How big corporations & Bill Gates took over the UN Food Summit
An exposé by Nils McCune and Camila Escalante, September 23, 2021
It’s a story that’s sick in itself, but the outrageous perfidy and under-handedness at play causes me to commit thought crimes. It’s under copyright, so I’ll feature one section, and you can read the rest or watch their brilliant video below.
The new UN: a public-private partnership:
“In June 2019, the office of UN General Secretary António Guterres, without previous discussion in the General Assembly or any other intergovernmental process, signed a strategic partnership with the World Economic Forum.
The secretary-general is supposed to be the world’s leading advocate for multilateralism, the idea at the core of the UN. Instead, he has effectively endorsed multi-stakeholderism, the core idea of the Great Reset.
The 2021 UN Food Systems Summit was initiated through a partnership with the World Economic Forum, with limited participation of other UN bodies, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization or the Committee on World Food Security, which traditionally handle food policies.
In contrast to previous food summits, there was no intergovernmental body that convened the summit.
The current president of AGRA, Agnes Kalibata, was named as special envoy to the summit, a clear sign of the hand of the Gates Foundation.
The lack of transparency and corporate agenda of the summit were denounced in an open letter signed by more than 500 civil society organizations in March 2020.”
Video (9 + minutes) by La Vía Campesina North America, Nils McCune of La Via Campesina, and Camila Escalante of Kawsachun News tells a lot of story.
Yes, Prince Charles has been hawking Green Bonds, etc. at Davos for a couple years. Can't be too rich or too thin, eh, Charlie?
La Via Campesina’s website is here.
La Via Campesina on Twitter.
Colin Todhunter (UK) agro-ecologist's website.
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)
Since Bill has been buying up all the US farmland, it only
makes sense that he will become the king of all food.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
growing potatoes for mcDogFood
french fries, as RT. had lauded him. making him: A Man of the People! as the WEF claims to do.
Then there is this!
i'll be back soonish to watch; thanks,
but another crazy day here, humphrey. cooking to tithe food for Obomba's Terror Tusdays, and processing what produce mr. wd brought home yesterday from zetroc (cortez spelld backward).
ye gods; and in some cities it's illegal to dumpster-dive to retrieve food that's still viable even if past its sell-by date. jayzus. while so many of us go hungry.
fuck the Lords of Capital and their Profiteering.
good night all; i'm knakered for making food to tithe in answer to Obomba's Terror Tuesdays.'
sleep well,dream well, or at least 'instructionally' .
also, gates is the most famous
doctor on the planet, yet hold no medical degree. funds most of the WHO, therefore chooses directors who please him. the current one...isn't even a doctor.
i admit i'm surprised that this
dire and corrupt news got such scant attention.
"Who controls the food supply...controls the world" (or close)
~henry kissinger
i know that by now fresh potable water is another. the smartest attorneys in the US are going into Water Law.