Major Development in Aisha Dew investigation re: possible sabotage of Sanders North Carolina Campaign
I received a copy of the email Aisha Dew sent on February 11th to critical volunteers and staff of the North Carolina Sanders campaign where she explicitly stated that Reverend Barber did not want Sanders supporters at his events. As you know, Rev. Barber vehemently denied this claim as simply not true.
To save everyone's time, here is the text of the email I sent to Aisha Dew today:
Dear Ms. Dew,
My name is Steven Searls and I am Bernie Sanders supporter. I have contributed small amounts to his campaign and posted to various blogs on his behalf. For your additional information, I am a retired attorney living in western New York state, and a frequent blogger at Daily Kos, Booman Tribune and caucus99percent under the moniker, Steven D.
Recently, I came across videos by Mr. Niko House, President of the volunteer group, Carolina Students for Bernie Sanders, that made some serious accusations about your work as State Director for the Sanders campaign in North Carolina. I'm sure you have been made aware of them. In fact, I believe you issued an online denial of the claims he made, if I am not mistaken.
After contacting Mr. House myself, I decided to do my own investigation to see what was online that would either support any of his claims or demonstrate that they had no basis in fact. Yesterday, at the caucus99percent blog I posted a story detailing my initial findings. You can read it at this link:
To summarize:
I discovered that in November, presumably before you assumed your position with the Sanders campaign as its North Carolina Campaign Director, you tweeted an image of the Democratic Debate at Winthrop University on November 6th with the caption:
"@HillaryClinton enters the room. It's Electric!"
You also posted a photograph online of you and Debbie Wasserman Schultz , DNC Chair, on the Winthrop campus. That photograph was posted on November 8th. As you know, the DNC, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have not exactly been on the best of terms with the Sanders campaign. One might even say the DNC has been actively antagonistic to Senator Sanders. Again, to my knowledge, this occurred a month prior to you taking a position with the Sanders campaign.
The most damning claim I investigated was the one where it was alleged that you sent an email to Sanders volunteers and campaign staff stating that Rev. Barber did not want Sanders supporters at his rally/event in February and that you told everyone to take down all his "HK on J" events (i.e., the HKonJ People's Assembly Coalition responsible for the Moral Mondays Marches) from all social media sites related to the campaign. Yesterday, when I posted my story, I had found only circumstantial evidence of this email on the FaceBook pages of various regional North Carolina for Bernie Sanders, which are documented in that post.
Today, however I received a copy of the actual email you sent on Thursday, February 11th, which reads as follows:
Aisha Dew
Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 8:31 AM
To: Altriese Price-Bryant, [Other recipients' emails deleted to protect their identity] Hello All:
Please take down all HK on J events from social media. Rev. Barber does not want us to attend the event. He asked us to take the event down off of all social media.
We are still going to do something.
Stay tuned!!
I have attached a screenshot of that email for your benefit.
Obviously, you are aware that Rev. Barber vehemently denied that he had told anyone at the Sanders campaign any such thing. So, in light of these documents would you care to explain or respond to:
1. Your tweet about Hillary Clinton at the Winthrop debate,
2. Your photograph with the DNC Chair on the Winthrop campus,
3. If you disclosed to the Sanders' campaign before they hired you any connection you had with Hillary Clinton, her campaign and/or DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
4. The details regarding your February 11, 2016 email, which stated Reverend Barber did not want Sanders supporters at his event, and in which you told all campaign offices in NC to take down all social media regarding said events.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Steven D. Searls
I am awaiting her response.

I doubt you'll get one
as she's been incommunicado about this since it happened..or at least she has been to the people I know who have tried to contact her.
But I hope you do get an answer, because I can't imagine what the explanation could be...
Deny, Deny, Deny...
This is pretty much the only answer you're going to get.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I haven't looked into any of
I haven't looked into any of this, though I read the Facebook pages at the time of the whole brouhaha over the Moral Monday participation.
Here's the problem as I see it: people talk CT much too soon. FIRST collect information, THEN derive the narrative. That's in general a good idea, but it is even more important when dealing with Hillary Clinton. Because she's been attacked for decades by Republicans, there is severe CT fatigue among her supporters, and probably in the general population as well. Rs have cried "WOLF!" so many times that now the automatic reaction to anything is to wave it off as more of the same. So you absolutely must have all ducks in a row before you claim anything about her campaign being involved. Because even if Aisha tried to actively sabotage participation in the march (even that is not at all certain), there is no evidence that connects her actions with the HRC campaign. Generally, my assumption is incompetence before malice any day.
One problem with us congregating here is that we are now in a bubble of our own. We should face the fact that there are Bernie supporters who like him and appreciate him, but who do not feel the same negativity about Hillary as many of us here do. They admire her too, and if just for having stood up to republican attacks for so long, and for being a strong woman. And some admire her for actual positive things she has done. DWS also has people who like her, or she would hardly have gotten elected. Maybe Aisha was a bit star struck in 2013. Maybe she was not well informed about her at the time. Maybe she evolved after listening to Bernie talk. Or, as you said, maybe it was a strategic business decision.
The main thing I'd concentrate on is why she sent that email claiming Barber had asked people not show up -- where did she get that information? Who told her? She might have just been a gullible dupe, you know? I wouldn't attack her at this point, because you attract more flies with honey.
I am not sure the speed of social media is doing us any favors, so much total crap propagates in no time at all, and few people stop and ask how information has been sourced before sharing and retweeting it. So we get those instant tempests in a teapot that then have to be painstakingly walked back, and some people never get the correction, and so the falsehoods persist. I think we owe it to our own side to be a lot more careful.
(Edit: Ah, I see it's way past the time to try the honey with Aisha. Well, if she's not actively sabotaging, she is at the very least completely incompetent. How hard is it actually to reach the Sanders campaign directly?)
Thank you, thank you!
Piranha, you have well expressed my own thoughts on this matter. My first desire is not to harm Bernie's campaign in any way.
If she's incompetent, fire her for incompetence
An insurgent campaign cannot afford incompetents.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I agree, but I also think
I agree, but I also think that this insurgent campaign doesn't necessarily always have a choice -- maybe in part because it is insurgent, and its own success has been unexpected, and so it seeks help from people who might not be sufficiently vetted. It sounds like they hired her because she came recommended by the NC Democratic Party. That right there is a potential problem because that IS the establishment. Political operatives don't necessarily have any loyalty to whoever they're working for at that time, though they ought to have enough professionalism to actually DO the work instead of hindering it.
So, it's too late for NC. Even if active malfeasance is discovered, what does it buy us? What can we do to look at other state campaigns to assure the same thing isn't happening there? It sounds like Nico House was already dissatisfied for quite some time before the MM march. How do we find people like that who're not blowing the whistle yet?
Is there anything to be gained in blowing the whistle using social media on what appears to be deliberate sabotage on the part of the Clinton campaign? Of course, her campaign will vehemently deny that it had anything to do with this. But it can't hurt to get the word out to Bernie's campaign about the need to carefully vet campaign staffers. And it can't hurt to increase the public awareness that Hillary's campaign, at least some of her supporters, appear to be resorting to dirty tricks and sabotage. If the delegate count gets to be very close, then casting doubt on the validity of the NC delegate selection may at least get the attention of Super Delegates.
So far
I have stuck strictly to what I can document. Call it CT if you want. Accusations were made by Niko House, a NC volunteer. I have looked at only a small part of those, and posted only information for which I have documentation. If Aisha Dew has an explanation, I would like to hear it.
However I find it hard to believe a veteran of numerous political campaigns was just gullible when she posted her email. I have copies of emails earlier in the week where she said it was ok for Sanders folks to go to the rally as long as they did not have any Sanders signs, etc. Then suddenly it's Rev. Barber does not want us there and take down all references to hiss Moral Monday's events?
That's a lot to swallow unless you believe that Rev. Barber lied when he said he did not tell Sanders supporters to stay away.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
If Rev. Barber,
The leader of MORAL Mondays, lied...that right there would be a scandal of epic proportions.
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First Nations News
I am calling the idea that
I am calling the idea that this is sabotage initiated by the Clinton campaign CT at this point, and I should have probably made that clearer; I came here from elsewhere, where that idea was spreading like wildfire, and I find that damaging to any cause we might actually have. There is a huge amount of CT going around, and it is causing valid concerns to be waved off. Which is why I wrote about it here because I feel the folks here are more reasonable and less likely to jump to wild conclusions.
I don't think you're doing anything wrong at all, you're doing the best you can. Sorry if my general advice made it somehow sound like it was pointed at you directly, I did not mean that.
No, I don't think Barber lied. But I think the email telling people to stay away could have been caused by a misunderstanding. That's why I really want to know WHO allegedly told Aisha about this.
Honestly, Aisha Dew does not strike me as a "veteran"; she strikes me as barely competent. It's pretty easy to get repeated work as an entry level political operative, without actually becoming competent at it. But from what Niko said, she sounds worse than incompetent. Do we know anyone other than Niko who could attest to that? If Aisha doesn't respond (and I expect she won't), where are you going next?
I will try to find more contacts for you; there was somebody on DKos who said they were very familiar with the NC campaign, and I had a short exchange in comments with them; I'll dig through my history to find that. There were also people on Facebook who had plenty to say about this, and I have the link somewhere in those comments as well.
Thanks for doing the legwork here, and sorry again that I gave you the wrong impression of what I was actually concerned with.
Edit: The person familiar with the campaign is MsSpentyouth on DKos. The person who originally posted about Barber telling the Sanders campaign not to come was Linda Watson (Cook for Good on DKos, now banned); she was clearly not the originator though. Another name I have is Evan Redmond, who stated on Facebook that he is a member of Charlotte’s organizing team for Sanders, and that they were told by the NAACP to take down an event announcement, and to not show up in any official capacity. The Facebook link where a heated discussion went on about that issue: -- maybe some of that helps get to the bottom of this.
Quite frankly? Don't give a shit.
Clinton's corrupt and this just paints em in a bad brush no matter what the spin put on it is.
If incompetent, she was vetted by the folks who benefit from her incompetence.
If Deliberate, not the first time DLC was perfectly willing to sabotage a Democrat for one of their people. (Lieberman comes to mind)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks for your concern, piranha
Having read both of Steven D's pieces on this story, I think he's being plenty careful. He is reviewing the reporting of the past events (ie, 'the evidence') while understanding that heat-of-the-moment inaccuracies may have crept into that evidence. He is now gathering original documents and has given -- well, shall we call her 'the accused'? -- a chance to respond. She is perfectly free to present her explanations and to provide her rebuttals and even to provide documentation to demonstrate that her actions were honest and not influenced by Sanders' opponents. (For example, if she has a document(s) that credibly appear to have come from Rev. Barber's representatives (when in fact they did not), she might be able to support an argument that she acted in good faith.)
And although the people of diverse views who have recently joined this site are expressing, in the main, relief at feeling a greater freedom of expression than they did at a site many of them have now left, I cannot agree that "we are now in a bubble of our own". First of all, the recent influx is not yet three weeks old, and those of us who are "congregating" here haven't had time (or inclination) for our thinking to coagulate into 'a bubble'. This site is not a political-action site or a candidate-advocacy site; it is not even a 'Democratic' site (although it is a 'democratic' site). If you would take time to read yesterday's 'Meta #2' post, you would have a clearer understanding of the site and would learn something of the diverse viewpoints that co-exist here.
If you were to review the history of Steven D's writing at dKos, I think you would find him very even-handed and reasonable. My understanding of Steven D's reason for starting his investigation is because the earlier reporting of the issues, if correct, raises some very disconcerting possibilities about the Democratic Party actively interfering with the campaign activities of a Democratic candidate who does not happen to be their Chosen One. My understanding is that Steven D. found the earlier reporting to be questionable on some of the same grounds you raise, and is now attempting to look into the earlier reporting and to seek more information in order to report more thoroughly and more dispassionately than has yet been done.
Your comment is very prettily worded, piranha, but I think the concerns you raise are tissue-thin. The possibility of campaign-tampering is serious, and The People deserve to have the facts that Steven D. is attempting to find.
Thanks for the vote of confidence
I am being very careful to dot all the i's and cross all the t's trust me.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Of course you are dotting i's and crossing t's, Steven D,
because that's who you are and that's how you work. And frankly, I'm indignant that that person would suggest otherwise!
there are more
also, S. Prescott Harris
This is really dirty...not surprising, but a lot more than just Aisha Dew
there is bare ly anything there now, Caerus,
This is there now...
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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
You have done great due diligence
in this issue. Instead of relying on third party reports, you have actually contacted the principals involved and have interviewed them yourself. In a sense, you are doing investigative journalism by conducting your own investigation and reporting to us. Thanks you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Let's stick to what we know
I've actually looked into this quite a bit, because I'm the author of the DailyKos post on the march that got me banned. Steven D writes:
Yes, that's on video and he said it to the Moral March crowd. Only Rev. Barber knows if he was telling the truth as he saw it at that time, either literally or in spirit. (I'm not saying that he wasn't , just that we don't know. Just as he couldn't have known enough to call me a liar unless he'd had access to my emails.) We also can't know what happened afterwards. Aisha told me the campaign and the march people talked and agreed it was an unfortunate misunderstanding. Try looking at this through the lens of everyone trying to do their best for good causes.
Twitter: @VoteBernieNC Facebook: Vote for Bernie NC
Bernie protects our right to know what's in our food.
Twitter: @VoteBernieNC Facebook: Vote for Bernie NC
Bernie protects our right to know what's in our food.
Given what we already know about
"unfortunate misunderstandings" that always seem to break the same way...
I'm going with Russian Military Axioms again.
Once, it's an accident.
Twice, It's a Coincidence
Three times, and it's enemy action.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Aisha Dew
has the opportunity to respond to my email and explain why she worded her email the way she did, and why she had all the Sanders' websites scrubbed of events led by Rev. Barber's events. I hope she takes advantage of it.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I'm sorry, lwatson, I really don't understand your comment after
you say Rev Barber confirmed on video. Would you consider clarifying?
*If* what you are saying now is 'everybody involved agrees it was an unfortunate misunderstanding' -- well, I have some trouble with that. If 'everybody involved agrees among themselves, privately, without all the facts about possible campaign-tampering not being presented to the public', I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with that position.
Clarification as requested
The Moral March speeches were broadcast. I didn't watch them but have heard from several people who have. I didn't say “everybody involved agrees ...” just that “Aisha told me the campaign and the march people talked ....”
My point is that we are not living in a binary world where the only choices are fact or lie. I know I got an email from Aisha that said this:
Maybe there was a disconnect between Rev. Barber not wanting the event to appear partisan and the Sanders campaign thinking we were asked not to come at all. I don't know. I was one of the Sanders volunteers asking people to come with issues signs to support the march, not "vote Bernie" signs. OTOH, there might have been a lot of Bernie shirts and buttons under those signs.
Twitter: @VoteBernieNC Facebook: Vote for Bernie NC
Bernie protects our right to know what's in our food.
Do you know anything at all
about Reverend Barber?
This is insulting.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
You know....
It is amazing how the accusation of CT tends to shut down investigations... "Move a long, nothing to see here." If Watergate had happened last week, would anyone be investigating it today...?
Sometimes, where there is smoke there IS fire.
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First Nations News
Like conspiracy does not exist
in this sham of a democratic government and political system. Me I have good instincts and at this point believe my lying eyes. Actually they are so arrogant, blatant and heavy handed that I don't know why anyone believes anything they call the official story or the truth. They may use the investigations for political kabuki purposes like Benghazi! but that doesn't mean that Hillary the Hun wasn't up to her bad ass with the Spooks in Libya, Syria, Pakistan or anywhere else she applied her neocon, blood drenched, 'foreign policy'.
Next up she's pivoting to Africa to ply her diplomacy and nation building for our national 'interests'. Hecate doesn't call her the Mad Bomber for nothing. When Watergate happened we still had some semblance of the rule of law after 9/11 happened they took it away 'to keep us safe'. We now have as Nancy said a quaint unenforceable piece of paper. Homeland Security is an abomination and so is The Patriot Act. Also Bill Clinton played a large part in deregulating the media with his Telecommunication Act. Nowadays it's the truth if they say so and freedom of information is whatever story they decide to let us know about after redacting all truth.
Where's my habeas corpus?
Indeed.... well said. n/t
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First Nations News
It may not be all that Niko House has alleged, but there is something not quite right in this story. I think StevenD is doing a phenomenal job of investigating this as best as can be.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I applaud your edit.
Steven has been professional about this every step of the way.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Great work Steven! I'm curious to know how she
obtained the invite and ticket to the debate also. Did she get it through the DNC and if so how did she go about requesting it?
A lot of people would
Those were by invitation only from the DNC.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Wow, Steven D. Thanks for showing us how it's done!
Artful simplicity!
So glad you're looking at this.
As an early Bernie volunteer in NC and a supporter of Rev. Barber, things seemed off to me from the time Dew entered the scene. Can't say if it was Dew or people using her, but I think we need to find out. Some say to me it's demoralizing for volunteers to hear negative things - but it seems to me that sunlight prevents future disappointment.
Nice work! We'll see as you
Nice work! We'll see as you say. Hmmm. I'm actually surprised we haven't had more of sneaky, under handed tactics from the Clinton campaign. I, admit I'm biased against her, a lot!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Freaking great
Wow, this is good stuff, thank you so much for all the hard work and for sharing this with us. It will be interesting to see the outcome. My guess you will not get any feedback, but it is worth a shot.
If she is a Clinton mole, by now she has an HRC lawyer advising
her. If this was rank incompetence, I would think she would want the opportunity to apologise and set things right.
If there is no feedback, that doesn't mean that things have to stop... I really applaud the methodology that StevenD is using. "The facts, Mam, nothing but the facts..."
Sea Turtle
Steven D is not a CTist.
Everything in the election process should be examined. After the DNC suggested the Sanders campaign hire that jerk who hacked into the Clinton database, I think this should continue to be examined. Given that so many Clinton supporters excuse dirty tricks ("because the Republicans do it, too"), I think this should continue to be examined. I don't want to be reading about in some book a year from now like I read about all the Rove dirty tricks after it was too late to do anything about it. The problem with we 99%ers is that, like most people, we give anyone the benefit of a doubt. But, remember, "Fool us once, shame on them. Fool us twice, shame on us."
Not a hack!
The "hacking" narrative is from the Clinton camp. They have every need and desire to push that it was a one-way break-in initiated by Sanders himself, presumably giving the orders while twirling a large novelty moustache he'd donned just for the purpose. Whenever anyone calls it a hacking job, that plays right into their efforts to smear Bernie as a dishonest their guilty of breaking and entering.
What happened was that the firewalls kept dropping and someone stepped over. Like the difference between breaking the lock on your neighbor's apartment and going in to steal stuff whike your own stuff remains locked up and secure vs. finding every door in your building unlocked and wide open at various times--then after reporting it to the super and getting no action, taking the next opportunity to walk into a neighbor's apartment and swipe something not very important just to show how serious this is and underscore why it needs to be fixed pronto. Because your stuff is in the exact same danger if the problem isn't fixed.
At worst, it was trespassing,and anyone could do it with only basic computer experience and no experience in hacking, like you could step through your neighbor's already-open door with zero knowledge of how to pick a lock or otherwise force a locked door.
Sorry to go on, but it always bugs me when anyone calls it a hack.
What would be the endgame here?
There is suspicion of duplicitous behavior by a hired staffer. Is that a reportable crime in a presidential campaign? Would someone higher up suffer repercussions or just more gossip?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The fear is that NC
is just the tip of the iceberg.
People in other states volunteering for Bernie have been saying
this sounds a lot like what they are seeing in their own states
from the paid staff.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That is exactly right, Steven D
What is most important is the pattern of tilting the play towards HRC if not outright stealing the votes.
And it is our responsibility to protect ourself from all the Clinton Machine tricks. And once again, a big, big Thank You STEVE, great, great job.
Sea Turtle
The Bernie campaign decided
The Bernie campaign decided to hire boilerplate career-political Democrats in VA. Clinton nostalgia on their Facebook feeds etc... But it's no surprise! It should be a given that boilerplate Democrats would have loved to see Hillary as their nominee before Bernie came along. I didn't see anything scandalous go on as a lowly volunteer, but a lot seemed fishy and nothing was transparent. The most accurate assessment I can make is that the campaign hiring was too generous to Clinton and it underestimated the surge he would have and the backlash the Clintons would have to Bernie leading briefly after NH. I would chalk that up to Bernie himself and his unwillingness to break from his 1993-2015 mold of a message candidate willing to make great compromises just to stay in power.
But the Cancellations that the Reverend Denied
...doesn't that count for anything? The malfeasance. The question is, does it go very far up the chain?
I'm sorry, but Nixon won doing this kind of bullshit, and it speaks a LOT to the candidates character, and the people he or she ultimately lead.
Nixon drove us off a cliff.
Bernie is a win-win.
The end game for Clinton is the Presidency....
The end game for US is exposing Hillary Clinton to be just exacly what we all have thought her to be.
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First Nations News
for me, it is transparency. (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm a caucus99'er
and I don't give this rigged sham of a primary or the whole fake electoral system the benefit of the doubt. My belief got totally suspended the minute they inaugurated Obama. Actually the minute he voted for FISA and I got a load of his economic team I knew I had been bait and switched big time. I worked for his primary campaign at his Oregon headquarters and quit the day after his FISA vote. Difi said that his election was a democratic changing of the guard. It wasn't.
They're not even bothering
They're not even bothering with the bait this time...
The FISA vote
It was a big alarm bell for me. The next one was a few days after he won the election when he named Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff.
Yes, he's done a lot of good things. I was very happy to see him speaking this morning in Cuba, although I fear for Cuba when American business can once again roll over them with impunity.
Speaking of Cuba, interesting we hear all about the big bad Castro but nothing about the big bad Batista, who was corrupt, a pal of mobsters and supported by the US of A.
When Obama dropped Card Check like a hot potato
That's what did it for me.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Yep, as soon as he hired Tim Geithner I knew we
had been taken for fools.
Where does Geithner work now....yep he works for Golden Handcuffs' Goldman Sachs.
Tim Geithner, Larry Summers, and Rahm Emanuel clued me in
Husband said so days after the inauguration; took me longer--I really really wanted to reject what I saw and heard and tried hard. Then I watched Obama's hot pursuit of whistleblowers. Vilsack to head USDA. The ACA fiasco, forcing people to slop the health insurance hogs when they still can't afford the health CARE part. Much he could have done or seriously tried to do, with direct appeals to the public, even in an obstructionist environment--especially toward Wall St. reform--but he telegraphed from the start that wasn't gonna happen. And TPP?!
No bait and switch likely with Bernie Sanders. Rarely do we find someone now with his lifelong cred who's willing to try to do anything within the system while articulating clearly why the system must change.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
It has Been Said about Clinton I
That it takes a Democrat to wage war and a Republican to raise taxes, because the opposition is so strong. This is what Clinton I did. Also Obama is guilty of the same offense, of course!
This "gridlock" is just a way to keep the voices of the people from the halls of Congress. Bernie is right, we need that revolution, we need this coming together, and right now.
Bernie is a win-win.
Oh Wow
Once this neighbor who SWORE and be damned that people who let their dogs on leash walks crap in other people's yards without picking it up were vicious antisocial thugs let her dog crap in my yard as she was walking it. He didn't pick it up.
And so , there it lies, to this day.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Your sig line--one of my fave episodes of "The Twilight Zone"
Also, truth be told, one of the few I remember. I wasn't allowed to watch; had to sneak-peek from the stairs.
Surprised it's not on this list, but a commenter added it:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
voter suppression in Illinois
Note to all berniacs: have your phones charged and ready to go when going out to vote as these voter suppression tactics need to be documented.
You can't be neutral on a moving train
- Howard Zinn
Missing the obvious
Steven, while applaud your methodical approach, I think you're missing the obvious. Both HRC and DWS would know to pick someone smarter than this.
Obviously I Disagree
First, I dispute your facts without researching them. I had believed that the cancellation was on facebook and other social blogs and media.
Secondly, this "move on, you're wasting your time" insinuation, well it's more explicit than that actually, is offensive to me. If there is something to this, it needs to be determined now. The woman could come forth and clear it up, but she is not. I call that suspicious.
This has the potential to reveal a conspiracy, a VLWC if you will. The alleged perpetrator is not forthcoming, the whole thing is a mess. She's a Bernie employee, fer crissakes. What here doesn't stink?
Bernie is a win-win.
When it comes to both of the Clintons, I don't give them the benefit of the doubt.
Thanks, Steven D, for working hard to document just what happened here. There is enough bad out there without making stuff up.
Meanwhile in possible SC rattery
Sent to me by a friend when I brought Aisha Drew up
This guy according to him was a paid bernie staffer in SC, well until he wasn't anyway... Judging by the I'm with her after the last super Tuesday.
Posting this on a work break so I don't have time for deep digging myself to verify it, but a bit more smoke perhaps?
See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.
-The Joker-