Huffpo suggesting Bernie preparing to exit race? Not so fast.
I think they missed the most interesting bit of the convo with Cenk on TYT earlier this week - I've posted the FULL interview below, but I think they even missed the most interesting part of the interview segment they posted (for their segment, follow the link):
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) insisted he’ll stay in the presidential race, but outlined conditions under which he would endorse Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton “if I can’t make it.”
“If I can’t make it — and we’re going to try as hard as we can until the last vote is cast — we want to completely revitalize the Democratic Party and make it a party of the people rather than one of large campaign contributors,” Sanders said in an interview on the progressive Web show “The Young Turks.”
Sanders also listed policy demands he would make of Clinton, including a single-payer health care system, a $15 an hour minimum wage, tougher regulation of the finance industry, closing corporate tax loopholes and “a vigorous effort to address climate change.”
Of course what he says is that it's not about him, it's about all of us getting involved.
Here's what I feel is the most interesting part of the segment they posted:
We are in this thing to win, please understand that. What are the Democratic establishment gonna do for us?
Are they going to create a 50-state party?
Are they going to welcome into the Democratic party the working class of this country and young people or is it going to be a party of the upper middle class and the cocktail crowd and the heavy campaign contributors which to a significant degree it is right now?I've talked to Democratic party leaders and said, you know what? Instead of going around and raising all kinds of money from wealthy people why don't you meet in some football stadium and bring out 50 or a hundred thousand people and bring the damn Senate in there -Senate Democrats - and start talking to people and ask them what they want you to do. How about that? So in other words, if I can't make it -and we're going to try as hard as we can until the last vote is cast- we wanna completely revitalize the Democratic party and make it a party of the people rather than just one of large campaign contributors.
Bernie Sanders Interview
Posted by The Young Turks on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Probably planted by Clinton campaign or Brock.
Keep donating.
New ad with our donations:
Love this - she's so great
Posted it on FB
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Same thing isn't it?
Doesn't David Brock work for the Clinton campaign? The fact that they would hire that mud slinging sleaze ball speaks volumes to the Clintons' character.
From: wiki
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yes, Brock works for Correct The Record
which is a pro-HRC superpac claiming it's right to coordinate with both the DNC and the campaign.
You can look up my posts on DK about that organization and surmise what I think of him.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I listened to that interview....
I took away that Warren will join him if he wins, and if he doesn't, he's not ruling out a run as a Third Party independent. He knows perfectly well that he can't believe a thing he is "told".
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
He said he would not run independent
Not sure if I like the idea or not. I'm not crossing any opinion bridges until the Dem race is decided.
Go Bernie!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I'm waiting to decide what to do till after the convention, too.
but cannot believe the Dems will let Bernie run under their banner...too much dirty money is at stake for them to ever really support him.
In regard to him running a third party indy campaign, I'm leaning more and more towards "it's now or never". The environmental issues will decide for us if we chose to be timid, I'm afraid. And any further consolidation of the oligarchy, if Clinton or the Repugs win the general, will make it damn near insurmountable.
The only thing holding me back from hoping he runs in a new party is the Trump factor. If the Repugs nominate anyone but Trump, I think there is a good chance he will run as a right-wing/fascist indy and then the predictive factors for a successful lefty indy campaign would get pretty complicated. If, however, the presidential race were a three-way--Bernie as Indy, Clinton as D, Trump as R, I think Bernie would win in a landslide such as never seen before. My runimations on this may be totally different than yours, of course, and if you have time to post some of your thoughts on it, I'd love to read them. It is a topic that comes up a LOT among my friends IRL. We are all hoping Sanders wins the nom in some ways, but fully aware that the money behind the Dem machine might well prefer to throw the election rather than see Bernie win. And all the documented dirty tricks going on against Sanders right now in the primaries and caucuses reinforce or concerns in that regard.
Off topic totally: do you know what variety that Oriental Poppy in your avatar is? Is it a photo from your own garden? What a luscious color. The named varieties "Raspberry Queen" and "Plum Pudding" look pretty close. Dang, that is one beautiful flower!
Shaylors Provence
It's all about the bee...
It's my new hobby, photographing bees. Worked for a short time for an organic skin care comp which does a lot of campaigning to save bees, so that's what got me started. I actually should go out and try to get shots of the bluebonnets and bees today before they fade.
The poppy actually lived at Boggy Creek Farm in Austin. Sorry to not know the species - I can name a California poppy, but that's about it.
That day was actually my first catching shots of bees. So hard to get a clear shot of them coming in for a landing - that's what I try for. Gota use the sports setting to be fast enough, but even so, it takes 20 - 50 shots for me to get a good one.
Thanks for noticing.
I'm so disgusted with the party at this point I can barely stand it.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Wonderful photo!
A local beekeeper has hives here on my farm and even though we've had snow/ice/sleet the last few days, it is sunny and low 50s today and boy are the bees active. They are looking for water at this point, not blossoms, nothing in flower here yet (SW Wisconsin). If I knew how to post photos, I'd take a quick pic on my phone...not that it would turn out anything like your photo, taken with a real camera, no doubt, and a ton of skill and talent!
It is VERY difficult to get such a good picture of oriental poppies. You really captured the essence of their tissue-paper like quality. And then, to get the bee clearly, wow. Well worth your time and patience of 50 shots to get a good one!
The Dem party, however, is a whole 'nuther story. It has worn out the patience of so many people of good intentions that I think it is time to bail. I no longer see any benefit in spending time to reform it; based on the many comments in this thread, we are not alone.
On a happier note, Bernie will be at a big rally in Madison, WI tomorrow. Luckily two of my college-age kids are on spring break and will be available to go. We are planning to get there around 11 am for doors opening at 1 pm and the rally scheduled for 5 pm. Have spoken to neighbors who plan to get there at 6 am!!!!
Shaylors Provence
Same here, but
He pledged that before all the dirty tricks and general shit got dumped on him in the states that have voted so far.
Normally, it's politics, so "dirty tricks" are expected, but Sanders, coming away with 30-40% (or better) of Dem votes, may have enough name recognition and money to pull off an upset as an indie in the general. After all the crap he's endured, and because I know a whole lot of folks who say they'll write him in regardless, I am not above thinking he should go for it if he doesn't get the nod. He'll get votes from both "sides", so you can't really call him a spoiler, can you?
It all sounds nice
making demands of the party, but is there one Bernie supporter who will believe Clinton if she comes out with some modified campaign platform at the convention?
I could hold out a tiny bit of hope that both Sanders and Warren could impose some demands on the party but I would have a really hard time believing myself as I tried to talk myself into it Especially with NO considerable change to the party leadership. With Hillary in the White House, Pelosi in the House and an even worse Senate leader in Schumer.
This kind of thing has gone on for decades. There is only one way this party will change and that is if it is abandoned by a significant number of its members.
If this party really intended to change, they'd ditch Clinton as the nominee. Bernie and Warren could form a new party but they can't reform this one unless they take over the leadership of it. The establishment and party leadership will undermine them every chance they get.
Thats the thing to work for
We still might have a Sanders/Warren ticket. That's what I'm working for. Let's make that happen!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sanders/Warren FTW!
If Bernie and Elizabeth came out today and said she supports him and he wants her as VP it'd be over. Hillary would finally be relegated to the dustbin of history.
I certainly will never believe her.
She gives lip service to everything. She cannot be trusted by me, ever.
(edited because the italic symbol pissed me off)
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That's the problem.
I like how Bernie thinks on this--you don't get our support for free just b/c Donald Trump exists--but...
How can we make a deal w/someone nobody trusts?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Seriously? We have a member going under the moniker of 'Markos'?
Not sure whether that's snark in and of itself or just the same name of someone who share it and is not to be confused with...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Oh, no, now...
you know they're keeping tabs on us. Buncha control freaks over there
That being said, I doubt they'd actually use their really names on logins, so it's probably actually a gag account. But it did give me pause for a bit....