Green Party Introduces H.R. All We Are Saying
The Green Party of the United States introduced a bill in Congress today to officially prohibit United States imperialism and end the insane quest by the democratic and republican parties to establish military and economic hegemony over the planet, i.e., to rule the world; to immediately end all foreign military wars and imperialist actions and abolish all foreign military installations; and immediately begin a five year plan to transition from a fascist police and military state to a peace and justice and equality for all society. The bill also includes a justice section seeking the impeachment of the current imperialist President and administration from the government of the United States and to establish proceedings to bring all past imperialist administrations to justice for their crimes against foreign and domestic human beings.
The bill, H.R. All We Are Saying, is expected to meet fierce resistance from the oligarchy controlled democratic and republican political parties, however the 76 Green party congressional representatives in Congress and the sixteen Green party senators have significant backing from a large, invigorated section of society with momentum on their side as they finally feel represented in Congress.

76 Green party reps and sixteen Green party senators.....
Now, that would have been an election worthy of participation.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thanks, Big Al. From your keyboard to the poll booths of
I wish.
interesting fantasy
how are we going to elect them?
Well, that's the problem and the issue.
Therefore . . .
We all know they're not getting any MSM coverage. Even though we may not be able to measure the impact, whatever we can do in this regard is bound to have one.
I liken it to Bernie, circa 2015. The many issues with his participation in the duopoly aside, he did demonstrate that it was possible to spread a strong message, and appeal to a large swarth of the population, despite the MSM's and their masters' best efforts. And a hell of a lot more people are awake because of it. (Again, with the caveat that many of those same people will still insist that voting within the current system will actually be effective).
We have to start somewhere, in that interim. I have a feeling so many people are ready for the Greens' message but they just don't know it yet, either because they're not aware of the possibilities, or they've been so cowed by the "a 3rd-party vote is a vote for [fill in whatever D or R villain]" propaganda bullshit that they automatically dismiss any third party.
And effectively spreading a message far and wide can more quickly bridge that gap, right? Given that we only have 12 years ...
[Edit: fixed one confusing sentence although there are probably way more ... multitasking hell and not my best grammatical effort!]
[Second edit: even my punctuation sucks tonight!]
Which representatives are Green?
Might of missed it, as far as I know no Green Party Rep has been elected to Congress. So how do they introduce a bill?
So, who is it and how do they raise a bill? Is this some obscure "citizen" thing that "our Congress" will never pay any attention to? Names of actual Congress Critters please.
Confused in fng Houston...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!