This man shows how the corporations are stealing our democracy
Submitted by Scott Crowder on Mon, 05/23/2016 - 3:30am
Our freedoms are lost folks. The black box of Diebold and other computer voting devices are stealing our democracy and this man shows how the variance in these vote tabulators would constitute fraud in any other place.
It's a short essay because really, this man says it all.

Hacking Democracy
It shows just how easily an election can be rigged. And in many places, there is no paper trail.
Now with the charge that comedian Lee Camp and others have made about exit polls widely diverging from vote totals, they are trying to do away with exit polling. Exit polling is considered very accurate which is why they want to prevent exit polling in the remaining primaries. Our elections are being stolen before our very eyes.
Edited to include link.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Very interesting video.
It brings into question the fact that politicians are very well aware of the problems, and yet, we have seen those problems escalate in this primary least on the Democratic side. The politicians choose to do nothing as they benefit from the fraud.
One might assume that it is not corrected for a reason and that reason would be to continue to subvert the will of the people. Having HRC run is a perfect way to test if the plan is working. With this system in place, they could run a dead dictator and win.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
IMO, your elections official
may be the most important official you elect. I have been fortunate to have had one of the very best Supervisors of Elections in the country in Leon County in Ion Sancho. He is retiring after the 2016 elections. He was the elections official featured near the end of the video. Ion has provided expert testimony before Congress on the elections process.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
In this primary season,
we have seen election official after election official subvert (must be today's word) the voters to bring about the outcome THEY want rather than what the people want. So, yes it is very important
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The key to me
is that it is relatively straightforward to have an absolutely secure system (secure software, paper trains, automatic audits, etc.). Many other countries do it well. If the powers that be wanted us to have a secure system, we could have one. That raises the question of why our nations leaders do not want to have a secure system. To me there is only one obvious answer.
My experience with the recount in Ohio in 2004 is germane to this. As you may recall the Democrats did not request a recount. However, the Greens and Libertarians did request a recount. I contributed money to this effort and was informed on a more or less daily basis of how the recount was going. The bottom line was that there were a lot of irregularities with the recount. Precincts not being chosen at random, technicians mysteriously showing up with hard drives to replace "defective" hard drives, etc. The Greens and Libertarians involved in the audit were not confident that the audit had been done fairly or accurately. Of course this was barely reported in the corporate media. If I were confident that my candidate had legitimately won, I would have wanted everything to be above board and transparent. Again, the conclusion is obvious.
Too bad...
...we don't have UN election observers. We are rated as one of the poorest democracies. With low turn out, too many people per representative, only 2 parties, we are a poor democracy. Add to that all the cheating...striping and flipping votes. No wonder people feel disengaged!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I wish someone
would start a petition to have UN inspectors come in for the California and NJ primaries.
Bernie or Bust...
I love the 'number of effective political parties' graph
for the US, the number is 1.9
Too true.
You keep using that word...
Yes, I liked that too, but
I thought it might be a little too generous.
at least we
have 3rd world quality leadership
I'll cut it off!
The guys says "fraud" and the commissioner immediately squeals about silencing him on the pretext he is speaking too close to the mic?
Watching a lot of these BoE post mortems, it's clear how defensive many of these officials are. Their imperious attitudes belie a deep insecurity that their corrupt racket is finally being exposed, and their primal reaction is first and foremost simply: 'shut up!'
Basic rule of thumb: the officials most hostile to public outcry are the ones with the most to hide. If I were a prosecutor, the first person on that panel I'd be investigating is the one yelling about the mic.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I thought the same thing
Reminded me of that debacle in Nevada. All of this is just pretense...they KNOW the system is rigged, and these lower level folks have their marching orders. Reminds me of the old days when one had to stand in looonnng lines to collect unemployment, once you reached the front of the line you were met with a very hostile face behind the counter, as if the money they were giving you was THEIRS. These officials act as if we are asking them to GIVE us a vote, when voting is supposed to be our RIGHT, and they are taking away our rights!
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
These 'hearings' remind me Vogon Poetry readings:
You can almost hear the commissioners thinking: "Verify the reported vote count? Hah! Death's too good for them."
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The guy did a great job
The guy did a great job of staying on message, even as they interrupted him and tried to threaten to shut him off.
The truth is treason in the Empire of Lies....
It also shows
It also shows the great importance of taking over the party from the bottom up. That is assuming one might want to take over that party rather than form a new one. Either of these would be a Herculean task, but a task in need of accomplishing.
The Ballot Box is No Longer Sacred
Ever since Bush stole the election from Gore our voting process has been corrupted. The result of that insane and unethical supreme court decision was what we have now, electronic voting that is in most cases unverifiable and worse easily manipulated.
This shit has to end
"Vote on paper and count by hand".
Someone said that a few months ago, and I've adopted it as my go-to phrase on elections. Of course, that's just part of it. We also need totally transparent counting, IRV and the elimination of party primaries, and, to eliminate gerrymandering, multi-member districts with ranked-choice voting.
remember that quality control is necessary
even with hand counts. Because in normal real world, empirical reality, it's expected to have a few percentages of errors. A margin of error. That is the importance of statistics-based exit polling. So hand counts, yes. Exit polling, always. You would want random samples of the hand counts just to verify there is relatively-accurate hand counting. At least 95% confidence would be sufficient for me.; It's not just about fraud, it's about insuring quality.
With random sampling of the population, it is usually assigned a confidence interval under a normal distribution. Subtracting confidence interval would equal your margin of error, as I understand exit polling.
The Poisson distribution is a good probability distribution when using very large samples.
Six-sigma events wrt voting anomalies are occurring magically on a regular basis with our so-called clean and fair elections, each six-sigma event is a likelihood of 2 parts per billion. Multiply Event A times Event B times Event C, for at least 11 times.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I think there were 11 six-sigma events. That comes out to: 2x10^20 (9+11=20). For comparison, there are approx. 7.5x10^18 grains of sand on the planet. Go find that one specific grain of sand that is hidden somewhere on planet Earth, and I'll believe Hillary is winning all these primaries.
Go figure, it's not possible. In almost every Democratic state primary so far. Up until the recent cancellation("no money") of 19 May 2016.
A lot of US Dem primary voters have no clue of the wool being pulled over their head. It's disgusting and shameful, the rest of the world must know better.
Refer to Richard Charnin's outstanding blog which has new entry as of 23 May 2016.
"The model projects Bernie Sanders as the winner with 308 electoral votes assuming he wins 50% of Independents and 40% of Democrats. And of course, we assume a fair election and Sanders is on the ballot in all the states."
Mail in Optical Scanner Ballots
Like Washington State we should move to 100% vote by mail.
And mail them to a neutral country
for the count. (Not optical, by the way, as the software could still change the true count.)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The good thing about optical scan
is that at least there is a paper trail.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
But that will only work if someone calls
for a recount. Was it you who posted that video, Hacking Democracy?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I posted the video and my current supervisor of elections, Ion Sancho, was featured near the end. When he called in Black Box to do that demonstration, the state legislature threatened to remove him from office because they were pushing for every state elections office to use Diebold. Since then, he has initiated additional protections to the system that they use now.
The very reason Sancho decided to run for Supervisor of Elections was that he himself was a victim of a badly botched election when he ran for county commission. As a result, he learned everything he could about elections and voting systems. He became fanatical about registering voters and was often seen at public gatherings even on weekends, with his voter registration table. While no system is completely safe, there are many protections that can ensure a fair election.
So yes, a recount with optical scan means a hand count, but there is still a paper trail that a touch screen does not have and that is very important. This is an interesting interview of Ion Sancho. I disagree with him on vote by mail which has been proven to provide greater turnout and has not shown any greater fraud.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We need to do it how Canada
does it (or used to do it until recently)--hand count, verifiable ballot counting, a chain of possession from beginning to end.
We're being robbed of our votes--blatantly--and nobody wants to actually DEAL WITH IT. When do we do that?
any process needs a value of reliability
it won't ever be exactly 100% perfect all the time, but reliable vote counts should be within a basic 95% accuracy. You get an "A" in class. That's 2-sigma in normal 'bell' curves.
But our elections are so rife with fraud, so lacking of integrity, the worst in the world, that I would drop my standards down to 1-sigma, for starts, just so we can start having reliably honest vote counts again. That's getting 68% on a test, D-minus. We're functionally incapable of having normal elections in these times of official corruption. We've become the 'village idiot' of the world, the classroom dunce of democracy. But we should try to get a D instead of an F.
But we're not even trying to take tests anymore. We're flunking Democracy 101 because we're playing hooky, skipping school and refusing to learn anything at all.
Not all of us are to blame, it's the establishment that no longer cares and wants a permanent oligarchy running the show. No need to vote or count votes. Just fake all of it.