I never write diaries/essays, so please excuse this mess of a
communication!! But I am well and truly concerned about this country right now!!
I don't comment or hang at DKos much anymore because there is too much animosity, and general BS to deal with. However, several diaries caught my eye in the last few days, and I've been stirring up the pot in some of the HRC-love diaries. After going back and forth with the commenters, I am shocked at the level of voter apathy, and antipathy towards change! It's pervasive, and heavy, and ugly, and vicious. I thought Dems were the party that welcomed change, and liberal ideas.... but apparently, not so!!
The Dem Party elites, Turd Way, DLCC, etc,.... have convinced a huge swath of our voter base that they cannot have nice things. They cannot have Single Payer. They can't have a living wage. They can't have affordable rent. They can't have decent public education. They can't have equity in our justice system. They can't have clean air/water/soil. They can't have their food labeled. And they sure as shit can't have peace on this earth.... that, they most definitely cannot have! HRC was a hero as SOS, and Henry Kissinger is so yesterday!! These voters are living in an alternate universe!
You go over and yak in a rational manner with HRC voters, and they will give you a 100 reasons why we cannot have Single Payer. Even though it's widely viewed and proven as the most economical, just, and compassionate form of healthcare. Even though every other industrialized nation on earth has this form of healthcare. We can't do it! Too expensive, and the GOP won't vote for it. End of story. Move on.
I'm running into the same thing with getting Wall Street under control, and other issues. These HRC voters are taking their long held liberal beliefs, pride, integrity, and gut instincts, and are leaving them at the door in order to vote for their candidate, HRC. They are in a state of total apathy.
We've got a much bigger problem on our hands than I realized. It's not just the T-rump voters, and the GOP voters that need a huge reality adjustment about what is going on in this country and who is pulling the strings, it's our own fucking parties voting base!!!!!!
It's a wake-up call as to how evil, and maniacal our Dem party has become that they have effectively and very covertly demoralized a majority of their own base. As soon as I get the opportunity to vote for Bernie in the primary, I'm changing my voter affiliation to Independent. I can no longer be associated with a party that eats it's own..... or a group that allows itself to be eaten! It's almost like watching a spouse support, and lavish praise and love on their partner who clearly treats them like shit, and has affairs behind their back, and doesn't respect them at all. It's painful, and baffling, and scary.
Thanks for listening.

Absolutely NOT a mess!
As a matter of fact, your passion shines through like a goddamn beacon! Honestly, I hope you keep on with your "messes"!
BTW, if you haven't caught it yet, Phoebe Loosinhouse has an essay on the front page, "Scheer & Frank Discuss The Democrats Shift Away From Income Inequality" , that actually discusses the rather radical change in the Democratic Party since the Clinton years. I found it to be absolutely fascinating.
I think one of the biggest differences between HRC supporters and Bernie supporters is indeed how each group faces change. If you aren't comfortable with it, or if you out and out fear it, well ... you generally aren't a Bernie person.
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
Thank you for the kind words!!
I will definitely read Phoebe's diary. Right up my alley!
The Clinton's have bamboozled huge swaths of the American public. They have mastered the art of stabbing us in the back, all with a brilliant smile on their faces, and kind words spoken that make us know that they are on our side. Best con artists ever???
I agree with you on the difference between Bernie and HRC supporters. Bernie's folks are pissed, passionate, excited, fired-up and ready to go, and wanting to embrace massive change NOW with eyes wide open!!!
It's a movement
It's not about the party. I live in Alabama. They burned buses here, sent dogs after children, but people kept working. There's still much work to do. Many bridges to cross. Black folk make up about a quarter of the states population and ninety percent of the overcrowded prisons...where currently there are riots. We have a past Governor in prison on trumped up charges involving Rove. https://free-don.us/ So I know discouraging.
And let me tell you Bernie has given me hope anew. I have someone I believe in to support for the first time in many years. No matter what, we are rallying. Another hopeful sign is the Democracy awakening march next month. Forget the corporate political machine. It's Bernie's people movement. Like MLK, he is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fight on in joy!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"once in a lifetime opportunity"
Agreed!! He is a lovely human being with a compassionate and good heart. He's right on the issues and he cares.... when I listen to him speak it is so clear that he cares.
Did you see the video of him talking about his religion? WOW!!! Beautiful, beautiful. Total insight into who he is and what he believes.
I hope the young ones really take the Bernie revolution and run with it. It's their future, and their children's futures that are most at stake. If they run with it, I think it will get legs and go some place. It won't be overnight, but people are mad on both sides of the aisle, and change is much needed by most. So I think the day of reckoning for the Dem Party, and the GOP are not too far away. I guess the GOP are in the middle of it. What a crap-fest that is!!
I'm constantly dismayed
by the disconnect I get from HRC supporters. Yeah, she supported the invasion of Iraq (but she realizes that's a mistake now..even though she's been nothing but hawkish in EVERY case), and she evolved on marriage equality (once it no longer cost her politically to do so) and yeah, she set up that email server but others have done it and it's NOT a big deal (even though one of her staff has gotten immunity to testify and the pay-to-play connection to the Clinton Foundation is becoming more and more obvious), and its okay that she's changed every stance she's ever had depending on the audience she's in front of...
The list goes on and on, but they rationalize and excuse everything and in the end, you're left with a headache and an abiding sense of despair. Its amazing that they know they're being played and they're okay with it. Worse, they're amazed that I'm NOT okay with it--they really think I should be.
I LOVE your last sentence!
"Its amazing that they know they're being played and they're okay with it. Worse, they're amazed that I'm NOT okay with it--they really think I should be."
I look forward to seeing more of your messes! Seriously though, you write better than you think.
Progressive to the bone.