Just a link to an article

it looks as if some "changes" may be in the air on the middle eastern front on the long run. I hope for those.

Geopolitical Tremors: America, Nuclear Talks and the New Middle East

Complicated stuff. May be worth a look.

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I hope this isn't improper, but where do you live? I know you've said that you don't live in the U.S., and since you referenced Der Spiegel, is it wrong to assume you live in Europe?

If so, then I would love to gain your insight on a few political trends in that area. If not -- or if you consider that information too personal -- then just tell me to drop dead, and I'll tuck my tail between my legs and slink off.

The article was interesting, but on one hand, it made American policy seem as coherent as Sarah Palin's mind.

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mimi's picture

... and I am not better or more coherent in judging European policies than Sarah Palin. I haven't even seen Russia from my German backyard, just a glimpse of the Polish coast line. That's why I post links of articles here or to EB, because I want others to explain to me what I don't understand. I have at most some "feelings" of how to see some things in Germany (and only in Germany and they are all based on the times of the seventies and thus completely out-dated and probably also very wrong). In general people who post at dailykos (ie Americans) know a lot more about Europe and Germany and European history than I do and read a lot more sources I have no idea about. I always wonder if those guys are all good 'ol American spies from the cold-war times of the sixties, seventies and eighties in Germany. Smile

They are all wiz-kids about Stalin, Marx, Hitler and everything "revolutionary" "authoritarian" and 'imperial". I am just someone an elderly woman, who just retired a year ago and can't get used to it. I am also pretty tired of life sometimes, so not the best source for comments to be taken seriously, if I say something at all... Smile ok I like to joke sometimes, because otherwise I go nuts.

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I noticed your "freedom of thought" signature and wondered if you might be German. My wife was a beautiful blonde German girl who had an incredible zest for life. She was killed at a very young age, but I still keep in touch with her family. Over forty years have passed since her death, but I think of her every day...my granddaughter looks exactly like her, so in a way she still lives on...


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