If Israel stops murdering children then the terrorists will win

It’s interesting how last week Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to, and yet this week they know every mosque, school and hospital that Hamas is hiding in. It seems that the entire northern half of Gaza is included in that.

The Israeli military has told Palestinian civilians living in north Gaza that if they don’t evacuate to the south, they will be considered “an accomplice in a terrorist organization,”

The warning was made in threatening leaflets dropped by Israeli drones on Saturday. “Urgent warning, to residents of Gaza. Your presence north of Wadi Gaza puts your life in danger. Whoever chooses not to leave north Gaza to the south of Wadi Gaza might be identified as an accomplice in a terrorist organization,” the leaflets said, according to Reuters.
Israel previously ordered the evacuation of northern Gaza, an area that’s home to 1.1 million people.

Almost half of all residential buildings in Gaza have already been destroyed. Nearly 3,000 Palestinian children have already been killed.
President Biden says that the Palestinians are lying about casualties, but he fails to say which 3rd party we should believe.
Of course pointing out that killing children is bad means that you love Hamas and you want them to kill every Jew in the world. Bombing buildings full of children means that you don't care that A BAD THING HAPPENED TWO WEEKS AGO.
But most importantly, every Palestinian killed by Israel was actually killed by Hamas. Because Israel's plan to ethnically cleans the Gaza strip is irrelevant apparently.

In the plan being proposed by the Intelligence Ministry, Palestinians in Gaza would be displaced from Gaza to the northern Egyptian Sinai peninsula. In the report, the ministry described different options for what comes after an invasion of Gaza and the option deemed as “liable to provide positive and long-lasting strategic results” was the transfer of Gaza residents to Sinai. The move entails three steps: the creation of tent cities southwest of the Gaza Strip; the construction of a humanitarian corridor to “assist the residents”; and finally, the building of cities in northern Sinai. In parallel, a “sterile zone”, several kilometers wide, would be established within Egypt, south of the Israeli border, “so that the evacuated residents would not be able to return”.

It's important to note that ethnic cleansing is perfectly Okay when you put things into a biblical prophecy.

“We are the people of light, they are the people of darkness—and light shall triumph over darkness,” Netanyahu said, according to a translation from i24NEWS in Israel. “Our war against Hamas is a test for all of humanity it is a struggle between the axis of evil of Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas, and the axis of freedom and progress.” The comments evoked a controversial tweet that his office posted and then deleted on X, or Twitter, last week after a deadly blast hit a hospital in Gaza. Netanyahu went on: “It is now a time to come together for one purpose to storm ahead to achieve victory in joint with joint forces and a profound belief in justice, a profound belief in the eternity of the Jewish people. We shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah,” he said.

I don't believe that Netanyahu was talking about a “peaceable kingdom” in which “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb.”

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Cassiodorus's picture

The US is up to its neck in Lebanon. Is open battle between US troops and Hezbollah the wider war Alastair Crooke is warning us about?

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"The only thing more dangerous than the 3 decade old right-wing agenda repackaged as (Project) 2025 is the illusion that the Democrats can protect you from it." - Richard Moser

we're all Pavlov’s Dogs, and if we don't drool when the bell rings the it's "why do we hate Israel?". No treats for us.

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lotlizard's picture


In Europe, especially in Germany, having the word “antisemitic!” hurled at you is like a powerful magic spell in Harry Potter. So powerful that anyone with something to lose can often be completely controlled by the threat of it, as if by the Imperius curse.

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