8(a), women-owned,
Historically Underutilized Business Zone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small
businesses. We applaud the efforts of the Government Marketing Assistance Program (GMAP)
and the Delaware Small Business Development Center to assist Delaware companies in
understanding the Federal Government procurement process.
We will be happy to send a representative to participate in the Expo in September. We will
contact Patrick Allen in your Wilmington office to make the appropriate arrangements.
Thank you for the invitation to be a part of this important event.
William D. Travers
Executive Director
for Operations
cc: Patrick Allen
April 28, 2003

Then whatever's at this address was managed by this trusted aide? Can anyone among the brilliant and informed on this site make sense of this? Speaking as one of the 'Illiterati', this strikes me as rather odd...

Dennis J. Toner
Finance Director at Biden
Location: 1105 N. Market St. Suite 2000, Wilmington, Delaware, United States
HQ Phone:
(302) 573-6345
Get Email

General Information

B.A. - University of Delaware

Board Member - Delaware Board of Trade inc

Member, Board of Governors - USPS

Board of Governors Member - American Postal Workers Union

Member of the Board of Governors - Postal Service's

Member of Board of Governors - the United States Postal Service's

Founder - Horizon Philanthropic Services

Board of Governors Member - Leadership Directories Inc

Founder - Horizon Advisors LLC


1105 N. Market St. Suite 2000
Wilmington, Delaware, 19801

United States

Additional people at Dennis's company
Mark Gittenstein

David Wade

Bill Clinton

Ashley Blazer

Find other employees at this company (21)

Links to:

Mark Gittenstein

David Wade

Bill Clinton

Ashley Blazer

Carol Browner

Chief of Staff
Tim Mullaney

Chief of Staff
Martha Raddatz

Willing Assistant
George Kaiser

Kate Bedingfield

Family Spokeswoman
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Adam Campbell
Colin Kahl

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, National Security Advisor
Elaine ChaoBiden
ex-President Obama
Antony Blinken

Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senior Campaign Adviser
Janna Ryan
Warren Flood

Greg Schultz

Executive Director
Matthew Littman

Speech Writer
Penny Pritzker
Masoud Barzani

Vice President, Office

Is this related somehow to Biden's Foundation?

(Sounds rather like the Clinton's - this Foundation to 'identify policies' helpful to groups that, incidentally, poll well with the public.)


The Biden Foundation was established to carry on a lifetime of public service, capped by eight historic years with President Obama. Officially established as an operating, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, the Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors, including: former U.S. Senator Ted Kaufman (Board Chair), Hon. Mark Gitenstein (President), Mark Angelson (Vice Chair and Treasurer), Valerie Biden Owens (Vice Chair) and Jeffrey Peck (Vice Chair). The Foundation’s Executive Director is Louisa Terrell.

The Biden Foundation will build upon Vice President and Dr. Biden’s lifelong commitment to protect and advance the rights and opportunities of all people through educational programming and public policy analysis. Initially, the Foundation’s areas of focus will be:

Advancing Community Colleges
Ending Violence Against Women
Ensuring LGBTQ Equality
Protecting Children
Shaping Foreign Policy
Strengthening the Middle Class
Supporting Military Families


Vice President Biden has played a unique role in our country throughout his years of public service. He has championed — and will continue to champion — progress and prosperity for American families.

The Biden Foundation will build upon that mission: to identify policies that advance the middle class, decrease economic inequality, and increase opportunity for all people. And, to ensure that everyone — no matter their income level, race, gender, age, or sexuality — is treated equally and gets a fair shot at achieving the American Dream.

We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. It is more important than ever before to move the country forward and keep working towards the ideals that ensure that the American Dream can be a reality for all.

Leaning on the knowledge of the world’s foremost experts, most experienced hands and brightest minds, the Biden Foundation will lead this next research and educational venture. But, it will take all of us, working together, to help Vice President and Dr. Biden complete this mission.

And Americans are no doubt grateful to have had even more of their wealth, rights, homes, military and privacy turned over to the capable grasp of the very top fraction of the 1% for safe-keeping, so that 'everyday Americans' wouldn't break them while playing with them, during the Obama/Biden years, with a truly great set-up for the next President to expand on The Plan included.

I'd like to see the meaning of 'progress and prosperity for American families' translated from the Neo, but I can actually guess it pretty accurately by the context; the situation in which they've been left.
Probably that Joe and those he serves have the bulk of everything and are well on their way to having it all.

One of the pillars of this foundation:

Shaping Foreign Policy

For the past seven decades, America and our allies have led the world down a clear path: Bending the arc of history toward liberty. Now, years of progress are under attack and we have been called to defend the values we hold most dear.

For more than 40 years, Joe Biden has been on the front lines of every foreign policy battle our nation has faced. Together with the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, the Biden Foundation will find new ways to build upon Joe Biden’s longstanding commitment to preserve the liberal international order.

I found this rather interesting...

If anyone else does, as well, perhaps someone with a better-working brain and computer might want to continue looking into this, in case Biden does run for President, as he seems to be their go-to alternate to the Clintons, as an insider? Such various threads need to be woven into a lasso to yank the corruption to a halt. Before anything happens to the info... or the global oxygen supply.

Not feeling too lively and have no idea what I may have missed in the above so far, but it'll have to do as-is for now, in the hope that someone else feels like gathering these threads to see where they lead and what they form.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

wendy davis's picture

@Ellen North

to be the 'war and peace' length book scuttlebut on joe biden! such diligence, my stars. i'll have to leave it as: for further reading posterity but for now, your cliffs notes are remarkably telling.

thank you, srsly. what a piece of work; we also might wonder how is son got on the board of that big gas company there, not to mention obomba's great friend 'The Intercept' multi-billionaire pierre omidyar's doings there.

be well, and kudos for your work!

0 users have voted.

@wendy davis

Lot of weird stuff going on there, really hoping that Somebody Who Knows About This Stuff will take this up, not that I'm qualified to tell one way or another.

Not sure whether to post mentions of the investment from the Saudi billionaire in this totally automated AI trading system or what's said to be a controlling interest bought by a Chinese billionaire interested in cryptocurrency, the increase in Wall St. money apparently expected by some to go into cryptocurrency due to a ratings sustem now being available or the fact that at this point, (at least so far as I can tell, going by what I've read, still has) DBOT has a SEC monopoly in this area or the fact that this started by multiple infusions of public money, but I'd like to see Somebody Who Knows looking into this before Biden starts a Presidential run... might be just a money-making thing and obviously it's entirely possible that Biden is not the secret owner of DBOT or directly involved, just because one of the guy's worked for him for well over 30 year, but considering some of this stuff, including Biden's general tendencies and a Biden Foundation statement about continuing to act after leaving office in Shaping Foreign Policy, when on the rest of it, from what I read on the Foundation site, he was just going to 'focus on policies' or something along those typically personally inactive, Clinton Fundation-type lines, I'm wondering if this might lead somewhere interesting.

Also, why isn't that Chinese billionaire nervous about the US PTB in government swiping/deleting his electronic assets based in the US, when China's purportedly one of almost everyone on TPTB's hit list? Is this one of those within China and in with the Trilateral Commission/associated-goal bunch who've apparently been milking that country for big money for quite some time?

Dunno, about all I can do is to fish pretty much randomly around, likely without even coming up with a solid direction, never mind a fairly solid theory, something I'm generally too tired and groggy to do anyway, (and the roots of money are boring, lol) but considering the corruption in government, my trust level is minimal. Unfortunately, my ignorance in so many areas is not, making it difficult to know how to take what, whether as perfectly normal or at least minor, or something which might trigger concern in someone more knowledgeable, which would cover just about anyone here, lol.

But Biden cannot get into the Presidency; none of the corporate/billionaire/lackey crowd can. There's no time left anymore. We know he's a war-mongering liar who goes to enough trouble in hiding his wealth to make 'ya wonder, so that's where I'm fishing around.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.