Grandma Hillary and her right wing views

1981 - the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), describing cases of a rare lung infection, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), in five young, previously healthy, gay men in Los Angeles. All the men have other unusual infections as well, indicating that their immune systems are not working; two have already died by the time the report is published. This edition of the MMWR marks the first official reporting of what will become known as the AIDS epidemic.

1994 - AIDS becomes the leading cause of death for all Americans ages 25 to 44.

It is pretty astounding to see most of the media close ranks and forgive her for her "miststatements."

The worst of the lot has to be Andrea Mitchell on MSNBClinton, who actually allowed Hillary a do-over for public consumption. A media outlet allowing their preferred candidate to do a do-over? That is as bad as Mica and JoeScar talking with Trump, promising not to ask hard questions during an advertising break.

My cousin is gay, my best friend's daughter is gay, and a goodly portion of my clients are gay. Each of them rise and fall on their own strengths, their own faults, but in no case is their sexual orientation any basis for thinking of them as unworthy, not human, sick, or somehow flawed. They are who and what they are, and I like and love them just that way.

I suspect that at the heart of the matter, Grandma Hillary has never been able to get rid of the obvious disdain and distaste she holds for the GLBT community. Her comments about Nancy Reagan fly in the face of the facts, facts that were so telling, so harsh, that for Hillary to do what she did, to say what she said, and under what circumstances she said it, she had to do so deliberately. No one forced her to use the ceremony for a campaign stop. No one told her to address HIV. No one insisted that she rewrite history is such a bizarre and untrue fashion. She said what she said deliberately, with malice aforethought. The only thing worse than her history rewrite was her non-apology apology tweet. A bloody tweet. 55,000 dead before Reagan even mentioned HIV, 55,000 DEAD! And Hillary congratulates Nancy for a job well done?

Grandma Hillary may have just aimed a wooden stake towards her own heart. But wait until I get my mallet. I have this urge to join in.

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riverlover's picture

The chill I got reading those first reports. And then the discovery that HIV was a retrovirus was really bad news. It was clear that it would be an epidemic.

I spent many years of my research career working on another immunodeficiency virus in cats, FIV. That one is still a death sentence. During the Bush II era, science research funding was cut. Only the major labs got funding. I had to find something else to work on.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

tapu dali's picture

Did FIV appear suddenly as well in the 1970s, or has it always been around?
I ask b/c my cat died "mysteriously" in the late 1960s.

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

TheOtherMaven's picture

that can trash their immune systems: FeLV (misnamed "Feline Leukemia Virus" because the first observed effect was a form of leukemia, c. 1964) and FIV (not identified as a separate retrovirus until 1986).

There is now a preventive vaccine for FeLV, and progress has been made on stabilizing and supportive regimens that allow FeLV+ cats to have fairly decent lives.

No such luck with FIV (yet).

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Jazzenterprises's picture

yet again.

Except this time it might be permanent.

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Progressive to the bone.

While we were working and displaying for the first time, on the National Mall, the AIDS Memorial Quilt, Hillary and her then friend Betsey Wright were working to determine if Bill could run for POTUS in 1988, decided they couldn't (yet) control the "bimbo eruptions" ( Betsey's description) and would have to work harder at that so he could run in 1992.

Clinton is USING USING USING USING the death of our friends, our loved ones, members of our families, to play Zelig like that she was there, and a part of what she FALSELY states Nancy was - we couldn't even get a member of the Reagan administration to say the word AIDS. Nancy Reagan wouldn't even acknowledge her own friend Rock Hudson when he was dying.

Vanity Fair has video, too sad to post, of Larry Speakes Reagan Press Secretary MAKING FUN of the questioner in WH press room who asked about AIDS.
They are all despicable people.

Clinton said what she said BECAUSE she wants the votes of the Reagan Democrats. Mitchell, helps her, keep the original comment for that purpose, and then Windsock to the newer "version" to have it both ways.
PLEASE, please let the DNC know you will not vote for Clinton under any circumstances. The only way we get the Democratic party back is if Bernie Sanders is the nominee, IF the super pacs, super delegates give nomination to Clinton we get a Republican POTUS anyhow. Only good thing -we get them OUT of the Democratic party. Terrible, but bearable consequence to accomplish that one thing.

If I could do , what I'd like to do to both the Clintons, I'd be in jail.
President Sanders: an idea whose time has come.

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she says whatever her handlers tell her...right after they've poll-tested a focus group.

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PastorAgnostic's picture

The silence on the part of the media is pretty telling.

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