If Hillary's Ad About 'Helping' Children Was Honest (Updated with Iraq Vote bit and ending slogan)

If you've watched TV or watched videos on the internet, chances are you've seen Hillary's latest ad about how she's spent her whole life 'helping children'. Well, here's what it would sound like if this ad were honest:

Hillary Clinton has dedicated her life to "helping" children. During her time as first lady, she campaigned to take food from the mouths of children when she championed then President Clinton's welfare "reform" bill in the 1990s. She also gave speeches referring to minority children were super predators (Clinton: "They must be brought to heel") while campaigning in favor of a bill that led to the incarceration epidemic we have seen in the time since its passage.

As a senator, Clinton "helped" to displace millions of children in the middle east by voting in favor of the Iraq War in 2003 (Clinton: "This is the toughest decision I've ever had to make."). And in 2007, she spearheaded initiatives that pushed for war with Iran (Clinton: "The Iranian Republican Guard must be declared a terrorist organization!").

During her time as Secretary of State, she was a liaison for many authoritarian regimes who "contributed to her Foundation" in exchange for military weaponry. She also sent child refugees back to Honduras (Clinton: "We have to send these children back to send a message."), a country whose democratically elected government she helped overthrow for the benefit of her corporate donors.

As president, she has vowed to "help" more children by finalizing the Trans Pacific Partnership. A trade deal that will hand the world's governments over to a corporate tribunal that can 'negotiate' with countries for whatever it deems as 'lost profits'.

"I'm Hillary Clinton, and I want to be president because I wanna break that glass ceiling. It's my turn, America!"

Hillary Clinton. Because it's her turn.

....Yeah, I shouldn't quit my day job. Damn years long political fatigue, now I can't even do a proper satire!

See ya around,


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edg's picture

It's not that you can't do satire, it's because that's the truth. An honest Hillary advertisement would say exactly what you wrote. And you didn't even mention the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children her and Bill's policies killed.

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Bollox Ref's picture

Chelsea is worth millions.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

detroitmechworks's picture

"Hi, I'm Hillary Clinton, and I killed thousands of unworthy, lazy future criminals to ensure that only the strong grow up to survive. Of course, I define strong as belonging to the family of one of my donors. So therefore, either donate to me, or make sure you don't piss off one of my donors. Because Unlimited power, bitches."

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

snoopydawg's picture

LOF, and always people either ignored it or told me that I was wrong without telling me which parts I got wrong.
I'm having fun posting LF's essay over there and reading the responses to it.
Latest one was if I had ever complained about the republicans.
I answered yes, just like the rest of many people did when the republicans were taking money from the banks and invading Iraq.
But once Obama continued PNAC's goals in the Middle East and Hillary is using citizens United that people wer against once, the site went quiet.
I cut of his remark that once in office, Hillary will fight back against it, by reminding him how Obama voted for the FISA bill and people said that once he's elected president, he will do away with it. Instead he expanded it.
So many people there have no idea how much that site has changed.

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Bisbonian's picture

Putting many more children at risk for loss of life or limb when they find these little jewels.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

That ~6 months she worked for the Children's Defence a Fund for all its worth. Too bad so many people haven't seen that MWE interview from 2007 when she says that she & her husband are no longer friends in politics with the Clinton's because of bill signing the (written by republicans) welfare reform bill.

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