Looks like the U.S. might have to bring "democracy" to Mexico
On the same day that the U.S. imposed even more sanctions on Cuba, Mexico decided to send out ships full of food and medical supplies to the island.
The ships will leave the port of Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday, taking syringes, oxygen tanks and masks along with powered milk, cans of tuna, beans, flour, cooking oil and gasoline.The shipments exemplify Mexico's policy of "international solidarity" and it will keep offering humanitarian aid to help Latin American and Caribbean countries tackle the coronavirus pandemic, the foreign ministry said in a statement.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was already not popular with the neoliberal right, and this will not change things for the better.
Cuba sent out thousands of its doctors to over 40 nations all over the world to fight Covid, thus savings tens of thousands of lives. Mexico was one of those nations. So it's only right that Mexico returns the favor now.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has thanked his Cuban counterpart for sending about 1,000 health workers to help Mexico respond to the coronavirus pandemic...
Cuba is leading the race to become the first country in Latin America to develop its own COVID-19 vaccine but the country is suffering acute shortages of basic medicines amid its worst economic crisis in years.
It makes one wonder about those dozens of other nations that Cuba saved so much that haven't yet come to Cuba's aid.
At the heart of this is Obrador. You might remember him for giving refuge to Former Bolivian President Evo Morales, who fled to Mexico after being ousted by a U.S. supported right-wing coup.
The left-wing leader said he and the Bolivian government were "very grateful" to Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, whom he credited with saving his life.
Mexico is currently hosting talks between the Venezuelan government and the U.S.-backed opposition. These talks have not been sanctioned by the U.S.
Now I'm not going to contradict President Biden and say that we meddle in other nation's elections, but I will mention that we gave political opposition groups in Mexico $591 million, through CIA-front groups, to try to get Obrador out of power. We failed.
Results from the preliminary electoral count indicate that MORENA will win between 190 and 203 seats in the lower house of Congress known as the Chamber of Deputies, equaling or bettering its result in the presidential election of 2018, when it captured 191. Add this to the range of 35 to 41 seats won by the Workers’ Party (PT) and the 40 to 48 captured by the Greens, and the coalition is set to win somewhere between 265 and 292 seats: a clear majority out of 500. The victory will allow MORENA’s legislative agenda to proceed in tandem with its majority in the Senate, which was not up for election.
In governors’ races, MORENA did even better, sweeping eleven of the fifteen statehouses in dispute, ten of which it flipped from one or other member of the right-wing alliance: from the once-feared Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) alone, it snatched seven. This will raise the total number of states governed by MORENA from a mere six before the midterms to seventeen out of thirty-two.
Anyone familiar with U.S. history in Latin American politics knows that we just don't give up. Eventually, if Obrador doesn't bend to our will, he is going to get a CIA bullet.

"Our" will???
It sure ain't mine.
Obrador Makes ME want to move to Mexico (it wouldn't be that hard, in our case!).
The real question is: When will WE say "enough's enough?"
Talk about "complicity" in this that and the other simply because the world is far too huge for everyone to be doting on a single topic - when will SOMEBODY take out the Big Kahuna of global evil?!?!?
"We lied, we cheated, we stole...*laughs shamelessly on national television*"
I hear Shitstain Supreme's one of the speculated-upon candidates for the 2024 GOP - somehow I doubt it, but wouldn't THAT put the CIA-ocrats in an interesting bind!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Simply being Cuban should not
Simply being Cuban should not be a death sentence in his time of COVID too many people are dying already.
I wonder if the group is expecting a visit from the FBI?
Biden is catering to this crowd.
Demographic change
It's especially disturbing when the assholes are so young.
the younger *holes are cheaper to buy /nt
Another visual of the upcoming shipment.
Thanks gj.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
'Bringing Democracy' is an undemocratic process /nt
We are addicted to war
We are addicted to war spending!
bullets and bombs
are the opiates of the nation
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Did they make it?
I did a search but found nothing at least in English speaking media. The usual action is to interdict the vessels and refuse passage.
No news on that shipment yet
However, I just spotted this.