Introducing Gendermom
If you haven't encountered Marlo Mack, perhaps you should. Ms. Mack is the mother of a transgender girl, M., whom she creates podcasts with, assisted by KUOW public radio with whom she produces the award winning program, How to Be a Girl. She has a website named gendermom.
Her latest offering is 7 unexpected things I learned from my daughter.
(1) Gender matters, but I have no idea what it is.
(2) Fear is inevitable...and fear is irrelevant.
(3) Very young children already know very important things about themselves.
(4) Being different is hard.
(5) Most people are cool.
(6) There is nothing new under the sun.Transgender people weren’t invented in California. They have existed in every society, in every era of human history. We just didn’t hear about them, because most of the time, they have had to hide from the rest of us.
(7) Parenting a girl really isn't much different from parenting a boy.
I have two kids, neither older than five, who haven't
expressed that they feel they aren't the gender assigned at birth based on their anatomy. That list of "unexpected things" resonates strongly nonetheless. It's another indicator that different isn't necessarily abnormal.
Thanks for the work you do to keep these issues surfaced.
The comment in item 6
Also, in some cultures transgender was not an issue. I wonder what we would find if we could honestly assess and understand World History as it really happened. The stuff taught in schools worldwide is shot through with bias. Sociologists, anthropologists, and others that might like to study same have an impossible task.