Life can seem especially fragile
I'm not doing so well coming up with fresh titles lately. Three days in a row with the same damn topic can do that.
Jaquarrius Holland was an 18-year-old transgender woman living in Monroe, Louisiana.
I'm willing to bet that anyone who has followed me lately can finish this story based on my use of the past tense in the previous sentence. But I shall push on anyway.
Holland got involved in a shouting match with a man named Malcolm Derricktavios Harvey on February 19. So Harvey pulled out a weapon and shot Holland in the head. Monroe police responded to the shooting and misgendered Holland, thereby burying the story for nearly ten days. Meanwhile Mr. Harvey has gone missing.
The SPLC calls this an alarming trend.
The New York City Anti-Violence Project, which tracks transgender crimes, says there have been seven murders of transgender people so far this year, well above the corresponding number last year.
As we face an administration which devalues the safety and rights of transgender people and people of color, we must work tirelessly to support transgender friends, family, and community members.
--Emily Waters, NCAVP
The humanity and personhood of transgender women need to be recognized. As trans-women of color are among the most vulnerable in our communities and our nation, we all must be accountable for their safety and access to opportunities.
--Lisa Gilmore, Illinois Accountability Initiative
We should have the right to live our lives open and free and not be taunted and traumatized by the general public if they don't approve.
--Syria Sinclaire, New Orleans transgender activist
We need to protect transgender lives at all stages, but especially in youth where they experience bullying, family rejection and violence that affects them throughout their lives.
--Shelby Chestnut, NCAVP
Violence against trans people is common, but largely unreported. The recent spate of incidents is linked to anti-trans bathroom legislation around the country and the Trump administration’s moves against young trans students.
I don’t think we can talk about any of those other things without talking about the violence that surrounds trans people.
--Isa Noyola, Trans Law Center
Holland's friend, Chesna Littleberry, has said that Holland was unemployed and housing insecure. Littleberry says Holland also used the name #PrettyBrown. There is a GoFundMePage set up to defray the cost of a funeral.

I'm appalled Robyn, your community under constant assault
it's horrifying and beyond my comprehension.
Sheesh, that's 3 or 4 women in Louisiana
just in the last few days. There is a dangerous murderer on the loose down there. I hope they find him. Don't get mad because I've lost count please. It is way, way too many and that is why.
So sad. And for what? Fear of a female-looking person?
She engaged him in a shouting match? So glad I am cis-gendered and old so I am neutral and invisible. And I mean no disrespect, all she asked for.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.