Las Vegas massacre: WAKE UP AMERICA! This is what the US does every day, 24/7 in someone else's country
Yesterday was one of horrific senseless violence: murder, maiming, painful memories, and loss. The Las Vegas massacre authored by Big Al adduced a large number of thoughtful comments. I wish to discuss this subject with a different intent and hence differing ideas for change.
First, and this is amazing, all the comments to Big Al's essay were right on point. My essay does not minimize nor dismiss either the essay or the commentary.
Understandably, this LVM (Las Vegas massacre) is viewed from a domestic point of view. Hence the commentary is framed almost entirely in that perspective.
I think most of us on this site are anti-war, definitely against "pre-emptive" war. Yet, there is no large peace movement in the US. Many reasons exist for this including struggling to make a living, bread-and-circuses, cynicism, disinterest (NIMBY) and others.
One Is More Impactful Than A Million
There is a gulf between stories of one person and statistics about a million. We are more touched and affected by the tales of trials, success or failure of single individuals than by recounting mass numbers of these many individual stories. Advertising (commercial propaganda) teaches us this. The most successful ads usually tell the stories of one, two, or three individuals who used product X or engaged in practice Y to obtain the desired result.
Emotional impact determines most responses. 90% of decision-making is based upon emotion. We are not very rational at all. Altruistic or other noble ends to our actions are cognitive wallpaper plastered over our basic emotions to justify them to ourselves and others.
Despite suppression of much factual material about the effects of war by the media, enough evidence (real news) escapes into the general population to achieve some measure of public notice. If a 65 year old grandmother is run over by a drunk driver, this story will elicit more emotional response than news about the numbers of drunk driving-related deaths, which is a much higher number.
Statistics tend to distance ourselves from the base level emotionality of single case (anecdotal) stories. The greater the abstraction of events, the further emotional distance of an event is from us. Most people do not do well in calling forth the cognitive, as opposed to emotional, traits to help introspdecgt the event. Hence, one is more than a million in an emotional sense. This is true for both negative as well as positive emotional/pseudo-rational responses.
We live in an advertising-saturated environment from before birth (mama has ears) to death. Over-saturation of anything inevitably induces a deadening response, diffusing or habituating us to the badness of anything. This dulling of responsiveness to tragedy and horror is a main factor in the lack of outrage afforded to so many outrageous events.
Mass killing, indiscriminately, purposefully, senselessly can NEVER be understood. What makes a person "tick" would require the study of a whole of that person's lifetime. This pursuit is fruitless. Common factors in such cases will abound but "decisive" or instigating factors will be so individualized as to preclude precise definition and to preclude general solutions to the "crazed, lone wolf killer".
Looking Into the Abyss
Who are the monsters? WE ARE. We, including the selected-for-us government, its enablers both active (lobbyists, PACS, etc.) and passive (the 99%). Yes, we must take a share of the blame. We get the government that we deserve.
While much crying and wailing and blaming is yet to come from the LVM, the actuality that our country has been doing this to other countries since its inception, although with far more efficiency and lethality accompanying technological advancements.
How many people perceive the connection between the LVM's impact on our society and our ceaseless wars against other societies? Regretfully, I can recall very little, if any, mention of this in the comment thread following Big Al's essay.
War is a racket (Gen. Smedley Butler). It is a rich man's game. It is a lethal game. Human lives are meaningless to the puppeteers pulling the strings of governmental puppetry. Just like their disdain for the well-being of our own citizens economically (and physically--see health care issues), their insatiable greed for profits is just a giant game of one-upmanship. "Look I got more billions than you!" It is an addiction, as much dopamine-releasing as a cocaine hit.
Can we break this addiction to greed and unconcern for human suffering? Maybe. The salient question is how this is to be done.
The Monsters Among Us
The real culprits here are numerous but still a small, yet powerful minority. It is impossible and impractical to name them all. The top of the recent list is: Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Barack Hussain, DJ Trump, and of course Killary Klinton.
Other key players:
Many others belong on the list--but not in this essay.
These procreators of war have no perception of personal suffering (other than deprivation of some personal political attainment). They haven't suffered significant physical hardship, other than the champagne not being cold enough. They have not suffered loss to their families (if they had one or even cared about them). They are by all definitions sociopathic monsters.
The people of America are numb, insensitive, and/or blind to these realities in large numbers (dwarfing by factors of 10 blogs like c99).
The Solution
First of all, I don't have one. But I am not ceasing to search for one. Many of our community, and elsewhere, are painfully aware of this problem. 98% are not.
What are possible solutions? I doubt that only one solution will carry the day. The following is a partial list, about which useful debate is encouraged in this comment thread and in other essays.
1. Revolution, peaceful or violent
2. Education (i.e., counter-propaganda)
3. Financial (boycotts, strikes, slow downs)
I am sure that many of you will think of other avenues for change. I do not have the answer but I will discuss each of the three possibilities.
Peaceful revolution will come only from mass citizen involvement. One form it might take is cleaning the legislative house and starting over. This of course would be dependent upon multiple preparatory events such as governmental funding of elections, placing a cap on expenditures; ridding the Congress of non-elected parasites, otherwise known as lobbyists; ending the revolving door completely between government and private sectors.
Could this work? Maybe. The bill pending in the House to stop funding and enabling Saudi's genocide in Yemen is a start. Tulsi Gabbard's efforts to end military spending for pre-emptive wars is another start. But they are starts only, not accomplishments.
Is it possible to change government in any significant manner as to eliminate the lust for empire, oil, rapaciousness, and other greed-driven ingrown habits with which we are now plagued? So far, the Green Party has been quite ineffective in expanding its base (despite a recent "conversion" in Maine). The putative third parties are, for the present impotent.
Reforming the Democratic Party from within? Doomed to failure. I see Bernie's efforts to do this as a place-holder for himself in 2020. He is dutifully playing the good soldier giving the Dems little excuse to plot against him. But the Dems don't need excuses, and when they do they make them up. Have you listened to the love songs of the Clintonites wooing the Berners? "Get the F outta here, you misogynisitic, xenophobic, disloyal bastards". Reforming the Demonic Party will be about as successful as teaching a pig to sing.
Thus, peaceful revolution does not seem likely.
Violent revolution is as unpredictable as it is bloody. Things never go as planned. Unlike coups fomented by civil/military powers which have a definite political objective in mind, spontaneous revolutions are thus unplanned and unpredictable. The outcome could be better than the overthrown system, but could be just as bad or worse than before.
Revolution is a form of pre-emptive war. The pre-emption of course is preventing the continuation of the status quo. This is the very thing that my essay concerns itself. Pre-emptive war, in any guise, is evil. But what about "rogue" states, such as North Korea? Yeah, what about it? What have they done to us besides figuratively spit in our face? If anyone wants to make a case for war against NK, let them write their own essay. And if anyone does this, then they have entirely missed the point of what this essay is communicating.
Teaching the true facts of life as opposed to governmental fiction is important and necessary. One again, the problem is not knowledge but emotion. A successful educational campaign MUST involve appeals to emotion. As mentioned above, the appeal to emotion is a basic necessity for effective propaganda.
Currently it appears that the only source of this type of education reside in alternative news sites both online and in print. Problems arise in that these very channels are filled with so many conflicting points of view, many definitely governmentally-driven, which acts as counter-counterpropaganda. The expertise of propagandists then may determine the direction in which opinion changes--or doesn't.
The Achilles heel of the elite, but strongly protected by law and force, is attack on the profitability of any business venture. What business ventures are most susceptible to such interference? These would be businesses like clothing manufactures, food producers, entertainment projects, sporting events (look for my upcoming essay on Colin Kaepernick), etc.
One can boycott some clothing providers--but not all.
One can boycott food producers or sellers--but not all
One can boycott an automobile dealer--but not all
One can boycott entertainment projects--possibly all
One can boycott sporting events--at least commercially organized team sports like baseball or soccer.
The problems are that there are too many targets to boycott and the need for an underlying theme to make the boycott effective. How to decide upon this is a considerable undertaking.
The citizens of the United States have become inured to the misery of the "other". No prominent drive has yet emerged to deal with this. The NEED for war is caused by an obligate parasite called the MIC. No effective countermeasures currently exist to kill the parasite, let alone tame it. Rational education will not accomplish what is needed, without strong emotional underpinning. Financial restrictions (possibly including a generalized tax strike) might work, providing a suitable target AND goal are pursued.
Revolutions are both bloody and unpredictable.

hmm ... if the money is nothing worth, the rich get poor too, or
not? If the tools to spread propaganda are destroyed, it hurts the propaganda-istas.
I don't wish any of it on anyone, but everything has an end. So, it's just a matter that we can't imagine when and how it's going to end, like we can't imagine our own death. The common uncle and auntie wait and watch and sit it out. But it will end, that's for sure. Thank God, it will.
Great analysis. My emotional intelligence feels good after reading your thoughts. It makes my lacking intelligence on the non-emotional side a little bit easier to deal with.
General Tax Strike
That sure as shit would get their attention, eh?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
One of our Peace vigil members
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
In my wet dreams
I imagine about a million people on a general tax strike. They could descend upon the pentagon with protest signs saying they won't support the murder for profit wars with their tax dollars any more.
Wonder how those immoral shills spouting out the "news" would spin that?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Indeed, and worse, at least the shooter didn't turn up
at the hospital later.
Well stated, Alligator
I have been thinking about how much the reaction to this would be if the shooter had been a Muslim (terrorists) instead of white man (lone wolf) If he had been, how many people would make the connection to the heinous crimes that our country has done to countless people in countless countries? If the reaction to 9/11 is any indicator, not many. Especially the people who feel that our military responses after the fateful day is acceptable because they attacked us first. Gack!
I do not believe that any type of protest is going to get our government to change its foreign policies. And if they do happen, then how far will the police go to shut it down? All the way to declaring martial law? How about the FEMA camps we have heard about?
No, I think that we will have to do massive boycotts and work stoppages to get any changes from our government. Yes, financial boycotts with the additions to your list being insurance payments, credit cards and student loan repayments as well as others that people can use.
Just one week of gas boycotts would cause a lot of financial pain, but then what? Will they raise their prices for anything that we need? Possibly, but what if people refused to go to work because now they can't afford their price of gas.
But apparently boycotts do work because if they didn't, then why is Israel crying to congress to pass legislation that makes it illegal? Hmm, very good question.
Outstanding essay. I look forward to others thoughts on this. We did good in Al's essay
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Forgot to include the link to this
Is this the first time that this many congress members have told Israel no? I guess putting people in prison for using their 1st amendment right is a bridge too far for them. Too bad that killing millions isn't.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
We should put Israel, Saudi, etc. on the Nancy Reagan diet
Just say no for the requests for monetary, military, and logistical support. Just say no any action undertaken by any one country meddling in another's internal affairs. This means especially our country's world-wide meddling.
I don't know if this fits in here, but I thought somehow
it might.
U.S is Backing Saudi War Crimes in Yemen.
That is an encouraging move and it made my mood a little bit "hopeful" so to speak, hearing it from Wilkerson. I am not trying to summarize the interview, just wanted to point to the last sentence of Wilkerson in this interview and to Sharmini Peries facial expression listening to it. It is an emotional reaction, albeit very well under control.
Her facial expression says it all, imo. It's simple like that the US has the biggest gun. Yep. That's why eventually we all cave in.
can anyone explain, in 200 words or less, exactly how
and why the Saudis decided to make war on Yemen?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
How about
Saudi/Sunni vs. Yemen (Iran Proxy) Shia
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Because the U.S. wanted them to.
Your DK essay is excellent
The Alligator is being pissy.
You tell him. Not me..
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
thanks, i'll read ...
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Actually this one is much better.
So now I gather gun sales are up after LVM
Two reactions to one horrific event: reactive (reflexive) and mourning. I had no thought to running out to get a gun. Others did. That may make my reluctance to my property justifiable.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
If only the crowd had had weapons they could have
Right on target, LaFem
Ooh! Sorry for the unintended pun.
@Alligator Ed
Did the reports come from those under fire or outside, or both, do you know? Still wondering about the number of weapons in that hotel room and some other stuff...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Stay tuned. The fun is just beginning!
Raqqa, Nevada
"Looks like Raqqa" will be my comment on the headlines at the corner store. The clerk is from Pakistan and totally gets it. He thinks I'm a nut, knows me by now.
Cloverdale still has soldier photos hanging from every lamp post last time I checked. We'll never see peace or civil rights activists glorified, only child murderers. Literally, some of them look like children, can't be older than late teens. U.S. children killing Syrian children. Fuck. I said the blowback would be horrendous or similar. Horrible. It's a never ending cycle of violence, glorified.
First, admit the addiction exists. Nothing heals until that happens. Educate educate educate. Draw peace signs, talk to the neighbors, tell them you want peace. That's what I do, it's all I got. The effing Chamber of Commerce owns everyone here, "We're capitalists", nothing changes.
good luck
great essay, thanks
What many have been calling for is an independent, i.e.,
from the electoral process of electing politicians, working/lower class movement. It could be termed a revolution in the sense that a revolution is defined as a ending the rule of one government and starting another, or political system. But to me it doesn't have to be violent any more than the presidential election, in which over 100 million people participate.
The key is what the goal is and organization. We need to decide on the goal.
What you describe would be a peaceful revolution
You're right.
I prefer to focus on democracy and ending oligarchy/rule by the rich (plutocracy). Secure a real democracy, then the people can decide the big things like empire/imperialism/war, capitalism vs socialism, health care, etc., which we can't do now.
Your formulation is correct.
From your essays and comments, it appears that you think revolution (peaceful or not) is inevitable. If I am incorrect, please advise me. My view is that revolution is inevitable.
Will messing with internet privacy and pricing (multi-tiered) be enough to wake the sheeple? What will? Can we find one or two simple to understand issues to unite the masses? Too many issues dilutes the message (see Jimmie Carter for that one).
I think revolution is inevitable.
But things are getting out of their control now, too big, too complicated, too many people, too much control, too much greed. You'd have to think there will come a time.
I push for it because I think it's necessary for the human race to confront its evils in order to survive.
Thanks for the essay btw, very well done.
I adopt your comment as if it were my own. Thanks.
Revolution is inevitable
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
@Big Al
Would this include a strategic country-wide voting campaign to get the corporate parties to get their hell out of politics? Because organizing this takes time and a lot of door-knocking and 'market-place intersections' with pamphlets and things, as well as internet activity while we still might have any chance of not being immediately entirely suppressed on it.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I no longer think America is salvagable.
People have already moved on. Seriously, read the news, it's all about Trump and Puerto Rico.
Gun Control is already on the back burner, as it always is, but surveillance and monitoring of people is something we need to get RIGHT ON!
NRA folks are right about one thing. They do use these massacres to take away rights. Just the ones that will let you DO anything with that massive collection of guns you've spent money on. Freedom of assembly, GONE. Freedom from unlawful Search and Seizure, GONE. (And there's nothing the cops love more than seizing "Millions in military grade Hardware", Because they get to KEEP it.) Freedom of Speech, Going.
But you can spend money on weapons.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
and if 3,000,000 americans were suffering
because a foreign army had occupied their territory, "we" would, without blinking or fussing, spend a trillion dollars to oust that army, while slaughtering arbitrary millions of the probably powerless and hapless civilians of the invading nation. the word "budget" would be taboo.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
LolH(ysterically)W(hile)C(rying), not that any such scenario was actually required to murder, main and dispossess however many millions of innocent citizens of so very many countries for fun and profit at US taxpayer and American life expense, that being The Plan of The Psychopaths That Be anyway.
Regime change in America, of by and for the people, with equal rights, opportunity and treatment for all!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thank you so much for
Thank you so much for commenting here, the 'Wake-up' is long overdue!