Hot Air

Something to keep in mind…

It’s time to heed the deeply moving voice
of youth and schoolchildren
who are so worried about their future
that they need to strike to make us pay attention
Christiana Figueres, former UN climate chief

Climate Disruption is Ubiquitous
Paul Beckwith 2-28-19
• Tropics have expanded by 0.5 degrees in latitude per decade since 1970s:
• Sahara Desert enlarged 10% since 1910.
• US 100th Meridian has shifted 140 miles to East since 1980.
• Tornado Alley moved 500 miles East since 1990.
• Plant Hardiness Zones in US move North 13 miles per decade.
• Permafrost Line in Canada moved 80 miles North in last 50 years.
• Wheat Belt pushed poleward 160 miles per decade, and is rapidly moving out of Australia.
• Thousands of Northern Hemisphere lakes are losing ice cover.
• Climate of Cities is shifting up to 500 miles within one generation.
• Arctic has lost 80% of coldest air in 6 decades.
Canada obliged to protect future generations from climate change, test case on carbon tax hears
The Narwhal 2-20-19
[The coalition] argued that the Canadian government has a constitutional obligation to protect minorities, including future generations of children who stand to be negatively impacted by climate change. … A decision in the case is pending.
Sharp rise in methane levels threatens world climate targets
The Guardian 2-17-19
“What we are now witnessing is extremely worrying,” ... “It is particularly alarming because we are still not sure why atmospheric methane levels are rising across the planet.” … Studies suggest these increases are more likely to be mainly biological in origin. However, the exact cause remains unclear. Some researchers believe the spread of intense farming in Africa may be involved.
Climate Change Could Cause Epic ‘ARkStorm’ in Southern California
Times of San Diego 2-19-19
This rare mega-storm, which some say is rendered all the more inevitable by climate change, would last for weeks and send more than 1.5 million people fleeing as floodwaters inundated cities and formed lakes in the Central Valley and Mojave Desert, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Where Climate Change Fits into Venezuela’s Ongoing Crisis
Scientific American 2-18-19
Venezuela got 50 to 65 percent less rainfall than the annual average from 2013 to 2016. That led to rationing of both water and electricity because Venezuela is heavily reliant on hydropower. A dry winter heading into 2016 led to low water levels at the Guri Dam in Bolívar, the nation's largest hydroelectric facility, and months of power shortages in Caracas and elsewhere.
This article has the best pictures! And clear explanations. Check it out…
What is permafrost and why might it be the climate change time bomb?
South China Mornig Post 2-19-19
Video from the article
Permafrost seals highly compressed carbon and methane gases created from decomposed organic and vegetal remains. Greenhouse gases are released when this frozen layer thaws. In areas not overlain by ice, the surface freezes and thaws annually and is called the “active layer”
More on the permafrost melting…
The permafrost bomb is ticking - We must act now to disarm it.
Yale Climate Connections 2-12-19
The major side effect of a thawing permafrost is that it will further enhance global warming with the release of large quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The permafrost contains organic matter, and thawing will enable bacterial decomposition that will release methane as a byproduct of anaerobic respiration.
Extinction Rebellion March (3 minutes)
The global impact of coal power
EurekAlert! 2-18-19
China and the US are the two largest producers of coal power, but power plants in India take the highest toll in the world when it comes to health. Central Europe, North America and China all have modern power plants, but Eastern Europe, Russia and India still have many older power plants equipped with insufficient flue gas treatment.
UN announces roadmap to Climate Summit in 2019, a ‘critical year’ for climate action
UN News 2-14-19
Two-thirds of these targets, she said, depend on climate and environment goals, and a five-fold increase in commitments from their current levels is needed in order to meet the targets set at the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement on dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance, due to come into force in 2020.
States Are Introducing Bills That Could Prevent Teachers From Advocating for Climate Change
Pacific Standard 2-18-19
Several [South Dakota, Virginia, Maine, Montana] states have recently introduced bills that could interfere with the teaching of scientifically founded theories on climate change in public school science curricula.
A well written article on how we are not meeting emission reductions…
The Dangers Of Climate Change Pseudo-Activity
Clean Technica 2-18-19
EU’s market-based emission trading scheme was a neoliberal dream but too many carbon allowances at too low prices made the system utterly inefficient. According to EU’s own numbers, their import of crude oil, gas and diesel oil is on the rise while their emissions grew by 1.7% last year.
Good article…
PG&E bankruptcy shows we don't know how to pay for climate change
CBS 1-23-19
There's no guarantee that PG&E's bankruptcy -- which would be one of the biggest by a U.S. company --will lead to the desired result. What's almost certain, however, is that the nearly $30 billion in damages PG&E potentially faces would be dramatically reduced in bankruptcy.
Climate-friendly labriculture depends on an energy revolution, says Oxford study
Eurekalert! 2-18-19
The study, from the LEAP (Livestock, Environment and People) programme at the Oxford Martin School, found that some projections for the uptake of particular forms of cultured meat could indeed be better for the climate, but others could actually lead to higher global temperatures in the long run.
UK government backs Shell’s plan to leave some North Sea installations in place, despite German concerns
Unearthed 2-18-19
Hundreds of ageing North Sea oil and gas rigs will be decommissioned ... The UK public spending watchdog, … said that British taxpayers will face a bill of at least £24bn. … Following an assessment and consultation, Shell has proposed leaving portions of its Brent oilfield installations in the North Sea.
Letters to the editor…
To avoid environmental catastrophe, everything must change
The Guardian 2-13-19
Readers respond to an article and editorial on the use of agricultural pesticides and the alarming decline in insect numbers.
Using Parking Meter Records and Tweets From Local Businesses for Sea Level Rise Research
Wunderground 2-27-29
According to NOAA, Annapolis and nearby Baltimore top the list of cities experiencing increases in high-tide flooding, with over a 920% increase since 1960.
Check this out just for the images and the slogans:
Vivienne Westwood protests climate change as environmental demonstrations hit London Fashion Week
de zeen 2-18-10
Models wore clothes with slogans berating politicians during Vivienne Westwood's Homo Loquax show, which happened as protests about the environmental impact of London Fashion Week took place.
Ireland needs new oil and gas fields to ease reliance on Brexit UK, say drillers
Climate Home News 2-13-19
Ireland imports all of its oil and around a third of its natural gas – mostly from the UK – and the gas imports are set to rise as the country’s offshore Corrib reserve runs out over the next 12 years, according to the Irish Offshore Operators’ Association (IOOA).
Was climate change a factor in Hurricane Michael’s strength? The answer is complicated
Panama City News Herald 1-21-19
Hurricane Michael ... Survivors have compared the aftermath to a bomb going off instead of the usual storm damage. … The same year Hurricane Michael hit, the Panama City area also saw a record year of rainfall — about 81 inches, the most the National Weather Service has measured in the area since it began measurements in 2010. That record doesn’t include rain from the hurricane.
Good article…
Youth Climate Leaders Launch Campaign to Make McConnell Regret 'Shameless' Green New Deal Ploy
Common Dreams 2-15-19
While McConnell appears to believe that he can expose divisions in the Democratic caucus by forcing senators into an up-or-down vote on the Green New Deal, Sunrise campaigners declared that—with urgent organizing and mobilization nationwide—they can build enough support for the resolution to "turn the tables on Mitch and create a political earthquake."
Climate change protesters disrupt parliamentary question time - Austrailia
Antinuclear 2-16-19
Climate protesters have disrupted question time in federal parliament, with at least 10 people in the public galleries standing up to shout at politicians.
The first was applauded on Thursday as he yelled about “record-breaking droughts and bushfires” before being removed by security as another activist stood up to take his place.
Merkel’s spokesman backpedals on her suggestion that Russia is behind kids’ protest after outrage
RT 2-17-19
‘Fridays for Future Germany,’ the movement spearheading the protests in the country, posted a stark rebuke to the German chancellor’s remark on Twitter.
According to the protests’ organizers, some 26,000 people turned up across 35 German cities to protest against the government’s failure to tackle climate change on Friday.
#Fridays For Future • #Climate Strike • #School Strike 4 Climate
We are calling on the world to take a stand against climate change. On March 15th, youth from across the US will take a stand & strike for our futures. We will be on the streets demanding our lawmakers to do something! Link in bio to join us!#FridaysForFuture #YouthStrikesUSA
— Youth Climate Strike US (@climatestrikeUS) February 1, 2019
British children walk out of lessons on climate strike
Yahoo News 2-15-19
Thousands of British children marched out of lessons on Friday to demand action on climate change, earning a mild rebuke from the prime minister's office for disrupting classes, but praise from the energy minister and activists.
Climate strike: Schoolchildren protest over climate change
BBC 2-15-19
Organisers Youth Strike 4 Climate said protests took place in more than 60 towns and cities, with an estimated 15,000 taking part.
They carried placards, some reading: "There is no planet B."
I am taking part in the school climate strike. It’s the only power I have
The Guardian 2-15-19
Twelve years – the amount of time climate scientists have given us to keep global warming in check – seems like a long time to me: it’s two-thirds of my life. But it’s no time at all to instigate the sort of radical change that we need. It scares me to think that my life could be defined so rigidly from so early on.
Excellent pictures…
Thousands of UK Students Skipped Class to Protest Climate Change
Vice 2-15-19
By 2 PM, thousands more had joined the London protest and TfL said the crowds had blocked Westminster Bridge and Whitehall, and caused lines on all approaches to Parliament Square. One group of protestors took over a tourist bus caught up in the hordes.
11,000 march in Brussels climate protest
Reading Eagle 2-14-19
The protests have kept a focus on climate change as a political pressure point before national and European Union elections.
‘The climate won’t wait’: French students skip school to protest
France 24 2-15-19
Friday’s demonstration in Paris had a relatively modest turnout of 300 to 400 students, but they are getting organised quickly.
“It’s only just begun this past week. We’re putting the tools in place. Social media is bringing in a lot of new people every day. And you’ll really start to see the scale of all this next week. We’ll call for all the local chapters to go on strike next Friday. […] It should be massive. We’re building up to March 15.”
Students Skip School Across Europe to Demand Climate Action
NYT 2-15-19
Luisa Neubauer, 22, one of the organizers of marches in Berlin, which have gone on for weeks, called Friday’s demonstrations powerful. Children as young as 6 joined university students on the streets, she said.
Greta Thunberg
16-Year-Old Greta Thunberg Cheers 'Beginning of Great Changes' as Climate Strike Goes Global
The Guardian 2-15-19
"I think enough people have realized just how absurd the situation is," she told the Guardian. "We are in the middle of the biggest crisis in human history and basically nothing is being done to prevent it."
Extinction Rebellion
JOIN EX USA: on their website
The Coats Worn at the Extinction Rebellion Protests in London Are Made From Fresh Seedling Grass
Yahoo News 2-18-19
Extinction Rebellion’s founding members, explained that the group was there to speak out against the wasteful and harmful actions of the fashion industry as a whole, explaining that it is “one of the most polluting on earth.
Extinction Rebellion Is Telling the Terrifying Truth About Climate Change
Vice 2-18-19
It is a Monday evening. This is a heavy topic to confront at the start of the week. Still, that hasn't deterred the dozens of people who feel compelled to learn about the reality of what the planet and humankind itself could be facing. Every seat is filled, and people spill out onto the floor, into each corner of the small, dark space, to listen to members of grassroots climate activism group Extinction Rebellion (XR)
How to Build Your Own Plastic Recycling Plant
Green Optimist 2-19-19
Optimize, Electrify, Decarbonize: The 3 Steps to Thriving, Zero-Carbon Cities
In 2013 Dave Hakkens, a young guy from the Netherlands started this small movement called “Precious Plastic”. His idea is to boost plastic recycling around the world by making it accessible to everyone. Changing the idea that plastic recycling is only for big companies or people that counts on large amounts of money.
World Resources Institute 2-4-19
Optimize: Make urban energy use more efficient across all sectors--particularly in buildings and transportation
Electrify: Switch from fossil fuels to electricity for all transportation and buildings
Decarbonize: Simultaneously, cities should incentivize a transition to clean, zero-carbon energy sources for producing electricity, both distributed, like rooftop solar, and centralized, like wind farms.
Lithium-air batteries can store energy for cars, houses and industry
Tech Xplore 2-18-19
Current lithium ion battery technology will probably not be able to handle the coming decades' huge demand for energy. It is estimated that by 2050, electricity will make up 50 percent of the world's energy mix. Today, that rate is 18 percent. But installed capacity for renewable energy production is expected to increase fourfold. This will require batteries that are more efficient, cheaper and environmentally friendly.
This site has a very cool calculator to estimate your carbon foot print…
Wonderful article…
As citizen scientists, farmers can make important contributions to climate adaptation
EurekAlelert! 2-18-19
In the context of rapidly evolving climate conditions, a new study by Bioversity International and partners addresses the challenge of climate adaptation in a way that is both scalable and targeted. Scientists demonstrate a unique approach using crowdsourced citizen science that capitalizes on farmers' knowledge.
For a Warming World, a New Strategy for Protecting Watersheds
Climate Change News 2-20-29
In increasingly arid regions such as the western U.S., water managers are learning that careful management and restoration of watershed ecosystems, including thinning trees and conducting prescribed burns, are important tools in coping with a hotter, drier climate.
How our plants have turned into thieves to survive
PHYS ORG 2-18-19
"They are acting as a sponge, absorbing useful genetic information from their neighbours to out compete their relatives and survive in hostile habitats without putting in the millions of years it usually takes to evolve these adaptations."
Oil firm aims to extend Dorset coast drilling despite marine life risk
The Guardian 2-14-19
An oil company drilling off the Dorset coastline is attempting to extend its licence into the spring, challenging the conditions imposed to protect the sea’s many sensitive wildlife species.
World's biggest terrestrial carbon sinks are found in young forests
PHYS ORG 2-18-19
More than half of the carbon sink in the world's forests is in areas where the trees are relatively young—under 140 years old—rather than in tropical rainforests, research at the University of Birmingham shows.
These trees have typically 'regrown' on land previously used for agriculture, or cleared by fire or harvest and it is their young age that is one of the main drivers of this carbon uptake.
The invasive species are likely to spread to a community not adapted to climate change
EurekAlert! 2-18-19
Climate change increases environmental fluctuations and extreme weather phenomena. They generate many kinds of problems in the nature. A study conducted at the University of Jyvaskyla has shown that varying environmental conditions increase the potential for invasive species to spread.
Giving Coral Reefs a Second Chance with Probiotics
Hakai 2-11-19
Corals, like humans, coexist with a host of microbes that help keep them healthy. As climate change continues to heat the ocean, however, coral reefs risk losing their temperature-sensitive microbial defenders, leaving them stressed and more susceptible to disease. But a potential cure using microbial supplements—probiotics—could provide corals with a second chance.
Climate change makes summer weather stormier yet more stagnant
PHYS ORG 2-18-19
Scientists report that rising global temperatures, particularly in the Arctic, are redistributing the energy in the atmosphere: More energy is available to fuel thunderstorms and other local, convective processes, while less energy is going toward summertime extratropical cyclones
Antarctic ice shelves buckle under weight of meltwater lakes
Science Daily 2-13-19
The filling and draining of meltwater lakes has been found to cause a floating Antarctic ice shelf to flex, potentially threatening its stability.
Lab Grown Meat Could Be Worse for the Climate Than Farm-Raised Beef, Oxford Study
Eco Watch 2-20-19
The results, published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Tuesday, concluded that lab-grown meat could actually make climate change worse. It all depends on whether the energy used to grow the cultured meat is still generated from fossil fuels.
Earth may be 140 years away from reaching carbon levels not seen in 56 million years
Science Daily 2-20-19
Total human carbon dioxide emissions could match those of Earth's last major greenhouse warming event in fewer than five generations, new research finds. A new study finds humans are pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at a rate nine to 10 times higher than the greenhouse gas was emitted during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a global warming event that occurred roughly 56 million years ago.
• 1 gigatonne equals one billion tons
• 1 gigatonne of carbon equals 3.67 gigatonnes of CO2
• 1 part per million of atmospheric CO2 is equivalent to 7.81 gigatonnes of CO2
• 1 part per million of atmospheric carbon is equivalent to 2.13 gigatonnes of carbon
Global Warnings
QMS: Time to disconnect greed from the welfare of earth, if survival means anything. I like trees.
Paul Beckwith: "I declare a global climate change emergency to claw back up the rock face to attempt to regain system stability, or face an untenable calamity of biblical proportions."
Kevin Hester: "There is no past analogue for the rapidity of what we are baring witness to. There has been a flood of articles ... 2C is no longer attainable and that we are heading for dangerous climate change"
Guy McPherson: "The recent and near-future rises in temperature are occurring and will occur at least an order of magnitude faster than the worst of all prior Mass Extinctions. Habitat for human animals is disappearing throughout the world, and abrupt climate change has barely begun."
Magi Amma: We need to turn on a dime at mach nine!

the thread is open
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Good Morning...
26 days, 14 hours and 18 minutes until spring.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
good morning dk...
equinox - yay! 2.5 week! getting lighter here in the morning. thanks for the reminder. have a best day...
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The Right Wing Can't Meme (Or Criticize)
Apparently, Peterson's loyal idiots are screwing with college professors as well.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
hi aspie...
it;s interesting how the video sychs up with his comments. pretty cool.
this struck me as something that applies to a lot of folks...
this is exactly what the MSM feeds folks day in and day out to keep them distracted. yum.
thanks and have a good one...
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Paul B's video of your lede piece...
...was wild. He's ice skating...without a hat! I kept thinking, "get yourself a toboggan."
Good info though on climatic shift.
I liked the idea of farmers as citizen scientists too. I also like the idea of citizen journalist, and appreciate all your work toward that end, MA.
We've had about 6.5 inches of rain this week, and are expecting three more days. Water is flowing everywhere. We better prepare for extremes.
The young folks are leading the way. Here's a nice story about a US student
Well thanks for the informative OT. I'm going back up to read some thing more thoroughly. I thought I had the XR newsletter in my email box, but I guess I accidentally trashed it. It had several interesting articles too.
Love the's my friends and neighbors on a cut from several years ago on fiddle and cello -
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
best mornig lo...
love the music. fuckin' beckwith, he's a canadian. thick blood. he looked so cold. what a trip. gotta change hands bc my hand is freezing. biggest ice skating location on the planet. he's a trooper. interesting what he said at the end about methane and how he had a different opinion from Michael Mann. also, seems like Yale is back peddling on their article about permafrost and methane. I'm with beckwith and was even before I started to regularly listen to him. but I find the yale pov odd. it's science, already. here's the clip starting at the point where he addresses that. have a great one...
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skating without a hat is not a big deal
BTW, the Rideau Canal Skateway is the largest, but not the longest naturally frozen skating rink in the world. That honor belongs to the Red River Mutual Trail in Winnipeg. I like this little section of basic info:
The main access point ("The Forks", where the 1000-km Assiniboine River flows into the Red) is also the location of the first-ever crokicurl rink. It's a Manitoba thing you wouldn't understand, eh.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Good morning, magi. Thanks for the round up. I'm
wondering about the home recycling, in the sense of "is it right for me or should I simply do my best to eschew plastic?". It's great to see such recycling going on, and I try to re-use what I can and buy goods from recycled material, but - I've already got stuff, too damn much stuff, actually. What would I make? It sounds like a project for the young. It's like the 3-D printers "make your own this and that", well, fine, but I already have this, 3 thats and 4 those, so I think I'll pass of the printer and learning curve.
OTOH, you can take a utility knife blade, a small piece of wood, a couple of screws and washers and make a jig to rapidly turn pop bottles into "string", but that means drinking pop, or bottled water.
I guess that's my dilemma for today, I've been trying to minimize my inputs, and will continue to do so, so I obviously have less to recycle and re-use. What somebody needs to do is figure out to do with the endless stream of small quantities of those small pete bottles that everybody's meds come in. So who knows, maybe I'll take another look and that whole project after all, since pete is definitely recyclable into other stuff, and processing said bottles is probably too much hassle for recyclers like Chico-bag (non removable labels, for starts). Hmmm.
Ah well, still too early, have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
howdy el...
well, yes, you, and all of us should eschew plastic. certainly enough bottles available if you really want to make string without buying something. seems a practical enough skill to have. making string. really hard to avoid plastic as you know. heh. and how much more stuff do we need. less is more. and more can be a burden. it's just too much sometimes, more.
processing pete bottles would be good. wonder what you could do with them. I keep one full of quarters in my car for parking, which I rarely do but it's great to have them when I need them. food for thought, indeed. now I'm thinking about it. ! have a best day...
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G'morning magi
and thank you for the environmental news. I was wandering around in some of the links you posted and I like this one especially;
I would like to try and follow up on that one when I can to see what is being done with local legislation.
We have rain in the forecast for the next 3 days. We shall see what happens.
g'mornin' randtntx...
here's something you might be interested in. started by a local that just won a city council seat. it some place to get more info.
thanks for coming by and have a great one...
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Thank you
Project Hamsterwheel
"wood didn't work"
DIY - Project Hamsterwheel - The making of the life size Hamsterwheel - Hogeschool Utrecht
Wood didn't work. CA-02 keep flushing
North Coast lawmaker Jim Wood unveils bill to stop prescription drug firms from paying rivals to delay generic medicines
fill thy pockets
turd speculators
--- meanwhile, IRL
RIP Alex Colmar, age 30
RIP Christopher Blades, age 46
RIP John Doe, age unknown
RIP four more homeless this year already, names unmentioned in the article due to wrong category of Democratic death: Today's media bot words were produced for the "weather related" homeless death category. slice and dice
“We say about California: We’re America’s coming attraction,” Newsom said while campaigning last week. “The future happens here first.”
Please proceed, governor.
hi eyo...
hamster wheel, cool. where were the women. shoulda coulda woulda.
warming center santa cruz, brent adams, founder
this guy has been doing this for years. he came and talked to our bernie group. said there are some folks that will not come inside no matter. but they now have storage bins for folks and that has changed their lives. I know a lot of folks that volunteer. the churches put people up in the winter so volunteers have to go set up and clean up. different church depending on the day. many folks cook for them. the hours are late night and early morning.
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Come inside to what now?
Magenta and Ray lived in a tent rather than assisted living, because the owners of assisted living were allowed to get away with elder abuse, not enough regulators or anyone actually checking on those with no functional family, like Magenta and Ray. They'd rather live outside than in abusive housing. Me too, I am lucky still renting this room, not one day goes by without fearing the future here. Unwanted reject, useless eater, move along granny. No way in hell I'd survive ten minutes in any shelter bed warehouse, so I am also one of those folk who would not come inside no matter. Magenta died from heart failure last year, age 83. Ray left and went back to Santa Rosa, maybe. I haven't seen him. Hope he is okay and not John Doe.
During Occupy Petaluma I learned how filthy and disgusting the award-winning homeless shelter was for real down there. The homeless population collapsed our camp, we couldn't fill all their needs either. Someone here did an essay with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs a while ago:
What is so hard for politicians to understand and act upon such simple psychology? After so many decades, I started to realize it's on purpose, D-DuubleDuh. Of course they know what they are doing, making conscious decisions every day denying the most basic things to the most needy people. UniParty
sharpen blade
purchase vest
good luck
it is everywhere and going to get worse
-homelessness. that's what I think. as the climate degrades. it already is. you and I live in cities with relatively mild climates which have become destinations for the homeless. we have a lot of services here - not enough but more than most. we just elected two more progressives to the cc after two years of hard work. two years earlier we elected the first two. real progressives. Sandy Brown organized the first field workers (strawberries forever) in sc many years ago. so things are changing. [we now have new police chief that will not tolerate ice here. after the first raid which was a shit show - I have pictures of a door knocked down by those fuckers - anyway - we actively worked to get someone reasonable to replace that soon-to-retire chief of police. breathe. I digress. we organized over 200 people to come to the city council meeting after that raid and the cc voted to make sc an official sanctuary city that night.]
we have had homeless advocates here for years. we tried to pass a rent control measure last year and lost but now that we have four people on the council - they are working to pass one via the council. so, a drop of water in a bucket, an ocean. maybe. it's something. but there are tent cities just a couple of miles from me that people are fighting to get rid of and others fighting to keep. the silicon valley is 35 miles away and they are salivating over sc - the new silicon beach. I have been so focused on climate blogging that I am hardly keeping up with the madness. but I cannot ignore what I see in the streets. and what I hear from my friends. ak.
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Now this
doesn't make sense to me;
How did the ancient cultures cure olives? I don't think they used toxic chemicals.
Soaking in a brine usually...
Curing Olives in Brine
Obtain fresh olives.
Cut the olives.
Place the olives into glass jars with lids.
Cover the olives with a medium brine.
Wait one week.
Drain the olives.
Cover the olives with a strong brine.
Store the olives for two months.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thanks for the curing recipe magi. Useful. Enjoy fermenting foods. also thanks for the OT!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I figured strong chemicals weren't essential to the process. I also found this;I was reading about olives this morning. The harvest in Europe last year was impacted by climate change. Just as you keep saying, those who produce food are going to have to deal with extremes of weather.
Too many people
Can someone rearrange that sentence to make it proper English? lol I can't talk, I'm too upset.
City beginning work on draft homelessness plan
eXperience Cloverdale
kill me now
I'm so sorry
too many people
makes me think of this baba ram mccartney
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Dkos poll finally gets reported
Daily Kos Straw Poll on MSNBC from RAZZ on Vimeo.
hi gj...
great news... hope it blows some minds...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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My word! Look at their faces.
My word! The MSM is out of touch.
My word! Chuck Todd is not smart.
My word! eff those guys.
down with imperialism
up with chavismo
Edit: to add snapshots of the last two kos polls in 2016:

March 8th
April 12th, and then kos gave up his straw man polling for the rest of the election. "Her numbers never go up":

Notice the order in which they were placed, because yeah the loser always comes first?
Apparently my lint trip is stuffed full of these little tidbits from 2016, after getting ripped off so bigly by the DNC and Bernie, it left its mark.
caveat emptor
Are they turning green around the gills?
You're so right, eyo - that's what I noticed, especially the woman between Chucky and Steele - she really looks like she's gonna puke! LOL!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
What do you mean?
They look absolutely giddy, don't they? LMAO
Did I say giddy? I meant grim.
It just gives you an idea
of how many people were pushed out/left DKOS in 2016/2017.
It looks like Markos minions are getting nasty
I posted this on KfS reddit. Check out the comments.
I don't know what they posted, but it was bad enough to get deleted.
Morning Magi,
Environmentalists have been up against a wall as I far back as I can remember. Even today, in spite of overwhelming evidence that this amazingly wonderful planet is in the midst of drastic climate warming, sea levels rising, ice packs melting, oceans filling with plastic, extreme weather conditions of all kinds occurring all over the globe, horrendous forest fires raging everywhere, massive species declines with many going extinct, and so much more, and all at rates unprecedented in the age of man, and with scientists all over the world warning for decades that we're on a road that inevitably leads to the destruction of the planet as we know it, in spite of all that, those who hold all the power do little more than talk while things continue to get worse. It's so depressing,almost feels hopeless sometimes . I do what little I can do on a personal level but more and more I just feel like those little things are just tiny drops in the bucket and what's the use. But even though I sometimes feel that way, something keeps me plugging away with my own little projects anyway. I know it isn't enough but the only other alternative is to completely give up and I don't think I could live with that. So I just keep doing what little I can, maybe just so I can look myself in the mirror in the mornings. One thing I do that gives me a good deal of satisfaction is working with the small acreage we live on here in the foothills of the Ozarks. Years ago we decided to manage it almost exclusively for the benefit of the wildlife. Returned a couple of old farm fields back into native grasses and wildflowers, and keep up an ongoing struggle to remove invasive species, building and installing bird nest boxes of all shapes and sizes ( 33 at this point). No big majestic plan, just do what I can when something comes to mind. We have an incredible Conservation Dept in Missouri that does some wonderful work in habitat improvement and I do volunteer work regularly at one of their nearby pubic areas. I also participate in as many citizen science projects as I can handle, ebird, Fogwatch Bugguide
and just this year I joined Bumblebee Watch
I know that even combined they don't add up to a whole lot in the scheme of things and I wish it were more but it's what I can do so I do it.
Spring is just around the corner!
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
good morning bo...
thank you for all you do. beautiful. it is overwhelming and depressing and insane. the more people that know the better. the hope I have now is that the kids will make something happen. their movements are slowing gaining momentum. it will be hard to stop them, though I am sure the ptb will try and have plans already. but harder to push young people around. maybe piss too many parents off. thanks for coming by. have a good one...
just from today...
UPDATE 1-Swedish student leader wins EU pledge to spend billions on climate
this is in German... still you can get a feel for the power of the movementl looks like Berlin.
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great work magi!
Great work magi, thanks...
Spring is on the way folks. I just had 500 white-fronted Goose fly over in a few v's calling heading north at about a thousand feet. This just below the 30 deg. N. line, so away down south. Saw a couple Redbud trees with flowers, as well as Agarita (Texas Holly) in bloom, which makes a spectacular jelly. The first couple migratory breeding birds are showing up, the male of the pair of Vermilion Flycatcher that nest in or adjacent to our yard returned a few days ago, Turkey Vultures got back last week. The Vermilion is over a week, pushing two weeks earlier return dates than a decade ago and is my earliest ever by over a week in 16 springs here recording that. This is change that would have taken decades in my youth, which was not nearly as long ago as some might have you believe. Seeing some Anemone (aka Wind-flower) blooms opening as well.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Agarita Jam
Mountain laurel, blue bonnets and lantana are making their appearance here. Spring is around the corner.
howdy dystopian...
geese flying always give me hope. thanks for the ongoing and amazing nature reports. the birds are so happy to see the sun again. the winds here have been fierce and I worry for them. spring is way early here. the acacias bloomed mid january. usually bloom early to mid february. many of the flowering trees are blooming now, early. magnolia, plums that I see on my daily treks. will we remember as time passes. some will, like you who are intimately involved. here is a blog of a friend of mine, barbara riverwoman. we take bird walks sometimes together. once we just laid down and watched them do their thing in the trees. I saw my first killdeer with her. she's over 80 now.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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neat blog magi, thanks
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein