How the world has changed
It wasn't that long ago that when the U.S. president went overseas they were treated with respect. If I was to guess, the downtrend started with George Dubya Bush. Then it accelerated with Trump. Now with Biden, you get this.
That was evident on Tuesday when López Obrador sat next to his American counterpart at the White House and spent nearly 30 minutes rattling off thinly veiled barbs over everything from U.S. immigration policy to gas prices along with “grievances that are not really easy to forget with time or with good wishes.”
...López Obrador’s visit to the White House came a month after the Mexican president, known by his initials AMLO, snubbed Biden by boycotting the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles because the U.S. did not invite the leaders of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Several Central American leaders followed suit and did not attend the summit either.
That was unusual in and of itself. A foreign leader, much less one that borders the U.S. dropping truth bombs in the White House? I don't know when that happened last.
But the BIG upset was when Biden went to Saudi Arabia to beg them to pump more oil.
Bin Salman specifically mentioned the torture scandal at the U.S. military prison at Abu Ghraib, Iraq and the killing of Palestinian-American Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli forces in May, according to Al Aribiya, which is owned by the Saudi government.
The de facto Saudi ruler also said that the CIA—which along with other American intelligence agencies concluded that Khashoggi's gruesome 2018 murder was likely ordered by bin Salman—makes mistakes, as it did when it falsely claimed Iraq had an active weapons of mass destruction program prior to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion and occupation.
"Bin Salman's smarmy reply underlines the way in which the U.S. government's lawlessness in misadventures like invading Iraq and its weird commitment to Israeli apartheid practices against the Palestinians undermine its moral standing to argue for 'a rules-based global order,'" Informed Comment publisher Juan Cole observed. "Almost no one in the U.S. dares say this, but for the rest of the world it is a commonplace insight."
It was truly a glorious dig.
Ayman Mohyeldin of MSNBC also reported that a Saudi official told him that Crown Prince Mohammed, known as MBS, denied that he had ordered the assassination, “the same way George Bush did not order the abuse and torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.” The crown prince then asked, according to Mohyeldin’s source, why, “with so many U.S. journalists killed, missing, or detained,” including Shireen Abu Akleh, “the murder of Jamal Khashoggi was being politicized.”
When Biden was asked during a news conference in Jeddah on Friday night how Crown Prince Mohammed had responded to his comments about Khashoggi, Al Arabiya’s sister station Al Hadath cut away from its live broadcast so abruptly that its studio anchor and control room seemed to be caught off guard. After viewers heard Biden begin, “He basically said that he was not personally resp—” the picture jumped back to a startled anchor who took four seconds to start speaking. Then when she did, her mic was not on.
To sum this all up, the Saudis told Biden to take a hike.
Saudi official gives MBS's response to Biden when he asked about Khashoggi. "You can't impose your values on us by force. Remember Abu Ghraib? What have you done about Shireen Abu Akleh?". Yes MBS literally said that to Biden.
— İyad el-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) July 16, 2022
Naeem Aslam, the chief market analyst at Avatrade, said: “The message is that it is Opec+ that makes the oil supply decision, and the cartel isn’t remotely interested in what Biden is trying to achieve.
“Opec+ will continue to control oil supply, and one country alone cannot determine the oil supply – at least that is the message that traders have taken from Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

Some semblance of Justice
It's not enough...but it's a start.
I'm glad the rest of the world is keeping score; gives me hope.
Also, OBRADOR POR JEFE 2024!!! Makes me glad to live so near the border (Crisis? What crisis?).
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Started when Yang Jiechi of PRC tore Blinken a new one in 2021
I am sure most readers of this site know that in March of 2021 Blinken met with foreign policy team of China in Alaska. Blinken lectured the Chinese and the top guy Yang Jiechi ripped Blinken and Sullivan a new one right afterward. I can't find a good video of the exchange that includes the Chinese interpreter who sat to the left of Yang Jiechi. Chinese buddy told me she became a folk hero of sorts in China over her translation of Yang back to Blinken. I believe Yang used to be China's US ambassador to the US so he probably is fluent in English. The Chinese probably believe diplomats should know the language of the countries where they serve.
This is a small taste