Interesting Exercise for an Economist
With all the Brexit mania very few folks seems to actually get the real story and that story is Income Inequality. That is at the core of Brexit and the problems in the USA as well. Until this is fixed, there is absolutely zero chance of survival long term.
I would love to see an analysis of all income in the USA but distributed from the bottom up. So basically, once the general population is taken care of meaning jobs at a livable wage, education K-College, Universal health and strong union presence. Then all the Oligarchs can divey up the remaining, guess what, they will still be fabulously wealthy.
I think if Americans really understood how wealthy our country is and the fact that they are being screwed because we really can afford it all, the riots will begin

that would mean connecting the dots
corporate media makes sure that kind of thing doesn't happen
What a lot of people also
don't get is that they've been sold on neoliberal concepts of economics and don't even know it.
People have truly come to believe that if they spend for things like health care it will damage the economy. By thinking that they are literally accepting the ideas of neoliberalism, and supply side economics.
What they don't understand is that our economy originally boomed specifically because the middle class was created after World War II. It happened after people got enough disposable income to buy all this stuff. Part of the reason why businesses are failing now is because we reversed that trend.
The middle class makes so little money that the economy is terrible. The only way to fix things is to reverse that trend.
The question to ask is compared to Europe, with education,
Transportation, retirement, other things we have to pay out of pocket for, how much does the middle clas have left in cash each month?
Despite lower wages and marginally higher taxes to pay for the common welfare, the cash in most pockets and quality of life, is higher.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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