Hillary's Caboose--an ambulance
For those who may not remember the old days, trains had a last car, called the caboose, reserved for crew members and equipment. In fact, there may even be trains sporting that old relic still running.
Likening a motorcade to a train, which it really is (a train of motor cars), it is unusual for said motorcade to have a caboose--unless you are Hillary Clinton. Yes, she's special--just ask Jim Comey and Lyin' Loretta. What makes Medusa's motorcade special is the motorcade's caboose--an ambulance. I found this interesting tidbit on (gasp) the Alex Jones Channel of spurious reporting.
Never mind the audio and don't bother with the last half of the video--it's the pictures. There we clearly see an ambulance, lights flashing, at the end of the motorcade. Whoa, isn't that something more appropriate for a presidential motorcade--or has the election slipped by me? Exiting said ambulance are three stalwart "paramedics", each wearing bullet-proof vests. Now in my career, I have never seen paramedics wearing bullet-proof vests. But wait! There is more, the threesome pulls a gurney out of the ambulance and rolls it to the Queen's tent, just in case. Just in case of what?
It is only then, that the hacking hyena exits from her royal tent to speak to the forty plus/or minus people that enthusiastically came to hear her cough speak.
The gurney has a black, folded object strapped to it--blankets? body bag?

This is standard procedure for Presidents
and apparently it has become standard procedure for Official Party Presidential Candidates, too. (Any reports on Trump cavalcades?)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Actually, the gal who's reporting says Trump did not have one
She was at his talk the day this aired, apparently.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Maybe someone forgot to gas it up?
This happened with the ambulance scheduled for an Obama outing a few years ago - the fuel gauge was inaccurate or broken, nobody filled the tank, and it ran out of gas and had to be left behind. (Being President means dragging the whole dog and pony show behind you just to go to a restaurant.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
FDR had polio, JFK had Addison's Disease
I have a cough.
The oligarchy however has it's boot on the neck of the entire political process. It's a wonder any of us can breathe.
Christ on a crutch.
Your diaries have gotten ridiculous, Ed. After Hillary poopy pants, I feel pretty done with the whole thing.
Edit: "poppy" to "poopy". I can't believe I just typed that.
I miss Colorado.
Presidential motorcade
Is mentioned in the essay.
The health issues surrounding Hillary are valid issues for discussion, like it or not. While physical ailments aren't that important to the capabilities of leadership, but she has apparent mental ailments, which is very serious, as a leader needs to be of sound mind. Plus, the combination of her apparent mental and physical ailments are dangerous in an elderly person, and it is very unlikely that added stress can help that.
I absolutely disagree with you.
I think her health concerns are not that big of a deal, at all. I think Hillary has about average health for person her age. You don't get to be 67-years-old without some wear and tear.
Anyway, I am out for the night.
I miss Colorado.
Of course you don't get to her age without "wear and tear."
But the amount of "wear and tear" she seems to have acquired isn't a good amount for any elderly person to have. She seems to barely be able to function as a public official, and that's without the added stresses a position of actual leadership demands.
You may feel that you are obligated to defend her for some reason, but you aren't really doing that. Ignoring the realities of health issues and the worsening effects of stress on said health issues isn't defending anybody.
I completely agree
and I am far from alone. She could put it to rest tomorrow, but she won't, because if she did what McCain did in 2008, she'd be out.
Whether that happens or not, whatever's going on with her is a little more serious than "wear and tear".
And I was expecting this to be
About Hillary's ample backside.
What, calling her a "bitch" twice wasn't enough for you?
I seriously don't know what to do about this.
How can I consistently stay silent about this shit?! I HATE HILLARY CLINTON. I hate that I feel like you are MAKING me defend this woman.
I think that kinda talk is sexist. I have a big fucking problem with that. I don't know how to reconcile this in my mind.
Maybe I should just leave for the night. Anybody who wants to talk (and not shout) at me, feel free to PM me.
My heart is heavy and I am feeling blue. Goodnight.
I miss Colorado.
Let me just say one more thing.
And then I'm done for the night, I promise.
Would you call Barack Obama a "nigger" or a "thug"? Would you call Barney Frank a "fag" or "fudgepacker"?
OK, now I'm done.
I miss Colorado.
I'll just crawl off to be with the rest of the deplorables in their basket.
OK, maybe it's just tonight, and maybe it's just this subject
but I swear to the Flying Fucking Spaghetti Monster, you are not the Shiz I remember sometimes. I would have never imagined you going off on a "somebody's sexist" tangent for calling Hillary Clinton a bitch.
YMMV. Maybe tomorrow, this will read differently.
Nope, it's tomorrow now and I'm reading it
the same. In fact, I'm even more pissed off right now than I was last night.
I may write a diary about it later, but we'll see.
luna, you must have missed my many diaries on the subject of sexism on Dkos. There are a lot of them. In fact, I diaried specifically about sexism on Dkos at least twice.
I miss Colorado.
Well, have at it
if you must. Be angry if you will, but I completely disagree in this case, for one reason and one reason only: if this person we're all talking about is all so-fired evil, then it shouldn't fucking matter what anybody calls her.
Fine. Then call her anything you want.
I don't give a shit.
But after your many comments today, l.c., I don't really take you seriously anymore.
You can complain to the heavens, but one thing is for certain: I will no longer respond to anything you have to say.
I miss Colorado.
As of today, the Grey Lady has picked up the word Bitch
as an appropriated honorific moniker (Monica?) for Hillary. Wear Bitch with pride!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Wait, what?
How's that?
NO word is bad enough for her
"Bitch" is an insult to all female canids everywhere, "snake" is an insult to snakes, and so on. Maybe just call her Evil To The Bone.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I don't believe POTUS's
Ambulance personnel roll a gurney out when he is travelling. That part seems odd to me. I've seen ambulances on standby at various events many times, but have never seen a gurney rolled out until/unless someone needs that transport.
Jeez, an ambulance at a rally
Jeez, an ambulance at a rally or public event is not abnormal but normal. Having EMTs in a staging area close to the crowd is normal. I would assume the vests are normal gear. The Ambulance following the motorcade along with a local police cruiser is pure speculation that it is apart of the motorcade. Local emergency services may have just found it convenient to send out their crews with the motorcade because there was a crowd at a previous event like the airport.
The reporters of this story look like teenagers with no journalism training beyond high school. its an Alex Jones piece. I would not trust any information contained in this essay.
I'd want to see confirmation that someone else observed this
to confirm that it's real.
That said, we sure didn't have any ambulances at the Bernie rally I went to with 10,000 people. I was was helping to ensure folks with disabilities got seats and had access to signers if hearing impaired. If we had had medical personnel on site, I would have been aware.
And, no, I'm pretty sure that most ambulance teams don't have those vests as part of their usual uniform unless they are in a place where bullets fly regularly.
If what we saw really took place, it's at least odd.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Are you sure you just didn't
Are you sure you just didn't notice it, lots of ambulances at trumps rallies.
Not true
at all unless you've got a link to share which demonstrates it.
Really! You need a link to
Really! You need a link to recall the protests at Trump rallies?
Sat, 09/10/2016 - 10:03pm —
Sat, 09/10/2016 - 10:03pm — MsGrin
But Hillary sees snipers everywhere!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Like others at this site, I went to a Bernie rally--no ambulance
No paramedics. Explain to me why paramedics who are not in military combat wear bullet proof vests. If you look at the video (forgetting the mostly inane audio accompaniment) you can distinctly see the ambulance parking behind other cars in the motorcade. Hillary doesn't draw big crowds. There were more people in her retinue than were spectators at her "rally"
It's hard to prove a negative but I searched Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia about presidential candidate's motorcade having ambulances. Presidential motorcades are not the same as presidential candidate's motorcades--or did the election already happen?
Why are you assuming the
Why are you assuming the ambulance is part of the official motorcade? The ambulance would be local, do you have any evidence that a national ambulance service is contracted with secret service. Why don't you call the ambulance service about the vests, that way you can have facts on whether they are bullet proof and why they wear them instead of speculating and creating conspiracy theory.
Why are you assuming that this is just speculation
and accusing others of CT? Sorry, but that kind of thing tends to not fly around here. Speculation is permissible here even when some readers don't like it.
This report (of an ambulance traveling with Mrs. Clinton's campaign) has come up multiple times now, from different sources. Anyone who wants to say it's not true needs to demonstrate how that is with something more tangible than their own opinion. To wit: ambulance services can be local or they can be farmed out to anybody. So maybe try again?
I assume most everything is
I assume most everything is speculation until facts are presented by a credible source. Triple that when Alex Jones is involved, a known conspiracy theory developer.
...it was the open stretcher...
It was the correlation of the stretcher being brought on site near to where Hillary was delayed by an hour in leaving her tent to speak.
the vests are normal gear
since at least january
ed: by the way, this took less than 30 seconds to find. [...]
I know when actually-elected-already POTUSes
travel, Secret Service travels ahead and does "advance" to the next location. One of the things they do (or at least they used to do this) was to ensure the best surgeon in town cleared his/her calendar for as long as POTUS was in their town. I only know this because Bill Clinton delayed my mom's surgery once, in (I think) 1996? (year is fuzzy). Boy was she pissed, LOL!
I dunno, maybe they've gone to ambulances since? I don't ever remember seeing one for Obama anywhere. And no, Bernie never had one at any of his campaign stops. Ever. So while I don't think this makes no sense, I think it's a bit much for one candidate. Unless Mrs. Clinton is really sick.
She needs to do what John McCain did for the 2008 race. Really soon. Because this shit is not going away. Seriously, I detest this woman, but if she's that sick, she needs to pack it in and go take care of herself. I don't wish her to drop dead on the campaign trail, that's pretty fucking awful for anybody.
It was pretty awful for Horace Greeley in 1872
He made it through the election, just barely, but his health collapsed and he died before the electoral votes were officially tallied. Since he had lost by a landslide, it wound up not mattering - but the interesting thing is that the Democratic electors scattered like a troop of patas monkeys. Three remained loyal to Greeley (Congress disallowed their votes), the rest scattered their votes - 18 for the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Benjamin Gratz Brown, 42 for Thomas A. Hendricks (governor of Indiana, who was not running), 2 for Charles J. Jenkins (former governor of Georgia), 1 for Supreme Court Justice David Davis. They were even more divided over the vice-presidency.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This is insane
that we're even having a potential for a similar scenario in 2016. I mean, there is the consideration that none of the other candidates have ambulances at their fingertips, just in case. Does that not count for anything?
None of this is acceptable. None of it.
There Were Many More Power Players and Factions Back
Or at least they were not global conglomerate scale.
Newspapers, banks, rail, etc had far more competition. The factions reasserted themselves upon Greely's death, and there was not enough weight to hold the whipped delegates.
Today, we'll have an automatic solution foisted on us, because the weight of the small number of important corporate sponsors is overwhelming.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Maybe it makes me a bad person but...
I for one hope daily to open the paper and find out her evilness has succumbed to damn near anything.
Personally, I am ok with evil people dying, and that women is nothing short than villainy incarnate.
So am I a bad person?
Maybe. I sure try hard not to be one, but in this instance I can live with it...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
There are days when c99%
has begun to sound like a nasty tabloid. I am sick of the language that makes us sound like Trump supporters. How about if we concentrated on ways to make a difference: causes, legislation, progressive candidates at all levels, activist strategies etc.? I used to come here every day and am quickly losing interest because of the shallow, gossipy, cussing essays.
I'd like to see some ways to make a difference as well. Have I missed some sort of progressive cause or information on some legislation that you've brought to the table lately? It's entirely possible, I'm not here every day....
Why do you think I put out a music diary?
Honestly there's not a lot to do. There might be a movement, but Bernie Sanders shattered what little of it had actually achieved its potential (yeah I know it sounds strange to consider that, despite all of the arena-filling rallies, the Sanders movement stopped short of its potential, but do consider that it shouldn't have been possible for Clinton to pull off even a fraudulent "victory" in the first place). So now, hopefully, things are slowly re-assembling into a form that might get us something. Or not.
Meanwhile things are going to get a lot worse. Clinton supporters are fools and Clinton is a narcissist, and the whole social formation will bring us nothing but disaster. We will cope, and regress. I'm writing for publication until I can think of something productive to say to you all. Until then, take a look at my music diary.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I liked Samantha Fish, thank you for the introuction
Fasten your seat belts
It's going to get worse before it gets better.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Did anyone catch the date?
Did anyone notice that the video clip was before a segment with the announcer where there was a June date out there? So this happened over 2.5 months ago or was it just spiced into another video from that time?
Have you seen the video suggesting Hillary has Parkinsons?
This video is made by a medical doctor...
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Possible, but I don't think so
I live with someone with moderately advanced Parkinson's, and it doesn't affect him that way. He's developing the classic lack of expression and flat low voice, and he shuffles across the floor, as well as wriggling and twitching uncontrollably - all over, not just head.
Whatever's wrong with $Hillary - and something obviously is, even if it's "just" having sold her soul to the Devil - I don't think it's that.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Party pooper????
I don't mean to be a party pooper, but this thread is just sad!! I viscerally detest HRC, and specifically what she's done, what she stands for, and what we all know she will do if elected into office. I will NOT vote for as she didn't win the primary and is not a legitimate candidate in my mind. Despite all that, I think this crap about her health is just that.... CRAP!!!! She is like a fucking energizer bunny in an old body. She's sharp as a tack in her thought process and communication. I've seen that video. It's clearly doctored! Look it, hate the woman, distrust her, don't vote for her, but let's not start believing the BS from Alex Jones because of our feefee's. We are bigger and smarter than that. AND in the unlikely event she is sick, and does get elected, then we'll have a milquetoast VP step in who will pass the TPP, etc. We are screwed no matter who wins, or how their presidency goes down. Just hang on, it's only 4 years, and then we can vote the creep out!
This is not just info coming from Alex Jones
Can you demonstrate how, when and by what means it was doctored? If you can't, please don't make accusations that aren't completely truthful. We don't know that it's "doctored"--and it sure as hell doesn't look fake to me.
hmm, if I remember correctly, a coder would just say
PLONK to this.
I respectfully disagree with the Parkinson's diagnosis
For a so-called medical evaluation, about 50% of this video deals with politics. I don't know about this doctor, but I have treated scores of Parkinson Disease (PD) patients ranging in age from 30 years to over 80 years old. My patients have received various drugs to alleviate their symptoms. A few have had sterotactic surgery, an ultra=precise procedure where the target(s) must be identified within 1 mm to avoid catastrophe--yes, 1 mm. Stereotactic surgery is reserved for only the most treatment-resistant persons,
In the early phases of PD, patients often get along with levodopa agonists, which are milder than dopamine but usually effective. After about 3 to 5 years, the patient must be placed on a opaline-carbidopa combination medication. The carbidopa is added to offset the frequent occurrence of L-dopa (levodopa) induced nausea and vomiting.
Freezing is almost never seen in early cases and almost never in mild cases. But freezing does occur. This is a motor phenomenon, as opposed to video doctor's assertion that it includes mental slowing with freezing attack. Mental slowing does occur in PD but is not part of a freeze.
About the "tremor", the analysis is very strained. He points to Hillary holding her right hand against her chest--but there is no visible tremor. PD is manifested by resting tremor, which does temporarily abate with skilled movements, such as reaching for a glass of water. In cases beyond the mild stage, the tremor is easily visible to the untrained observer. One again, there has been no video demonstration to my knowledge of gross resting tremor.
Falling can be due to many things, not only PD. Hillary has very non-PD components to her gait. She wears high heels, which would be a considerably difficult task for moderate or late stage PD. Her leg swing (length of stride) is normal for her height. Her gait has normal speed, but especially in patients with more advanced PD, the gait would be slow. Climbing stairs would be difficult with PD but impaired stair-climbing is often seen in many muscle diseases, pelvic problems, sciatica, spinal cord injury and sequelae of mTBI. The cerebellum is heavily involved in balance as is the upper brainstem. Part of the venous outflow from the cerebellum is through the dural sinuses--a thrombosis of which is known to have occurred. She also has normal arm swing when walking, something which is universally reduced even in early PD.
The "oculogyric crisis" which the doctor alludes to is incorrect. There may be repetitive neck extension movements but they always are accompanied by forced deviation of the eyes usually upward. In Hillary's bobble-headed doll episode hers eyes moved laterally and her neck flexed, rather than extended.
The facial contortion occurring at the end of Hillary's acceptance speech were compatible with right frontal lobe seizures as I previously described. True patients with L-dopa-induced dyskinesias do have facial contortions but when they occur, it be most unlikely to be an isolated event. You noticed Michael J. Fox's wide-eyed stare in one picture. That stare is an L-dopa induced dyskinesia. But this, like facial grimacing would be expected to be seen with much greater frequency than manifested by Hillary.
PD patients have decreased blink rates. Hillary's blink rate is normal
PD patients without dyskinesia have reduced facial expression (exception for dyskinetic episodes), which is called "masked facies", or reduced to absent facial expressivity. PD patients with moderate to severe disease have two interesting vocal characteristics. One, the voice is hypo phonic (involuntarily low amplitude). Hillary screams and cackles, hardly hypophonic.
The second vocal characteristic of PD is monotony, which means lack of vocal inflection (this term does not refer to vocal content).
PD patients do aspirate, mainly in moderate or advanced cases. Aspiration means food or water going down the wrong way--into the trachea, instead of the esophagus. The last thing you want to do for a person who is aspirating is give them something to drink. You would do so only if food had lodged in the supraglottic space, that is the space immediately above the epiglottis. The epiglottis is a flap of muscle which directs, when functioning properly, air into the trachea and food into the esophagus. I don't know why she coughs, but aspiration is not the reason for this.
Infowars is in the bag for Trump but
I don't think they would try to fake the video. It would be too easy to analyze and debunk and that would kill its credibility.
Some people are saying this is SOP for presidential motorcades.
1) she ain't a president yet.
2) there are lots of Hillary motorcade videos from the past year and none show an ambulance. So this is a recent development.
PS. Ed, I have a nephew who was an EMS tech in boston. They wore bullet proof vests especially on night duty. So the vests probably don't prove anything. I think the ambulance is the real story.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yeah, the vest thing sadly has become quite common in EMS
particularly in large urban areas.
This was in response to a rash of incidents across the nation where someone would call for ems support in a "bad" area and then when the responders arrived they would be "Jacked" for the contents of their ambulance. (There is a LOT of very valuable equipment, not to mention drugs contained within.)
Sometimes they would just be shot at from unknown locations as well. (I never could understand why someone would be so short-sighted as to do this, because odds are that at one point or another virtually EVERYONE will require emergency medical assistance and I sure as hell wouldn't want that to be delayed because that delay could cost me, or someone I care about their life.)
It is a sad reflection of the state of our society when those who's sole job is to preserve and save the lives of people in their most fragile of moments become targets.
If I was more of a nihilist stuff like this would make a strong argument that humanity doesn't deserve to be saved from itself.
Fortunately though, when I have those bleak thoughts I make a conscious effort to remember all the wonderful people I have met in my life who are genuinely good, kind and caring, and then I have to be honest with myself and admit that I have known personally way more people in the 2nd category than the first, it's just that the first category seems to get all the media attention as well as elected to higher office.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Clinton has 'Medical Episode' at 9/11 ceremony
Yeah it's Fox, but hmm. Hopefully someone one caught it on video so it can be verified.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Holy shit.
Fox News didn't fake that video of her being held up by some escort, or fake her grabbing on to said escort.
Nor did they fake her leaving 15 minutes early.
What is going on with her?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Breitbart (ahem) has it too
and they just added an update, though it doesn't say much. But they claim that other news sources are sitting on the story:
Clinton left the ceremony during the moment of silence. Very odd timing, unless she had to leave.
According to Fauxnews guy she left unexpectedly
and they had to wait for several mins for her motorcade to respond and pick her up. I'm sure the clinton noise machine will say her allergies made her suddenly need to pee.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Don't know if they're sitting on it
As much as they are being prevented from reporting on it. From the FOX link:
Christ on a cracker.
The reporters were prevented from leaving
the media area?
They're losing control of their narrative, methinks. That's gonna piss some people off...
"prevented from leaving?" Jesus....
If that really is accurate, that could indeed be described as unlawful detention or even kidnapping if they were prevented from leaving and not just prevented from following her. (People have been successfully prosecuted for this before, and even civilians can be charged for unlawful detention, a charge similar to, but much less in sanction than kidnapping and that is far easier to prosecute.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Brief essay with this link
Thanks for the video.
I watched it several times, and did note that as HRC was waiting for the vehicle on the curb she seemed unable to hold herself up. She was leaning back on that concrete pillar against the women on her left. She almost looked "slumped" but they were trying to make it look like nothing? Anyone else have thoughts?
I hadn't noticed the lean on the pillar.
You're right.
Holy crap, Hellery is in bad shape in this video
Thanks for that link.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Another Video Of The 9/11 Ceremony
Hellery NOT showing signs of 'heat' yet.
But it's an interesting clip showing the Rogues Gallery of political idiots all in a line.
Shumer, Hellery, down the line is Bloomberg, Guiliani, Trump, Christie et al Sorry no lightning bolt in the clip. Hahaha.
Len: 17 secs
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Official story: She felt "overheated."
I don't know what the temperature was at 8:45 am
But it's not 80 in Manhattan yet ...
Hillary Clinton felt
Hillary Clinton felt overheated and left a 9/11 ceremony in New York City early on Sunday, her campaign said.
A Clinton aide said she had been taken to her daughter Chelsea's apartment to rest after leaving the ceremony that took place in 83-degree heat.
NOAA tells me 79.
Perhaps it was warmer earlier.
Still, I call BS on this "feeling overheated" excuse.
Usually, it's warmer later
not earlier.
I'm calling bullshit from top to bottom.
Total BS
have linked this above
she was standing waiting for van to arrive and literally COLLAPSES and needs to be held up to get her into it.
This is NOT from heat, not today, not in New York. Temps much cooler today then they have been.
Campaign is into deep denial - cover up.
Took them 1 1/2 hours for "explanation" - she want to daughter's apartment. Then left with a "short one liner" - total BS.
I love that
All the networks are now asking for permission to use this.
Maybe I'm wrong; maybe the tide is about to turn and the truth will come out.
Luna, I agree that they're losing control of the narrative.
Totally agree
Checked Weather Underground and they reported 79 @ 10:30.
Note that the link I posted was not local.
Hillary Clinton felt
Hillary Clinton felt overheated and left a 9/11 ceremony in New York City early on Sunday, her campaign said.
A Clinton aide said she had been taken to her daughter Chelsea's apartment to rest after leaving the ceremony that took place in 83-degree heat.
So at minimum, we've now established
that she's easily overwhelmed by the heat. AYFKM?
Jesus Christ, this is ridiculous. The woman is not well. It is obvious.
I'm about an 60 miles away from NYC
This morning has been pleasant, temp in the 70s, overcast skies. Not buying a claim of overheating. If it's as simple as just being over-tired, they should just admit it for chrise sakes.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It's about 80 degrees in NYC this AM
with low humidity. Will someone please give her a sun umbrella. Hahaha.
Edit: Official NYC weather forecast is for today's High of 83. At 8:30 am, the temp would have been in the low to mid 70s.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yeah, you figure they added 3 degrees
just in case? The Official Story says it was 83.
A fact of little importance:
The only trains sporting a caboose are "for show" trains. Working trains on main lines no longer have them.
Cabooses were required for safety reasons until a few years ago. Nebraska is the home to Union Pacific Railroad Headquarters and the last state to remove the requirement that the last car must be "manned" by a human being.
I love the little odds and end of knowledge one can pick up here
in essays and comment threads at C99P.
I never knew that the Caboose was a required manned position for safety reasons, I just always thought it was the name for the last car on a train.
Thanks for adding to my "Jeopardy knowledge database." lol!
Most of my friends think I am very smart simply because I remember lots of little odds and ends and usually kick ass when watching Jeopardy from the couch. We turned watching Jeopardy into a drinking game (Yeah, maybe we are geeks, but geeks that can party!) The question would be asked and we would hit pause and whoever slapped the table first got to answer the question. If they were right everyone else had to take a drink, if they were wrong they had to drink twice.
We kinda stopped playing it though because everyone else tended to get too drunk and I was stuck woefully sober, lol!
This isn't meant to imply that I am smart, just that I have a knack for remembering trivial stuff.
Important stuff such as, "This is where you put your car keys." "What is the Freezer Alec?" (Yes, I indeed did find my frigging car keys in the freezer once after damn near a day and a half of searching, lol!)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Dan Merica tweeted
A photo of HRC's "van" outside Chelsea's apartment.
Many are speculating it's a decoy, as apparently there are two identical vans.
Someone identifying himself as a physician saying "stroke until proven otherwise."
Of course, we'll never know the truth ...
Video of Hillary being helped into van
That's worse than I thought. Do you see her swaying back and forth before she tries to walk? Before her knees buckle?
Edited to remove reference to Dan Merica tweet and van. Apparently it's been confirmed HRC is at Chelsea's.
Still, that video is pretty damning.
Well, either that video is getting swamped or it's been blocked
by Youtube or wherever it is linked from as I have tried for 10 minutes in two separate browsers to get it to open and play and after watching the "Spinning Circle Of Frustration®" for several minutes all I get is an error message.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Ok, it finally played, must be swamped with traffic. That is bad
indeed for the Clinton campaign.
If this video doesn't convince people that there is obviously much more going on with her health than she is admitting to then they are either blindly partisan or willfully obtuse.
Shit. I just realized that last sentence pretty much summed up the entire Clinton Fan Club...
Not that I am going to bother going to TOP to check but for some reason I imagine there are lots of chants of "Nothing-burger".
They have sold more "burgers" than McDonald's this year....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I guess I'll be eating crow for dinner!
It's pneumonia
According to the BBC this morning, Clinton was diagnosed on Friday.
Now maybe (or should I say hopefully) we can talk about how to overthrow the oligarchy instead of the health of one of its main spokespeople.
And if you believe that, they have this nice bridge....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.