Imagine No Religion
Those dudes in the white sheets in Saudi Arabia, the ones ruling that country pretending to be king and princes and all that utter nonsense, are really pissing me off.
I got to thinking about it after reading an article speculating about who was behind the recent London terrorist attacks. A cui bono thing, May had promised to continue supporting their evil kookdum while Corbyn had promised to halt the arms sales and investigate the kookdom's involvement in spreading their Waahaabee fantasy.
The white robes certainly had an interest in affecting the election but whether they did or not, everybody knows they're a major creater and exporter of terrorism with their special Waahaabee brand of religious fanaticism. They seem to have purchased a trillion dollars worth of military hardware from the U.S., France, Britain, Russia and others over the last couple decades. There's the 28 missing pages and the 15 out of 19 Saudi Arabian citizens on 9/11, obviously some of the white robes were involved in that mass murder operation in some way. These are despicable assholes who hide behind a despicable made up religion.
I usually restrict my venting to my own government and those behind it, the very fucking rich. But that doesn't mean, as a human who believes an existential awakening must happen to the human race for it to survive, I don't view assholes with white robes with less distain than the assholes with ties and high heels and their religion of worshiping wealth and power.
Imagine no religion. Things would be different, who knows how different. Humans are humans, but the murder and mayhem left in the wake of religion has been a huge part of human history. The seven deadly sins, ironically warned about in religion, would probably have their way anyway.
Imagine people living life in peace. John Lennon said it was "easy if you try." I beg to differ dear John. It's hard to imagine right now.

White Robes have a history of hiding awful people.
Maybe we can get them some matching hoods to complete the image.
I mean, we are allowed to despise and point out the theological and social problems with the people in white robes AND hoods.
But apparently as long as they leave off the hood, or replace it with an Italian tablecloth, criticizing them is racist.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
They would fit right in with our pointy hat whackos
I think these guys have reached the end of their ropes.
In defense of John
My memory of the song is..."imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try"
I think that part is pretty easy. Now the peace part and sharing all the world...a good bit more difficult.
When T-rump was dancing with the Saudis and criticizing Iran (right after their election), it made me shrug in disbelief. Let's sell more weapons!
But how stupid to fight with Qatar where our largest air force base in the world is located. Not real smart. Is Al Jazeera that threatening?
Most of the world thinks we are the greatest threat to peace in the world!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Here's a link to the article I read.
Check this out.
"Previously released court papers reveal that the Saudis had threatened the UK with an increase in terror attacks if the government of former Prime Minister Tony Blair chose to move forward with a corruption investigation concerning sales of arms to the Gulf nation.
Blair subsequently halted the inquiry."
That was from the Guardian no less.
Their arrogance is astounding.
Comparable perhaps to the Israeli right, but not even we are so transparent in our dictatorial proclivities.
I, too, think it will take
an existential awakening for the human race to survive. I also believe that is the direction in which we are heading. It takes time, though.
The Age of Aquarius only began five years ago. By the 2030's, we will have made greater strides. I'll be stepping into my 80's that decade. I hope I don't miss it. I hope I get to witness my grandchildren holding some of the torches lighting the way.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Prince Bandar Bush was in New York on 9/11
This is a picture of him at the WH and laughing with Bush and Cheney on 9/12/2001. His name seems to pop up at the most convenient times and places when there is an terrorists attack. There were many of the Bin Laden family in New York at the time of the attack who were meeting with papa Bush and theirs was the only plane allowed to fly for 3 days after the attacks. He was an ambassador for Saudi Arabia during the Bush1, the Clinton and Bush II's administrations. They sure look worried after the attacks the day before, don't they? Very worried for the country after 3,000 people had been killed and 3 buildings were destroyed.
You mentioned the 28 pages that were not made public for 15 years and they were just released last year. I did a search for them and most of the articles I read say that there isn't any solid proof that the Saudis were complicit in the attacks. Just lots and lots of information that pretty much says that yes it looks like the Saudis or at least Bandar (Bush) was financing the terrorists who for years were in this country leading up to the attacks on 911, but nothing solid. Some of the information was blocked out, so they are still hiding something. Some of the families who had family members want to sue the Saudis for their supporting the terrorists and that the Saudis threatened us that if Obama released them, they would take their money and go home. He released them and made sure that some of the information was still not allowed to be seen. Hmmm, that seems suspicious, doesn't it?
Senator Bob Graham was on the senate investigation team and wanted them to be released.
He wrote a book about the attacks and this is some of what he wrote.
Hmm, I wonder which other country is yet to be named. I have a guess for one of the other country, just don't have any proof.
Hijacking the Nation
This is a good article that links Bandar to the 9/11 attacks and how they found a phone on that has Bandar's phone number on it. Much, much more information in this article.
Bandar and the link to 9/11
So you can see why Bush decided to attack
Saudi ArabiaAfghanistan because they harbored and supported Al Qaida, not the country that evidence shows who had supported the terrorists. Just like president Johnson who covered up Israel's attack on the USS Liberty. But that's another story.Does anyone remember Sibel Edmonds who had lots of information regarding who helped sponsor the terrorists while they were in the country? She was gagged by our government because she had lots of information about that? She created a website called The Boiling Frogs.
Her website has information about a lot of topics, including the Seth Rich murder.
The Boiling Frog
I know this is off topic, but it relates to the recent discussion about the Deep State. I have seen this information on other websites that talks about the Deep State.
The Deep State
Good question:
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I try to drop in the book and author about the beginnings of
an easy-to-read book by David Talbot, called "The Devil's Chessboard - Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government.
It's been around for quite awhile. And if you read about Adams and Jefferson, lots of dirty stuff going on. It may be later as well, just haven't read the history in between.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Here's a backgrounder video
Counter-Intelligence - Trailer
After he was out of public office, Bob Graham
were picked up and detained by the FBI.
and his wife went to Washington where they were to meet their daughter(s) andThe source for this story is the Tampa Bay Times.
Because Graham had been asking for the release of more information regarding the 9/11 high jackers, he thought that perhaps that was the reason why he and his wife were picked up at the airport by the FBI even though they were on personal business. What happened after they were picked up was disconcerting. Mrs. Graham was isolated in a windowless room and Bob Graham was escorted into an "interview" with the number two guy at the FBI.
I strongly recommend everyone read the rest of his story. It serves as a reminder of the power of the deep state.
Bob Graham was the Senator who warned those who voted for the Iraq War that "the blood would be on their hands."
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Great article. Thanks for the link to it.
This part of the article where he had read FBI reports stands out.
The FBI agent was just transferred to Hawaii out of the blue? Sure I believe that, especially since he never returned Graham's phone calls.
The fact that the family left all of their possessions behind, including jewelry, suggests that the FBI report he saw was correct.
I wonder what he would say if someone interviewed him after the 28 pages were released?
This is another lawsuit we should keep our eyes on because you know the media isn't going to cover it. Hell, they barely covered the pages when they were released last year.
Bush put our relationship with the Saudis over our 3,000 citizens, just like Johnson put our relationship with Israel over the men of the USS Liberty.
I'd call that treason.
This part of the constitution is very clear.
I swear to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic.
Yep, treason.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Imagine if Hillary had said what Graham did
if she had come out against the Iraq war, I think that would have carried a lot of weight and more democrats would have felt that they didn't have to vote for it and be called weak.
Then again, I know that Hillary hasn't seen a military intervention that she wasn't in favor of. She pushed Bill to start bombing Yugoslavia. (?) I'm not sure if this is the correct war she pushed him in to.
Hillary must have thought the results of the Iraq war was so great, because she pushed for Obama to overthrow Gaddafi and just for fun, she gave his weapons to the Syrian rebels who then helped Obama to overthrow Assad.
This is what she said about the remaining Iraqis who weren't killed during shock and awe.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
saving the links, thanks dawg
Trade in Goods with Saudi Arabia
in case anyone was wondering:
1985, 1998, 2016. Three years out of thirty-two with surplus. Blood for oil, blood for arms, death merchants supreme. is in my bookmarks, I like to read about their plans for 2030 and all that sh*t. Recently I read in the Opinion section, a piece about the cultural transition it's a balancing act. Sorry I didn't bookmark and now it's lost, even the google can't find it. The way I read it was the big economic challenge was to make next generations of KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) youth want to work the low wagie retail and hospitality jobs that ex-pats have done for decades. Like here, that is where most job growth is happening.
KSA millenials have grown up with free education through college, free healthcare, good stuff. Most expect a good government job out of college but that is only 30% of the jobs available. I don't think they're deporting, but the system is not renewing the ex-pat jobs at the same time trying to brainwash the next generations to work more and except less, the women first of course. Like me in the late 70s, perfectly happy to take any low wage job. Solidarity.
If their 2030 plan thingy fails, they will have a population of angry unemployed men like the world has never seen. Talk about revolution, no wonder they are armored up. Anyway, that is a memory of an opinion I read, sorry there is no link for better context.
Trump makes the front page there a lot, like today : Trump says time for Qatar to stop funding terror
Coincidentally, this update was released today: Vision 2030 aligns education outcomes with labor market needs: Labor minister.
Freedom = alignment, I don't think I'd like that. Solidarity means peace to me, Wish I could connect with oppressed everywhere and make something better together.
WTF? just came across this, sorry: US forces join Philippine troops in fight against Daesh-linked group as casualties mount
Trump is trying on his daddy cop of the world strong man persona, making amerika great again, making fodder of the Special Forces. Special. More and more people will love him for it, wanna bet.
Very interesting
This is from your link
And this is from CB' link below
So what is the true story?
We know from Nick Turse that JSOC are in at least 134 countries in Africa doing who knows what?
I'm guessing that other country's need destabilizing so that they don't interfere with our special interests. Isn't that a quaint term for corporations using our military to make sure that nothing gets in the way of their profits?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The US uses jihadis as a tool
"If you comply with our wishes, we will help you fight the jihadis. If you cross us, you will find yourself fighting more and more well armed jihadis all alone."
For the US, it is not that the jihadis throw bombs, it is who they throw the bombs at. If Duterte continues to thumb his nose at America or gets closer to Russia, he will find himself facing a huge ISIS problem that will eventually destroy his presidency. The US Deep State doesn't give a flying fuck about the Philippine people. The US absolutely needs the Philippines as a base for the coming conflict with China.
New information
that confirms the US is up to its usual dirty tricks in the Philippines. I'll place a big bet that the US has made contact with Duterte's military and is working behind the president's back. Looks like another US regime change in near future. Leaders need to play ball with the US or they will get tossed. I really don't know why the Philippines even bother to have elections. History has shown that any elected leader MUST kowtow to America.
Oh but, he's too radical...
Obama says so. The LA Times editorial fried him. I wish he had buried May. No matter how many times you shoot them, stab them, drive a stake thru their hearts, monsters always find a way to come back to life.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Their greed burns within them, keeping them going.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I can imagine it.
Think of the effort that TPTB put into keeping people behind the perpetual war state. For most of US history we barely had an army, just enough to torment Mexico and Central America, except on special occasions. If the Japanese hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor the US couldn't have done more than the off the books naval war with Germany. Roosevelt hoped desperately that the Germans would declare war on the US, else our combat would have been directed entirely at Japan.
Perpetual war is a post WWII phenomena. Ike watched it happen. He couldn't have spoken more clearly.
The US has a long and bloody history of using
religion as a weapon in hybrid war.
I believe the US will use their "Jihadi Express" against the Russian backed Chinese OBOR initiative. The OBOR is the greatest threat to US global hegemonic imperialism that has ever existed. Over half the world's population live along this "road" and these undeveloped countries have the potential for phenomenal economic growth rates. They also contain most of the world's resources for the special minerals and metals required for today's high tech commodities - especially those required for producing renewable energy and high efficiency transportation.
If you look at the following map, you will notice how American military interventions in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Eastern Europe pose barriers to the OBOR initiative.
What's the chances of the US capitulating to a multi-polar world without resorting to full scale war if their "Jihadi Express" fails to stop non-compliant countries from falling out of their orbit? The US was never a fair player in global politics nor economics. It's always been "a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs".
Jihadi Express. Good name for them
it's too bad that they don't just do their dirty work in the countries that TPTB wants them to overthrow leaders, they also use themselves for getting back at their leader's' civilians. That is what happened in Paris, Brussels, Nice and twice in the U.K..
How much longer until the rubes wake up and see what is going on?
The terrorists in Paris and Brussels told them that it was blowback from the U.K. government's involvement in the Middle East wars after watching their families had been killed.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Taking US on a magic carpet ride fo sho, BigAl. Thanks.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
How dare you!
Question the keepers of the faith and the supporters of the Holy places in Medina and Mecca?
You actually let woman drive cars?
You have a problem with Billions of Dollars spent to spread Wahibinism with Mosques and Madrasses around the world.
As soon as I'm done with this I'm reporting you to CAIR.
Actually, here in Houston, wearing a dress and a head scarf might be cooler than jeans and boots. It worked for my Scot's and their Kilts?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
As a former member of the Church of Elvis,
Wait, that's really a thing?
Ya, it was anyway. I'm not sure if it's still there but I
Wow, lol n/t
I am still a member of
The Church of the Swimming Elephant.