Interesting Times Indeed

Wow, the world is blowing up, isn't it? With the revelations about Manafort, Flynn, Nunes and the two WH staffers who briefed him on this "intelligence" I wonder where we are going, where we are headed.

Trying to get my head around it is hard..

During the Civil War, the various battles were fought to terrible massacres most often, rather than ordinary decimation (10-20% when retreating), the deaths were up to 40% and so. This is because they were fighting the last war, but rifle technology superseded their military field tactics and so bloody carnage ensued. This also explains the Revolutionary War: the American soldiers adopted tactics that were alien to the Romanesque concept of the pike and the shield, columns and ranks to overtake a parcel of land which the British had employed. Likewise the Civil War combatants were trained to much closer quarters fighting than the advances in war machinery warranted, so they literally blew each others' heads off.

I tend to relate this analogy to the present time. Social media, with these information-processing, big data robots ("Rise of the Robots"), poses a formidable challenge, if we as a nation - and I believe that America is the best, last chance to save humanity, I truly do - are to survive. If we, as a planet, are to survive.

We cannot survive the Trumps and the Putins of the world, we cannot let them carve up the global pie. Not if we care about our own progeny, our own legacy to our children. We have to work to improve their lot in life, but also in everyone's lot in life.

When I was a boy, I swam in Yaphank lake a hundred days a year, every year, during the summer. I recently returned there and it was completely congested with elodea weeds. I remember articles in the newspaper during that time (in the 60s, when I delivered the New York Daily News every morning) about phosphates being banned in Long Island because of the nutrient blooms they were causing in our streams and rivers and lakes. So we had ring around the collar and dingy whites, but we could have saved the Yaphank lakes (perhaps you noticed that both lakes are now kinda fd up). In fact, you cannot dive into them, you will choke on the weeds.. eutrophication has happened. The environment has been degraded already, Yaphank Lake, the Yaphank Lake that I knew, is gone.

I feel this way about global warming... like Yaphank Lake, our planet will never be the same. I gather my disappointment from reminiscing about "what was" and replacing it into "what could have been", and compartmentalize it. I do care about the environment. And I oppose people who don't care about the environment. Also oppression, also racism, also also..

We must resist this, each and every day.

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dance you monster's picture

Then we are fucked.

"America" messed up your lake. There are better models to save humanity than any that the powers that be in this country will permit.

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CB's picture

greed fueled capitalism spread into every corner of the world, is the major cause of most of the global environmental problems we have today.

"America is the best, last chance to save humanity".

I call bullshit on that. The US and it's ultra capitalist, consumer based economy spreading throughout the world is what has created most of the conditions for the decline in the environment. It would take well over 4 earth's for everyone in the world to live like an American. What gives the US the moral right to use most of the world's resources on a per capita basis?

It is well known that Americans consume far more natural resources and live much less sustainably than people from any other large country of the world. “A child born in the United States will create thirteen times as much ecological damage over the course of his or her lifetime than a child born in Brazil,” reports the Sierra Club’s Dave Tilford, adding that the average American will drain as many resources as 35 natives of India and consume 53 times more goods and services than someone from China.

Tilford cites a litany of sobering statistics showing just how profligate Americans have been in using and abusing natural resources. For example, between 1900 and 1989 U.S. population tripled while its use of raw materials grew by a factor of 17. “With less than 5 percent of world population, the U.S. uses one-third of the world’s paper, a quarter of the world’s oil, 23 percent of the coal, 27 percent of the aluminum, and 19 percent of the copper,” he reports. “Our per capita use of energy, metals, minerals, forest products, fish, grains, meat, and even fresh water dwarfs that of people living in the developing world.”

He adds that the U.S. ranks highest in most consumer categories by a considerable margin, even among industrial nations. To wit, American fossil fuel consumption is double that of the average resident of Great Britain and two and a half times that of the average Japanese. Meanwhile, Americans account for only five percent of the world’s population but create half of the globe’s solid waste.

So how did the world get into this situation?

Edited to be response to diarist

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Bluesee's picture

@dance you monster Man, that is spot-on.

I feel a song coming on..

But I contend, citing the book 1491, that the Spirit of a perhaps considerably different but nonetheless enlightened culture lived here before us. I am hopeful we can once again resurrect that spirit. It has been resurrected; the spirit of the American Indian was somewhat revered by the society that usurped its land. Now, a simple respect for nature comes naturally for all human beings, and they must be exposed to it for their entire lives to come to understand it.

This is one of the tragedies of modern civilization. We are completely out-of-touch with nature and natural rhythms, of course not individually, but perhaps collectively. What else would enable this rapaciousness?

Many more thoughts, let me get this response off and read the others. Thanks for your response.

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Bernie is a win-win.

alexa100's picture

I'm pretty amazed at the volume of treasonistic activity within the WH.... and the guy is still there.

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Go Bernie !!
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

Once the natural resources are sold-off (for far too cheap) and the infrastructure privatized, that will be the end: No moment will be a "free" moment.

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Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever

CB's picture

technology against people in third world countries which "superseded their military field tactics and so bloody carnage ensued".

We use high tech MQ-9 Reapers costing $17,000,000 carrying four AGM-114 Hellfires costing $110,000 each, all of which is operated by some drone pilot sitting in a comfortable air conditioned office operating using what amounts to an advanced PlayStation® video game. After a few hours of "bug splatting" poor Afghani families living on two dollars a day along with any of their friends who come to the rescue after the first strike, our brave warriors return home to enjoy a quiet evening with the wife and kiddies.

American 'exceptionalism' indeed.

The Bullying of US Militarism Pervades the Entire Society
Bullying is woven into the very fabric of the military. Using violence and aggression to impose its will on others is the fundamental purpose of the military -- even if it presents itself as a defender, a paragon of moral virtue, and the protector of the weak. In the schoolyard, the weak who resist the protection of the bully face his full wrath. The military behaves in similar fashion. Consider the brutality that confronted people in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq who resisted America's protection or the lot of the colonial peoples who resisted the civilization offered them by white America or Britain. Empires cannot survive without the military, whose role is to bully weaker nations into submission. No wonder, then, that President Obama promised, "So long as I'm commander in chief, we will sustain the strongest military the world has ever known."

The United States openly views itself as the world's police force, morally ordained to impose its interests and values across the rest of the globe and justified in whatever it does, be that bombing villages, killing civilians, or overthrowing governments. America committed genocide against the Native Americans; raided Africa in search of slaves; seized about half of Mexico's territory; conquered Hawaii and the Philippines; and invaded Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The victims may have viewed these acts as brutal bullying, and we shall see that they reflect the core values and dominance of the schoolyard bully. The US government claimed its actions were morally justified under the doctrine of manifest destiny or for several other reasons: for instance, it had an obligation to bring civilization to the savages; it was the duty of the strong to protect the weak; and it was a matter of self-defense on a global scale -- all themes that, as we show shortly, also reflect the implicit mindset of bullying kids. After World War II when the United States gave itself the world's sheriff 's badge, it renamed the Department of War as the Department of Defense. The term defense may sound less aggressive than war, but war is sporadic whereas defense is permanent. It can be argued that small countries such as Switzerland and Sweden need defense, but in dominant empires such as the United States, the military plays a very different role.

American capitalism revolves around the military. The Pentagon underwrites many of the largest corporations through weapons contracts, and it protects US-based corporations as they abandon American workers in favor of plants abroad and as they secure foreign raw materials and markets. America's militaristic empire cannot exist without people who support it and are even willing to kill and die in its battles. Accordingly, it must transmit militaristic values, which are essentially forms of violent bullying values, either through the military itself or through other institutions.

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Steven D's picture

Neither of which has any interest in helping anyone earning less than 1 Million Dollars per year and/or is a member of the military and intelligence communities.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

dervish's picture

and starving civilians in Yemen. Look up the photos of the emaciated victims.

If America is humanity's last, best hope, then we are truly screwed.

I think our last best hope is currency collapse, so that the war pigs starve (for awhile).

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Centaurea's picture

We cannot survive the Trumps and the Putins of the world, we cannot let them carve up the global pie.

The carving up of the global pie has been going on for a long time. It didn't start with Trump.

Heck, the United States of America hasn't been merely carving slices of the global pie for itself. It wants the whole darn thing, and it's been wielding a vicious knife against any country, any group, and any person who gets in the way.

As to this:

I believe that America is the best, last chance to save humanity, I truly do - are to survive.

I don't see how more "American exceptionalism" is going to help us now. It's just a lot of sentimentality with nothing substantive behind it.

Other countries are investing in new sources of renewable energy, in nationwide rapid transit systems, and in infrastructure that supports their economy and their people. They're investing in increasing the quality of life. Not to mention, they ensure that all their citizens have health care as a matter of course. The USA don't seem able to do any of that. Our infrastructure is failing, our life expectancy is falling behind that of other developed nations, our social welfare and security net is rotting away, and our political "leaders" seem determined to set what's left of it on fire. If we can't find a way to save our own selves, how can we presume to think we can save humanity? Just because "we're America, rah! rah!"?

Wow, the world is blowing up, isn't it?

Guess who's been doing most of the blowing up of things (and of people)?

America, and the corporatist oligarchy that rules it, have been doing their best to destroy the planet and its people. In order to reverse that, we are going to have to be able to look at reality, take a cold clear look in the mirror, and be willing to take some decisive steps to change direction.

"Trump! Putin! The Russians!The 'deplorables'!" is focusing on scapegoats. It's fiddling while the empire burns.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Mark from Queens's picture

Did not know that it had been overtaken by weeds created by dumped phosphates that now make it un-swimmable. That's tragic.

The rustic nature of that hamlet always held an allure for me. With the Lake and the Carmans River and a lack of curbs, it had a different feel that was so unlike the rest of that area of LI, which was mostly those typical suburban tracts the cropped up post-1950's-60's all over the country. By the the end of the 80's, LI had pretty much sadly been decimated by greedy developers who ripped out the last vestiges of woods we played in for more of those dumbed-down commercial strip plazas and more developments and "condos."

Sadly, all of this, the saber-rattling, business's polluting natural resources and over-development by realtors, can be directly connected to greed, which is the fuel of capitalism - the pursuit of evermore through deregulation, damn the consequences, with no justice to be found in the courts for the people who are then left on their own to deal with the wreckage.

As many folks commented already, nobody does that better than the Exceptional Americans, whose god is money. We need more whistleblowers, like that of John Perkins, of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," who CB mentioned in the first of his two excellent comments.

I think of the great sage George Carlin, who ended one of his most brilliant, clear-eyed diatribes about all this by concluding, "it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut