I Hate Everybody!
I feel I haven't made that clear enough so there it is.
Look, regardless of how you vote, and did I mention- I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION EITHER!!!, you're going to wake up November 9th and an election will have happened and the question for the Left is how you move from that reality, which I do not presume to predict, to one which...
Well... what?
I think there are 2 issues we all agree on. First- no more stinking wars which we lose consistently, waste a lot of money (whatever that is), and kill people (both sides).
War. Ugh. Good God. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
Except lining the pockets of Plutocrats which brings me to my second item of agreement- we have to send these criminals to jail and break up their Syndicates (who says I'm not for Law and Order? Sam Waterston is a gem).
My point is that no matter who wins, even if it is Jill Stein, an enormous amount of work still needs to be done to deconstruct the corrupt Neoliberal power structure which if you ask me (and you didn't, but I'll tell you anyway) has been strangling this country for almost 70 years now (I date it to the 1950s, your estimation may be different).
We have to fire all these Media Morons for instance. Who's up for changing the channel? MSNBC is soul destroying and it's the best of a very, very bad lot. You think it's great? Good for you. I find it no less dictated than Fox which in the absence of Ailes is at least rudderless and in flux, available for influence. Not that it will go well, nor am I advocating them as a font of 'truthiness', my point is instead that all should quake and tremble in fear of their audience deserting them.
Likewise all Politicians, who should grovel at the feet of their electorate instead of projecting their pretense of superiority because their D.C. friends and corporate sponsors think them consummate bootlickers and toadies.
Radical enough for you? Radical enough to get me exiled because I believe in quaint things like rules. It's ok, I have my own thing happening. I write every day that I don't have more pleasant distractions (my output should alarm you) and no one can stop me!
Seriously, if you are wasting your energy not advocating for your particular candidate in positive ways that might attract support at the polls, or identifying problems that need to be addressed regardless of who wins and hopefully providing solutions to them, you're not contributing much to the necessary revolution.
Just saying.
Personally I'm hardly a Hill Shill any more than I was an Obamabot back in the day (Cue the wistful music and soft focus that indicates a flashback to the dim, dark past of 2008, a whole 8 years ago when Hopiness and No Change At All ruled the land devastated by W. It helps those with short term memory problems). I'm genuinely undecided because all my choices suck.
'Choose Clinton then oppose her' is not my message at all. There are lots of perfectly valid reasons to hate her just as much as I do, which is a lot.
Then again- see the title.

Vent Hole
One important development
that makes this election cycle so crazy and chaotic is Wikileaks.
Imagine if JA didn't leak anything. All of the filthy stuff that the Clinton campaign did would still have happened, but we wouldn't know about any of it. Any vague rumors or allegations would be called out as ridiculous CT, and vicious attacks on her integrity. The same slimy tactics would have promoted Trump in the primary, and squashed him in the general, and her Heinous would be POTUS, but we'd have no idea that it was all fraudulent.
Our current crop of elites can't stand the light that transparency conducts, they literally don't know how to function in a transparent environment, wherein their evil ruses and nasty plots are exposed. They've been playing these games for many years, what's different now is that we can see what they are doing. It's hilarious actually, the same people that have illegally forced the surveillance state upon the rest of us, suddenly cherish their privacy. A taste of their own medicine causes them outrage and panic.
If they have nothing to hide, there is nothing to be afraid of, right? Where have I heard that before...?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Just discovered Lionel Nation — laughing my head off.
Binge-watching! Absolutely on target, and funny.
Gosh, he is channeling Carlin
while not (?) fronting as a comedian? Other than a few misnomers* (Barara/Bahara) he is a wordsmith, faster under the camera to evoke words that I can now.
* my not coming up with the right word in 30 sec. A new (old) Game Show!!!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
He clearly hates Hellery
What's his position on Trump?
I'm always suspicious of anyone connected to ZeroHedge. ZH caters to the Libertarian/TeaParty crowd.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
He doesn't seem at all to be for Trump
BUT I think he understands how people might be drawn to Trump.
i had never heard of Nation, thanks
and obviously he's a kook--i agree with most of what he says ;->
He is very conservative. I watch a podcast that leans right
where is a regular guest. (I think it is important to know what both sides are thinking/feeling in order to best prepare our strategy and facilitate communication.)
While I don't agree with a lot of his positions, I have yet to hear him claim an outright falsehood was true just because it would fit his narrative. (Not that I have studied him deeply or anything.)
I do find him humorous though. I am perfectly capable of liking and respecting people I disagree with politically as long as they are not lying or being deceitful to make their case.
We may reach different conclusions, but I don't automatically go into Clinton supporter mode. I.E. "You said something I disagree with so you are an (insert appropriate "ist" here)."
The way they rabidly attack anyone that challenges their preconceived notions has me a lot more terrified of them than any Trump supporter.
I literally had a Clinton supporter call for physical assault on me early in the primary simply for saying, "Regardless of the outcome of the Primary I could never support Clinton because of her stances on Fracking and the Death Penalty."
Yep, that was the level of inflammatory language I used so I guess I really should have expected that strong of a response...
If Clinton loses I think they are going to become truly unhinged.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Lionel Nation again — now watching / listening to this one
Lionel is witty, urbane yet unconventional
Despite his rambling style he is usually both funny and insightful. He hates HRC and won't vote for Trump. I don't see him voting for Aleppo Johnson. Jill? Maybe. M. Mouse? Maybe. Spongebob? Yeah, that's the ticket!
News flash: you're not undecided.
I feel ya, hec,
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
It is part of your charm.
Given a choice of ATM or human, I will always choose the ATM. Same thing with collection canisters next to cash registers. Give me a choice between human vs non-human cause, and I'll pick the non-human cause every time. I don't do crowds, and I absolutely refuse to stand in lines.
Anyone who would think you are a Hillbot, even a nice one like Sabir, doesn't have a clue.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I always choose the human, not the ATM, because I figure the
ATM probably doesn't need to eat or pay rent or support parents or kids.
A few years ago, the humans to whom I had waited to speak, no matter what drill recorded messages had put me through, would suggest that I "go" to their employers website (which their employer requires them to advise). I would say "I'd rather make sure you all have a job." They'd reply, "Oh, don't worry! We have plenty of work to do." Now, they say emotionally "Thank you so much."
On going to the hospital for physical therapy one day, I found two people trying to direct me to a computer, instead of to the receptionists' desk. I asked them if the computer was a union member.
Good for you! I have told a few companies, most notably
some fast food and Home Depot, that if they replace humans with robots they will lose all my business. Also that the HD robots are creepy and they had better stay away from me.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Several of the grocery stores
Several of the grocery stores near me have self-checkout lanes as well as the usual manned lanes. I always try to go in one of the manned lanes instead of the self-checkouts. I want to encourage the stores to keep and add jobs, not get rid of them. (Especially since most of the stores around here are unionized.)
Me too, mostly! The Walmart near me recenty added self
checkouts. I asked the cashiers about it. They told me they actually added jobs. There are four self checkouts and two cashiers to work them so that merchandise doesn't get stolen! So they added lanes rather than close any down. It has been very busy in the store lately no matter when I go. Maybe they'll lose some jobs after the holiday, but right now anyway the selfie lanes haven't cost anyone. So I admit, when there's a line, I go to self checkout. If it slows down, I'll use real people.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Several of the grocery stores
Several of the grocery stores near me have self-checkout lanes as well as the usual manned lanes. I always try to go in one of the manned lanes instead of the self-checkouts. I want to encourage the stores to keep and add jobs, not get rid of them. (Especially since most of the stores around here are unionized.)
I presume you mean everybody running for office, since you
can't mean us, we're wonderful!
We would never exile you. Did you crosspost at TOP?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
gosh. I-- I never felt so hated. Thank you!
It is going to take a lot of work. And that is the reason I think so many of those suffering from the Hillarian pox could not find Sanders' platform palpable, or "doable". Forgive the yuppie speak, but Clinton is Grandma Yuppie after all.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Get Off My Lawn!
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Contempt has run through me, night and day, for past few months
Good friends and people I love and respect, have all become Pavlov's dogs barking in unison, "We Hafta Stop Trump."
It's a disorienting time, but we've had many. Like standing against the war-mongers just after 9/11. Or being a striking union worker in a small town in Pennsylvania lying in bed at night at the camp knowing any minute the Pinkerton thugs would be ready to ambush. Or a slave talking of insurrection while the passive in the flock just look the other way. Or
But moreover it's Lonely. That's the word that comes to me. When one is standing firm on one's convictions, amidst an overwhelming majority of usually pacified peasants turned into a panicked populace - yeah, it's lonely.
Bernie was Lonely, out on a limb. Even though he was surrounded my millions of adoring supporters everywhere he turned, when he got back to the deplorable halls of Washington he was seen as a pariah, who no one wanted to talk to or stand with.
MLK was intensely lonely, though exalted the world over for his deep humility, righteousness and compassion. So were/are Emma Goldman, Fred Hampton, Oscar Romero, John Brown, Dalton Trumbo, Paul Robeson, Big Bill Haywood, Bobby Sands, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange etc. Same for all the other great radical or revolutionary or just dissenters in the vanguard (as we are, and probably best describes Bernie too). Though they were each nourished by the righteousness of their cause and the awakened and uplifted spirits reflecting back at them from their supporters a heavy personal price was to be remitted. Life becomes a disorienting roller coaster ride of the great highs of sheer love from the disenfranchised and the ceaseless foreboding of always feeling hunted by the dark power of the PTB. It's Lonely.
Was listening to WBAI the morning with the infant as we usually do ad Amy had on the Indigo Girls, who had written an open letter to one of the owners of the DAPL, Kelcy Warren, who is both a big Republican donor and music fan (always freaks me out when passionate music fans turn out to be deep conservatives; the fundamentals are antithetical to me). They said they frequently play the music festival he presents but had no idea about his involvement in the DAPL.
One of the takeaways they seemed to have was an epiphany about paying closer attention to who's behind the gigs they are playing. Indeed, to me this is the linchpin, though a very tricky, going forward. Who are the owners of the companies we do business with everyday? From the most innocuous purchase, such as a pack of chewing gum or toilet paper (the paper product market is largely monopolized by the Koch Bros), to where you keep your money, which restaurants you eat in, which media you consume and which sports teams you buy tickets to (most sports owners are RW zealots). Who are their owners?
Just as I say this and know it is the right thing to do and can be a game changer I realize how difficult it is to navigate the terrain, doing all the groundwork to connect the dots of a vast and intricate web of deceptive corporate monopoly. There was an app developed after Occupy called "Buycott," which allowed a person to be able to scan the UPC code of any product to fins out who owns the company. Like those before us it seems an overwhelming challenge to impact the relentless grinding engine of unbridled capitalism and the free reign our bought and sold politicians give these plundering raiders. But there has to be a start on the individual level first.
It's a long, hard and lonely road, folks. I'm contemptuous as hell lately, and feel like I can hate everyday too, man. But if I don't refresh myself with all my antecedents who came before me and stood tall I'm liable to "lose my mind" and "go crazy" or "insane," as the rabble-rousing lead singer of one of my favorite bands growing up, Black Sabbath, Ozzy had frequently found himself singing:
Staying in that mode, because it feels so good sometimes, to me, to touch the despair and then start picking yourself up from there:
"A Hard Road"
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Actually, in a way I feel less alone than ever.
I would rather be surrounded by a small group of people that truly stand by their beliefs than a huge crowd of those that just wanna take the easy route and do what is safe because the unknown is too scary and are only friends of convenience.
Since coming here I have discovered I was less alone than I thought. I really did think I was an anomaly and that very few people thought or believed as I did.
The many fine folks here a C99P disabused me of that notion.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I do love me some Sabbath!
I do love me some Sabbath!
Hang in there! you are like me, I have few who will see past the sheep run/lemming rush towards another election of LOTE.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
That's unfortunate
I only hate the greedy corrupted and even murderous jerks running for president.
If there's a choice I would vote for a lamp post since it's better than either one of them in every way.
Great post, MfQ
I feel that I am lonely too. I am on staff at an Episcopal church. Each week we have a staff meeting-rector, deacon, secretary, finance person, parish nurse, the cranky (most of the time) choir director, and myself. I tell you, they all go to Nate Silver's site daily, and they are scared to death of Drumpf! Gotta vote Hillary!!! Oh my, some of the praises for her. Makes me sick! But I have to keep my mouth shut because I feel if I spoke the truth (believe me, I've tried), I would probably lose my job. No kidding. I don't even feel safe putting a homemade sign like "JillnotHill" on my back window. I am the youngest on staff and as far as I can tell they're all on FB and listening to MSM. I'm not on FB and the youngest on staff. I feel sorry for them at times. They're so brainwashed...
I almost wish Drumpf would win. But then, that's a different kind of scary lonely. Hell, it's all going to be scary!
Hey Christine. Can't imagine that scenario...
You have some fortitude to endure such travails. I don't envy you but respect your position.
I'm just not any good at hiding my feelings and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.
Our vehicles have stickers on them attesting to it, I wear political t-shirts every time I know I'll be in public with a chance that more than a few might see them and I additionally wear political buttons on my jacket. I can't tell you how many times they've cracked the ice and led to great discussions, often times a sense of relief coming from the person liberated to speak in public about a shared concern. I'm not saying this to challenge your tactical stance there
I understand it.
So everybody who knows me knows where I stand. Obviously that leads to all sorts of scenarios: friends avoid talking politics with you and maybe even rescinding invitations. But most of my true friends will engage with me and we'll have rigorous debates. You watch as the years go on how eventually many begin to take on and adhere aspects of the philosophies you've been hammering out in front of them. That's fulfilling.
Always blows my mind to hear of a church's and or its members', support of politicians who and points of view which are clearly antithetical to the teachings of Christ. My parents belong to churches that strike me as RW, and Mom's been poisoned by Fox. They're all good people, we're quick to say, but when you challenge them on questions of war and tie it to imperialism, poverty and tie it to capitalism, American Exceptionalism and tie it to the propaganda our education system, they seem to go mute. Where does that conformity come from?
Remember during the dark Bush days they dragged me to some event there and I purposely wore a Healthcare For All button to gauge where these "Christians" stood on such a seemingly non-controversial issue. Hey, can't get more Sermon On The Mount than that, I thought. Sure enough, the flunky photographer had a dismissive look for the radical and prodigal son visiting from the Liberal North, while no one else cautioned to mention it. The Neoliberal churches are just as bad. Many pulpits have been used as propaganda central for the ruling class's agenda. Hope I'm not offending you. It's a subject that rouses me.
You hit it right on the head with those filled with fear most are the ones on FB and watching MSM as their main sources of news. I think that this, more than anything else, explains how otherwise good people with compassion are turned into malleable clay to be molded by the forces of the status quo.
Thanks for sharing your situation with us!
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
This farce of an election
has had the opposite effect on me ek. I now love everyone I previously hated. This new love does not include pols or their puppet masters. Maybe pity is the highest from of love, a truism I learned from that true book Ripley's Believe It or Not. I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said 'Were So Screwed 2016'. I think the level of hate has topped out among ordinary people who are not homicidal maniacs or religious zealot's preaching fear and loathing.
Could be that I just tuned the scatter shots of hate out as it was too loud. Loving or hating pols is a big waste of time and this includes Bernie and all your favorite celebrities and gutless pop stars. When the story line gets this bizarre and dark it can shake all the hate right out of you and leave you awe struck at the level of madness that human's are capable of inflicting on each other and the basic fabric of life on earth.
One good thing about this ' tale told by an idiot -- full of sound and fury, signifying nothing' is that people I know in real life are shedding their political delusions that caused them to blame, fear, and hate each other. They all seem united in agreeing 'Were all Screwed 2016". Even the Hillbot woman down the street who did not speak to me for about a year after I worked on Obama's campaign does not want to vote for Clinton. She read the damn e-mails. Extort the vote. Lot's of Black Lives Matter yard signs in my Lilly white 'liberal' neighborhood one I'm with Her and plenty of Giant Meteor bumper stickers. Gives me the hopies. It's up to us always was. Peace.