I went to the Elect Trump Central site (AKA DKos)

Everyone turns their heads to look at the wreck as they drive by, right? It's human nature.
It was exactly as I expected. Circular firing squads, the deeply racist, sexist Front Pager spouting something about Denial and a river, while irony danced on her head, and more externalized blaming than I thought possible in our space time continuum. I think actual reality is broken now.
Only one Diary drew me in. It was about the Wiki-Leaks proven Clinton campaign's active efforts to spend time, money, resources, and favors to promote The Donald in the MSM, with the goal of facing him Nov. 8th.
Following is my comment therein.
When slick Willy couldn’t keep it in his pants, I looked around, incredulous, and shouted out
“What?! You didn’t see this coming?!”
 Christmas with Henry, golf and weddings with The Donald.
 It’s hard to see the truth when you refuse to open your eyes.
 I’ve found cynicism and awareness to be a curse. You do get to be right a lot, but that’s small comfort.
 I’m sure that gambling with the future of the Republic (and the entire planet) will be fiercely defended here with a variety of rationales. Good luck with that.
 On a very personal note. I’d like you Clinton enablers to understand that people will die because of your support for Hillary. People that would have had a chance for life if the Demorats had run ANY other candidate. The Republicans aren’t going to suddenly find actual Christian values and feed the hungry and pay for homeless shelters during a Minnesota winter ya know, ya betcha.
 I can not begin to tell you how angry I am with you. You deliberately blind stupid jack-holes have killed me. I ain’t the ‘right kinda’ white and I’m sick and I can’t work, so they want me to die. And you helped them win.
 Soo many of us pleaded with you to open your eyes but you drove us away.
 Hillary’s loss Tuesday was completely, totally, entirely unsurprising for those you drove away.
 Hillary was NEVER going to win. Way too many people hate her.
 A reality based community? LMAO at your self-righteousness.
 What? You didn’t see this coming?
 Why the fuck not? 
You'll have to pardon my tame manner in the comment, I'm saving my ban for my next and last post there.

Let there be no misunderstanding people, Hillary Clinton and her cabal, knowing they could not win a fair election, let no law, rule, code of conduct or ethics or even common decency stand in the way of her greed and ambition. She manipulated/rigged both party's nominations to all but guarantee her coronation. Wiki-Leaks called it playing political chicken.
I call it gambling that you'll get away with it. Gambling with my life, millions of others lives, our Republic and the entire planet and entire human species, for her own ambition.
She had no right to do so.
And she lost.

Some of you may remember my discussion on guillotines, let me just say this, make em blunt edged.

I've been away because I've seen the slow motion Demorat Party train wreck before. I knew what was going to happen and that I was powerless to stop it. Soo, I joined a couple Yahoo Fantasy Football leagues to pass the time. Better than spitting into the wind all Autumn I figured.

The only advice I want to offer at this point is to look to your personal safety first of all things. The World just got a lot more dangerous for liberal minded folks, POC, the poor and the disabled. And maybe pray that Bob Marley's ghost appears to The Donald one night and gets through to him. Though I expect The Donald would fire good ole Bob.

On a side note for the curious, Jack-holes is a trademark Dennis'ism born of the contraction of 2 words with the ass left out for polite company.

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Pricknick's picture

about getting the crossbones for now.
Wait until the next edict.
Beauty of a rant. Well done.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

sojourns's picture

In the primary days all the dimwitted, which is most, were trying so fucking hard to get Berners to change their vote because "they like his ideas but he just can't win"...


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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

But President Bernie would have been working at prying the bloodsuckers off the people he was informing instead of disinforming and distracting the victims for the bloodsuckers to have the easy meals to which they're obviously entitled by being so very exceptionally bloody rich as to be able to buy both policy and politicians.

What a disgusting state of affairs for anyone running as a Democratic Party candidate to actually propose government of, by and for the people - what next?! Equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all? That's unimaginable, of course...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

sojourns's picture

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

detroitmechworks's picture

You really need to stop doing that.


(Couldn't resist.)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Don't worry, that habit died long ago. I took a little looksee and plan one final trip. Then they will be out of my life forever. I can only stand stupid for just soo long.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU